(32) In those days.--As a vassal and ally of Assyria (see Notes on 2 Kings 9:2), Jehu drew upon himself the active hostility of Hazael. (See Note on 2 Kings 8:15.) Schr�der remarks that it was quite natural for the Israelite sovereign to "throw himself into the arms of distant Assyria, in order to get protection against his immediate neighbour Syria, Israel's hereditary foe." Comp. the similar conduct of Ahaz as against Pekah and Rezin (2 Kings 16:7). From the point of view of the sacred writer, this verse states the consequence of Jehu's neglect of "walking in Jehovah's instruction with all his heart" (2 Kings 10:31).
To cut Israel short.--Literally, to cut off in Israel--i.e., to cut off part after part of Israelite territory. (The verb means to cut off the extremities, Proverbs 26:6.) This refers to the conquests of Hazael. The Targum explains, "The wrath of the Lord began to be strong against Israel;" and the Vulg. has, "taedere super Israel." Thenius conjectures from this that we should read, "to be wrathful with Israel;" but the construction would not then be usual.
In all the coasts.--Rather, on the whole border--scil., conterminous with Syria.
Verse 32-36.- Jehu's wars, length of reign, and successor. Verse 32. - In those days the Lord began to out Israel short. It is certainly not stated in direct terms that the ill success of Jehu's foreign wars was a punishment on him for his continued maintenance of the calf-idolatry; but the juxtaposition of vers. 31 and 32 naturally raises the idea, and constitutes a strong presumption that it was in the writer's mind. The "theocracy" under the kings was carried on mainly, as the writer of Chronicles clearly saw, by the bestowal of worldly prosperity and military success on good kings, and the accumulation of misfortunes and military disasters on bad ones (see 2 Chronicles 12:5-12; 2 Chronicles 13:4-18; 2 Chronicles 14:2-15; 2 Chronicles 15:2-15; 2 Chronicles 17:3-5. etc.). By "cutting Israel short" - literally, "cutting off in Israel" - is probably meant the conquest of certain portions of the territory. Hazael resumed the war which Benhadad had so long waged, and gained numerous successes. And Hazael smote them in all the coasts of Israel; or, along their whole frontier (Bahr). The frontier intended is, of course, that on the north and east, where the Israelite territory was conterminous with that of Syria.
10:29-36 It is justly questionable whether Jehu acted from a good principle, and whether he did not take some false steps in doing it; yet no services done for God shall go unrewarded. But true conversion is not only from gross sin, but from all sin; not only from false gods, but from false worships. True conversion is not only from wasteful sins, but from gainful sins; not only from sins which hurt our worldly interests, but from those that support and befriend them; in forsaking which is the great trial whether we can deny ourselves and trust God. Jehu showed great care and zeal for rooting out a false religion, but in the true religion he cared not, took no heed to please God and do his duty. Those that are heedless, it is to be feared, are graceless. The people were also careless, therefore it is not strange that in those days the Lord began to cut Israel short. They were short in their duty to God, therefore God cut them short in their extent, wealth, and power.
In those days the Lord began to cut Israel short,.... To bring their dominions into a narrower compass; this was done in the days of Jehu, though he was so active and courageous, wherefore the hand of God was the more seen in it:
and Hazael smote them in all the coasts of Israel; which bordered on his country, when he did what Elisha foretold he would, 2 Kings 8:12.
The Lord began.--Through Hazael and the Syrians. (Comp. Isaiah 7:17; Isaiah 7:20; Isaiah 10:5-6.)
To cut Israel short.--Literally, to cut off in Israel--i.e., to cut off part after part of Israelite territory. (The verb means to cut off the extremities, Proverbs 26:6.) This refers to the conquests of Hazael. The Targum explains, "The wrath of the Lord began to be strong against Israel;" and the Vulg. has, "taedere super Israel." Thenius conjectures from this that we should read, "to be wrathful with Israel;" but the construction would not then be usual.
In all the coasts.--Rather, on the whole border--scil., conterminous with Syria.
and Hazael smote them in all the coasts of Israel; which bordered on his country, when he did what Elisha foretold he would, 2 Kings 8:12.