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GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} solving water confusion on Acts 2:18 - 3 years ago
Part I
1Co 12:13 Is there Only 'ONE' ( Eph 4:5 ) Baptism, Today, Under God's Pure GRACE?
Precious friends, 'water' seems to be Getting More 'Confusing' by the day; ie:
One asks "why does most of the Christian world ignore Acts 2:38?" Answer?: Most Do Not 'ignore' it, But Do take it Out of Context, Change it, and Misinterpret it, and Misapply it, causing 'Confusion.'
Another to an noncommited saint: "I was baptized twice. No one ever said you can't be baptized more than once and continually recommit yourself to being a follower of Jesus Christ. Some people do this in marriage as well and I see value in it.
It's possible you have already done this, but since you didn't mention it, and since you said this has bothered you for 48 years, if you have still doubts and regret about your past actions why not recommit today and be baptized again?"
It's ok for babes In CHRIST to have this 'Confusion' as I have been there, being 'watered' THREE times. Further, IF we 'backslide,' there is No 'recommitment' with a second 'washing,'
{since water is not for us in Part II}, But, in Committing Anew Daily by "presenting our bodies a living sacrifice" to The LORD! Amen? Rom 12:1-2
Further, As CHRIST Only "Died On The Cross 'Once,' when we 'believe Once,' we are "Forgiven All sins 'Once,' And, By The 'ONE' Baptism By The Spirit Is Only Done "Once,"
Placing/Inducting/Transferring us Into The Body Of CHRIST, For Eternity!! Amen?
See More "ONE"s For God's "Revelation Of HIS Mystery" as we, hopefully, all "Endeavour to keep the Unity Of The Spirit In The Bond Of Peace!" in Eph 4:3-6
Sad to say that this Unity/Peace is Not Found In the division and strife in "traditions of denominations" today, Correct? Is not JESUS "Also sad" about this? 1Co 1:9-10
Praise God For HIS Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided 2Ti 2:15, Which Cancelled All of my 'Confusion' about "water, tongues, healings, miracles, end times, etc." Amen?
GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} solving water confusion on Acts 2:18 - 3 years ago
Part II
1 Corinthians 12:13 God's ONE Baptism for The Body Of CHRIST, Under GRACE/Mystery:
Precious friends, Please Be Encouraged/Edified in This Important "study" of three baptisms:
God's Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided, 'Shows water' is NOT Under God's GRACE, Today:
1) Prophecy/Law for ISRAEL: The Twelve Were Sent to water baptize!
The TWO Main, of 12 baptisms =
A) water, For remission of sins/induction into Israeli "priesthood!" {separate "study" if you wish...} Mat 3:5-6Mrk 1:4Luk 3:3John 1:31Luk 7:29-30Acts 10:37Mat 28:19
B) WITH The Holy Spirit, Poured Out By CHRIST, for power, signs And wonders! Isa 44:3Mat 3:11Mark 1:8Mark 16:17-18Luke 24:49Acts 2:17-18Acts 2:38Acts 8:15-17Acts 11:16
Rightly Divided 2Ti 2:15 From Things That Differ!:
2) Mystery/GRACE! = our "apostle to the Gentiles" for The Body Of CHRIST:
Paul Was Not Sent to {water} baptize! Why Not?:
Today: 'Only ONE' Baptism = "BY" The ONE Spirit = God's OPERATION, Spiritually Identifying members In The ONE Body Of CHRIST!! Eph 4:5Col 2:12Gal 3:27Rom 6:3-4
Thus, This ONE Baptism Is Performed, By God, Today, Under God's GRACE/MYSTERY Program, when the sinner "believes in CHRIST, that He died and rose again, and God saves them" in the twinkling of an eye.
Thus, "water baptism" Is Scriptural, But Dispensationally, "was for the Previous Law/Prophecy Program" of God, For ISRAEL!
Conclusion, water baptism is Scriptural, but, TODAY, is UNdispensational! Amen?
Precious friends, Please be Richly Encouraged, enlightened, exhorted, and edified!"
