(8) Be ye not stiffnecked.--Harden ye not your neck like your fathers.2 Kings 17:14, "and they hardened their neck like their fathers' neck." (Jeremiah 7:26; Psalm 95:8-9.)
Butyield yourselves.--Omit but, and place a stop after fathers. "Yield ye a hand to Jehovah," i.e., submit to Him. So 1 Chronicles 29:24. The phrase also means "to make an agreement with" (Ezra 10:19; 2 Kings 10:15). (Comp. Isaiah 2:6.)
30:1-12 Hezekiah made Israel as welcome to the passover, as any of his own subjects. Let us yield ourselves unto the Lord. Say not, you will do what you please, but resolve to do what he pleases. We perceive in the carnal mind a stiffness, an obstinacy, an unaptness to compel with God; we have it from our fathers: this must be overcome. Those who, through grace, have turned to God themselves, should do all they can to bring others to him. Numbers will be scorners, but some will be humbled and benefited; perhaps where least expected. The rich mercy of God is the great argument by which to enforce repentance; the vilest who submit and yield themselves to the Lord, seek his grace, and give themselves to his service, shall certainly be saved. Oh that messengers were sent forth to carry these glad tidings to every city and every village, through every land!
Now be ye not stiffnecked, as your fathers were,.... Obstinate and refractory, like heifers unaccustomed to the yoke, which draw back from it, and will not submit to it:
but yield yourselves unto the Lord; be subject unto him, or "give the hand" (q) to him, as a token of subjection and homage, or of entering into covenant with him, promising for the future to serve and obey him:
and enter into his sanctuary, which he hath sanctified for ever; set apart for worship and service, until the Messiah should come:
and serve the Lord your God; there, in the temple, according to his prescribed will:
that the fierceness of his wrath may turn away from you; which had already broke out, in suffering the Assyrians to invade their land, and distress them.
But yield yourselves.--Omit but, and place a stop after fathers. "Yield ye a hand to Jehovah," i.e., submit to Him. So 1 Chronicles 29:24. The phrase also means "to make an agreement with" (Ezra 10:19; 2 Kings 10:15). (Comp. Isaiah 2:6.)
Enter into his sanctuary . . . serve the Lord.--Comp. Psalm 100:1; Psalm 100:4.
Which he hath sanctified for over.--2 Chronicles 7:16; 2 Chronicles 7:20.
That the fierceness (heat) . . . from you.--2 Chronicles 29:10. Such resemblances prove the ideal character of these addresses.
but yield yourselves unto the Lord; be subject unto him, or "give the hand" (q) to him, as a token of subjection and homage, or of entering into covenant with him, promising for the future to serve and obey him:
and enter into his sanctuary, which he hath sanctified for ever; set apart for worship and service, until the Messiah should come:
and serve the Lord your God; there, in the temple, according to his prescribed will:
that the fierceness of his wrath may turn away from you; which had already broke out, in suffering the Assyrians to invade their land, and distress them.
(q) "date manum", Pagninus, Montanus, &c.