All Discussion PAGE 1050

  • Streetpreacher - In Reply on John 12 - 2 years ago
    Thank you so much for your encouragement. I needed to hear that. Blessings and Favor, according to Gods Word.
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Denise, I too have experienced what you're going through. In my case, the root cause was not doing His will, and as soon as I started denying myself I began to conquer in Jesus these feelings of worthlessness and disgust, etc.

    Psalms 139:23, 24 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

    1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    Psalm 25:4 Show me thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.

    Bless you!
  • The Hurt of Seeing the World Ending. - In Reply - 2 years ago
    We don't intend to sin. We don't practice sinning. Almost everyone fails-some days. We pray and get it under the Blood of Jesus. He cleansed us.

    If we run to Jesus no matter if our emotions are all over the place-He will forgive us.

    FAITHFUL is HE that promised.

    A burden for a lost world of people__could be a call to pray for them; or evangelize.

    The Prodigal Son story Jesus told a room full of sinners and harlots; healed or saved many of them; including Matthew and Peter.

    Matthew was a picture of the younger brother; and Peter the oldest brother.

    Read the Gospels, Jesus's Stories and study his responses.

    HIS LIFE changed the whole world. It still is, through us. God gave each of us a Testimony. Like the Disciples and the people who traveled with Jesus; we all have a unique perception of Jesus.

    I read Romans 1, and see what Jesus showed Paul__and I just see a lot of people going to hell; and they don't have to, ever. Find Jesus's heart. He ever lives to intercede for His SAINTS. That's us :D

    We, in turn, pray for lost people on earth Sometimes I pray; sometimes I cryto the Lord of the Harvest.

    God bless you and send an angel to you for protection and favor. Listen to some Terry Talbot songs. Angels love Jesus and praise music. Driving in traffic with angry people is not my favorite thing to do. According to Joel 2, Lord, may this one be a handmaiden. Holy Spirit pleas come alongside to comfort, heal, and Teach.

    Amen, Streetpreacher
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear friend in Jesus Christ, i will pray for your needs, stay strong. John 6
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    John 8:3-12,

    Jesus said "go and sin no more"

    Galatians 5:19-25, 2Peter 2:9, 1Corinthians 6:8-11, Romans 6:16-23, Romans 8, Romans 13:9-14,

    Hopefully these are all helpful
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Lord God in the holy name of Jesus Christ. "Colleen L" asks for forgiveness for driving and being drunken, Lord. That she has done such an act and put her own life in danger and not least the lives of others will never happen again Lord Jesus. She bends her heart and knees in reverence for You Lord. You who should have all the glory for all things. Pleace forgive "Colleen L". In Your name Jesus Christ we take this rebellious spirit and bind it in the abyss to the day when You Lord and Master will set everything in order. You Jesus do not allow such actions in Your kingdom. She asks that You Lord find a way out of this disability she has caused. Thank you for empowering her spirit and body to never touch the car again after drinking. She will honor Your Holy Name for the rest of her life Amen

    John 7
  • Michele on Matthew 24 - 2 years ago
    Its true we are in the last days but 1000 years is a day to our heavenly Father..not man's time but Fathers time.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Lord Jesus, we put on your armor every time we pray for others. Ephesians 6:10-20 So that we do not fall into temptation ourselves. We know Lord that You are Lord of all things / life / in spirit soul and body. She will always call on Your Holy name and give You Lord herr glory. You will strengthen my sister Denise to spirit soul and body. Give her power from on high, according to Your word that she have received. Hear her prayer Lord she who will do good for others in Your Holy name Jesus Christ. Amen

    John 7
  • Street preacher - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Jesus loves you, and so do I, brother!

  • Free - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Dear God, Father in Heaven, we worship in Jesus Christ the holy name and we pray in the name that is above all other names. We honor Jesus Christ. We raise our voice to You today Lord and if it is Your will You will meet all Andrew's prayer topics.