2Ti 2:15Rom 16:25Eph 1:3-9Eph 3:9 = Grace/Mystery 'fellowship,' for All to "See," today?
Hi Hope The answer is Speaking in tongues which is the First thing that was done on he Birthday of the Church which was a display of Acts 2:11 Speaking the wonderful works of God.
Yes Hope, I would agree with what you've shared there. But I see that Jesus also gave some believers to be "evangelists, pastors, & teachers" ( Ephesians 4:11). The apostolic period & the day of prophetical utterances had finished with the close of The Revelation, but the Church still has others so equipped by the Spirit to carry forward that Word, to teach & evangelize what the apostles & prophets first delivered to us.
There have been many prophets as you would know (mostly self-acclaimed in the cults), & we see the worth of their prophecies. Of the prophecies I've heard today, there has been no more given than what a teacher of God's Word shares under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Have you heard anything that has already not been declared? Bless you, sister.
Hi Hope A lot of individuals do not believe in S.I.T. I have been for 45 years there is biblically 12 things it does for the believer, the reason most don't believe in it are the totally out of order examples they've seen but that doesn't take away from the reality that it is still available to do.
You're welcome, but do you realize though that each apostle preached to each person and the message lives on through them. Plus, when you speak in tongues, that is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is God living inside of us, and He continues to lead us, and guide us, and shape us into what He wants us to be. I just thought I would add that little bit. I hope it won't offend you.
Thank you Hope. Here again, I would have a problem, as I don't believe in an apostolic appointment in the present-day Church. The apostles of Christ were there for a limited time, as appointed by the Lord, & that appointment was completed at the giving of the final Revelation. Both apostles & prophets, in the biblical sense, have ceased, as nothing more can be added to God's Word. So actually I would be very uncomfortable & wary of any Fellowship that entertains such positions. Thank you for your concern, sister.
Reed it into the telephone and listening in work, in walk, before bedtime, and soo often you can. Test yourself to wright it down. Learn by Heart. The word is already live in side your . In Jesus Holy Name, Good luck with the task.
You're welcome, Hope. My religion? Well, I'm just a plain old fashioned follower of my Saviour & lover of the Word of God, having no denominational title. I'm acquainted with many different Fellowships but never have a 'perfect fit' with any; but then who does, unless forced into submission & belief. Every blessing sister.
Hello Hope. Your task is not impossible, though I've never tried to memorize large chunks of Scripture. The old adage, "Repetition is the mother of learning", seems appropriate here as well as to those at lower school levels learning answers by rote.
Some have tried using various means such as forming pictures in the mind or specific clues to take them to the next verse(s), but I would think that the old fashioned 'repetition' starting from verse 1, repeating it until it is fully formed in your mind, is best. Then when you get to verse 2, learn that fully but at the end of your session, do several exercises on both verses 1 & 2. And move on in that way with the other verses, always going back to repeating from verse 1. But December 20 is not too far away & 47 verses will be quite a feat, so start today. Wishing you every success.
Yes, you are correct about water baptism according to Jesus.
We should believe in what Jesus states in scripture below:
John 3:5
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
Note: Don't let men confuse you, always test the scripture by comparing what Jesus tells us. The only way to God is through Jesus.
John 14:6
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Many today will turn their back on Jesus, and preach another Gospel that differs from what Jesus taught. They will say many things to try to convince you to turn your back on Jesus and God.
If the gospel or scripture, or man's word's don't match what Jesus says in scripture, it really means nothing. Jesus will be our Judge and he will make the decision on whom enters the Kingdom.
Revelation 22:12-14
12And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Precious friend, 'rather' than twisting a few fragmented, out-of-context, Misunderstood 'pet' verses of Many 'traditional' religious sects, "God Has A Better Way, 'Approved' Unto HIM!" Of Course, 'Not' Overlooking Neither 1 Corinthians 12:13, Nor Ephesians 4:5 For "The Body Of CHRIST," Today, Amen?:
God's Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided, 'Shows water' is NOT Under God's GRACE, Today:
Baptism is for everybody. Jesus died for us; He is the salvation plan. A lot of people tend to overlook some parts of the scriptures or even twist what they say so it will fit their religion. But, how it is written is how we are suppose to do it. In Acts 2 and verse 38 it says: Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. If you read it carefully it says specifically everyone. The people who were in the upper room when the day of Pentecost came, there were more than just Jews. In verse 8 it says: And they were amazed and marvelled saying one to another, Behold, are not all of these which speak Galileans? And in verse 9, 10, and 11; it goes on to say more people who were there speaking in other tonuges/Holy Ghost. So, its not just for the Jews, its for everybody. Did I make sense?
Following Jesus is the Best__mishael - In Reply on Acts 2:18 - 3 years ago
When you are born again ( John 3), Jesus will send the Holy Spirit to live with you and teach you everything you need to know. This is known as receiving the baptism through the Holy Spirit.
Water baptism is something many people want to do. I did. For me I was leaving my old life in the water and being raised in newness of mind and spirit. In my mind, it was also a statement to the
devil that I wholly belonged to Jesus, now and forever.
Be sensitive to how and what the Holy Spirit is saying to you. His is a still small voice that does never frighten you. I hear his voice in my spirit, but near my right ear. He likes praise music, that's all I can say. Jesus is the joy of my life.
Keep coming back here and we'll pour some love of Jesus all over you. Write me Anytime :)
Precious Paul, great question. Water WAS for the Jews, one of three requirements for the Nation Of ISRAEL to be "inducted" in the 'priesthood' and forgiveness of sins.
Today, Under GRACE, God Only Has ONE {Spiritual} BAPTISM to place 'members' Into The Body Of CHRIST! Here is my "study":
You: "We as disciples of Jesus are to plant the seed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to water by the example of our walk, and love for Jesus and them and with the word of God. We cannot win souls, we cannot add to the Church, God does the choosing but through the Holy Spirit, He guides our steps to those He may choose."
I got saved because I was seeking God. I prayed to God and told Him that I wanted to know HIS truth, not some person's. In the same day, the Jehovah's Witnesses showed up at the door. They gave me their Watch Tower magazine. Even as an unsaved person, God guided me. I tossed the Watch Tower mag. in the trash. Later God introduced me to the lady that would lead me to the Lord. She explained what "Jesus Saves" meant. Unfortunately, she was one of those Charismatic Christians and a Jesus freak. I went to the Pentecostal Church for 7 years, learning nothing about Christ Crucified and Risen the whole time I was there. The Pastor rarely cracked open a Bible and they were all more concerned about the chanting ("speaking in tongues" and all at the same time). It was creepy, AND unbiblical.
I left that church and went to many others, and they were all phony. I finally stopped going to church altogether.
I've learned more reading the Bible on my own and watching selected video's on You Tube, than all the years of going to those false churches. In a nutshell, if one is sincerely looking for God, God will reveal himself to them. It doesn't do you any good to preach the Gospel to people who aren't interested in hearing it. That's a classic case of seeds being sown on stony ground.
You:"...and to water by the example of our walk, and love for Jesus and them and with the word of God."
That doesn't work either. People had seen Peter with Jesus and questioned him about his relationship with Jesus. Peter denied Jesus 3x before Jesus was crucified. By his bad example, how many people turned away from salvation????
We do have the Comforter, the Holy Spirit but miracles still happen today and the gifts of the Spirit are still given. In the world, today deception is so widespread as in ( 2 Peter 2:1-3) it has created such a farce it is hard to see the truth. The truth of these gifts and the sons and daughters who have the gifts are not of this world, money, gratitude, and fame. It is like giving, "let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth".
May some on this site give you their understanding on this that may answer your question better than me but I will give you mine.
Satan is still walking this earth and there are demons on this earth. ( 2 Corinthians 11:13-15). I can personally testify they are real and without Jesus, we cannot survive their attack.
We do not have the power, only with the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit through us. We must be solid in our faith and baptized in the Holy Spirit or we will find ourselves as in ( Acts 19:13-16).
