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  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    Lemme give ya my take on FAITH as HEBREWS 11: 1 kjv mentions it....Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen...Means the Church is the bride of Christ and he is gona know her ...Today if you will hear his voice his Words...Thats what Peter is telling us Being bornagain of an incorruptible seed even by the Words of God that liveth and abideth for ever..( the living word ) which are spirit and life...When he knows the Church ,..its gonna result in a Heavenly Birth...Simply b/c his words are his seeds....As we have borne the image of the earthy we must also bear the image of the heavenly....Even in the natural when a woman is pregnant she has the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen....Thus there is a Baby Christ in our NEAR future....Whosoever receiveth one such child in my name receiveth ME...Thus the Babes and Sucklings he speaks of that WORSHIP GOD WITH A PERFECT PRAISE....OUR NEW HEART AND NEW SPIRIT...Our new Innerman which is the Kingdom...Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in.

    ......Without Faith it is impossible to plz God....Simply b/c without Faith there cannot be a new birth of Christ in us the son of man...The Kingdom....Which is mankinds fruit unto God...That New Born Babe DESIRING THE SINCERE MILK OF THE WORD.. 1ST PETER 2 : 2 KJV....Is the H.G. THE CHILD OF PROMISE...That Christ might be multiplied as the Stars of Heaven.

    ...... Rev. 12 : 10...After the woman gives birth to the Baby the Child of PROMISE THE H.G....It says that now is come Salvation and the Power of his Christ and the Kingdom of our God....The Woman had FAITH THE SUBSTANCE OF THNGS HOPED FOR THE EVIDENCE OF THING NOT SEEN....The Child which is the H.G. That Child of Promise...As that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit the H.G....That is gonna be born in us who hear his Words....Thats y he has to know us...Thats y Elijah has to come n turn the hearts of fathers to th chidren.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on John 20 - 2 years ago
    Hello Naseem,

    Scripture tells us the unclean spirits/devils knew He was the Son of God, Matt. 8:29 Mark 3:11 Luke 8:27-28. Scripture tells us Jesus is the Son of God the only begotten of the Father, John 1:14. Scripture tells us Jesus the Son of God was before this world John 17:5 2 Timothy 1:9. Scripture tells us Jesus the Son of God was the beginning of creation Rev. 3:1. Scripture tells us everything was created through Him Col. 1:16.

    Scripture tells us to confess Jesus is the Son of God, 1 John 4:15. Scripture tells us God gave His only begotten Son, John 3:16. Scripture tells us to believe God gave His only begotten Son, 1 John 5:10. Scripture tells us God was made known in the flesh through His only begotten Son same as creation was through His Son 1 Timothy 3:16 Col. 1:16.

    Scripture tells us we have salvation and eternal life only in Jesus Christ, John 3:36 Acts 4:12 Eph. 4:12 1 Thess. 5:9 1 John 5:13 Scripture tells us we can only come to the Father through Jesus, John 14:6 1 Timothy 2:5.

    Jesus came to fulfill the law and the prophets and died for our sins, and the only way that could be done is in the flesh, the seed of Abraham, Hebrews 2. He experienced temptation the same as you and me, Luke 4:2 Heb 2:18, He had a brain and a will, Luke 22:42 but He was obedient to the Father. We now have a high priest in heaven that lived in this flesh just like us, Hebrews 4:14-16.

    Salvation and eternal life only by the grace of God through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ's perfect life in the flesh, His blood shed for us, and His resurrection. We cannot deny the divinity of Jesus, the only begotten Son of God that was before this world, but no creed, doctrine, or statement of faith can be placed above or added to that we must believe to receive salvation and eternal life if scripture does not tell us we must believe. Truth is in the simplicity that is in Christ.

    I love this site and the brothers and sisters on it.

