All Discussion PAGE 1068

  • Douglas Borchard - 2 years ago
    Would like to have a group discussion on Revelation & Daniels 70th Week, if anyone would like to?
  • Helene - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi April,

    Thank you for sharing your awesome news. It actually made me cry that the Lord answered our prayer for you. I guess I was shedding tears of joy for you. It took me by surprise. I'm very happy for you. May God continue to bless you and your family.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Douglas Borchard,

    This prophecy gives the precise time of the first coming of the Messiah. You will receive different understandings of this, it is a study that will take much time. this is just a little information you may use to help your study.

    Many put the last week of this prophecy at the end times. It is used for the 7 years of tribulation, a peace treaty with the antichrist (he in verse 27) for 3 1/2 years then 3 years of great tribulation with the taking of the church somewhere between (pre, mid, post).

    "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, (70 weeks, 70 x 7 = 490 solar years or 483 prophetic years) on the house of Israel (Daniel's people) and the holy city (Jerusalem). It started from "the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem", make a note, that the rebuilding of the temple is not in this prophecy.

    Here are a few verses that may help your study and if this prophecy has been fulfilled or not.

    1. To finish the transgression Isaiah 53:5, 8 Isaiah 53:11 Hebrews 9:15-18

    2. To make an end of sins Matthew 1:21 Hebrews 10:8-11 John 1:29 1 Corinthians 15:3

    1 John 3:5 Psalm 32 Romans 8:3

    3. To make reconciliation for iniquity Colossians 1:20-22 Isaiah 53:6 Isaiah 53:11 Ephesians 2:16 ( Titus 2:14 2 Corinthians 5:18-19

    4. To bring in everlasting righteousness Romans 5:17-21 Romans 3:21-26 1Peter 2:24

    2 Corinthians 5:21 Isaiah 61:10-11

    5. To seal up vision and prophecy Daniel 9:23 John 6:27 Mark 1:14-15 Acts 3:18

    John 5:36-40 Matthew 11:11-15

    6. To anoint the most holy Hebrews 8:1-12 Hebrews 9:6-14

    The six things that were determined on Daniel's people and the holy city in this 70-week prophecy; did the Messiah/Jesus fulfill?

    God bless,

  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please Lord enrich Leslie with spiritual discernment and encouragement. Please Holy Spirit continually fill Leslie with Your spiritual gifts that she will be a testimony for God

    Please consider reading: John 16:33, Psalms 118:8, Psalms 91, 1 John 5:14-15, and 1 Chronicle's 4:10.
  • Helene - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Donna,

    I'm so sorry to read about the loss of your only son. How heartbreaking that must feel. To answer your questions, first you must give your heart & soul to the Lord. This website has a prayer for you - Link. Once you accept the Lord into your heart you become a righteous child of God's. He will gladly hear and answer your prayers, according to His will. It doesn't matter how you pray, just do it and draw closer to the Lord. Also, get yourself a bible and read God's word. Finally, get involved in a good church that teaches the Word. May the grace of God bless you in this time of sorrow.
  • Douglas Borchard - 2 years ago
    View points on Daniels 70th Week?
  • LESLIE - 2 years ago
    I would like to request prayer for understanding. I know the devil is the author of confusion and I'm very confused in my mind. almost trapped there. I am seeking the truth of god's will in my life and understanding for the road I need to walk.
  • Douglas Borchard - In Reply on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 2 years ago
    The two witnesses show up at the time when the antichrist causes the abomination of desolation, between the 5th Seal and the 6th Seal and that is also when the Great Tribulation starts.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    My best advice is pray for your brother. God may very well use him to reveal shortcomings on your part; but you need to sift through the truth and eliminate either judging yourself in an overly harsh manner or holding resentment to this brother. Prayer would also help to assess his motives as to whether he is actually concerned about you or just trying to be self righteous to cover other errors in his own life. If there is no "iron sharpening iron" but mainly one sided criticism perhaps you should try to reduce time spent with him. The other issue is how much of this if any affects directly commitments made with him directly; or any social circles that you and he share as joint ministry commitments.

