Judith 9:4

“And hast giuen their wiues for a pray, and their daughters to bee captiues, and all their spoiles to be diuided amongst thy deere children: which were mooued with thy zeale, and abhorred the pollution of their blood, and called vpon thee for aide: O God, O my God, heare me also a widow.”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for Judith 9:4

And hast given their wives for a prey, and their daughters to be captives, and all their spoils to be divided among thy dear children; which were moved with thy zeal, and abhorred the pollution of their blood, and called upon thee for aid: O God, O my God, hear me also a widow.
- King James Version

and you have given their wives for a prey and their daughters to be captives and all their spoils to be divided among your dear children, who were moved with your zeal and abhorred the pollution of their blood and called upon you for aid. O God, my God, hear me also for I am a widow.
- World English Bible

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