    Fill those he loves with love all the way to the brink Lord, so that they feel that he loves them all. Andrew will always in gratitude honor and love His God Jesus Christ, Amen.

    John 7:10-24
  • Andrew on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    I'm ready to watch what I need to watch
  • Andrew on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Please protect my mom's

    Tell her I love her more than she knows.

    Tell my family and friend I love them more than they know
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Psalms 23 - 2 years ago
    Casting out demons,

    Jesus gave instruction, I'm not aware of scripture in the Psalms specified for that. But David who is accredited as author of many of the Psalms written in the Bible, was able to have an evil spirit leave Saul, by playing music. 1Samuel 16, however this seems different, because note: 1Samuel 16:14, 1Samuel 15, note 1Samuel 15:23,

    Please read & study these:

    Mark 1:34,39, Mark 3:14-15, Matthew 12:28, Luke 11:20, Mark 16:9, Matthew 8:16, Luke 4:14, Luke 8:2, Matthew 28:18-20,

    Jude 1:2-10, note: Jude 1:9, Acts 19:13-17, Matthew 12:39-45, Luke 11:14-26,

    Mark 6:7-13, Luke 9:49-50,

    Matthew 10:8, Mark 16:17,

    Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:17-29,

    James 1:2-7, Luke 11:1-13,

    Hopefully these are all helpful
  • Andrew on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Please protect my mom's

    Tell her I love her more than she knows.

    Tell my family and friend I love them more than they know
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 8 - 2 years ago
    Hello Deborah. I had to do a little research on the Gobekli Tepe & from it I learned that there are a couple of reasons why it cannot be associated with the altar that Noah built ( Genesis 8:20). This Noahic altar would have been very primitive, using the material in the area to construct something large enough to sacrifice several clean beasts & fowls. Whereas the ruins of the Gobekli Tepe indicate it was once an elaborate temple, with its scattered building blocks covering an extended area. I doubt whether Noah would have wanted to construct an 'altar' so large so as to be used for worship as well. It seemed more likely that he wanted to speedily offer sacrifices of thanksgiving to the LORD Who brought him, his family & animals through the deluge.

    Secondly, when placing both Mt. Ararat & the Gobekli Tepe on a map, I find that Ararat is at the very eastern edge of present day Turkey, bordering Iran & Armenia. Whereas, the Gobekli Tepe was located & examined six miles from Urfa at the southern end of Turkey, near the Syrian border. Without using a scale, my guess is that the distance would be approx. 420 miles between the two. So this also might prove that Noah would not have travelled this distance or more, with the absence of roads, to build an altar.

    Do you have any compelling evidence to the contrary? Or maybe others have thoughts on this.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please read Psalms 37, Matthew 25:31-46, Romans 14:12,

    Take heart sister, GOD knows & it's all through the Bible that HE cares about how people are treated. Especially in HIS Church: Matthew 23:13

    Matthew 23, Mark 7:6, John 15:18, Matthew 7:15-27,

    Read Also: Romans 12, whole chapter

    Hopefully these help & encourage you, also guide you to keep on smiling & blessing,
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    You are very welcome. I guess the question came up at the right time. Isn't it amazing how the Lord works? All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ!
  • Chris - In Reply on Isaiah 44 - 2 years ago
    Hello Vera. Cyrus is a Persian King, whom the LORD God had chosen & appointed to release His people from captivity. You might remember, that Judah went into Babylonian captivity, while Israel went into Assyrian captivity. The prophet Isaiah who prophesied during the reign of Judah's Kings Hezekiah & Manasseh, some 150 years earlier, clearly proclaimed that a future Persian king called Cyrus would be instrumental in releasing God's people. Under the Babylonian kings, Judah found no respite, but God had planned that Cyrus would overthrow Babylon & eventually release the people.

    Isaiah 44:28 refers to Cyrus as God's shepherd. Though 'shepherd' is used to denote one who leads & guides a flock, here for Cyrus, God uses this name as Cyrus would be the one to not only release the people but would ensure that they made it home. And as God's chosen, Cyrus would be specially raised to not only destroy the city & the kingdom of Babylon, but also in delivering the Jewish captives & rebuilding Jerusalem & the Temple.

    Is then Cyrus "a form of Christ?" As far as a saviour (one who saves) goes, yes, because he was God's instrument to save His people from captivity. But could Cyrus ever accomplish what Jesus Christ has done for us? Clearly, No. Because Jesus not only rescued us out of the clutches of our enemy Satan, but secured God's forgiveness for us & giving us a new Spirit & a new life; Cyrus could never do all that for he was just a man, a heathen sinner at that. But Cyrus was merely a shadow & a revelation of the Power of God in the lives of the God-fearing & godless. God can choose whomever He wishes to accomplish His Plans, but only Jesus could fulfil that great Plan for the saving of mankind's wretched soul.
  • Daniel - 2 years ago
    Hello!! please pray for donald carbello erica stearns to receive gods love into their hearts..thankyou
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Hi Fabian. Not two sets of people here. Though you're correct that Genesis 1:26,27 speaks generally about the creation of man & woman (showing the order of God's creative Work for each day of creation). But when we get to chapter 2, we read first that God rested on the seventh day "from all his work which God created and made." In other words, all of God's creative Work completed in those six days & so in chapter 2, verses 4 onwards, expands on a part of that creative work in chapter 1.

    Genesis 2:4, "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens". "Generations" in the Hebrew can also mean 'account, order of begettings'. So in chapter 2, we're reading more detail of chapter 1, specific to the development of mankind. In Genesis 1:11,12, we read that God created the plants, but it seems that they were still sub-terranean, until man was created to till the ground & the mist sent by God to water them, then they began to grow. And of course, we read that man needed someone to help him & be a companion to him, hence the creation of Eve.

    So, I read Genesis chapter 2 as an expansion of Genesis chapter 1 (the sixth day of creation), highlighting the need for cultivation & tending of God's plants, which man was appointed to do. Of course, mankind would eventually do much much more than being confined to farming work, but for Adam & Eve at that time, that was their sole responsibility.
  • Adam - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago

    There aren't two sets of people. Some confuse broad overview statements with detailed statements. For example, if someone told me "I was just in a car wreck! Someone hit me from the rear and broke my fender."

    I could say to that person, "You were in two car wrecks? You just said you were already in a wreck in sentence 1, then in sentence 2 someone else hit you from the rear? Are you being truthful?"

    And some use this assumption to falsely discredit the Bible. The misunderstanding is in how people deliver information. For instance Gen 1:1 is an overall thesis type statement of what happened. A broad overview. Then it goes back into detail of how it happened. Someone could use this to falsely assume that God was already done creating in verse 1, then proceeded to create even more earths. I hope you understand the point I am making about how people present information in a broad overview and then detail. It does not mean it is more than one thing, but a method of how people convey info. This occurs through the Bible- many examples. It also occurs in most stories and books. God bless.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Jesse,

    I needed this information about Timothy! Your post is very timely for me.
  • Using the Search Engine on this Website - 2 years ago
    Explore the Bible Study Tools on this website. Read commentaries ON HERE or read commentaries on Google. Just type scripture verse and type, 'commentary' or 'history', or 'Teaching' or Meaning.

    The Holy Spirit is your TEACHER. Ask Him. ( John 3) If you'll sit still long enough and be quiet, you will get answers.

    PRAY and ask for a TEACHABLE spirit.

    Get a KJV Study Bible that has Center of Each page, reference columns: with the abc notes imbedded within the scriptures. Those send you to other scriptures that EXPAND the meanings or reveal a prophesy.

    Back Arrow out of this room TO THE Search Box. Go to the top.

    Put a scripture in it or just a word (like worms) hit the arrow. The search engine will pull up ALL verses with 'worms' in it.

    Touch or click the verse and it will highlight yellow.

    Scroll downward to the Commentary Box. Click that. It will show you what the scholars interpret that scripture to mean.

    If there isn't one, then exit and do the same thing on GOOGLE. Type the scripture and spell out: "Commentary, or History, or Teaching or meaning

    Questions answered. It makes studying fun and interesting.

    You cannot get lost. Use the back arrow or just exit this site and come right back in Again.

    There's a quickie link from KJV to Google to help you find a scripture you're unsure about. Access that through the SEARCH BOX. Like: "Many are called but few are chosen."

    Learn to study! For yourselves. Share what you find, on here. IT IS FUN! God speaks to us through His Word.

    When you sit down to study: you pray: "I HAVE THE SAME MIND OF CHRIST !!" I receive it by faith right now. God watches over His Word To Perform it.

    Habakkuk 2:2-4.

    You will find your Identity in the Bible.

    You gotta get plugged into the Holy Spirit. Depend on Him. Pursue Him. Be quiet and Listen To Him.
  • WHAT JESUS GIVES TO US (TO FABIAN) - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible.

    Read slow. An event may be written in chapter 1, and more added in the next chapter.

    Adams name means Man, in Hebrew.

    Eve's name defines in Hebrew, man with a womb.

    He was Formed from dust. She was Made from a rib.

    Nothing is said about Adam being made with a womb inside of him.

    It's easier to understand if we pay close attention to what God was doing (verbs). He created, He formed, He made, He took, He blew the breath of life, He spoke

    I had to learn that in Genesis; not to speed read.

    We need to follow bloodlines through a Genealogy charts.

    As it is done now, people reuse the same names. Jesus's bloodline was through Adam & Eve's 3rd son, Seth.

    Someday a human baby would be born and called Immanuel (GOD WITH US). By the time we get to Luke 1, here we see that Mary consents to the plan of the Godhead (LET US, in Genesis 1:26) She is overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. Joseph was not the body father. He and Mary had no relations; they waited until AFTER the birth of Jesus.

    Jesus was fully God (Godhead; Romans 1:20), and fully human. He had DNA.

    Why did it happen this way? EARTH WAS CREATED FOR MAN. Only humans can have dominion on earth. Satan had no dominion to be on earth. He had no body and took a serpents body to tempt Adam and Eve. Adam lost the dominion to satan.

    On the Cross, Jesus won back that dominion and gave it back to humans. He gave His Believers (Christians) also, His Power and Authority to speak, heal, raise the dead, lead to salvation; BIND the activity of satan in human lives. If we aren't taught that, we live like orphans and get entangled in sin, frequently.

    If our lives hurt, are confused, addicted to alcohol, drugs, porn, etc. Either we are not saved at all, or do not know what we have as believers in Jesus.

    Ephesians 6, our satanic enemies are invisible. "Their fruit" exposes them: confusion, fear, torments, hatred, envy, they are illegal on earth!!
  • Sandi - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    People created here on Earth (human/mortal) & Celestial beings (Original/immortal)
  • Sandi - 2 years ago
    Unsure, seems like peoples belief that Jesus' suffering gave people/everyone thereafter a licence to be terrible and forget fundamentals ... of niceness
  • Alex N - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 12:7 - 2 years ago
    Hiya Jesse Gbu...But Jesse the book in the right hand of the Father has not been opened yet which contains the living words of God...The book contains living words which are living Spirits which are the Children of PROMISE..The H.G. Plural which is the multiplication of very God...An Israel of God...Thats what Jesus was talking bout when he said that which is born of the spirit is spirit...The words of that book are not paper and ink but Spirits and life...Living beings that are gona be born in us that hear his Words his seeds,..As Jesus is the bridegroom and the sower of that living word/ seeds Thus a baby Christ....Thus the woman in Rev 12 is the world and her Children Gods

    ....In the volume of the book it is written of me i delight to do thy will O God...What is Gods will, that Christ might be multiplied as the stars of heaven and putting the very kingdom of God in the hearts of humanity...But this requires seed living seeds. the very seeds of God...Thus the contents of the book ( the volume of the book ) are the living WORDS/seeds as Jesus said the good seeds are the Words of God.

