All Discussion PAGE 1072

  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 2 years ago
    Genesis 3,

    The fruit was of the "tree of the knowledge of good & evil"

    Genesis 2:9 " And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil"

    Genesis 2:15-17, Genesis 3:22

    It is symbolic, spiritual & seemingly literal. If it were an apple tree, or fig I believe it would have said. See Matthew 21:19, Genesis 1:11,

    Knowledge of good and evil, yet GOD's Word says the things of evil, we shouldn't learn. Genesis 6:5, Genesis 48:16, Exodus 32:2, Numbers 13 -14, Deuteronomy 1:39, (in context Deuteronomy 1:20-40 ) Hebrews 10:22, James 1:13-27,

    Romans 16:19-20

    James 1:5,

    Hopefully these are all helpful
  • Daniel Cahill - 2 years ago
    Hi pastor and all my brothers and sisters at King James!Praise the LORD!I am saved yet homeless at 75!I just had to write and say thank you very much for praying for me it is keeping me from giving up!Please keep it up a little longer I so much want to make it to the end and see JESUS!GOD bless you brother Danny 6/18/22
  • Esannason Shante - 2 years ago
    I love reading it over and over again
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Soon after Pentecost : Acts 2:42-47,

    Acts 3, Peter & John continues into Acts 4,

    The Apostles: Acts 5, Acts 6, specifically says the 12 , including the newly appointed. From Acts 1:26, Acts 9:27, Acts 11,

    Philip: Acts 8,

    Peter: Acts 9:32-42, Acts 10:5-48, Acts 11, Acts 12:3-7, Acts 12,

    Barnabas: Acts 11:22-30,

    James: Acts 12:1-2,

    Mark, John, Barnabas, Acts 12:25,

    That is just some of what the Apostles did after Pentecost. Please read through the Book of Acts, & rest of New Testament books for even more.

    Hopefully these are all helpful
  • John - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I apologize I think some of the words are incorrect I hope you realize what I was trying to say I have to talk and text I'm kind of slow please forgive me take care
  • John - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I tried to be very careful when I say because in Revelation at the end it says do not add anything or do not take anything away so I fear the lord I was just saying being the spirit not the flush that's all I think I fear more than anything else if I said anything incorrect I apologize and please forgive me God bless take care
  • Anthony - 2 years ago
    I need instant immediate prayer against this church that pratice witchcraft and constantly keep threatening my life and says god is going to kill you if i leave.

    Its full of abuse and mistreatment

    The pastor and members are always against me and try to keep me stuck in this occult.

    The pastor pratice witchcraft and already put spells on previous members and they died but claiming to be of god and preach like nothing is wrong.

    Pray for my protection against these evil people and for god to move me quickly to the right ministry.

    Also for my finances

    I need a car also

    And place to stay

    Im consistently disrespected and treated like a slave here and bondage.

    I was told if i leave god was gonna kill me but really its the witchcraft and they always picking fights with me for nothing

    Its not right at all and people allow and go with this stuff.

    Even pastor said he would kill me physically with hands or witchcraft.

    I need god and strong prayers against this warlock and members

    This man and church are evil

    Also turning everyone to hate me and assinating my character and people is believing this stuff. People know its wrong but go with it.

    Told me god isnt with me anymore and destruction is coming if i leave

    At least 15 people died soon after they left this ministry and they was all christians and belivers of jesus christ.
  • Lisanne on Revelation 9 - 2 years ago
    Approximately, where do you think we are for a time frame in revelation?

    And, what events would you base that approximate time frame on?

    I'm a bit confused with the two

    3 1/2 year time frames that make

    the 7 years period.

    Thanks you,

  • THERESA MUZIK - 2 years ago
    I" M asking for prayers to be said for my son ANDREW, who will be going to trial this coming week, after having waited in jail for 4 years, he's innocent of the charges against him, and he will need all the strength GOD will bless him with, in order to continue to fight for his life, in this time to come, and that the jury will see that he's not guilty, and set him free., rather than send back word to the judge that he has to spend the rest of his life in prison, for something he did not do.
  • Unknown - 2 years ago
    I am trying to find a verse that is forty words long, but I can't find a website where you can search for that sort of thing. Any suggestions?
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Susan,

    I will pray for you and your husband to get through this. I also pray that you receive wise council and that God can work through this situation to restore the way things were before.