    Hope that gets you started in the right direction.

    Agape. Rich P
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Ephesians 4 - 2 years ago
    Dear Donya: The passage in Ephesians 4 is one passage; 1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12:6 are others. Laying on of hands is indicated in 1 and 2 Timothy as well.

    When we see the fruits of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22 we find something which should characterize believers in our new nature. To grow to maturity; we need to have this going on along with the supernatural manifestations with our character development as well. The fact that the greatest of all things is love sort of sums everything up. Also; the fact that edification of the Body is a primary purpose for gifts ( Eph 4:11-12); as well as putting the fear of God in people ( 2 Cor. 14:22) doesn't eliminate the fact that it is better to have a clear message; as well as the fact that all our works are meaningless; even martyrdom without love. Tongues are one of those tricky issues; I am not a cessationist myself; but also realize that almonst nowhere I've been has there been interpretations of tongues; and certainly not consistently. Such a gift I believe in prayer is for self-edification; and in corporate worship for the sake of others in the Body. Discernment is surely underrated and sorely needed today; but many who are immature or tares ignore the sober warnings of those who can perceive intrusions of the enemy in the midst of the assembly. Building up one another in our society of "rugged individualism" doesn't seem to have much importance; hence we have a prosperity gospel which is shallow in doctrine; and manifestations which often are clearly demonic with rolling on the floor; and other uncontrolled behaviours. Keeping in mind John 16:8 as to the affects of a TRUE influx of the Spirit of God is a sobering reminder we need to heed to. As to Prophetic words; a warning of a famine or death such as in Paul's case isn't exactly a "politically correct" utterance; nonetheless true Prophets aren't out to tickle men's ears. And the giver of the gifts must always take prescidence over the gifts.
  • Douglas Borchard - In Reply on Revelation 1 - 2 years ago
    The one thing that we have to remember is that GOD can be in many different places at once. And Jesus Christ was GOD manifested in the flesh. So it wouldn't be impossible for everyone to see him at the same time all over the world in the clouds.
  • Hanna on 2 Samuel 22 - 2 years ago
    What's everyones opinion on sex before marriage?
  • D W L - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I agree no one should raise children under those conditions if possible. But let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to their only companion. Matthew 9:18
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Gerry , Proverbs Ch 15 V 1 , there is a saying ' kill them with kindness ' , no not literally smiley face , I have found that when some one is a bit sharp with me I try very hard to reply to them kindly and meekly , more often than not , this makes them aware of their own sharpness and they are usually embarrassed , give it a go , maybe he was just having a bad day ?
  • Thelma Spangler on Job 2 - 2 years ago
    We hired a carpet company to lay 3 rooms of carpet. The worker came. Upon the 1st day he was very late and made many excuses. He assured me that his children were his first priority. The 2 day same thing. I stayed there until 9 pm making sure he wouldn't leave so he could finish the work. 3 day same thinglate but he finished the job. His 25 years of experience didn't show. His work was unsatisfactory. What does the Bible say about this?
  • Carolyn Walker - 2 years ago
    I would like to know what all of you think about Shepards Chapel? When I ran across it I thought well I have found a Preacher that is straight up and in it help all of us and then I saw where they are not good and preach the Bible the way they see it. Just wondered if anyone knows the real truth about them? Thank you and God Bless.
  • Anonymous Anonymous - 2 years ago
    Please pray God provide the husband he has for me. Pray for an abundance of faith and redeeming love.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    This is an outstanding observation in my opinion. Such is the nature; of many prosperity preachers today who invoke the name of Jesus but want to live their way with greed; adultery and other such sins and expect God's blessings to occur. What has to be assessed is the state of their souls in general if they are truly saved (in the case of Pharaoh clearly NOT); and whether they are asking to satisfy their own lusts ( James 4:3). This pattern also shows up with the Pharisees who think because they are the physical descendants of Abraham somehow they are God's children. It also is sort of illustrated with Judas Iscariot and in fact; all the tares who want to benefit from the influence of being in the presence of Jesus; but ultimately when confronted with their own sinful state only want to avoid the CONSEQUENCES rather than admit to offending a Holy God. Such is the case for the unregenerate who will bow down and acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord on Judgment Day but alas; too late for their souls to be saved.

