2 John Chapter 1 Discussion Page 4

  • Jewel Williams on 2 John 1 - 12 years ago
    -I love knowing that I as an adult is also a child of God with an advocate by the name of Jesus.
  • Dr.John Prabhakar on 2 John 1:9 - 13 years ago
    'Doctrine of Christ means several things. Firstly, the Father and the Son aspect. Secondly, the teachings of
    christ as well as the Apostles doctrines. Thirdly, a little more teaching as to what Christ is to the church:
    1) Church is the Kingdom of God; and Christ is the King in every local church. He rules. No man.
    2) Church is the 'Body of Christ; and Christ it's Head. He controls. No man.
    3) Church is the 'Sheepfold'; and Christ the Shepherd. He is the 'Pastor'. No man.
    4) Church is the 'Temple of God'; and Christ its Chief Priest'.
    5) All in the church are God's servants(Ro.6:22); and Christ the Lord.
    This completes, more or less the Doctrine of Christ. This is my humble presentation, lovingly shared.
  • Jose f barajas on 2 John 1:5 - 13 years ago
    apostle John was happy about this cristian church to know the truth & love of God and his son Jesus Christ the worlds savior.But I still dont know which church he wrote to.phillipi or ephessians?
  • Debbie on 2 John 1 - 13 years ago
    the most important thing to ask yourself is what did Jesus say? If its not in the bible its man-doctrine...we want to fashion ourselves after God we were made in his image.
  • Collie Matthew White on 2 John 1 - 13 years ago
    So if i bring the doctrine, but know that jesus is inside of me. but technically he hasnt come in the flesh, Becouse i am Collie. Does that make me A Anti-Christ? Becouse i do like to deceive people. but it is love and the greater good is why i cannot just come out and say i know where the next True prophet and messiah is. Or should i just keep my mouth shut and wait for more signs?

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