All Discussion PAGE 1014

  • JESSIE - 2 years ago
    I have a grandson's who a in prison because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time iam praying for them that no bodily harm comes to either one they got caught up with wrong kind of people now they are to be placed in different prison's and i praying that the prison are not ruffed for him to make it in there please prayed for there safety and let them return home in one peace i prayed lord watch over them only you jesus can keep them safe for your prayers thank you amen
  • Bar - In Reply on Jeremiah 4:23 - 2 years ago
    It is the prophet speaking.
  • Suze - In Reply on Genesis 19 - 2 years ago
    Fab post Mishael , thank you .
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes Fred , ALL things are possible with God , this is one of the reasons that we should not judge and condemn others ,it's not our place to put a limit on God's mercy and say to anyone ' you are going to hell ' . We are not God . We don't have the authority to judge and condemn others , we should be vessels of peace and love , we can warn others if we know that they are putting themselves at risk with their behaviours or beliefs but we must do it in love , our knowledge is finite , God's knowledge is infinite . Thanks for all your great posts , keep it up please , much love in Christ .
  • Helene - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Donna,

    I'm glad you posted this message and I hope she answers you because I pray for healing for LaTonya and your sister, Tasha everyday. God bless you.
  • S.W. on Isaiah 27 - 2 years ago
    Thank you for this wonderful commentary and website. I love the resources that have been gathered here and elsewhere on your website. The words give me so much hope and peace that our Creator is with us and can make peace ( Isaiah 27:5.)
  • Jennie - 2 years ago
    My husband went to be with the Lord a month ago.I know he. Is in a better place.But my heart is breaking.And I have cancer which is under control at this time. Praise God. There are many other issues, God knows what they are.Please pray for my family and myself. Thank you and God bless
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I've gone over Romans 9:22-23. First, in Verse 22, the word "fitted" is what is called the middle voice in Greek. That is, the vessel itself made itself a condition of a vessel for destruction. Nowhere in the text does it ever say God makes a good vessel for a vessel of destruction.

    Just like Judas Iscariot, he didn't become evil and filled with Satan because God says "You come here, I need to put Satan in you because I need somebody to be an evil disciple." The bible says he was evil already, and that Jesus literally chose, and that's what He said in John Chapter 6, "Haven't I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a demon." He needed somebody who was evil to fulfil the role of an evil disciple. But Judas was already evil.

    So a vessel fitted for destruction, and the word fitted means that the vessel conditions itself to be fitted for destruction. God doesn't do it. But once it's fitted for destruction, and it is a vessel of destruction, God uses it. He uses both honorable vessels and dishonorable vessels. He'll use them both for His glory and for His honor out of His choice.

    Proverb 16:4 does not lead me to believe that God predestines anyone to heaven or hell. It is true that God creates all things, and he uses both good and evil people for His purposes. Evil people are not evil because God made them evil. Evil is what they have chosen for themselves.

    The belief that God predestines people to heaven or hell would negate so many verses that show us that salvation is offered up and given to every single person who calls out to the Lord to have mercy on them and to save them. Even John 3:16, the verse everyone knows, that word "whosoever" would mean every single person.

    Something else to consider. If a person repents of their sin, surrenders their life to Christ, and is a true follower of Jesus Christ their entire life, but God has already "predestined" that person to hell, wouldn't that go against every doctrine that speaks of salvation? Vice Versa?
  • Steve Schoenberger - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Your question needs rephrased.

    Jesus was a Jew, lived under the Law and required his followers to follow the law.

    So, of-course you could find verses to say keep the sabbath or the Law.

    As was noted, Jesus fulfilled the law.

    You cannot choose to keep the sabbath without keeping the WHOLE Law according to scripture.

    Your question should have been: "What does Paul say about keeping the sabbath"

    Jesus set Paul to the us (Gentiles) to lay out the doctrines of living in grace.

    Paul tells us to not hold one day more important than another.

    Paul tells us we are not under the Law.

    When you have a doctrinal question about living to day, you must read Paul. (Rom-Philemon)

    Jesus was ministering to Israel during his earthly ministry (Compare Rom 15:8 with Rom 15:16)

    Jesus sent Paul to us.
  • Mary Jane Caldwell - 2 years ago
    Who was Enoch parents?
  • Lewis Talley - 2 years ago
    The Authorized King James Version of 1611 is the best ENGLISH translation. Other versions have all proven to be PERversions. If you applied yourself to your studies and learned to read in school, you can also apply your self, study, and understand the words of the AKJV. You may struggle a bit with the meaning, at times. But, if you have a Holy Ghost, he is the "Spirit of truth" and will help you understand that.

    The trouble starts when theologians with a college degree, but without the Holy Ghost, read the AKJV and try to understand it. That's what created all those PERversions -- theologians without the Holy Ghost to guide them "into all truth".
  • Steve Schoenberger - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Matt 7 is written to Israel not the body of Christ.

    Israel was in a covenant relationship with God.

    When Israel did things, God had committed himself to do things for them.

    Israel's guarantees from God were always "IF" you do "THEN'' i will do.

    In this age of Grace Paul tells us to expect bad times, persecution, trials. ect...

    The promise from Paul is GRACE while IN the trials.

    Paul never guarantees deliverance from trials in the age of grace.

    Confusion comes from mixing God's earthly program and God's heavenly programs.
  • Lewis Talley - 2 years ago
    Other English versions are PERversions! I have a Spanish & English bilingual version that is Reina Valera 1960 & Authorized KJV of 1611. The Reina Valera is the best Spanish version.
  • Rev. Don Meadows on Joshua 2 - 2 years ago
    A lesson on faith is hidden in this verse. The Jewish spies told Rahab that mercy would be shown to her and her family because of her assistance to them. There was one thing she had to do. She was to hang a scarlet scarf in her window to identify her house as under the protection against the coming of the Jewish military to destroy that city. Even as they made their way to safety she hung the scarf. Her faith in their promise was immediate. The invasion could happen at any moment. She wasted no time to effect the protection offered her. We, too, have been offered grace, through the blood of Jesus. His judgment could come at any moment. Don't delay accepting that grace. Be obedient. Give your status with God visibility for all to see. Woo your loved ones. Do not delay. What God has said will be done. You can't afford delay, for Christ could come to you at any time.We could go to the eternal God at any time.
  • Steve Schoenberger - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Wow, be careful with some of the advice you got from others here.

    We are not Israel.

    People sending you, a Gentile, to scriptures from the Old Testament that are written to Israel is wrong.

    You should be looking for your information in the Bible from your Apostle Paul.

    Jesus sent Paul to the Gentiles.

    Jesus was sent to Israel during his earthly ministry because he says so.

    We live in the age of grace, according to our Apostle Paul.

    The unforgiveable sin is not active today because the Holy Spirit is NOT working outwardly today like he was in the Acts period.

    Have you seen anyone struck dead lately for fudging on their finances?

    Suicide is a bad thing.

    Of-course it's not what God wants.

    Paul tells us God would have ALL MEN to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

    Suicide stops this process.

    Paul teaches salvation is secure because we are sealed by the Holy Spirit after believing the gospel of grace I Cro 15:1-4.

    The same Spirit that seals us as part of the body of Christ Eph 1:13-14.

    Suicide keeps us from fulfilling God's purpose for Christians today but NOTHING can remove us from the body of Christ.

    Sure you can find verses OUTSIDE of Paul's books that would teach differently.

    Paul is our Apostle today in the age of grace.

    There is no question that an unsaved person that commits suicide had sealed their fate.

    When a Christian to commits suicide, they loose their opportunity to live a life pleasing to God.

    They loose the opportunity to use God's building materials of Gold, Silver and Precious stones. I Cor 3.

    BUT, they cannot loose their salvation.
  • Steve Schoenberger - In Reply on Matthew 28:1 - 2 years ago
    Great question.

    The vast majority of Christianity will agree that we are to follow Jesus' earthly ministry as you ask.

    Then they will go on to pick and choose what things to follow.

    How do you think we got so many denominations today?

    Jesus said clearly he was only sent to Israel during his earthly ministry. ( Matt 10, Matt 15)

    Hardly anyone in Christianity believes this.

    The things you listed were directly to Israel, to whom he was ministering. (Compare Rom 15:8 and Rom 15:16)

    These things must be rightly divided.

    Jesus sent Paul to the Gentiles after Israel rejected their Messiah.

    This is because Israel was supposed to be a light to the Gentiles as seen in the OT.

    The things you listed cannot save us today.

    Salvation today is by grace through faith in the finished work of the cross, not works.

    Paul is our Apostle and Paul reveals the good news of the cross.

    Gods purpose for Israel is separate and distinct from the purpose he has for the body of Christ.

    Today Christianity has basically all moved to the allegorical interpretation of the Bible.

    The kingdom Jesus came to set up is Israel's earthly kingdom just like the OT teaches.

    Christianity has stolen this from Israel and spiritualized it to "Jesus ruling in our hearts"

    Learn to read your Bible literally and all these questions go away.
  • Steve Schoenberger - In Reply on 2 Timothy 2 - 2 years ago
    Not sure where you are getting those definitions?

    Even a very casual study shows the definition in 2 Tim 2:15 is "to cut straight"

    This is where you get the word for your Orthodontist who straightens your teeth.

    I think your reading too many people that don't like dispensationalists.

    All a dispensationalists does it take a literal stance on scripture.

    That is; to leave to Israel what the Bible gives to Israel.

    This is not complicated.

    The literal interpretation is the easiest one to find because you just let the words say what they say.

    All a right divider does is believe the Bible over the Seminary professors.

    Matt 10 and Matt 15 Jesus makes it clear he was not ministering to Gentiles.

    Jesus sent Paul to the Gentiles.

    We must rightly divide God 2 purposes in scripture.

    He has an earthly purpose for Israel, which is the earthly kingdom. (which they get after the tribulation)

    He has an Heavenly purpose for the body of Christ which is dominion in heavenly places.

    A dispensationalist does not need 2 Tim 2:15 to clearly show the truth of the literal interpretation of scripture.

    Obviously when there is such a clear verse though, why would you not show it to people.

    Compare Rom 15:8 with Rom 15:16.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Doug..Well said GBU
  • David - 2 years ago
    requesting prayer today for me and my family
  • Prodigal Son - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me formy strength that Jesus take deliver me from drugs Alcohol and self hate depression that I will be able to forgive my self from the past.Also pray that God bring my family back together Amen
  • Street preacher - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes it is. It's about the Godhead ( Romans 1)

    All those verses that say, Let Us.., Or, Who Will Go For Us?"

    It's about Alpha and Omega; beginning and the End. It is about Jesus's birth, life, death, ministry on earth; death on the Cross, and resurrection.

    In 2 Peter 3, God is going to re-create this planet as it was in Genesis. But first it must be purified by fire. We'll be in heaven then. We'll live for thousands of years and not be old, in pain or sad.
  • Romance and Marriage_ Gods Perfect Will - In Reply - 2 years ago
    When a man and woman are married, they become ONE. Their souls are knit together.

    Conversely, when we sleep with several people, our souls have ties that were broken. We suffer for it. We need ministry with Pastor or Pastors wife to help us be freed and healed.

    Many of us after a bad breakup with someone we loved deeply; are left feeling torn, deep in our soul.

    Satan hopes we will turn to the bottle or drugs, and turn away from Christ Jesus for our healing. Jesus sees outside of time (alpha-omega). He can be called on for healing of those ties. He waits for us to come to Him to ask for healing. Ask and Receive,

    I went through this myself. We have to admit we made a mistake. Repent. We pray to be healed. Hod crated them ONE. He can heal us of that tear in our soul.

    Let us come to Jesus and be healed. We have a wedding in heaven to attend someday.

    Also while we are on this earth, treat dating and marriage as they did in Jesus's day. Be betrothed 1 year. Send out the wedding Invitations. By keeping it pure, we receive the blessing for doing so.

    I wish I had known this 60 years ago.

  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi dear "Phil Hosey" yes he said it to the Jews. Exodus 8-11

    But it is probably good for a person to take / get a day off. Do not slave around and be bound to earthly things. And we have taken Sunday off for many years now. The authorities are behind and take away all Christian holidays these days. The ones we have at least had for 2000 years!

    That which you have faith for live in it, see it and be in it. For everything you do that is not of faith is sin. Romans 14:23 And if your profession dictates Sunday work day, what are you going to do then be fired?

    Here Paul writes to the Galatians, stern words. But they are for us too. Galatians 3. Then do everything to the glory of God and remember that the law crucified Jesus when He rose again on the third day. Jesus loves u, love you in Christ. It fulfills the whole law, Amen Stay strong in Gods word.
  • Monalisa - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Father God, in Jesus's name, I lift Sally and her husband, Felix, before Your throne. I ask and give thanks to You to grant Your mighty help and aid for each of them to endure the trying time that is facing them. Satan would sift them as wheat, try to shake them so violently that they would fail, but I pray for them both, that their faith fail not, in Jesus's name. He who has begun a good work in you will perform it till the day of Christ. I pray they will grab hold of Your will to endure and not ever let go. amen.
  • Who is the Schoolmaster? - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Galatians 3:23-29

    The LAW was our schoolmaster until, FAITH CAME.

    Jesus came to fulfil all of the Law.

    Church is whenever the doors are open and services are taking place. As often as Church is open, you can attend.

    (Note:I don't debate this. People ask this question all of the time. If we aren't free of the Schoolmaster, then we are still under the Law.)

  • Zaibunnisa Driesel on Psalms 138 - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me and my son's Mario and Ismail healings from enemy's evils force. Thanks Q very much may GOD Bless You
  • Chris - In Reply on Jeremiah 4:23 - 2 years ago
    That's not a stupid question Kathy, as quite often when a prophet of God makes an utterance, he does so as he hears God speak to him, or he is moved in spirit, or even by a vision, and sometimes all of these are mixed in together within the chapters.

    Here in Jeremiah 4:23-26, we read the words, "I beheld". And this tells us that Jeremiah was given a vision of impending disaster so it was Jeremiah himself that made these utterances. A disaster so great, that it would be likened to the state of the Earth before God made it habitable for living creatures ( Genesis 1:2). And then the LORD speaks in verse 27, "For thus hath the LORD said (speaking of the coming judgement), The whole land shall be desolate; yet will I not make a full end." Even though the Earth (the land that Judah inhabited) will be destitute of vitality, of light, & of living creatures, God would not annihilate it altogether. For one day in the future, Judah would return to their land.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Lord Jesus for Your fantastic Kingdom above all, i humbly thank You for all prayers and especially E here. Those who swing with the Sword of God, can move mountains in Your name Lord. Let us all pray and for one another as it is written in Your Word. Hallelujah Lord Your kingdom is so great that there are no borders. Also, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth with all prayers and answers to prayer, eternally grateful in Your Holy Name Jesus Christ we pray forever. Amen Luke 9:27-36
  • ANGELS, HUMANS, SATAN, DEMONS - In Reply - 2 years ago
    When God created Lucifer and the other angels; Lucifer coveted Gods Throne for himself.

    He and the 1/3 of the angels he led a rebellion with once were called the "sons of God". After they were thrown to Earth for rebellion; Lucifers name was changed to Satan.

    Scripture says that angels do not reproduce.

    These angels were NOT HUMAN. Earth was created for Humans. So the evil angels had no bodies. They were evil spirits. See Ephesians 6

    In time humans multiplied. The evil spirits invaded human males. They were able to marry human women.

    This is the real reason for Noah's ark and the Flood.

    The bloodline of Jesus must not be mingled with the fallen angels. The Apocrypha does mention giants. The Bible mentions "Inhabitants". I believe they were not human; or might be half humans.

    Someone can study that in the Greek or Hebrew, and find out why they were called INHABITANTS.

    Long story shorter: humans that are born again Christians cannot be in-dwelled with evil spirits.

    In time God sent Gabriel to tell Mary she's going to conceive. She grew with child and she was still a Virgin. Joseph knew it to be true.

    Whether we accept it as reality, there are evil human beings having children that are born evil. Ephesians mentions principalities, powers; witches and humans that worship these creatures of hell. Antichrist and False Prophet will be possessed fully. They hate humans. They're on the earth. So keep yourself pure of these beings. Be born again, and baptized by the Holy Spirit.

    Follow Jesus Christ. Read His Story in the Bible. We're about to see the born again taken to heaven: deceased or alive now. All the Christians graves will be opened. Only evil or unsaved humanity will remain on earth. I'm not making this stuff up. God intends to lock Satan up for 1000 years; later_forever in the Lake of Fire.

    CHOOSE JESUS NOW. Time is running out. Jesus will appear in the clouds of heaven. Look up. We will see it with our eyes.

    Street preacher
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Ruth. Genesis chapter 1 to Genesis 2:2, tell us that God was involved in His Creative Work over a six day period. And on the following day, He "rested from all his work that he had made". Since there were no days of the week named, as we have now (Sunday, Monday, etc.), the indication was that God worked on the first six days & on the seventh day, His work stopped. So, according to our calendar, Sunday is the first day of the week (even as we see in Acts 20:7; John 20:1), therefore Saturday becomes the seventh day, or the Jewish Sabbath Day (i.e. from Friday evening to Saturday evening).

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