Now viewing scripture range from the book of 2 Maccabees chapter 4:8 through chapter 4:11...
8 Promising unto the king by intercession three hundred and threescore talents of silver, and of another revenue eighty talents:
9 Beside this, he promised to assign an hundred and fifty more, if he might have licence to set him up a place for exercise, and for the training up of youth in the fashions of the heathen, and to write them of Jerusalem by the name of Antiochians.
10 Which when the king had granted, and he had gotten into his hand the rule he forthwith brought his own nation to Greekish fashion.
11 And the royal privileges granted of special favour to the Jews by the means of John the father of Eupolemus, who went ambassador to Rome for amity and aid, he took away; and putting down the governments which were according to the law, he brought up new customs against the law:
Why is this book in the Bible?