2 Maccabees 13:23
- 13:26
Now viewing scripture range from the book of 2 Maccabees chapter 13:23
through chapter 13:26...
23 Heard that Philip, who was left over the affairs in Antioch, was desperately bent, confounded, intreated the Jews, submitted himself, and sware to all equal conditions, agreed with them, and offered sacrifice, honoured the temple, and dealt kindly with the place,
24 And accepted well of Maccabeus, made him principal governor from Ptolemais unto the Gerrhenians;
25 Came to Ptolemais: the people there were grieved for the covenants; for they stormed, because they would make their covenants void:
26 Lysias went up to the judgment seat, said as much as could be in defence of the cause, persuaded, pacified, made them well affected, returned to Antioch. Thus it went touching the king's coming and departing.