    God bless,

  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Ronnette, Yes, Matthias was numbered with the remaining 11, making hi the 12th apostles, replacing Judas Iscariot.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Psalms 80 - 2 years ago

    Very true. We are to express our views here with charity and with an aim to help others in growing in the Lord through knowledge of the Word of God. I do think like you that God has brought us to this site for a reason and on purpose. So, we can rejoice that we have such a broad group of brothers and sisters in the Lord to interact with. Thanks for your psot.
  • Ronnette - In Reply on 2 Timothy 3 - 2 years ago
    When you mixed religion and government you will find the exact situation we are in today. Chaos. Using 501c you are bound by the law of government who can control what the truth really is. Like one believer said we are all mature enough to find truth in Jesus Christ. Promoting an old way has not worked in the past, why push it? Fallacies are in ALL Religious Christianity, and they had all been perverted. For only with thine eyes shall thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Psalm 91. Trust the Lord Jesus Christ and He will surely guide you. Read the Bible yourself and pray. Be saved 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Seek God and His righteous faith. We sure have angels around us. You will know them.

    Time is perilous indeed. Thanks to I think Michael who directed us to YouTube Watchman with Erik. Love it. Now a days you cannot even trust any news. This one is reliable. God help us. Agape.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago

    for us to know about the mystery of the incarnation of the Son and of the Godhead as three Persons in one Being, as Jesus stated, "I am in the Father and the Father is in me, If you have seen me you have seen the Father." (as noted by Christ)

    Jesus is forever glorified as He was before He was Incarnated in human flesh, but from the Incarnation on, He also has a glorified human body forever. So, now He possesses both the glory of the Godhead along with the glory of perfected humanity. He has a physical body, as He showed Thomas His wounds to touch. In the resurrection, our bodies will be glorified like Jesus' humanity. We will have a physical body that is glorified, having put off what is mortal and corrupted and acquiring a body that is immortal and without the effects of sin, since our sinful nature will be forever removed from us.

    Some people think that we will be only spirits, but Jesus' words to Thomas say otherwise. He said that a spirit does not have flesh and bones like I have. Just as Jesus resurrected in the same human body that died on the cross, yet now glorified, so will we be resurrected in the same bodies that died, only glorified like the humanity and body of Jesus.

    And lastly, we are an integrated being of body, soul, and spirit. These three make up who we truly are as a human person. If we are only a spirit in eternity, then we are not truly human anymore. So, I believe that when we are resurrected, we will be truly human as integrated body, soul, and spirit, only glorified, even more so than Adam was, as He was capable of sinning, but in eternity, we will no longer be able to sin.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago

    for us to know about the mystery of the incarnation of the Son and of the Godhead as three Persons in one Being, as Jesus stated, "I am in the Father and the Father is in me, If you have seen me you have seen the Father." (as noted by Christ)

    Jesus is forever glorified as He was before He was Incarnated in human flesh, but from the Incarnation on, He also has a glorified human body forever. So, now He possesses both the glory of the Godhead along with the glory of perfected humanity. He has a physical body, as He showed Thomas His wounds to touch. In the resurrection, our bodies will be glorified like Jesus' humanity. We will have a physical body that is glorified, having put off what is mortal and corrupted and acquiring a body that is immortal and without the effects of sin, since our sinful nature will be forever removed from us.

    Some people think that we will be only spirits, but Jesus' words to Thomas say otherwise. He said that a spirit does not have flesh and bones like I have. Just as Jesus resurrected in the same human body that died on the cross, yet now glorified, so will we be resurrected in the same bodies that died, only glorified like the humanity and body of Jesus.

    And lastly, we are an integrated being of body, soul, and spirit. These three make up who we truly are as a human person. If we are only a spirit in eternity, then we are not truly human anymore. So, I believe that when we are resurrected, we will be truly human as integrated body, soul, and spirit, only glorified, even more so than Adam was, as He was capable of sinning, but in eternity, we will no longer be able to sin.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear One Eighty,

    You pose some interesting dilemmas in your post and you have been given some good replies by Richard and Chris.

    My understanding of God is that He exists eternally as three persons in one Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Eternally prior to the incarnation of the Son, the Godhead existed as pure Spirit, without a physical body made up of DNA, molecules, and matter.

    The angels also are spirits and do not have a physical body made up of matter. But this being said. We really do not know what spiritual bodies look like or are made of. The Scripture does not describe this aspect of the spiritual realm for us. We will just have to wait and see when we get to that realm after death and the resurrection of our bodies.

    As Richard sad, there were many Christophanies in the O.T. where the Son of God appeared in the form of the Angel of the Lord. For example: to Adam in the Garden; to Noah; to Abraham (many times); to Jacob; to Moses in the burning bush; to the Israelites in the pillar of fire/cloud; to Ezekiel, Isaiah, Elijah, and other prophets; to Job in the storm; and upon the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant. These Christophanies are of the Son without His human body since the physical body was not yet made for Him until He was conceived in Mary which involved fusing matter, (DNA, molecules) to form His body in the womb of Mary.

