All Discussion PAGE 1069

  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    It is not as bad as heretics now as in the Dark Ages. But poor people i say, what torture methods! When you experienced such injustice, you would probably admit everything that is not true as well. I have met many many nice people around on my trips :)

    It is like all these people were already in my heart, as if i knew about them, as if they always have been, then i have had the experience that they are my siblings, and will never be outside that circle. But i also long to see you all physical faces! Pray with you, read the word together. Have a meal together. And I'm sure in my soul that we'll meet someday. And se what i read among the words today Luke 1:34

    Sometimes i meet people who also recognize me. So i think we're already there. But all the earthly things that occupy us. Let us not see these brothers and sisters. When i meet someone, we nod and smile. But I've never really seen the person before. So we have a lesson to experience the kingdom of heaven here on earth, and it is a sanctification so that we really see the heavenly when we look up!

    Stay strong in the word and God bless us all, love u in Christ.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear "William Bennett", i do not want to immerse myself in different food laws. And the question may be interesting. Eat everything to the glory of God! There is great confusion and many words come to me when you mention this. But you will probably get answers from others who are more familiar with the law itself. First Peter's vision Acts 10. If you read the whole chapter, you will see that we are all today set free from the law. Therefore, nothing is unclean. Only that which comes out of a man is unclean. Matthew 15:11

    Free from the law Galsatians 2:16 Romans 7:1-6

    God bless u and yours in Jesus name, love u in Christ.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear first of all, I would advise you and pray for him. But you can also say things straight up in his face that he can stop doing this, if he is playing in a way, since you are not playing. Then this is not fun for you.

    God bless u and yours in Jesus name, love u in Christ. Luke 1:34
  • Godwin - 2 years ago
    pray for God's mercy on me. God has been silence over me. i need restoration, peace in my marriage , good health and protection .. people have deserted me cause i have notting including my immediate family. all my effort to change things brings negative results . always having dream i cannot remmeber sometimes not a good one.


    God bless you.

    Godwin A.
  • Jamed - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me to have the strength to accept and understand the spirit of God and Jesus Christ so that I may have him in my life and live without fear of what's soon coming.
  • Dav47 - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 2 years ago
    Did you know Thomas was also a twin? not clear to many that he was. It doesn't always lay down so clear. Have to take back to original languages sometimes. All depends on the writer and the message. Not all are given eyes to see. I plant a seed and only GOD can make it grow. It is plainly outlined what happened and it would take 2 pages. CHRIST said learn the parable of the fig tree, didn't ask HIS followers too, HE said learn it. You have good figs and bad who claim to be of Judah but are not but are the seed of Satan. physical fact and it started in the garden of Eve. If people don't understand the beginning how will they ever understand the end?
  • Mia - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Does God approve boyfriends/girlfriends and crushes to be together
  • Dav47 - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 2 years ago
    Need to get off Satan's playground =(google) and open the WORD of GOD before its too late. I always let GODS WORD speak for it self, don't use google never will! Everything I need I can get from WORD of GOD. Sounds like you are in a den of evil spirits from watching too much youtube? Flee from it before it consumes you and lost forever. It is written that those who teach truth will be ridiculed and mocked especially in these end times, soon very soon America will try to call the Bible hate speech, just as happening in other so called Christian nations. Some sites cant even post scripture for the WORD of GOD being called hate speech. People there is one coming that tempted the WORD in the flesh HIMSELF and if you don't study with understanding you don't stand a chance, get out of confusion time is short!!
  • Lena - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Just keep talking to God -He does hear you

    He will lead you in the right pathway

    I know because I have been there-God Bless
  • Marke - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Reply to "DWL"

    God allows separation between light and darkness, right and wrong, righteousness and rebellion, and so forth. A woman with an abusive and rebellious husband is not totally bound to him in ways that prevent her from serving God. She should seek the Lord to give her guidance as to how to serve the Lord acceptably with or without her husband.

    If a woman's husband sexually abuses their children, for example, she and her children are under no moral obligation to remain living under the same roof with him. In another example, if a woman's husband drinks or gambles all their money away and they lose their house, their car, and their income, then she is free to go live with her parents alone if God wills that for her. She does not have to live homeless with him and her parents are under no moral obligation to take him into their home if they take her in.
  • Marke - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 2 years ago
    Reply to "Indisputable evidence."

    I recommend creationist scientific research publications. Creationist researchers tend to expose the flaws in secular scientists' methods that give them erroneous results.
  • Working in the Harvest__Study How Jesus Did It__Part one - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Beloved, I am 70 :D. I was 36 when I fell in with a group of street preachers at their church. I didn't know a lot, but my faith was locked in on Jesus. I didn't know Who the Holy Spirit was. I just knew Someone was guiding me and Saving me from disasters and attacks every day_from invisible things. It took about 9 months to figure out that Jesus loved me and was in my life in a very real way. I had no doubts in His ability to watch my back and give me the right words to say when witnessing. I put it together that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are overseeing their new disciples.

    I got saved like Apostle Paul. I didn't go blind. I was baptized by the Holy Spirit, day one. God protected me with angels because the demons didn't want to leave. But I trusted Jesus and read Bible every spare moment. I lost all my bar-hopping friends. I asked for new friends and I had a whole church of Christians and street preachers to follow around. I just did what they did. My testimony is like the Olympics of sin. I could identify with feeling lost, confused, clueless of how to read a Bible, or find God in this crazy mixed up world.

    All I knew is that Jesus came after me and loved me into the Kingdom of God. There were no other options for me. I was head over heels in love with Jesus. It took a couple of years to be healed from various situations. I had a call on my life but I didn't know why Jesus chose me to follow Him. I had to obey and prepare.

    I had older mature Christians tell me to get back in nursery school and stop reading "college material". I didn't listen because I would've missed out learning with Jesus.

    If you are willing? You knew enough to be saved and walk with the Holy Spirit? Listen for His voice? He's the Voice of the Lord of the Harvest. People are lonely, feel like islands of pain. In despair of living. The ones, Lord of the Harvest picks for you are ready to hear the knock and open the door to Jesus. Smile. You too are chosen. Trust Holy Spirit. Pray.
  • Rod - In Reply on Ephesians 4 - 2 years ago
    this may be a couple of the chapters you're thinking of, there are more throughout the NT

    1 Corinthians 12:1-31 "Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant."

    1 Corinthians 14:1-40 "Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy."
  • Doug - In Reply on Romans 11 - 2 years ago
    Curious why our sin needs to be washed again and again. Does not His blood and Spirit have power to cleanse us from all unrighteousness? Peter at the last supper said that the Lord should wash everything not just his feet, but Jesus said they that are washed needed not to be washed except their feet. I think this should be done by one another.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Jo,

    My opinion on the topic of tithes does not fall in line with that most Christian pastors say.

    First I'd have to define tithe- what exactly is being tithed? I believe in the verses in the old testament that talk about tithing included food, cattle, grain. The paper of money in itself is worthless, it only represents a credit towards trading things. I personally believe that one's time and labor have just as much value. Sometimes its more meaningful to personally help someone directly rather than hire someone to do the same thing. Like raking leaves in your grandmother's yard, or helping someone in need find a job.

    Next, the 10 percent figure is only in the old testament. The new testament says this for example: 2 Corinthians 9:7. When most speak of tithing they speak of an obligation to fulfill, but here it says don't do that. It specifically says not to do grudgingly or out of necessity, but as he purposeth in his heart. Maybe God doesn't even want us to keep track, but to just give generously as the opportunities present themselves, without guilt or shame for meeting an potentially unnecessary percent figure that isn't discussed in the new testament. To me this means helping people maybe like Jesus did. I don't think you have to have money to help people. It's my opinion that this interpretation is a little closer to the intent behind 2 Cor 9:7.

    Finally, I strongly dislike mega churches who pay pastors six figure salaries, have state of the art sound and lighting systems, and they meet once a week for an hour then the building sits vacant 95% of the week. Think of elderly on social security tithing to help a rich pastor get richer and for them to buy more HD projectors, and heat/AC bills for a mostly empty building. That seems wrong to me. It would seem to help people more to give to a charity that is more efficient as found through charity ratings site, or to even better to help a neighbor directly. God bless.
  • Joleen - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my mom, she hasn't been feeling well, and has been having a lot of migraines recently.

    Please also pray for her spiritually, that she would get closer to God and do His will for her life.

    Thank you so much
  • Mark Valesano - In Reply on 1 Kings 11:8 - 2 years ago
    I'm not sure where you're coming from. Solomon's marrying Pharoah's daughter apparently didn't stop God from asking Solomon what He should give him in 1 Kings 3:5. I also noted that when leaders go astray, the people do suffer. That may have been his realization when writing Proverbs 29:2. Moses' leadership was also subverted by those who insisted on carrying their idols from Egypt to the promised land ( Amos 5:25-26). His (Moses) leadership was honorable and none was more humble than he in serving the Lord. But you're right, Solomon became a poor example to the people he had sought God to help govern. People will choose to do what they want in the end, regardless of who's in charge.

    Rehoboam's decision to follow the young princes' advice and not the elders could be partly blamed on his father. But the decision was his and dad wasn't around anymore. As for Jeroboam and Solomon trying to kill him, Jeroboam wasn't anointed, but appointed to be King over Israel and he failed miserably in that role. His wickedness was such that he's referenced multiple times in comparison with the other evil kings (which were all) over Israel.

    Ultimately, though, Solomon came back to the Lord prior to his death. I'm not sure of the timeline, but the ending in Ecclesiastes is clear..Fear God and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil. King Saul didn't have that repentent spirit within him when he sought the witch of Endor or fell on the battlefield against the Philistines.

    Have a good week.
  • Donya Brown on Ephesians 4 - 2 years ago
    In which Books and Verses are the Spiritual Gifts listed
  • Shastrisaroj on Ecclesiasticus 1 - 2 years ago
    I love and like it very much , thanks sir or man
  • Jason - 2 years ago
    Prayer for deliverance from demonic oppression. Prayer for protection and healing. Thank you
  • Donna Trent - 2 years ago
    I'm a sinner and I don't know where to start to be a Christian, Does God forgive all sins of a sinner? I do believe in God and His Son Jesus but I feel so unworthy to pray, or even the correct way to pray. I was told that God doesn't hear the prayers of a sinner. I've been through several family losses 3 within 3 1/2 months of each other, the most recent was my only son. I'm low and broken right now, with a huge part of me missing. Yet I crave the knowledge to know more of Jesus, but my only comfort right now is knowing how God must have hurt when He willingly sent His only son to die. I feel hopeless.
  • Helene - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Sarah,

    What you are experiencing is normal. Two ideas: First, read the Word aloud. Then you are hearing God's Word and reading it will help you understand what you are reading better. Remember, when you first learned to read as a child you read the words aloud. It helps you remember what you are reading and focus you on God's truth. Second, keep a pen and paper handy. When something pops into your mind write it down. Then you can take care of that issue later. Hope these ideas help. God Bless you.
  • INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 2 years ago
    They carbon dated the bones. New ones and those in museums. They dated rocks. Recently the carbon dated bones from an animal, tiny compared to dinosaurs. They lived much longer in comparison.

    Those are the CONIES that the Bible mentions. Because of where they were found, the conies lived underground. They survived and got water from roots of plants.

    It's a big deal for scientists and archaeologists to agree on something. Why did God mention the Conies?

    There's a whole harvest of atheists out there who need to hear that news. That and the fact that space study satellites have sent back photos of all 9 planets and some of the moons. They saw/see DRY LAKE BEDS. All planets HAD water at some time.

    This is verifiable. Just got to do a lot of fancy googling to find these records. What happened to the water? Ask God. He's a master builder and only He has the plans.

    I'd get saved (born again) so I could listen to the advent and demise of certain events.

    Scientists are carbon dating all kinds of things. To hear them agree on anything is mind boggling. Then you leap with joy. Our God is AWESOME. He did this. He chose now to reveal it.

    There's the usual atheist explanations and then you find the ones from the scientists that examine data that is VISUAL!!! Some lie, and some are telling the truth.

    Doesn't that sound like "the voice of one crying out in the wilderness of unbelief?? (Reference to John the Baptist)

    Let's get off our ergonomic chairs and read of these accounts. Some programs are on PBS. I feel sorry for Stephen Hawkins. I think he wanted to find God, but his body gave out. The community of scientists LIVE OFF grant money. It's hard for them. Someone pray for them to be confronted with indisputable evidence.

    Go find those videos. You'll be blessed and energized. The stories are recent. God has me reading on stuff I'm not particularly interested in. Ask PBS to rerun those videos.

  • Gerry Mann - 2 years ago
    i have a brother in Christ that has harsh words to me when i forget to do something i should have remembered, what can i do?
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Desr Suzan.

    It is really sad that your life has turned upside down. BUT there is God.

    We often forget that there is an enemy out there, invisible, who never sleeps. He is always trying to find our vulnerable sides to take advantage on us. If we are not careful enough then we may find ourselves trapped in a situation or a passion that we cannot break free. This is what happened to your husband. He surely knows what happens to him but he doesn't have the strength to break free, or even ask God to help him. This is then something for you to do.

    How is going God to act? Noone knows.Sometimes He lets people reach their lowest like the prodigal son so to come to their senses and decide to return back. Other times God does something drastic, like when appeared to Saul/Paul in his way to Damascus. It really belongs to God to find the solution to this, we can only ask, trust in and wait.

    But for as long as this situation still keeps going on, you must take care of yourself, your health, your mental health. It doesn't take too much for one to go over his limits. Try to accept reality. It's not very useful to keep grieving. It's time to get up and face the situation. See how you are going to handle things. Try to find support, love, compassion from other christians, the ones that encourage you, keep away from the ones that will throw blame to you. It wasn't your fault. Be in companionship with them, don't stay alone, stay busy; all these if possible. Keep going to church. If this is not possible, keep in touch with others on internet. Ask for prayers/fasting with you. Keep relying on God's love, trust in Him. Don't rely on people, we are all weak, you will be disappointed. Ask for support from your family members, friends, local community, anything.

    As Adam advised you, stop/limit your husband having access to your money/belongings.

    Keep strong, be encouraged. It's time to build your life entirety on God and rely entirely on Him and everything will be OK.

    God Bless You.
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply on 2 Thessalonians 2 - 2 years ago
    I've always believed it is Moses and Elijah. Writers of the LAW and the PROPHETS.

    We People are going to want to kill them because they are fully against any law of one who tells what is coming, on earth. They do not want to obey any of Gods laws.

    They will not be able to kill them, until time is up.
  • Teresa - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for the reply actually the person I talked to is really an acquaintance but I really have no one to talk to about my issue but I talked to people Lord I read the Bible it's hard for me to understand the Bible but I pray and ask God to help me plus my problem but at the same time I can't seem to stop my problem

    What do I do to get the strength from God
  • Street preacher - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Can you provide a chapter and verse? Or describe what caused the question?
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm sure I gave my family a few sleepless nights when I was young also , please don't be so hard on yourself , all of our life experiences are very important , that's how we became who we are today , through our life experiences , I don't look back too much now , I can't rewrite my life , I had a bad relationship with parents and step parents etc , now they are old and need some help and I'm glad to do things for them , all things work together for good to them that love God . Your life and all your experiences , are a path , a path to God and He has lead you to this very moment , He has kept you alive and safe and brought you through all of your trials and tribulations , He has brought you to Himself and taught you all the lessons that He knew you needed to learn . We have so much to look forward to , look forward and keep your eyes on the prize !
  • Tithes and Offerings - In Reply - 2 years ago
    If you're not in a church but listen weekly to one online or on FM radio stations__if you are being fed regularly at that "table", you can send your tithe to them.

    It's an act of obedience and your witness to this is the Holy Spirit.

    I used to attend my church and give the tithe there. I would give offerings to some ministries I listened to over the radio, because the teachings were extra "meaty" and fed my spirit.

    People may disagree with this. Don't email me ok. Tithes and offerings are witnessed by Heaven.

    If you are totally blessed at church, there is Wave Offerings (in the Bible). A little wave and a thank you, Jesus. (Modestly). You can even donate your time helping out with some church ministries, like benevolence to the needy (food, coats, etc), or helping in childrens church. Heaven is your witness.

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