Tongues are languages as we see in ( Acts 2:5-12), the disciples were speaking to them in their language and they could tell them the gospel of Jesus Christ even though they did not speak their language. The gift of tongues is still today, sadly many use it falsely and it is babel used on people's emotions and for self-gain.
We as disciples of Jesus are to plant the seed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to water by the example of our walk, and love for Jesus and them and with the word of God. We cannot win souls, we cannot add to the Church, God does the choosing but through the Holy Spirit, He guides our steps to those He may choose.
Regardless if someone has heard the name of Jesus, the words we have been given through the Holy Spirit may be what they have never heard. ( 1 Corinthians 3:6-8) "For many are called, but few are chosen".
It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one having scary dreams.
You said, "Sometimes the words "last days" we think of the end times but the time of the apostles were considered the last days, we see it throughout the New Testament."
I know that now. We've been in the "last days" since that Pentecost where the Holy Spirit came down to earth.
All the miracles that Jesus did were a one-time historical event. The miracles were Jesus's credentials that He is the Son Of God. Jesus gave His disciples this same power to do miracles in His name, as proof that Jesus is the Son of God- the awaited Messiah.
The miracles done on Pentecost (the mighty rushing wind, the "speaking in tongues", the cloves of fire) were also a one time historical event. The Age of Miracles stopped when the last of the original Apostles died. We now have "the comforter" a.k.a. The Holy Spirit.
1. Does that mean that Satan no longer walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour???
2. If he's still here, do we still have the power to cast out Satan in Jesus's name?
3. Does that mean that the "Tongues" that some people speak in today are nothing more than Satanic babblings?
4. Why, with the invention of the written word (the Bible), radio, television and the Internet are we still required to preach the gospel? (Everyone has heard about Jesus at one time or another.) Is their blood still on our hands if we don't tell them??
I have more questions, but I'm tired right now and can't think straight. :)
At Pentecost people were thinking the people that was baptized in the Holy Spirit were drunk, and Peter told them they were not drunk that was fulfillment of what was written by Joel. ( Joel 2:28) Sometimes the words "last days" we think of the end times but the time of the apostles were considered the last days, we see it throughout the New Testament.
That would be a scary dream to have I have had some scary dreams myself. God does communicate to us through the Holy Spirit in many ways including dreams. In Matthew 24 when Jesus told the disciples about the temple would be destroyed and the disciples asked Him about it the first thing Jesus said was, "take heed that no man deceive you".
There were some posts right before yours about opinions and teachings that may not be scriptural and if we accept it as truth without prayer and study, we can be led down the wrong road, just like signing an agreement without reading it. Your words appear you will read now, before you sign any more documents. Maybe it is a future document that you may really need to read, who knows.
Just pray asking God in the name of Jesus that He will give you the reason of your dreams, and if you are His, you can be confident without doubt, 1John.1:1 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
17And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
...and your old men shall dream dreams....
What exactly does that mean?? Every morning as I am waking up I have the most frightening "dreams". I think it's my own fears playing out but maybe God is trying to warn me about something.
Try not to laugh when I tell you how my dream went: I dreamt I took my car someplace to have it fixed. Before they would fix it I had to sign an agreement. I didn't read it first, but I signed it and found out afterwards that I had denied Jesus in writing.
When I was fully awake, I was frightened and panicky.
The question is, if someone was deceived into signing a paper like this-
do you think God would forgive them? Or, because of my stupidity at not reading it first, it is lawful/acceptable? Remember when Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of food??
Many, many times I have trusted a business and signed an agreement without reading through it. Up to now, nothing bad has ever happened from signing one of these agreements unread, but it reminds me of the politicians who want to pass bills unread. (Like Obama Care, where Nancy Pelosi said: "We have to sign the bill before we can find out what's in it.")
1Co 12:13 Is there Only 'ONE' ( Eph 4:5 ) Baptism, Today, Under God's Pure GRACE?
Precious friends, 'water' seems to be Getting More 'Confusing' by the day; ie:
One asks "why does most of the Christian world ignore Acts 2:38?" Answer?: Most Do Not 'ignore' it, But Do take it Out of Context, Change it, and Misinterpret it, and Misapply it, causing 'Confusion.'
