2 Chronicles 20:31 MEANING

2 Chronicles 20:31

(2Ch 20:31 -2Ch_21:1).

Comp. 1 Kings 22:41-50. A brief section, which constitutes the whole account of the reign of Jehoshaphat in the older narrative.

(31) And Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah.--Kings adds: "In the fourth year of Ahab king of Israel." With this omission, our verse coincides with 1 Kings 22:41-42.

Verse 31. - With this verse recommences the parallel of 1 Kings 22:41-50. In this verse we find the addition in the parallel very naturally to be accounted for, of "began to reign in the fourth year of Ahab King of Israel." Otherwise the verses are almost identical. Of Azubah nothing more is heard.

20:31-37 Jehoshaphat kept close to the worship of God, and did what he could to keep his people close to it. But after God had done such great things for him, given him not only victory, but wealth; after this, to go and join himself with a wicked king, was very ungrateful. What could he expect but that God would be angry with him? Yet it seems, he took the warning; for when Ahaziah afterward pressed him to join him, he would not, 1Ki 22:49. Thus the alliance was broken, and the Divine rebuke had its effect, at least for a season. Let us be thankful for any losses which may have prevented the loss of our immortal souls. Let us praise the Lord, who sought after us, and left us not to perish in our sins.And Jehoshaphat reigned over Judah,.... Of these two verses; see Gill on 1 Kings 22:42. 1 Kings 22:43.
Courtesy of Open Bible