    It seems that, although the Godhead prior to the incarnation was purely Spirit, He could take on an appearance of having a body when visiting men, like the angels did. When the Father made a fleshly body for the Son in Mary's womb, the Son, who was divine and equal to the Father and the Holy Spirit, added humanity to Himself so that from then on He was and always will be fully God and fully human in one Person. This is hard to understand, being a mystery, as Paul states. But we take it on faith that this is true. In this life we know in part, but in eternity we will know all that God determines is necessary....
  • Frank - In Reply - 2 years ago
    As a believer in the eternal security of the believer I wouldnt think the Apostle Paul believed he could/would be eternally lost, considering his letter to the Ephesians 3:11-14.
  • OLD MAN WILSON - In Reply - 2 years ago
    One Eighty:

    God is Spirit, no beginning and no end, CANNOT be seen, touched, felt, etc.

    The Father wanted to be KNOWN, seen, touched, etc., available to the senses.

    The Father created a IMMORTAL BODY, and God (SPIRIT, LIFE) put HIMSELF in that Body, and he called that BODY the MAN JESUS CHRIST.

    Christ the Boby of God, the Father, no beginning no end, the First and the Last.

    Christ, THE BODY, can do nothing of itself, it's the FATHER in that BODY, that does everything.

    And The Father sent Jesus Christ THE MAN to MULTIPLY HIMSELF. The FIRSTBORN among many brethren.

    Bodies of men, THAT CAN DO NOTHING OF ITSELF, that exist, and does the work, of CHRIST, by that LIFE OF CHRIST. This was all made possible by the death of the flesh and blood body on the cross and the RESURRECTION of the flesh and bone (IMMORTAL) body of Christ.

    This is what WE ARE: BODIES that exist, and do the WORKS OF CHRIST; by the LIFE OF CHRIST.

    We were put in a body of flesh and bone; FIRST, so we could come to this KNOWLEDGE.

    Ephesians 4:4 ONE BODY (man).....ONE SPIRIT (GOD)(LIFE) ...

    Ephesians 4:6 ONE GOD .....FATHER OF ALL .....

    Colossians 1:27 ....this mystery ...Christ in you (his body)

    Philippians 2:13 For it is God (Christ in you) that WORKETH both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.


    God Bless YOU.
  • Lena - 2 years ago
    Thanks to all who prayed for my Son/he had a crushed ankle from years ago/He has been on pain pills and

    he was getting hooked on them-so he would drink alcohol for relief of pain and that had become an addiction-

    "Whom The SON Sets Free One Is Free Indeed'

    there is no longer anything needed for pain

  • Becoming A Follower of Jesus - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Everyone must realize they are sinners. Confess our sins to the Lord. Pray the sinners prayer.

    There is a link on the red-brown page you entered the website on. The link is: Become A Believer.

    It takes you through the steps up to the prayer.

    It also tells you how to navigate the new Birth as a Christ Follower. Jesus said to all of us: come, follow me. I didn't know anything when I got saved and I wish I'd had a website like this to walk me through those first days and months. Read in the New Testament first

    I'm so happy you've made a decision for Jesus. :)


    Come in here anytime for fellowship with all of us.
  • Ronnette on Revelation 18 - 2 years ago
    "And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived." Revelation 18:23 KJV

    I noticed the word sorceries here is Pharmacy. I have no confident with the Pharmaceutical industries. I was sick and healed so quickly by taking all natural supplements. My "Professional"Doctor seems to be frustrated by me taking supplements. Because Certified Doctors are promoting Pharma drugs. Scary. I know for a fact that my Mom died using all drugs from doctors gave her. I witnessed her transformation until the end of her life. Pharma also seems to know how long you will get hooked to drugs until a person ready to be expired. And then Government in cahoots to stop social security pension to the point of death. Wow a great system we have. God judgments will come soon. You wonder why Politician will say something like we will give you transparency and then be silent when they get elected? Hmmmm sounded like Obama promised. We watched and we learned and understood the motives of these liar Politicians. Come soon O Lord Jesus Christ according to your will.
  • Theresa A.Wood - In Reply on Genesis 49 - 2 years ago
    Just my point!