Another to an noncommited saint: "I was baptized twice. No one ever said you can't be baptized more than once and continually recommit yourself to being a follower of Jesus Christ. Some people do this in marriage as well and I see value in it.
It's possible you have already done this, but since you didn't mention it, and since you said this has bothered you for 48 years, if you have still doubts and regret about your past actions why not recommit today and be baptized again?"
It's ok for babes In CHRIST to have this 'Confusion' as I have been there, being 'watered' THREE times. Further, IF we 'backslide,' there is No 'recommitment' with a second 'washing,'
{since water is not for us in Part II}, But, in Committing Anew Daily by "presenting our bodies a living sacrifice" to The LORD! Amen? Rom 12:1-2
Further, As CHRIST Only "Died On The Cross 'Once,' when we 'believe Once,' we are "Forgiven All sins 'Once,' And, By The 'ONE' Baptism By The Spirit Is Only Done "Once,"
Placing/Inducting/Transferring us Into The Body Of CHRIST, For Eternity!! Amen?
See More "ONE"s For God's "Revelation Of HIS Mystery" as we, hopefully, all "Endeavour to keep the Unity Of The Spirit In The Bond Of Peace!" in Eph 4:3-6
Sad to say that this Unity/Peace is Not Found In the division and strife in "traditions of denominations" today, Correct? Is not JESUS "Also sad" about this? 1Co 1:9-10
Praise God For HIS Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided 2Ti 2:15, Which Cancelled All of my 'Confusion' about "water, tongues, healings, miracles, end times, etc." Amen?
to be continued in Part II
1 Corinthians 12:13 God's ONE Baptism for The Body Of CHRIST, Under GRACE/Mystery:
Precious friends, Please Be Encouraged/Edified in This Important "study" of three baptisms:
God's Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided, 'Shows water' is NOT Under God's GRACE, Today:
1) Prophecy/Law for ISRAEL: The Twelve Were Sent to water baptize!
The TWO Main, of 12 baptisms =
A) water, For remission of sins/induction into Israeli "priesthood!" {separate "study" if you wish...} Mat 3:5-6 Mrk 1:4 Luk 3:3 John 1:31 Luk 7:29-30 Acts 10:37 Mat 28:19
Mrk 16:16 Acts 2:38 Acts 22:16 Eze 36:25 John 18:35 Exo 19:6 +
B) WITH The Holy Spirit, Poured Out By CHRIST, for power, signs And wonders! Isa 44:3 Mat 3:11 Mark 1:8 Mark 16:17-18 Luke 24:49 Acts 2:17-18 Acts 2:38 Acts 8:15-17 Acts 11:16
Rightly Divided 2Ti 2:15 From Things That Differ!:
2) Mystery/GRACE! = our "apostle to the Gentiles" for The Body Of CHRIST:
Paul Was Not Sent to {water} baptize! Why Not?:
Today: 'Only ONE' Baptism = "BY" The ONE Spirit = God's OPERATION, Spiritually Identifying members In The ONE Body Of CHRIST!! Eph 4:5 Col 2:12 Gal 3:27 Rom 6:3-4
1Co 12:13
Thus, This ONE Baptism Is Performed, By God, Today, Under God's GRACE/MYSTERY Program, when the sinner "believes in CHRIST, that He died and rose again, and God saves them" in the twinkling of an eye.
Thus, "water baptism" Is Scriptural, But Dispensationally, "was for the Previous Law/Prophecy Program" of God, For ISRAEL!
Conclusion, water baptism is Scriptural, but, TODAY, is UNdispensational! Amen?
Precious friends, Please be Richly Encouraged, enlightened, exhorted, and edified!"
2Ti 2:15 Rom 16:25 Eph 1:3-9 Eph 3:9 = Grace/Mystery 'fellowship,' for All to "See," today?
God's 'Simple' Will: Link
There have been many prophets as you would know (mostly self-acclaimed in the cults), & we see the worth of their prophecies. Of the prophecies I've heard today, there has been no more given than what a teacher of God's Word shares under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Have you heard anything that has already not been declared? Bless you, sister.
