The third Epistle of Iohn. Chapter 1(Original 1611 KJV Book of 3 John) |
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Viewing the 1611 King James Version of 3. Iohn (3 John) Chapter 1, also known as: The third Epistle of Iohn. III John , 3 John, 3 Jn, III Jn, 3Jn, III Jo, 3Jo, III Joh, 3Joh, III Jhn, 3 Jhn, 3Jhn, III John, 3John, 3rd John, Third John,.
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Hee commendeth Gaius for his pietie 5 and hospitalitie 7 to true preachers: 9 Complaining of the vnkind dealing of ambitious Diotrephes on the contrary side: 11 Whose euill example is not to bee followed: 12 And giueth speciall testimonie to the good report of Demetrius.
1The Elder vnto the welbeloued Gaius, whom I loue in the trueth:1
2Beloued, I wish aboue all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, euen as thy soule prospereth.2
4I haue no greater ioy, then to heare that my children walke in truth.
5Beloued, thou doest faithfully whatsoeuer thou doest to the Brethren, and to strangers:
7Because that for his Names sake they went foorth, taking nothing of the Gentiles.
8We therefore ought to receiue such, that we might be fellow helpers to the trueth.
13I had many things to write, but I will not with inke and pen write vnto thee.
14But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and wee shall speake face to face. Peace bee to thee. Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name.14
Original 1611 KJV Sidenote References for 3 John Chapter 1
1 Or, truely.
2 Or, pray.
14 Gr. mouth to mouth.
* Some content courtesy of Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania