2 Chronicles 20:29 MEANING

2 Chronicles 20:29
(29) And the fear of God was.--And a divine dread fell upon all the kingdoms of the countries (scil.) around Judah. (See 2 Chronicles 17:10, and Psalm 48:7, "Fear took hold upon them there, and pain as of a woman in travail.")

The Lord fought.--Joshua 10:14; Joshua 10:42; Psalm 46:6. That Jehovah had fought for His people was evident from the catastrophe which had befallen their enemies. The warfare of the Divine Being was seen not apart from, but in a course of events, which, however natural, was almost as marvellous as a visible intervention of angelic hosts.

Verse 29. - With this verse compare particularly vers. 10, 11 of ch. 17.

20:20-30 Jehoshaphat exhorted his troops to firm faith in God. Faith inspires a man with true courage; nor will any thing help more to the establishing of the heart in shaking times, than a firm belief of the power, and mercy, and promise of God. In all our trust in the Lord, and our praises of him, let us especially look at his everlasting mercy to sinners through Jesus Christ. Never was an army so destroyed as that of the enemy. Thus God often makes wicked people destroy one another. And never was a victory celebrated with more solemn thanksgivings.And the fear of God was on all the kingdoms of these countries,.... Whose armies were slain, and all other neighbouring ones; for the word these is supplied:

when they had heard that the Lord fought against the enemies of Israel; and they were afraid to invade their land, or make war with them; nor did the Edomites dare to revolt in the times of Jehoshaphat.

Courtesy of Open Bible