King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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I will pray for your healing.
About 20 years ago I had symptoms like you. I could not eat very much with out my stomach really hurting and I needed to stop eating and rest. It turned out that I had a few stomach ulcers due to H. Pylori bacteria. I took the triple antibiotic prescribed and the condition cleared up and I have not had any such problems since. I hope you discover what is going on in your gut and have a means to treat, if that is the way God brings you the healing. We just don't know, but we still pray for God to remove things that make our bodies ill.
That being said; I am not sure if this is a discussion I had with you or someone else who was insisting KJV was the only inspired version. In that I have to draw the line; the Geneva was earlier; along with Tyndale and I would suppose Latin Vulgate; at any rate there can be no perfect translation that makes literary sense from the original text. There are multiple numerical figures in different texts. There are also different Biblical texts that were from Africa; for instance. The original Greek; Hebrew or Aramaic have words that have more than one meaning at times; there are names that may represent the same person or city name that could be others (such as an issue with archeology); there are similar stories in the Gospels that may or not be the same event; etc. I am in agreement that the Pastor was immature in stating that just because it was an "old book" or something to that affect" that he wouldn't read it. The "thee" and "thou" words to me are unnecessary in KJV.
So I am sorry I can't agree totally with the KJV only crowd. I would say that there are certain aspects to truth that may actually be clearer in a different version; and more often when reading several different variations a fuller understanding may commence. We should be vigilant to make sure we aren't reading a largely spurious rendition; and at least very cautious with NIV. I think someone can find enough of the Gospel to be saved in either case; however.
I would like to ask a question concerning a certain pastor I had. You say: "How do we properly view a good Pastor or other leader? From my premise I have established that no man is perfect; but I'll say it straight out-no man is perfect." I agree that this points to spiritually maturity but let me ask you a question: What if your pastor tells you, in a private conversation at church, that he believed the KJB was just an old, ancient book and was "not written by God"? He preached out of the NIV and the NKJB, so I assume he thought the modern versions were and since I use the KJB only, because it is the one that is written by God,this really disturbed me. What do you think of him as a pastor? I believe he is immature and far from perfect because he is so easily blinded by what the world believes about the modern versions. It would only take a small amount of time to simply compare what the other versions say to the KJB to see how corrupt they are. When he told me this, just me while we were about to start our Wednesday night service it really bothered me and I left that church because I didn't feel like I could sit under his preaching. Up until I found out how he believed this, I would just follow along in my KJB while he preached from the NIV.
1 Peter 5:7 kjv.
Reading the first chapter of Philippians for a detailed analysis for a special Sunday school project we are doing in the short term I realize that elders and deacons were established fairly quickly in the early church. It has taken me some time to understand somewhat what each of these roles is supposed to be (elder being essentially same as Pastor; and Deacon I believe being a sort of "helps" ministry). Honestly I haven't been in a church with a Bishop so I won't try to figure that out; I'll leave that to others.
I examined the other day how the Ephesians church seemed to have everything right and lost its first love ( Rev. 2:4 if I remember correctly). It would seem although I couldn't prove it that new and excited converts may have been a missing factor. We are; of course admonished on those who receive the Gospel immediately and with joy but have no root ( Mark 4:17) in the first part of the Parable of the Sower and the Seed. Both extremes need to be avoided; joy is second next to love which clearly had disappeared ( Galatians 5:22). After all; there is nowhere that states that we cannot have continual joy; but as with a marriage maturity tends to make our perspective change as we delve more into the "meat" of the scriptures.
When it comes to interaction in a church of course it helps when a Pastor is genuinely glad to see congregants on a given Sunday; and especially other days of the week when they wish to discuss something. Again; large churches make this more difficult and the advice Jethro gave Moses to get wise decisionmakers under him rather than taking on menial burdens fits this situation ( Exodus 18:13-27). Of course it is good when we also rejoice and show appreciation for our Pastor. This of course has to go beyond common courtesies; and we should want to do more than just put our time in and check off a box. Unforgiveness on either end stifles the Spirit
They got a later start to the c-section than we thought would happen, so Rosie was born around 1:00 A.M.
We did not see her or speak to my son because they were to be in post op recovery for a few hours and it was already 2:00 A.M. when he texted us with a picture. We will head up to hospital in a bit to visit.
will update after Rosie is born.
I'm praying everything goes well.
God bless.
Our friendship is stronger than this one difference between us.
at the hospital now being labor coach for my daughter in law, so things may get crazy in a few hours.
My daughter in law is in labor and our granddaughter will soon be born sometime this evening I predict. I appreciate your prayers for Vivian and baby Rosie.
I do not wish to start a discussion on these either at this time.
Again; as always impressed with your knowledge; it seems after double checking Adventism and Mary Ellen White started in New England in the 1830s and 40's.
As to Dispensationalism; I'm afraid to start any controversy on the subject. I personally believe in Dispensationalism and Covenants as concepts; although with anything else I would agree that we can't totally sever different time periods as we find evidences of grace in the O.T. and law in the New; for instance. If that makes me errant; I suppose you can straighten me out if you wish (if it makes you feel any better I have been associated in recent years more with Reformed churches but not currently).
Okay maybe you can set me straight; hope this doesn't mess up our friendship...
Agape; Rich P
This scripture can correlate to the person that doesn't want to be moved or feel out of place. To learn what it is to become of Jesus Christ of his divine will that brings into subjection
"For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 11:30 KJV
Becoming light allowing Love into your hearts to thevdivine will and to walk in it not against it and in the hope of becoming disciples for Christ.
. That God the Father will give you rest and meaning he will work for you in the Spirit and earth realm