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Warning: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/lib/lsphp/session/lsphp80) in /home/kjv.site/public_html/Book-Discussion/bookdiscuss.php on line 2 2 Corinthians Chapter 6 Discussion
The tithe is out of obedience. God promises to rebuke the devourer. Offerings are separate. Write on the envelope who/what it goes to.
I keep a list of Benevolence Organizations, Food Pantry Locations. Many Catholic Churches sponsor those (fresh meat & veggies). I give money to those organizations so people can eat; get clothes and shoes.
Everybody in the church helps, by bringing donations of items.
If someone rings my bell, I steer them to one or more of benevolence ministries. I have copies of locations and numbers to hand out. I would do the same thing with my neighbors. The Bible warns that familiarity breeds contempt; and you're there. Don't be their source again. Find those who do it for a job.
I hope you'll recover from thoughtlessness done to you as a new Christian. God withholds blessings as long as you hold others in unforgiveness. Forgive and the record books will show zero balance.
If my neighbors are moving heavy stuff and ask to use my truck__I suggest U-Haul Pickups for 19.99 a day. Just smile and close the door softly.
By forgiving them, God forgives you and the heals those wounds on your soul. If Satan tries to dig up those memories__just say out loud, "how about this Devil ! It's all under the Blood of Jesus now. Go talk to Him." Say as often as needed. :)
You'll be free! Which is Gods Will for all of us.
I worked in Benevolence 2 years. I gave my time and donations to it. Worked out great.
If you are only giving to get you are giving for the wrong reason. God honors our tithing and offerings but you must be a cheerful giver. You are right, there are a lot of phony christians out there but you can't judge yourself by them. Give to your local church and if they have missionaries, support them monthly if possible. God will honor you for that if you give willingly. When I changed my attitude about giving faithfully and not grudgingly I found the peace I needed and I let God take care of the rest. You must always pray about a situation before handing your money out to just anyone.
Re:vs 14-18 Matthew Henry said, "We should not join in friendship and acquaintance with wicked men and unbelievers."
That's fine with me. And, to that list I could add phony Christians and phony Christian organizations. When I was first saved, I relied on those who were my "shepherds" to steer me in the right direction. I can't tell you how many times I was led astray by phony "christians". I misinterpreted scriptures (like, "who is my brother"- to mean I was responsible for the entire "christian" body) and gave a lot of my money to people and organizations who didn't have my best interest at heart. I was used.
"Christian charity" is for one believer in Christ to another believer in Christ, not infidels. Also, I thought "giving" was supposed to be reciprocal, but I found myself always on the giving end and never on the receiving end.
So, when my infidel neighbors come to my door wanting something, do I slam the door in their face or continue to support them???? Does saying "no" bring shame to Christ??
Hi Gary. When the apostle wrote that in 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, I feel that he was specifically referring to the sharp distinction between being a follower of Jesus to those who follow the World. He even references 'idols', which shows the clear separation between those who worship the true God to those who worship the work of their hands.
Move the timeline to today & we find that the principles given then, still hold true today. Clearly, a follower of Christ shouldn't marry one who worships idols, but according to this practise that is seen in all of Scripture, we must be discerning as to who or what we align ourselves with or even 'yoke' (yoked as a team) with. This not only pertains to marriage, but also in business & other personal matters. Just as unevenly yoked cows or horses cannot pull the cart in correct step or in sync, so it's to be expected that those with different spiritual views & understanding of the Word will not 'pull' together in life & business properly. And I would think, in terms of marriage (whether to a RC or any other), that one would have to really understand the other's basic doctrinal position & see whether it will open up a path of conflict to your own. I know of some co-existing quite well together by making allowances/concessions - others, having very difficult marriages.
Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah. Their rabbinical literature blasphemes our Lord calling Him a bastard and his mother a whore. The teachings of the Jews is nowhere close to what the teachings of Christianity are, just as the teachings of Islam are also far from Christian teachings. People often feel an affinity for either of these two false faiths because they both trace their roots back to Abraham, but Judaism departed from Old Testament faith of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David repeatedly in the history of their people, especially since the Babylonian captivity. Judaism today is the religion of the Pharisees that Jesus condemned so harshly in his time among them. Islam claims that Ishmael is the son of promise, not Isaac and Muhammed made up undocumented tales of Abraham taking Ishmael to Mecca to the black cube, which was used for pagan worship before and during Muhammed's time. Like the Jewish rabbies, Islamic cleric participate in occultic rituals and practices. This isn't to say all Jews practice these things, but I would definitely spend some time in deep discussions with this woman and inform yourself of what she practices. Also, i would recommend researching Judaism. It is eye-opening!
I believe much of the wisdom from the Bible is aimed to help us grow in maturity, avoid sin, as well as avoid general problems in life. If you have some from your church who warned you they may care about you and are repeating the warning from the Bible in 2 Corinthians 6:14.
Some choose to ignore God's word and do their own thing and seek to fill their desires away from God and some learn the hard way and deeply regret their decision at some point. We're called to love everyone so it's always Biblical to love someone of a different faith. But this verse says not to be 'yoked' with unbelievers which I interpret as a relationship such as marriage. So, it's doing you a favor by informing you of this pitfall in advance. It's my personal opinion that catholics teach, believe in and practice falsehoods, because Jesus said no one comes to the Father but through him ( John 14:6). Catholics ignore this and have a pope instead. Some bow before him, pray to him, have graven images of him, worship him. Some also chant, bow down to graven images (idols) of Mary, and worship her. This violates the first 2 of the 10 commandments. There's more, but any one of these practices are major departures from God's word.
A Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ. This is foundational to Christianity. Since Jews do not believe in the divinity of Christ, or His resurrection, or that He's Lord, or in the gospel or New Testament, Jews are not followers of Jesus Christ and thus are not Christians, and are unbelievers according to the Bible. That is a major difference and is absolutely unequal. Even satan and his demons believe in God, so believing in God alone won't save anyone. God bless.
A Christian believes that Jesus Christ was the son of God, and was resurrected. A Jew believes Jesus existed but was does not believe he has the son of God and was resurrected. So, if a Christian forms a loving relationship with a Jew, are they unequally yoked? Or, are the equally yoked because they both believe in God even though they do NOT both believe in Jesus?
Tho seven years later, to now the present.. I share this with Evangelist Chidinma; God Is All Knowing.. We cannot CONVINCE HIM OF ANYTHING...HE IS "I AM"; And , nor are we to CONVINCE THE WORLD; for This World cannot Spiritually See Gods TRuth, ...Tho we must strive to continually Walk As The Holy Spirit In Us Guides Us in this world. Praise God..Our Glorious Home With Jesus Awaits Us At Any Moment In this journey!
How do we deal with so called Christians causing divisions in the Church? Unbelievers don't cause division among the brethren. Just my 2 cents contribution
I use to think like many of the people in these comments with their opinion of what the Most High means by separate form unbelievers. For a long time I only heard others say you are not to keep the company of none believers when living a righteous life. Today I read it over and over and it never changed and, was not confusing. What brought me to this unforeseeable situation I found my self in due to the pandemic. I had to move in with my son and roommate it was to be for a short time immediately while there I notice everything the Elohim wouldn't want me around, I had no piece or rest, complete torture while there. they were very unclean and extreme none believers. No matter how I tried to separate my self from them the Most High showed me in every way he didn't want me there. I had to leave Complete Separation you become unclean with the unclean. There is nothing bitten about what this scripture says.
I believe God wants us to not stay away from sinners or unbelievers because we need to tell them of the goodness of Jesus but he don't want us believers to hang out and do what sinners do. Once we have been born again and live a life of holiness Jesus don't want us to go back to our old ways and habits we have to stay from amongst wrong doings because we are different now and we suppose to let our light shine to others so we can draw them to Christ
Jesus chose Judas as one of the 12 because He needed someone who was evil to carry out this plot as it was predicted in prophecy. He didn't make him evil. He chose an evil person to fulfill that purpose.
