2 Chronicles 31:18 MEANING

2 Chronicles 31:18
(18) And to the genealogy.--After the parenthetic statements of 2 Chronicles 31:16-17 the thread of the narrative, broken off at 2 Chronicles 31:15, is taken up again at that point. The six Levites there named were in the priests' cities "to give (their portions) to their brethren," and further (2 Chronicles 31:18) "for the registering in the case of all their little ones, their wives and their sons and their daughters, of the whole corporation" (of priests). The board of Levites had to keep a register of all who had claims on the provisions which they had to distribute. The general sense is the same if, as seems better, we trace the connection thus: "to give to their brethren, and to those who were registered among all their little ones" &c., explaining l?hithyah?sh b?kol-tapp?m as a relative sentence with the relative suppressed. (Comp. 2 Chronicles 30:18-19, and 2 Chronicles 31:19, ad fin.)

Through all the congregation.--Or, to a whole assembly--scil., of wives and children of the priests and Levites.

In their set office.--Or trust, or faithfulness (em-nah). (See Note on 1 Chronicles 9:22.)

They sanctified themselves.--They used to show themselves holy (i.e., behave conscientiously) in regard to the holy (i.e., the hallowed gifts, which they had to distribute). Perhaps, however, the Authorised Version is here substantially correct, the sense being that the Levites fulfilled their trust with perfect good faith.

Verse 18. - (Comp. our 2 Chronicles 20:13.)

31:1-21 Hezekiah destroys idolatry. - After the passover, the people of Israel applied with vigour to destroy the monuments of idolatry. Public ordinances should stir us up to cleanse our hearts, our houses, and shops, from the filth of sin, and the idolatry of covetousness, and to excite others to do the same. The after-improvement of solemn ordinances, is of the greatest importance to personal, family, and public religion. When they had tasted the sweetness of God's ordinance in the late passover, they were free in maintaining the temple service. Those who enjoy the benefit of a settled ministry, will not grudge the expense of it. In all that Hezekiah attempted in God's service, he was earnest and single in his aim and dependence, and was prospered accordingly. Whether we have few or many talents intrusted to us, may we thus seek to improve them, and encourage others to do the same. What is undertaken with a sincere regard to the glory of God, will succeed to our own honour and comfort at last.And to the genealogy of all their little ones, their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, through all the congregation,.... These were all genealogized and registered, wives and children, sons and daughters, whether small or grown up; and a portion was distributed to them according to their number, greater or lesser:

for in their set office they sanctified themselves in holiness; which is to be understood either of the overseers, who, in their set office, faithfully distributed the holy things to the persons before described; or else to the priests, and Levites, to whom, and to whose families, the distribution was made, because they wholly devoted themselves to the holy service of God.

Courtesy of Open Bible