2 Chronicles 11:6 MEANING

2 Chronicles 11:6
(6) He built even.--And he built--i.e., fortified.

Beth-lehem.--Beit-lahm, on a rocky eminence, two hours south of Jerusalem (Genesis 35:19; Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:6). The birthplace of David and of Christ.

Etam.--Ain Attan; different from the place mentioned in 1 Chronicles 4:32 and Judges 15:8, which lay in Simeonite territory.

Tekoa.--Teku'a; ruins on a hill two hours south of Bethlehem. (See Joshua 15:59, Note.)

Verse 6. - Bethlehem. This was a case not of actual new building of a city, but of restoring and strengthening it. Bethlehem, originally Ephrath (Genesis 35:16; Genesis 48:7), was one of the very oldest towns existent in Jacob's time. It was not called Bethlehem till long after the settlement of the tribes. It was six miles from Jerusalem, on the east of the road to Hebron. Etam. A place near Bethlehem (1 Chronicles 4:3, 4, not 32; Septuagint of Joshua 15:60); possibly the resort of Samson after his revenge on the Philistines (Judges 15:8, 11). It was not the Etam mentioned as belonging to Simeon (1 Chronicles 4:32). Tekoa. According to Jerome, as also Eusebius, six Roman miles from Bethlehem, and nine from Jerusalem, or else, possibly by another road, twelve (Jerome's 'Pro-oemium in Amos,' and his 'Onomasticon'). It is absent from the Hebrew catalogue of Judah towns (Joshua 15:49), but is in the Septuagint Version of it. It was the place of the "wise woman" of 2 Samuel 14:2.

11:1-12 A few good words might have prevented the rebellion of Rehoboam's subjects; but all the force of his kingdom cannot bring them back. And it is in vain to contend with the purpose of God, when it is made known to us. Even those who are destitute of true faith, will at times pay some regard to the word of God, and be kept by it from wrong actions, to which they are prone by nature.He built even Bethlehem,.... The place of our Lord's birth, about six miles from Jerusalem:

and Etam; another city in the tribe of Judah; see 1 Chronicles 4:32, there was a rock of this name, Judges 15:8 and a fountain from whence waters were conveyed into the pool at Jerusalem, spoken of in Jewish writings (b):

and Tekoah; of which place Amos the prophet was, and which was about twelve miles from Jerusalem. Rauwolff (c) speaks of it as a fortified place now; he says it has a strong and mighty castle, built on a great and high hill.

(b) Cippi Heb. p. 10. (c) Travels, par. 3. c. 22. p. 321. Ed. Ray.

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