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Warning: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/lib/lsphp/session/lsphp80) in /home/kjv.site/public_html/Book-Discussion/bookdiscuss.php on line 2 2 Peter Chapter 1 Discussion Page 4
1-11 This is the pure Holy Glad Tidings, and all our instruction from God to be rightly saved, and how to endure to the end and be saved! Just as a clear eye fills the body with light; it is by the Spirit of Truth animating our life in this world, that the work of God is perfected in us. "...For these things in you being possessed and abounding, constitute neither idle nor unfruitful..." (Gk 1550)
We have been given God's word which is His precious promise is what I believe : We , I can now work toward the goal to be like my Heavenly Father every day. That will take prayer study His word and seeking to know His will and direction in every area of my life. Looks like I have a life time joy set before me !!!! Praise God I have escaped the corruption that is in the world by being called out of darkness into His marvelous light !!!!
Jesus himself is the word of God. He who drinks the living water shall never be thirsty. This is the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks to Jesus for shedding his blood to us so that all may have life in abundance. God's words are more important to meditate than prayers. God's words are more powerful than the edge of the sword.
Which is it? We have also a more sure word of prophecy or So we have the prophetic word made more sure, I cannot tell since I am not a greek scholar, But I do know which one makes more sense to me, and I do appreciate that the American Standard version indicates that the words so and made are supplied suggesting to me that even the translators are not that sure. I feel it is very significant that Peter s experience at the transfiguration did not sustain him during the events of the crucifixion. . Because of his faulty understanding of prophecy Peter denied Jesus. Nicodemus on the other hand remembered the words of Jesus, the son of man must be lifted up and boldly came forward. The words of Jesus to his disciples I am telling you before it comes to pass so that when it does occur, you may believe that I am He, came true for Nicodemus. But even though the disciples on the road to Emmaus had heard that Jesus was raised from the dead, they were still deeply depressed because of a faulty understand of prophecy. So Jesus hid his identity until after he gave them a through bible study on prophecy. Luke 24:13-25. Previously Jesus taught that an understanding of prophecy will protect believers from the overwhelming deception of false teachers and false Christs who will work great sings and wonders. Our safety is in the word of God, not miracles. Matthew 24Mark 13, Revelation 13.
"Giving all diligence" means to be painstaking, this is to say that you must be ready to give all it takes to add virtue moral excellence to your faith in God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Moral excellence make us a genuine born again Christian. Faith that doesn't correspond with Godly moral excellence living is fake. "Not all that call me Lord Lord will be saved" Jesus said. May we not miss heaven in Jesus name. Amen
The Bible in its completed state, is reliable above anything else. Even more than centuries of tradition. The Bible is to be valued and trusted over our very own personal experiences.
I lead me to believe that I am to constantly to study Gods' word and believe every word spoken by the prophets which was inspired by the Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ which came from our Lord and saviour Jehovah as known as Yahweh. Know that we must trust in God for everything, knowing God gave his son Jesus Christ all keys , that when we knock the door will be open, ask and it shall be given, seek and you will find. Remember that our saviour Jesus Christ was given all keys, the last keys was taken was to death and he'll which will be destroyed at the resurrection it will be destroyed with Satan and all evil. No more sickness , crying, death, worrying, hunger, fear, pain and hate, nothing but love for one another, under one government that is the kingdom of God. Blessed to see the day comes when we are all one more wars heaven here on earth. Amen and Amen.Faith is the substance of things hope for , the evidence of things not seen. Christ gives me hope. I walk by faith not by sight. Lord keep me faithful. Let me not lean toward my own understanding, but in all things acknowledge the Lord, you will direct my path. Help me with my faith , trust, and understanding. Knowing that you will work things out in my favor. You will never leave me alone nor would you forsake me, You will be with me to the end of the world and the beginning of the new world to come. Thank you so very much, Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour. Again I apologize for my sins, redeem me to you today and forever more, Amen and again I say Amen. Bless my family, bless our finances.
Certainly private interpretation is wrong if it goes public without the noble study of the Bereans in Acts 17:11 "Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. Certainly our understanding might be wrong, but it can also be understood with God 's knowledge, if we truly believe God will answer our knock. "Ask, and it will be given to you seek, and you will find knock, and it will be opened to you. To Joe above, How does the Catholic Church, Protestant churches, or anyone for that matter, square themselves with 2 Peter 1:20? Answer: Acts 17: 11 above, but they have to be honest with themselves and not their traditional doctrines of men. After all if we understand private interpretation is wrong than why do we have one Bible and one God and have hundreds of conflicting teaching and practices if we are all following God 's Understanding Roams 16:16.