Gregory, I hope you get other views. My understanding is that we do indeed need to separate ourselves (by involvement) from those who are engaged in things that are opposed to God's Holy requirements for us & godly living. However, 1 Cor:9-11, says that we are "not to keep company (separate) with fornicators, etc. of this world (grave sinners), yet, not altogether..., for then ye must needs go out of the world". So I see, a separation (no union or fellowship) with evil, but still to be in touch (contact) with them, or else where is our witness to them - how will they see the difference between godliness & worldliness? The Church has failed miserably today in presenting a strong witness of the Righteousness of God & call to Repentance. We send out missionaries to distant lands who do great work in the Power of the Spirit, but we remain noticeably quiet when we should stand up against the wickedness of our Govts' satanic policies, & the works of evil running rampant around us.
In Pharoahs dream he saw 14 kine come outta of the River symbolic of a 14 yr famine 7 yrs good 7 yrs bad, but the point is each animal was symbolic of 1 yr. Are the 2 k swine that jesus sent into the River PROPHETIC of a 2 k yr famine that was coming on the earth not a famine of natural bread but a famine of hearing his word the bread of life.We have not heard his voice in 2 k yrs.Jesus said the days are coming when the bridegroom will be taken away then shall you fast in those Days DAYS ARE PLURAL 2 days 2 k yrs we have been in a spritual famine world wide.Jesus said i am the light of the world but the night comes when no man can work.Jesus waited till the 3 rd day to feed the multitudes.GB
Truth is the armour of righteousness. Surround yourselves with believers. "Come out from among them and be ye separate". Unfriend, unholy and unrighteous people they do not live in truth. We cannot be deceived by the ungodly laws of this world with unclean and ungodly behaviors. God receives us as his daughters and sons when we live sanctified and holy. Sin is not acceptable to God.
He is letting us know that faith produces works, he has an investment in us and is looking for a return. I n the business world it is known as roi. Return on investment.Jesus said my father works and higher to i work, Christ demonstrated faith by works.we are not alone he is with us. With him we can do great things.With out him we can do nothing
The Scripture says that we are only to share the yoke with our own kind. In the Law it was forbidden to mix linen with woolen garments; and so also, not to plow your fields with a team of Ox and Ass together. Come apart and be ye separate means that we are not of the world even as Jesus is not of the world; and the true mark of conversion will be a heart and all its desires severed from the world.
Consider unequally yoked and equally yoked. Certainly, we are not to be equally yoked (meaning the same as). Here it is saying that we should not even be unequally (not the same as or similar) yoked, but be separate, totally separate! Otherwise, the scripture would not have went on to say, "come out from among them", meaning to be away from or apart from. This is not just in the sense of marriage.
I keep a list of Benevolence Organizations, Food Pantry Locations. Many Catholic Churches sponsor those (fresh meat & veggies). I give money to those organizations so people can eat; get clothes and shoes.
Everybody in the church helps, by bringing donations of items.
If someone rings my bell, I steer them to one or more of benevolence ministries. I have copies of locations and numbers to hand out. I would do the same thing with my neighbors. The Bible warns that familiarity breeds contempt; and you're there. Don't be their source again. Find those who do it for a job.
I hope you'll recover from thoughtlessness done to you as a new Christian. God withholds blessings as long as you hold others in unforgiveness. Forgive and the record books will show zero balance.
If my neighbors are moving heavy stuff and ask to use my truck__I suggest U-Haul Pickups for 19.99 a day. Just smile and close the door softly.
By forgiving them, God forgives you and the heals those wounds on your soul. If Satan tries to dig up those memories__just say out loud, "how about this Devil ! It's all under the Blood of Jesus now. Go talk to Him." Say as often as needed. :)
You'll be free! Which is Gods Will for all of us.
I worked in Benevolence 2 years. I gave my time and donations to it. Worked out great.
