Acts 10:16 MEANING

Acts 10:16
(16) This was done thrice.--The three-fold repetition was at once general and personal in its significance. It was mystically the token of a complete ratification of the truth proclaimed. It reminded him of the three fold command, "Feed My sheep," and taught him to take a wider range of work in obeying it (John 21:15-17).

Verse 16. - And this for this, A.V.; straightway the vessel for the vessel... again, A.V. and T.R. This was done thrice; i.e. as is clear from the previous "the second time;" the same voice addressed to him the third time a direction to eat. The repetition three times of the same injunction was to give certainty (comp. Gem 41:32). For the repetition of the same words, comp. Matthew 26:44. The receiving of the vessel again into heaven merely indicated the termination of the vision. The interpretation of it was to follow ver. 19 and following verses (see especially ver. 28), and was further emphasized by what is related in vers. 44-46 and Acts 11:15-17.

10:9-18 The prejudices of Peter against the Gentiles, would have prevented his going to Cornelius, unless the Lord had prepared him for this service. To tell a Jew that God had directed those animals to be reckoned clean which were hitherto deemed unclean, was in effect saying, that the law of Moses was done away. Peter was soon made to know the meaning of it. God knows what services are before us, and how to prepare us; and we know the meaning of what he has taught us, when we find what occasion we have to make use of it.This was done thrice,.... That is, either the voice spoke the same words three times, or the sheet was let down three times; and it may be both; it may be, that every time the voice was spoke, the sheet was let down: this was done, not with respect to any mystical meaning in the number three, but for the confirmation of Peter, that he might be the more firmly assured of the truth of the things represented unto him:

and the vessel was received up again into heaven; to denote, that when the general assembly and church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven, whether Jews or Gentiles, are all gathered in, by the preaching of the Gospel to them, they will be taken up to heaven, their original and native place, and be for ever with the Lord; as well as to certify to Peter, that what was now shown him on earth, concerning the taking away the distinction of men and meats, was ratified in heaven.

Courtesy of Open Bible