Acts Chapter 15 Discussion Page 4

  • Bible Reader Kirk on Acts 15 - 12 years ago
    I’m sorry to ask a simple but powerfull question. Is not a Ghost realy another name for a demon? Think about it, people tell ghost story around a camp fire, right? So when people say Holy Ghost, is it not realy saying Holy Demon? That doesn’t make no sence, right? If it’s real lifeform, what is his personal name?

    Maybe God fearing people should take closer look at this? Maybe looking up up the original Hebrew and Greek Bible language words for Holy Ghost will bring more clarity to these very important question?

    Remember fellow Bible readers who is God’s number one enemy? Satan wants us to be a little lazy, he doesn’t want church goers to do their homework.

    A good students usually don’t pass test without studing and doing home work.
  • StephendeRafael on Acts 15 - 13 years ago
    Paul's journeys brought him from persecuting the new Christian sect, even to the consenting to the stoning execution of Stephen, to preaching the Faith of Jesus Christ, even himself being stoned, but surviving, and in this chapter dissenting with the saints in Jeruselem over the Mosaic laws of circumsicion. Noone can deny that evil doers and covenant breakers shall be accursed and noone can deny that by the Faith of Jesus Christ are we saved. And this in the juncture wherby the Jews and the Christians parted philisophically. Even among Christians which have split into a myriad of sects, differences occur, rifts, dissentions. Is there salvation for the Jews? Muslims? Buddists?Taliban?Lutherans?Catholics?Ascetics?Zealous?Born-agains?Megachurches?TVPreachers?Me?You?Anybody?Whomsoever will have ears to hear?Is God divided? Does he answer prayers of the needy, afflicted, forlorn,desperate, famine inflicted?Children, have faith, believe the word and study the word to be approved.
  • JEMIMAH MWENDWA on Acts 15 - 13 years ago
    We should know that we are supposed to be circumcised in our hearts that is living life worthy of thy gospel.
  • Cheri on Acts 15 - 13 years ago
    It would be interesting to note how the person labeled "anonymous" deduced that from what was written in Acts 15.
    I noted that God has not changed but fulfilled the law of Moses(circumcision) with that of being baptized. He has put no distinction between Jew nor Gentiles; but rather, have made all one by the infilling of the Holy Ghost.
  • Anonymous on Acts 15:14 - 14 years ago
    The Jehovah's Witnesses are right on target with this one. They are the only ones who regularly and openly acknowledge His name is Jehovah. How can anyone else claim to be a people for His name?
  • CAROLYN STEWART on Acts 15:39 - 14 years ago
  • Louise on Acts 15 - 14 years ago
    Truth reiterated, "we shall never be all of one mind till we come to heaven". No one, in this world, is exempt from common human emotions, be it good or bad. This hits the core of the (my)soul that we (me) who call ourselves Christians should not give way to contention. And when we do, we really need to kick ourselves in the butt, get back to what is right (GOD's WORD), ask, forgiveness, forgive, dust ourselves off, say THANK YOU FATHER/JESUS, and MOVE ON with a clear heart and mind. W/love to all. GOD is good all the time and all the time GOD is good.

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