    .....We have not heard all the words of God ( Prophesy ) yet..Simply b/c the book has not been opened yet..Remember what God told DANIEL go thy way Daniel these Words are closed up and sealed till the time of the END....The Book has not been unsealed just yet...Thus the words of wonder that God spoke of are not here just yet. They All sang a new song after the book was opened....The Kingdom is not here just yet...When the woman births the Children ( the manchild that is gonna rule all nations ) of the kingdom then we can say the Kingdom is here....But 1 thing for sure is the Kingdom does not come till the woman births the Children of Promise,..The Prophetic living words of the Book,..Revelations 12 : 10 kjv...That Israel of God. y are they the Israel of God b/c they are the contents of the BOOK in the Fathers right hand....In the volume of the book it is written of me . GBU
  • D W L - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Read it again it's very simple and plain. God made Adam then took a rib from Adam and made woman a male and female. To be his helpmate, and told them to be fruitful and MULTIPLY.

    Not being smart but it's so simple. Bless you
  • Humble servant - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Keeping the Holy day of rest is one of the 10 commandments. The day of rest is the LAST day of the week, not the first. The holy day of rest was created for the children of The Most High GOD, the children wasn't created for the Holy day. Read a little bit of scripture everyday. Even if you don't understand it, keep going. Don't give up. Pray and ask for understanding. In time you'll begin to understand more and more of what you're reading. I suggest you start with new testament, the book of John. After you start craving more of Our Heavenly Father's word, and you will. I recommend you read the old testament as well. The first 5 books in scripture are where you'll fine GOD's instructions for life, including keeping the Sabbath day holy. Remember the old testament and the new were always meant to be kept as one whole, just as the Father and Son are one, so is the whole scripture. YAH bless you and may MESSIAH and The Holy Spirit be with you and teach you as you push forward to HIS truth!
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Paul wrote two letters to Timothy who was pastoring the church in Ephesus. Timothy's name is mentioned 24 times in the New Testament. Timothy was from Lystra and he was saved during Paul's first missionary journey ( Acts 14:19-20; Acts 16:1-2)

    His mother Eunice, and his grandmother Lois, were godly Jewish women. In fact, Timothy was taught the Old Testament scriptures since he was a little boy. So he has a scriptural background. Timothy was about 15-years-old when he first met Paul. And when Paul writes his letter to Timothy, he's approximately 35. So he has spent approximately 20 years with Paul in ministry learning.

    Even though Timothy's mother and grandmother were godly Jewish women, his father was a pagan Greek. ( Acts 16:1; 2 Timothy 1:5). Timothy was raised hearing Old Testament Scriptures. ( 2 Timothy 3:14-15). He joined Paul, along with Silas and Luke, during second missionary trip. ( Acts 16:3).

    Paul had Timothy circumcised so that he might have the freedom to preach the gospel in Jewish synagogues. ( Acts 16:3; 1 Corinthians 9:20). He could not do that unless he was circumcised. Timothy was ordained by Paul and the Presbytery. ( 1 Timothy 4:14; 2 Timothy 1:6). He accompanies Paul on his third missionary trip. ( Acts 19:22; Acts 20:4; 2 Corinthians 1:1, 1:19).

    Timothy ministered in at least five churches as Paul's representative:

    1) Thessalonica ( 1 Thessalonians 3:2, 3:6)

    2) Corinth ( 1 Corinthians 4:17; 16:10; 2 Corinthians 1:19)

    3) Philippi ( Philippians 2:19-23)

    4) Berea ( Acts 17:14)

    5) Ephesus ( 1 Timothy 1:3)

    Timothy was with Paul during Paul's first imprisonment ( Philippians 1:1; Colossians 1:1; Philemon 1:1) and went to Philippi after Paul's release. ( Philippians 2:19-23). Timothy was around 35-years of age when Paul wrote I Timothy. Timothy also suffered imprisonment. ( Hebrews 13:23).

    Hope this helps!

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