    Constantine's, Order of a Cival Decree, NOT, GOD's COMMAND!

    Contantine was not, GOD!

    Constantine Changed the DAY of WORSHIP!

    NOT GOD, AS GOD says, He Sacntified the SABBATH and IT the SABBATH was HOLY!

    We are to kept all the COMMANDMENTS, if we LOVE GOD! GOD does they changing in us. When we come to Him, as the ones He


    Jesus, commanded us to LOVE one another, but he also Reminded us of the COMMANDMENTS!

    Again, His WORD is on so Many LEVELS!

    We start out as babes, and we grow in HIS WORD, long as we stay in it and we talk to HIM and listen to HIM, as Abraham did!


    Theresa A. Wood
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    First of all; God did not "create" Jesus. He is part of the eternal Godhead; as the Holy Spirit. (I have lost my search button for Google so you will have tro look up the verses: See John 1 and 1 John 1.) We need to also see what is referred to as the "Christophone" (not sure if that's spelled right). This translates to the "preincarnate" Christ; but surely He can appear in His full glory in a vision as He did with Paul ( Acts 9 I think); and with John in Revelation.

    To add to the complexity; God Himself also is said to hear and see; and even have certain bodily parts ascribed to Him. It is said that no man has seen God (the Father) at any time; and that no one can see God and live. As to whether He can also have some sort of physical presence at least if not the same type of body seems likely; and scriptures seem to describe God the Father and Christ in different passages.

    In any event; Christ after the Resurrection clearly was in a glorified state; but still bearing the scars of His crucifixion on His hands and feet (as well as His side as demonstrated with "doubting" Thomas). He also was able to eat. Man was created without sin; and designed to have a body as well as angels. Somehow; we shall be in a body after Resurrection; albeit as the angels of heaven (although again that also would stand to reason for the spirits of just men such as seen in Hebrews 11).

    It is an important point that we believe Christ came in the FLESH to die as our substitute; not be a mystical cult that denies that fact. It is the nature of man; not his chemical makeup that determines his state spiritually. Nonetheless; we are asked to die to self putting to death the deeds of the flesh. We are in the world; but not of it. Our bodies; therefore are Temples of the Holy Spirit and are to be living sacrifices. Marriage is said to be an example of Christ with His church incorporating mind; body and soul and is in a mysterious manner like Christ and His church.
  • Theresa A' Wood - In Reply on Genesis 49 - 2 years ago
    Still take in mind:

    John 1:1

    GOD does not lie!

    GENESIS 1:5;8;13;19;23;31

    ALL Say, Evening and the Morning ; they were either; 1st day or 6th day.

    Genesis 2:2 7th Day GOD Ended his Work and Rested from ALL his Work.

    Genesis 2:3 It Says, GOD Blessed the 7th Day, and sanctified it: because he rested from all his work, in which GOD had Created and Made.

    Like I said before,

    Genesis 1:5 1 Day = Evening to Morning! So, a Day ====='s Evening to Morning! No, Matter how we look at it!

    A Day Starts in the Evening and Ends in the Morning. Don't Gloss over GOD'S WORD!

    Today, We go from Morning to Evening, as our Day! Think on this deeply! PRAY, about it! Go to GOD in PRAYER about it!

    Then you have, as you say, Evening to Evening!

    Is That what GOD's WORD actually says?????

    RE - Read: GENESIS 1:5 And the rest I listed above...

    YET, GOD says, Evening to Morning; are 1 day!

    This is repeated in Genesis, refer to above; Book Genesis, Chapter 1 and Verses 5,8,13,19,23,31,

    And Genesis Chapter 2:2; is your 7th Day!

    Remember, GOD does not LIE!

    There's only 1, who LIES and that's SATAN!

    We are even told to test the Spirits! So, be careful!

    Test your teachers, so they don't lead you in the wrong direction either!

    Read the WORD, but also, LISTEN to GOD'S WORD ALOUD; BOOKS, CHAPTERS, and VERSES everyday!

    Let NO MAN DECIEVE you!


    GOD BLESS to them who READS and HEARS GOD'S WORD now!

    Because, we are told there will come a time, when we won't have either anymore!


    Theresa A. Wood
  • John - 2 years ago
    I pray My Brothers and sisters in Christ that if you come across somebody that you know that will not do you wrong that are or good people especially our Christians and Brothers and sisters in Christ I pray that you will give them a roof over their head I will become homeless I am preparing for homeless I called the church and asked him would they let me sleep under their roof outside you know where you don't get rain on they haven't got back with me yet they probably won't that's okay I'm sure my holy Spirit and my angel and Jesus Christ will protect me God bless you all
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 2 years ago
    That is why eschatology isn't worth splitting hairs over; but I thought it prudent to share some of these things for it is clear that you love the Lord. My point is that "you know them by their fruits". God will reward His servants; and knows how to keep them from wrath (Romans somewhere I think). The other side of the coin is most disconcerting; those who may have some fantasy and often individualistic "vision" or rapture premonition when they are not "occupying until He comes" or putting on the full armor of God.

    I see the problem not only false doctrine but a false "love" that is not truly Agape. My point to you is I suppose what's been on my heart for 40 years; that of the Tribulation; and now more than ever the urgency to give a fair warning of what it will be like for those left behind. We need to keep in mind that the Laodiceans are still a "church"; and a remnant is worthy to stand before Him now. Others in order to REALIZE they are miserable; blind; poor; naked etal it would seem must be left behind. There are many other things the enemy is doing with sins such as adultery; fornication; and general fear to keep our souls trapped in this world; although He cannot ultimately destroy a true saint of God.

    Without discernment; churches tend to be either completely closeminded to a move of the Spirit or have little if any discernment and allow Kundalini or some other sick demonic manifestation to cause all kinds of bizarre behaviors. Proper distribution and use of gifts should primarily edify others; and teachers/elders should be held to the same standard as everyone else. The danger of politicizing and worshipping man (without mentioning any names) has necessitated breaking off from one church on my part early last year.

    I guess hearing of your recent conversion causes me to pray rather desperately that you have lasting fruit and persevere; not immediately recieve the Word with joy then fall away when trial comes. See you soon in the sky
  • Texsis - 2 years ago
    One of the few things I never understood is..If Jesus knew he was going to raise Lazarus from the dead, why then did He weep? John 11:35
  • Susan - In Reply on Matthew 18:20 - 2 years ago
    However, that is going on the assumption that Scripture has never been translated or altered by human beings. And we know, for instance, that several testaments were suppressed including the Gospel of Thomas and The Gospel of Mary, among others. The Dead Sea Scrolls cannot be ignored in this discussion. So we've been told our entire lives that the Scripture is literally THE word of God. I would say that it is man's translation of events that occurred. It's a history book. And history has changed many times over the centuries. We can see it playing out in our own world right now. Everything is politically driven to control the masses. And religion is a very powerful mode of control. Many people believe that that's why these Mandela effects are occurring. To awaken us to the fact that we have been deceived. Jesus was trying to remind us who we are. Which is why he could perform miracles and said that we could do the same. He had to speak in parables because of the threat of censorship and worse. His very life. People worshipped him even though he didn't want them to. It's much like any well known spiritual teacher today. Or a pastor. Or political leader. People can do radical things when they pedestalize someone. Jesus tried to warn against that.
  • LaShunda - 2 years ago

    I ask if everyone can pray for my mother, 4 year old son, and I. My son lost a lot of weight. We all are sick with Covid. I'm the only one that lost my taste and smell. Please pray I get it back. I have a small business that make fragrances, and don't want it to be affected because of my smell being gone.
  • John - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I pray in Jesus name that your prayers will be answered and you will find a place I'm trying to find a place because eventually I will become homeless I'm 60 years old maybe you can find some people that have rooms for rent that's what I'm trying to do there has to be people out there that have rooms for rent specially God people and maybe they'll rent a room out that's what I'm trying to do it's just suggestion if I'm doing this incorrect I apologize there is an angel for each one of us and we have the holy Spirit I hope it works out take care my brother or sister in Christ
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes, we are essentially spirits. But to live on this Earth that God has given us & to enjoy its blessings, God has given us a body (both for visibility & for being human). John 1:1-14 tells us that the Word was with God & was God - that Word was made flesh (human). John chapter 1 speaks of Jesus, God's Word made flesh, to fulfil the Purposes of God for fallen humanity. There was no other reason for such an 'incarnation', for the Word & the Spirit are eternally part of the Godhead & each member functioned as purposed by God.