Some have tried using various means such as forming pictures in the mind or specific clues to take them to the next verse(s), but I would think that the old fashioned 'repetition' starting from verse 1, repeating it until it is fully formed in your mind, is best. Then when you get to verse 2, learn that fully but at the end of your session, do several exercises on both verses 1 & 2. And move on in that way with the other verses, always going back to repeating from verse 1. But December 20 is not too far away & 47 verses will be quite a feat, so start today. Wishing you every success.
Yes, you are correct about water baptism according to Jesus.
We should believe in what Jesus states in scripture below:
John 3:5
"Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
Note: Don't let men confuse you, always test the scripture by comparing what Jesus tells us. The only way to God is through Jesus.
John 14:6
"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Many today will turn their back on Jesus, and preach another Gospel that differs from what Jesus taught. They will say many things to try to convince you to turn your back on Jesus and God.
If the gospel or scripture, or man's word's don't match what Jesus says in scripture, it really means nothing. Jesus will be our Judge and he will make the decision on whom enters the Kingdom.
Revelation 22:12-14
12And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. 13I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. 14Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
God Bless.
God's Word Of Truth, Rightly Divided, 'Shows water' is NOT Under God's GRACE, Today:
Of course if one is 'not yet' saved Correctly, Under GRACE, Today, then there Is 'No Sense' discussing water baptism at all! 1 Corinthians 2:14 Amen?
Water baptism is something many people want to do. I did. For me I was leaving my old life in the water and being raised in newness of mind and spirit. In my mind, it was also a statement to the
devil that I wholly belonged to Jesus, now and forever.
Be sensitive to how and what the Holy Spirit is saying to you. His is a still small voice that does never frighten you. I hear his voice in my spirit, but near my right ear. He likes praise music, that's all I can say. Jesus is the joy of my life.
Keep coming back here and we'll pour some love of Jesus all over you. Write me Anytime :)
Today, Under GRACE, God Only Has ONE {Spiritual} BAPTISM to place 'members' Into The Body Of CHRIST! Here is my "study":
I got saved because I was seeking God. I prayed to God and told Him that I wanted to know HIS truth, not some person's. In the same day, the Jehovah's Witnesses showed up at the door. They gave me their Watch Tower magazine. Even as an unsaved person, God guided me. I tossed the Watch Tower mag. in the trash. Later God introduced me to the lady that would lead me to the Lord. She explained what "Jesus Saves" meant. Unfortunately, she was one of those Charismatic Christians and a Jesus freak. I went to the Pentecostal Church for 7 years, learning nothing about Christ Crucified and Risen the whole time I was there. The Pastor rarely cracked open a Bible and they were all more concerned about the chanting ("speaking in tongues" and all at the same time). It was creepy, AND unbiblical.
I left that church and went to many others, and they were all phony. I finally stopped going to church altogether.
I've learned more reading the Bible on my own and watching selected video's on You Tube, than all the years of going to those false churches. In a nutshell, if one is sincerely looking for God, God will reveal himself to them. It doesn't do you any good to preach the Gospel to people who aren't interested in hearing it. That's a classic case of seeds being sown on stony ground.
You:"...and to water by the example of our walk, and love for Jesus and them and with the word of God."
That doesn't work either. People had seen Peter with Jesus and questioned him about his relationship with Jesus. Peter denied Jesus 3x before Jesus was crucified. By his bad example, how many people turned away from salvation????
We do have the Comforter, the Holy Spirit but miracles still happen today and the gifts of the Spirit are still given. In the world, today deception is so widespread as in ( 2 Peter 2:1-3) it has created such a farce it is hard to see the truth. The truth of these gifts and the sons and daughters who have the gifts are not of this world, money, gratitude, and fame. It is like giving, "let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth".
May some on this site give you their understanding on this that may answer your question better than me but I will give you mine.
Satan is still walking this earth and there are demons on this earth. ( 2 Corinthians 11:13-15). I can personally testify they are real and without Jesus, we cannot survive their attack.
