Mark 7:33

“And he tooke him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his eares, and he spit, and touched his tongue,”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for Mark 7:33

And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue;
- King James Version

Jesus took him aside from the crowd, by himself, and put His fingers into his ears, and after spitting, He touched his tongue {with the saliva;}
- New American Standard Version (1995)

And he took him aside from the multitude privately, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spat, and touched his tongue;
- American Standard Version (1901)

And he took him on one side from the people privately, and put his fingers into his ears, and he put water from his mouth on the man's tongue with his finger;
- Basic English Bible

And having taken him away from the crowd apart, he put his fingers to his ears; and having spit, he touched his tongue;
- Darby Bible

And he took him aside from the multitude, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spit, and touched his tongue.
- Webster's Bible

So Jesus taking him aside, apart from the crowd, put His fingers into his ears, and spat, and moistened his tongue;
- Weymouth Bible

He took him aside from the multitude, privately, and put his fingers into his ears, and he spat, and touched his tongue.
- World English Bible

And he took hym asidis fro the puple, and puttide hise fyngris in to hise eris; and he spetide, and touchide his tonge.
- Wycliffe Bible

And having taken him away from the multitude by himself, he put his fingers to his ears, and having spit, he touched his tongue,
- Youngs Literal Bible

Commentary for Mark 7:33

Wesley's Notes for Mark 7:33

7:33 He put his fingers into his ears - Perhaps intending to teach us, that we are not to prescribe to him (as they who brought this man attempted to do) but to expect his blessing by whatsoever means he pleases: even though there should be no proportion or resemblance between the means used, and the benefit to be conveyed thereby.

People's Bible Notes for Mark 7:33

Mr 7:33 Put his fingers into his ears. The manner of the Lord in this miracle was peculiar. I understand that he used signs instead of words in order to arouse faith in the deaf man. He touched the organs that had lost their office and then looked to heaven. This would be deeply significant to one who had learned to understand by signs.

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