Verses 5-8, we, Christians are urged to make every effort to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.It is not just about getting saved it is about working out our salvation to be more like Christ. If our lives are going to be productive and fruitful, we ought to go beyond just confessing Christ as Lord and allow Him to really be Lord over our lives to be able to transform us into His likeliness. For us to be fruitful, it is all about Christ
This is so wonderful to read. A friend of mine is telling me that I cannot understand the Word of God without someone to teach me, and I say not the case. All that I need is the instruction of the bible which spells things out very clearly.
Being led to this chapter only confirms that I am walking HIS path and a new level begins. I have these things spoken and a pure heart and willing to go to the next level in my personal walk with Jesus and also..where EVER he puts me to be used. I am a willing servent.. steward unto my Father which is in HEAVEN and have the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. to go forward.. IN HIS NAME. truth... Shall prevail and alow others to know it is simple as long as they trust and obey. To be CHRIST like can be accomplished
This chapter lays the steps of sanctification out clearly. To me this is MORE than just "milk " now. It is "meat "! And if we are truly determined to perfect our character in a way that pleases the Heavenly Father, we will take strength from the gifts of Christ and make use of the Holy Spirit as we diligently practice our FAITH, adding VIRTUE and KNOWLEDGE, then TEMPERANCE and PATIENCE, continuing on toward GODLINESS and BROTHERLY KINDNESS toward the ultimate goal of CHARITY, which is the greatest of all... These are steps WE MUST TAKE ON THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ACCOMPLISHING! Jesus has already won the victory and given us everything we need to perfect our characters. The ACTIONS necessary to perfect these characters is for us to CHOOSE to do...or not... God did give us free will...
Verse 5-12 really hit home it is very important for baby in christ as well as long time saint because when you take your eyes off the sword we will get lost and have to find are way Back and sometime that may be costly so reading God word and doing what he say will keep you near him always God bless you all
1. Peter assumes his readers are believers, not merely professing believers. 2. Peter is discussing sanctification, not justification. 3. Peter says those who make their calling and election sure will never fall, not prove or guarantee their salvation 4. Peter s theme is perseverance that results in reward, not perseverance unto eternal life.
Oh praise the Lord for gifting us with like precious faith as the very Apostles who were eyewitnesses to Christ 's life on this earth and to Jesus ' transfiguration of bright splendorous Light! Hallelujah, His Word is truth and is everlasting and our Lord has done it and it is marvelous in our sights for we are deeply loved, highly favored and greatly blessed and we say Amen!
It is as it is written. They were moved by the spirit as they stood.Stand up so I may speak with the. As they stood the spirit moved them in ways that mimic their writing. For instance if you stand up place your feet together then without moving your feet move your body in a circle that 's an O the rest of the letters R made by the movements that correspond to that letter.Being moved by the holy spirit means just that anything else is false. The only way to receive the word of GOD is to be moved by the spirit.
It means to me to study the word of God then get busy share your hope and your faith with others be glad ,be encouraged just don,t stay in one position ,move higher as he instructs us in his word
Ours is to diligently seek God so that we really know Him and all He is about. Thus we gain all we need to fulfill this earthly life and inherit our eternal life. So we are set for life by our oneness in Him who made us in His image.
Pastor Ryan Sheppard on 2 Peter 1:10 - 10 years ago
God instructs we who believe on Jesus for salvation to do our utmost to be Christian which entails FIRST studying God 's Word for all tha we can do to super please our Beautiful Saviour and Lord Jesus. Does it super please God to share God 's simple plan of salvation? Without question sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus super pleases God so go and do so with all your heart. Does it super please God to say no to all worldliness, corruption and tyranny? Obviously, then say no to any and all worldliness with all your being and coint it all joy when you share the gospel with EVERYONE YOU MEET, count it all joy saying no to sin, count it all joy when seeking to love and care for others doing all unto our Lord Jesus. Any Christian who 's satisfied with less than an all out effort to share the gospel and be the best they can for God is going to be a poor example for others to follow and like a ship sitting stagnantly for years in the same location barnacles and other corruptions will attach and will become an unprofitable servant at best. God blessed us with life and breathe in order to invite us all into a grace a thon wherein like any thon we 're to be willing EVEN eager to not leave any stone unturned in an all out effort to super bless the very heart of God making extra thoroughly certain we 're not neglecting to do everything to touch the very heart of God and be a sweet smelling savour in the Nostrils of God. Now, get set and GO! GO! and SUPER GO! search the scriptures for every word that describes what we can do to well please God, then, after compliling a list go do them all with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.
Remember though, that the Word of God says, not by might, nor by power...it is nothing that we do, but by his precious Grace. We can only be obedient to the Word of God, and he does the rest for us, so that only He can receive the Glory.