We do not have the power, only with the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit through us. We must be solid in our faith and baptized in the Holy Spirit or we will find ourselves as in ( Acts 19:13-16).
Tongues are languages as we see in ( Acts 2:5-12), the disciples were speaking to them in their language and they could tell them the gospel of Jesus Christ even though they did not speak their language. The gift of tongues is still today, sadly many use it falsely and it is babel used on people's emotions and for self-gain.
We as disciples of Jesus are to plant the seed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and to water by the example of our walk, and love for Jesus and them and with the word of God. We cannot win souls, we cannot add to the Church, God does the choosing but through the Holy Spirit, He guides our steps to those He may choose.
Regardless if someone has heard the name of Jesus, the words we have been given through the Holy Spirit may be what they have never heard. ( 1 Corinthians 3:6-8) "For many are called, but few are chosen".
My understandings, may others have more for you.
God bless,
It's comforting to know that I'm not the only one having scary dreams.
You said, "Sometimes the words "last days" we think of the end times but the time of the apostles were considered the last days, we see it throughout the New Testament."
I know that now. We've been in the "last days" since that Pentecost where the Holy Spirit came down to earth.
All the miracles that Jesus did were a one-time historical event. The miracles were Jesus's credentials that He is the Son Of God. Jesus gave His disciples this same power to do miracles in His name, as proof that Jesus is the Son of God- the awaited Messiah.
The miracles done on Pentecost (the mighty rushing wind, the "speaking in tongues", the cloves of fire) were also a one time historical event. The Age of Miracles stopped when the last of the original Apostles died. We now have "the comforter" a.k.a. The Holy Spirit.
1. Does that mean that Satan no longer walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour???
2. If he's still here, do we still have the power to cast out Satan in Jesus's name?
3. Does that mean that the "Tongues" that some people speak in today are nothing more than Satanic babblings?
4. Why, with the invention of the written word (the Bible), radio, television and the Internet are we still required to preach the gospel? (Everyone has heard about Jesus at one time or another.) Is their blood still on our hands if we don't tell them??
I have more questions, but I'm tired right now and can't think straight. :)
At Pentecost people were thinking the people that was baptized in the Holy Spirit were drunk, and Peter told them they were not drunk that was fulfillment of what was written by Joel. ( Joel 2:28) Sometimes the words "last days" we think of the end times but the time of the apostles were considered the last days, we see it throughout the New Testament.
That would be a scary dream to have I have had some scary dreams myself. God does communicate to us through the Holy Spirit in many ways including dreams. In Matthew 24 when Jesus told the disciples about the temple would be destroyed and the disciples asked Him about it the first thing Jesus said was, "take heed that no man deceive you".
There were some posts right before yours about opinions and teachings that may not be scriptural and if we accept it as truth without prayer and study, we can be led down the wrong road, just like signing an agreement without reading it. Your words appear you will read now, before you sign any more documents. Maybe it is a future document that you may really need to read, who knows.
Just pray asking God in the name of Jesus that He will give you the reason of your dreams, and if you are His, you can be confident without doubt, 1John.1:1 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
God bless,
...and your old men shall dream dreams....
What exactly does that mean?? Every morning as I am waking up I have the most frightening "dreams". I think it's my own fears playing out but maybe God is trying to warn me about something.
Try not to laugh when I tell you how my dream went: I dreamt I took my car someplace to have it fixed. Before they would fix it I had to sign an agreement. I didn't read it first, but I signed it and found out afterwards that I had denied Jesus in writing.
When I was fully awake, I was frightened and panicky.
The question is, if someone was deceived into signing a paper like this-
do you think God would forgive them? Or, because of my stupidity at not reading it first, it is lawful/acceptable? Remember when Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of food??
Many, many times I have trusted a business and signed an agreement without reading through it. Up to now, nothing bad has ever happened from signing one of these agreements unread, but it reminds me of the politicians who want to pass bills unread. (Like Obama Care, where Nancy Pelosi said: "We have to sign the bill before we can find out what's in it.")
You CANNOT trust anyone anymore.