Revelation 11:14

“The second woe is past, and behold, the third woe commeth quickly.”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations for Revelation 11:14

The second woe is past; [and], behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
- King James Version

The second woe is past; behold, the third woe is coming quickly.
- New American Standard Version (1995)

The second Woe is past: behold, the third Woe cometh quickly.
- American Standard Version (1901)

The second Trouble is past: see, the third Trouble comes quickly.
- Basic English Bible

The second woe has passed; behold, the third woe comes quickly.
- Darby Bible

The second woe is past; and behold, the third woe cometh quickly.
- Webster's Bible

The second Woe is past; the third Woe will soon be here.
- Weymouth Bible

The second woe is past. Behold, the third woe comes quickly.
- World English Bible

The secounde wo is gon, and lo! the thridde wo schal come soone.
- Wycliffe Bible

The second wo did go forth, lo, the third wo doth come quickly.
- Youngs Literal Bible

Commentary for Revelation 11:14

Wesley's Notes for Revelation 11:14

11:14 The second woe is past - The butchery made by the Saracens ceased about the year 847, when their power was so broken by Charles the Great that they never recovered it. Behold, the third woe cometh quickly - Its prelude came while the Roman see took all opportunities of laying claim to its beloved universality, and enlarging its power and grandeur. And in the year 755 the bishop of Rome became a secular prince, by king Pepin's giving him the exarchate of Lombardy. The beginning of the third woe itself stands, #Rev 12:12|.

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