2 Chronicles 26:14 MEANING

2 Chronicles 26:14
(14) Throughout.--To wit, for all the army, an apposition.

Shields, and spears (r?m?chim, "lances"), and helmets, and habergeons (shiryonoth, "coats of mail" "cuirasses ").--For the heavy armed.

"Habergeon" is an old English word, meaning armour for neck and breast.

Bows, and slings . . . stones.--For the light armed. (See margin.)

Slings to cast stones.--Literally, stones of slings (the le is the mark of the accusative). They are mentioned to show that the equipment was complete.

Verse 14. - Habergeons... slings to cast stones. Revised Version right in rendering, coats of mail... and stones for slinging. On the Israelites' employment of the sling, note Judges 20:16; 1 Samuel 17:40; 2 Kings 3:25.

26:1-15 As long as Uzziah sought the Lord, and minded religion, God made him to prosper. Those only prosper whom God makes to prosper; for prosperity is his gift. Many have owned, that as long as they sought the Lord, and kept close to their duty, they prospered; but when they forsook God, every thing went cross. God never continues either to bless the indolent or to withhold his blessing from the diligent. He will never suffer any to seek his face in vain. Uzziah's name was famed throughout all the neighbouring countries. A name with God and good people makes truly honourable. He did not delight in war, nor addict himself to sports, but delighted in husbandry.And Uzziah prepared for them throughout all the host,.... For every soldier in the army:

shields and spears; defensive and offensive weapons, the one to cover and protect their bodies, the other to push and pierce their enemies:

and helmets, and habergeons; the first of these were a covering for the head in the day of battle, and the other coats of mail, to defend the body:

and bows; to shoot arrows out of:

and slings to cast stones; at which the Benjaminites formerly were very expert.

Courtesy of Open Bible