2 Chronicles 24:13 MEANING

2 Chronicles 24:13
(13, 14) The writer concludes in his own fashion, freely modifying the older account to suit the needs of his contemporaries. (The Syriac and Arabic versions omit both verses.)

(13) So the workmen wrought.--Literally, And the makers of the work made.

And the work was perfected by them.--Literally, and a bandage was applied to the work by their hand. This curious metaphor, expressive of restoration, is used again in a similar way in Nehemiah 4:1, "a bandage was applied to the walls of Jerusalem." Jeremiah had used it before (Jeremiah 8:22; Jeremiah 30:17; comp. also Isaiah 58:8) of the national restoration.

And they set the house of God in his state.--Rather, and they made the house of God to stand according to the measure thereof, i.e., in its original proportions. (Comp. Exodus 30:32 : mathkoneth, "measure," "proportion.") This verse is not read in Kings.

Before the king and Jehoiada.--The expression appears to be characteristic of the present account. (Comp. Note on 2 Chronicles 24:11.)

Verse 13. - The work was perfected by their hands. The margin gives the literal rendering, "healing" or health, or, i.e., recovery, "went up upon the work." The lively figure of the Hebrew word used (אֲרוּכָה) is very intelligible. The term is employed in only five other places, viz. Nehemiah 4:7 (Authorized Version, "The walls were made up;" Revised Version better, The repairing of the walls went forward); Isaiah 58:8; Jeremiah 8:22; Jeremiah 30:17; Jeremiah 33:6; in each of which four instances, in both Authorized Version and Revised Version, the literal rendering "health" or "healing" is found. In his state; equivalent to in its stateliness, perhaps the idea of the Hebrew word מַתְכֻּנְהּו [only used four other times, and then rendered once "tale" (Exodus 5:8), twice "composition" (2 Chronicles 30:32, 37), once "measure" (Ezekiel 45:11)], being measure, or proportion, or rate.

24:1-14 Joash is more zealous about the repair of the temple than Jehoiada himself. It is easier to build temples, than to be temples to God. But the repairing of places for public worship is a good work, which all should promote. And many a good work would be done that now lies undone, if active men would put it forward.So the workmen wrought,.... The masons, carpenters, blacksmiths, and brasiers:

and the work was perfected by them; the business of repairs was completely finished:

and they set the house of God in his state; as it was at first:

and strengthened it; so that it seemed as firm and stable as when first built.

Courtesy of Open Bible