That's fine with me. And, to that list I could add phony Christians and phony Christian organizations. When I was first saved, I relied on those who were my "shepherds" to steer me in the right direction. I can't tell you how many times I was led astray by phony "christians". I misinterpreted scriptures (like, "who is my brother"- to mean I was responsible for the entire "christian" body) and gave a lot of my money to people and organizations who didn't have my best interest at heart. I was used.
"Christian charity" is for one believer in Christ to another believer in Christ, not infidels. Also, I thought "giving" was supposed to be reciprocal, but I found myself always on the giving end and never on the receiving end.
So, when my infidel neighbors come to my door wanting something, do I slam the door in their face or continue to support them???? Does saying "no" bring shame to Christ??
Move the timeline to today & we find that the principles given then, still hold true today. Clearly, a follower of Christ shouldn't marry one who worships idols, but according to this practise that is seen in all of Scripture, we must be discerning as to who or what we align ourselves with or even 'yoke' (yoked as a team) with. This not only pertains to marriage, but also in business & other personal matters. Just as unevenly yoked cows or horses cannot pull the cart in correct step or in sync, so it's to be expected that those with different spiritual views & understanding of the Word will not 'pull' together in life & business properly. And I would think, in terms of marriage (whether to a RC or any other), that one would have to really understand the other's basic doctrinal position & see whether it will open up a path of conflict to your own. I know of some co-existing quite well together by making allowances/concessions - others, having very difficult marriages.
Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah. Their rabbinical literature blasphemes our Lord calling Him a bastard and his mother a whore. The teachings of the Jews is nowhere close to what the teachings of Christianity are, just as the teachings of Islam are also far from Christian teachings. People often feel an affinity for either of these two false faiths because they both trace their roots back to Abraham, but Judaism departed from Old Testament faith of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David repeatedly in the history of their people, especially since the Babylonian captivity. Judaism today is the religion of the Pharisees that Jesus condemned so harshly in his time among them. Islam claims that Ishmael is the son of promise, not Isaac and Muhammed made up undocumented tales of Abraham taking Ishmael to Mecca to the black cube, which was used for pagan worship before and during Muhammed's time. Like the Jewish rabbies, Islamic cleric participate in occultic rituals and practices. This isn't to say all Jews practice these things, but I would definitely spend some time in deep discussions with this woman and inform yourself of what she practices. Also, i would recommend researching Judaism. It is eye-opening!
John 8:31, Matthew 27:11, John 18:33, Revelation 7:5
Some choose to ignore God's word and do their own thing and seek to fill their desires away from God and some learn the hard way and deeply regret their decision at some point. We're called to love everyone so it's always Biblical to love someone of a different faith. But this verse says not to be 'yoked' with unbelievers which I interpret as a relationship such as marriage. So, it's doing you a favor by informing you of this pitfall in advance. It's my personal opinion that catholics teach, believe in and practice falsehoods, because Jesus said no one comes to the Father but through him ( John 14:6). Catholics ignore this and have a pope instead. Some bow before him, pray to him, have graven images of him, worship him. Some also chant, bow down to graven images (idols) of Mary, and worship her. This violates the first 2 of the 10 commandments. There's more, but any one of these practices are major departures from God's word.
Also, are there problems or complications if I, a Christian loves a Catholic.
A Christian is a follower of Jesus Christ. This is foundational to Christianity. Since Jews do not believe in the divinity of Christ, or His resurrection, or that He's Lord, or in the gospel or New Testament, Jews are not followers of Jesus Christ and thus are not Christians, and are unbelievers according to the Bible. That is a major difference and is absolutely unequal. Even satan and his demons believe in God, so believing in God alone won't save anyone. God bless.
Please help
A: Lovingly, gently, and prayerfully. ( 2 Timothy 2:25)
Jesus chose Judas as one of the 12 because He needed someone who was evil to carry out this plot as it was predicted in prophecy. He didn't make him evil. He chose an evil person to fulfill that purpose.