2 Maccabees 13:7
- 13:10
Now viewing scripture range from the book of 2 Maccabees chapter 13:7
through chapter 13:10...
7 Such a death it happened that wicked man to die, not having so much as burial in the earth; and that most justly:
8 For inasmuch as he had committed many sins about the altar, whose fire and ashes were holy, he received his death in ashes.
9 Now the king came with a barbarous and haughty mind to do far worse to the Jews, than had been done in his father's time.
10 Which things when Judas perceived, he commanded the multitude to call upon the Lord night and day, that if ever at any other time, he would now also help them, being at the point to be put from their law, from their country, and from the holy temple: