2 Samuel 12:29 MEANING

2 Samuel 12:29
12:26-31 To be thus severe in putting the children of Ammon to slavery was a sign that David's heart was not yet made soft by repentance, at the time when this took place. We shall be most compassionate, kind, and forgiving to others, when we most feel our need of the Lord's forgiving love, and taste the sweetness of it in our own souls.And David gathered all the people together,.... The soldiers that were with him, or near him; which was done partly to recruit Joab's troops, who, by the continuance of the siege, and the sallies of the enemy on them, might be greatly diminished; and partly to make conquests of other cities of the Ammonites, and to carry off the spoil of them:

and went to Rabbah; which must be after the death of Uriah, and very probably during the time of Bathsheba's mourning for him:

and fought against it, and took it; by assault.

Courtesy of Open Bible