    God does not have a body. John 4:24, "God is Spirit". But God has manifested Himself in the flesh in Jesus, His Son incarnate. One disciple, Philip, asked Jesus, "shew us the Father, and it sufficeth us".

    Jesus answered him, " Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father? Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake."

    This does not mean that Jesus, in the flesh, looks the same as the Father, but Jesus' very works, His Life, & His Words, reveal the Person of God. So when we look at Jesus' Life, we are seeing the exact image of God, for how else can we describe the image of a spirit? Colossians 1:15: 'Jesus is the image of the invisible God'.

    We are all spirits (our true essence), clothed with a body. Once our bodies perish, our spirits, which can never die, are released to live on into eternity. Therefore, Jesus had to come to give His Life for us, so that if we believe in Him, calling upon His Name, the Father seals us as His & receives us into His family. If we refuse Him, only punishment remains. How we respond to God's Love in Jesus determines where our spirits will finally spend eternity.
  • Ronnette - In Reply on Romans 15 - 2 years ago
    Very interesting discussions. Are we reading the same Bible? The commentary I read and understood. Do I agree? Sometimes not all. After all it is one's opinion. More power given to us is I pray and ask God's guidance. He pretty much tells me in the Bible if it is true. All comments are very much appreciated. But to fight for the truth is not my battle. God knows the truth and we are all reading it. it seems that all of us believe in the blood Jesus shed on the cross. I would not want my fellowbelievers to be accused of being anti-Christ. Neither anybody think they are being persuaded if an opinion was rendered. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion and they are all welcome. I know we are all here reading the Bible and that we all seeks the truth from God. I will continue to study and pray that truth will be taught everywhere and to anybody who likes to be saved. I am respectfully happy to hear from all comments. The truth had been written in the Bible. It is up to each individual to allow the Holy Spirit shows them the truth. There is no need for contentions because we support all that is trying to find the truth. God forbid any of us be fallen away from the truth. I can feel passion on these discussions. I pray for all of your good will. If I have one wish, I would wish that all understand the truth the same way God would want all of us to know the truth. Then all Christian denominations will be dissolved. We have a priest that is Jesus Christ. We have a king and that is Jesus Christ. We have a mediator between God the Father in Heaven and us and that is Jesus Christ. We have one Saviour and that is Jesus Christ who sits in the most holiest of Holy in the third heaven. I think we have everything we need since Jesus fulfilled all in all. We are all servants to please God and not men. May you always be at peace and joyful and healthy from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Wayn

    The RCatholic church claims that Simon Peter (not the Socerer) was the first pope in Rome, but there is no historical evidence about that. The early christians in their writtings never wrote something like this. A long time later Rome claimed that that was an ancient tradition, obviously to establish their authority and rule on all christians, since Jesus said to Peter that He is going to build His church on this rock, interpreting that the rock is Peter (Peter in Greek means rock).. GBU
  • Christina - 2 years ago
    Heather. she needs alot of prayer.
  • Christina - 2 years ago
    For God to changes my aunt heart and to understand my cousin with autism and adhd. and also understand others and treat people with respect.
  • Wayne Marek - 2 years ago
    Where in the Bible Scripture does it talk about "Good Deeds" not being enough to get a person in the Kingdom of Heaven?
  • Brian on Matthew 28 - 2 years ago
    Matthew Henry's commentary for Matthew 28 says, "On the first day of the first week God commanded the light to shine out of darkness. (On this day did He who is the Light of the world, shine out of the darkness of the grave;) and this day is from henceforward often mentioned in the New Testament, as the day which Christians religiously observed in solemn assemblies, to the honour of Christ."

    I struggle with this commentary as it seems clear that Jesus rose from the grave on the weekly Sabbath. All four gospels reveal this. So, it's unsettling that most Christendom worships on a day, built on misinformation and that seems dedicated to the Sun and Sun-god worship.

    N.B. I'm not advocating returning to the Law (especially the Satanic Noahide Laws) but since we live under Grace, why don't we celebrate the day of Creation & the Resurrection on the real day?
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please continue to Keep the Thurman family lifted up in prayer

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