    Those who are in this temporal state such as the rich man (unnamed) in the parable Jesus told with Lazarus correctly pointing out certain verses (albeit with their own twist) on God's financial blessings. In their case; it is likely Satan who provides such benefits; whether through their own inheritance; or ill gotten gains through the world financial system or ripping people off. The pagans often would credit their false gods for their prosperity; with some fearing the true God while simultaneously worshipping idols. There is no indication that Moses blessed Pharaoh; he seemed to admit powerlessness over the plagues but whenever there was relief his heart would immediately harden. He also admitted he had sinned at one point; but clearly showed no sign of true repentance. These bargaining games with God clearly show man attempting to gain favor by his own righteousness; but pride comes before a fall. Such vainglory clearly does not bless a man
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I think that the best example of faith is Mary when she was pregnant she had the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen....Mary was not impregnated by the written word but by the living Word the H.G....As Jesus was the living word made flesh and blood.... Hebrews 12 :22 Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for ( that new born babe desiring the sincere milk of the word the H.G. ) and the evidence of things not seen a baby Christ the H.G the Child of PROMISE...As Jesus said that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit which is the H.G. The Child of Promise....As faith comes by hearing the word that good seed that initiates a birth of Christ in us the Son of Man...Even in the natural a pregnancy has to precede a Birth...Thats y he has to know us thats when the good seed is gona be sown in our hearts which establishes faith..the KiNGDOM...Unless ya receive the Kingdom as lil Child..a baby Christ you will in no wise enter there in.

    ....This New Covenant is a birthing Covenant...Thats y Jesus told Nic. a Jew a teacher of the law he had to be the only thing that plzs God is a New Creature....Not Circumcision nor uncircumcision but a new creature which is the H.G. that Child of Promise that is the result of his seed his Breath which was his word...His breath was his words which are his seeds that form a baby Christ in us the H.G...The babes and suckling he mentions...unless ya receive the kingdom of God as a lil Child etc

    .....B/C i have spoken these words ( his seeds ) sorrows have filled your hearts...When a woman is in travail she has Sorrows but after the Child comes her Sorrows are turned in to Joy.. John 16 :21-23 kjv...Outa the mouths of babes and sucklings thou has perfected Praise...Which is the H.G. that CHILD of Promise.... Isaiah 11 : 6... A lil Child is gonna lead them..Which is the H.G. that Child of Promise....Plz Note the KINGDOM does not come till the woman births the manchild the result of FAITH VIA HIS WORDS...OK
  • Mastersaroj on Ecclesiasticus 1 - 2 years ago
    Thanks o my lord, god.amen
  • Marke on Lamentations 3:22 - 2 years ago
    This passage shows God's purification process in the life of every believer. When troubles come to born-again Christians they are the will of God and for the purpose of God to perfect the child of God.

    A great hymn that incorporates the meaning of Lamentations 3 is "How firm a foundation."


    "How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,

    Is laid for your faith in His excellent word!

    What more can He say than to you He hath said,

    To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?"


    "Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismayed,

    For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid;

    I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,

    Upheld by My righteous, omnipotent hand."


    "When through the deep waters I call thee to go,

    The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow;

    For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,

    And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress."


    "When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,

    My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;

    The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design

    Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine."


    "E'en down to old age all My people shall prove

    My sovereign, eternal, unchangeable love;

    And then, when grey hairs shall their temples adorn,

    Like lambs they shall still in My bosom be borne."


    "The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose,

    I will not, I will not desert to his foes;

    That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,

    I'll never, no, never, no, never forsake."
  • Cindy - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Godwin: If you have been born again ( Romans 10:9-13), God is there with you whether you feel His presence or not. Matthew 28:20 "...lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

    Our walk in Christ is by faith, not by sight or by feelings or sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7

    "(For we walk by faith, not by sight:)"

    God Bless you!

    Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
  • Marke - In Reply on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 2 years ago
    Reply to "Clois Edwards"

    There are two men in the OT who were said to have been taken off the earth or out of sight of their brethren on earth without dying, Enoch and Elijah. I believe those two will be the two witnesses in Revelation who will be killed and raised again 3 days later. The Bible tells us Enoch will prophesy of the Lord's return to earth at the end of the tribulation ( Jude 14) and also prophesies of Elijah's ministry during the tribulation ( Matt 17:10.)
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Teresa. It appears that you need to firstly get sound mature help from someone who can objectively consider your problem & advise you of ways through it or around it. Since I don't know what problem you're experiencing, and I don't need to know because it must be highly personal & a medium such as this cannot give proper help, I still feel that you need to speak to someone 'professional' or with a mature balanced approach to life's difficulties.

    As an example, people who knew my Dad, always first came to him about their car mechanical problems. He had a wonderful knack of identifying car problems just by listening to the various sounds & behaviours that a car can reveal. Then they knew more about the problem, whether it needed rectifying soon or maybe just a minor matter easily fixed. Likewise, when we cannot see the way forward with life's problems (whether finance, marriage, work, relationships, etc. etc.), we need to share it with someone who will carefully consider it from a 'fresh objective' position, to know & counsel you in the way to deal with it & for you to move forward. Therefore, my suggestion of a trusted pastor or Christian counsellor.

    And the Lord uses such folk to guide us in our Christian walk & dealing with life's curved balls. When we fully trust Him to help us through our problems, whether by His miraculous intervention or through His servants, God is able to work on our behalf. It's when we doubt or are fearful & anxious, we hold back the power of God from fully working in our lives. And that can sometimes be hard - our prayer must also be: "Lord help thou my unbelief", give me faith to trust you fully, open the way to see me out of my problem, help me to bear up in them. May the Lord be gracious to you & guide you in the steps you need to take.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember me and my family in your prayers
  • MOSES TORRES on Revelation 10 - 2 years ago
    In the Bible book of Revelation, it is written that after Jesus has returned to Earth and the devil has been locked up for 1 thousand years and then released for a "short period of time."

    My question is, when the Devil is released one final time before being thrown into the Lake of Fire, will Christians be "tempted" to sin??? In other words, I thought that after "Rapture" takes all of us Christians to meet with Jesus in the sky that our soul's are "permanently" savor by the Blood and Grace of Jesus. In other words, why would God release the "Lucifer" once again AFTER our salvation has already been established and we're in Heaven??? Is it possible that we (Christians) are once again going to be "tempted" to sin when the Devil is released for a short period of time before being thrown into the Lake of Fire for all eternity?

    That is my question that I've been wanting to ask for many, many years!

    Thank You.
  • LKT - 2 years ago
    What is meant in the scripture when it says "what is bound on earth will be bound in heaven. What is loosed on earth will be loosed in Heaven?"
  • John - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for responding thanks for the for the kind words take care and God bless
  • John - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for responding I read I understand take care and God bless
  • April - 2 years ago
    Praise Report, The Lord has blessed me with a home from being homeless every since April 6, 2202. Glory to God. Prayer Request for a right now job to pay all my bills in full. Prayer for God's hedge of protection, grace, mercy, deliverance, healing, anointing, favor, direction, salvation and arrior Angels and more wisdom, knowledge and understanding of His word and a revelation of it for all of my children, grandchildren family, (you) and me. Prayer for all of my children to find a good job that has good benefits and pays good. Prayer for The Lord to bless me with a good paying job, working from home asap, or any job that pays good and for favor with employer, employees and clients, prayer for my court case to be dismissed and thrown out from liars of family that provided false information &their fake first and last name and statements, prayer for God to restore my christian defamation of character from evil people that have lied and created lies on me and my children.

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