    I think the marriage partnership is there to support each other when one is down and love is doing what is best for the person and for the couple, not necessarily what is fun or offers short term pleasure. What I mean is he is down and you are currently the strong one in the relationship, and I personally think you are still respecting and loving your husband by doing what is best and right, not necessarily what he wants in the short term. And what I mean by that is if he is continuing to harm himself, go into debt, and sustain more and more losses, then I would consider taking measures to mitigate the damage and stop that.

    More specifically, I personally would consider freezing credit cards, limiting bank withdrawals, blocking casino as a merchant that can no longer be paid, talk to your bank and see what your options are. I would organize some kind of intervention, bring in his old friends, other family, counselor, not at the same time, but in steps to hold strong against this dangerous addiction and possibly idolatry. This is not to defy him or break any marital yoke, but since he's currently not acting like his rational self, you are showing love by helping prevent him from harming himself and you further, while supporting his real future self. I would speak to any family and friends about what steps can be done to mitigate the loss and put in roadblocks to discourage further addition and losses. This is just my opinion that comes to mind. God bless you.
  • David on Ephesians 2 - 2 years ago
    Thank You Father for your Word that reminds me of my sinful past and my need for a Savior. Thank You for not giving up on me, by planting a local church in my neighborhood. Praise the Lord for the faithful men who visited our home and presented the glorious Gospel unto my family.

    I am encouraged to do as others did in Your Name. I must not be weary nor disheartened when I am up against hardened hearts, because no one was as hardened as I was against Your love for my lost soul.

    As difficult as our situation seem to be as at this moment, gas and food prices on the rise. Social, political, economic turmoil most every where we turn. My God and Savior the Lord Jesus Christ is in charge. He will soon return and crush all before Him as in Daniel's prophecy.

    Thank You Father for the peace in, peace through, and peace because of Your Son the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Bless all the brethren, seekers, and back sliders on this platform with the wisdom, comfort, and joy of the Lord. The Lord to shine His face on all especially the leadership in all facets of our lives.

    June 18, 2022
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please Lord continually bless David and his family in their stewardship and servitude for Your Glory. Please Holy Spirit continually guide them in prayer and Bible readings that enriches their hearts, minds and souls I pray in Jesus Christ name!

    Please consider reflecting on 1 Chronicles 4:10, 2 Timothy 2:1, 2 Timothy 1:7, Luke 1:37.
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please God hear and honor Billy and Tammy request. Please Holy Spirit continually guide them in prayer and biblical scriptures that they find comfort, peace and prosperity I pray in Jesus Christ name!

    Please consider reflecting on 1 Chronicles 4:10 and Philippians 4:12-13.
  • Pam Kirby - 2 years ago
    Hello, just a thought I have been concerned about this issues of women pastors for awhile. I'm not the judge. But the word is pretty plain on the subject. Go back and read in Genesis about the order of men an women ,Noah and his sons went in the ark first then his sons. Animals went in male and then female it make alot of sense to me on God order. The twelve were men for a reason. I don't think a woman can't preach but to be over men I think that's the question. I truly believe that God has a order. As a woman I glad to have a husband that is my help mate to do things I can't do . I don't want to be over men because as a woman we think emotionally a lot of times and the Lord knew that, that's the way the Lord made women. God has the answer. His word is forever settled. His word has been purified over and over and over and has withstood the test of time and it will withstand the test of time.
  • Susan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Free

    Thank you for your thoughts and replying to my post. I have directly told him and looked straight in his eyes I know this is not you, because you would never live this life you are living now, you are the complete opposite. I also told him he has strongholds on him and must be broken in Jesus name.

    He understands but will not accept it. He said he could quit gambling if he wanted to, but says he doesn't want to quit. He is not a willing vessel as before. He's acting like a rebellious child.

    He tells me I will just have to get used to him living this lifestyle. I pray for him all the time as I should. But if he's not fighting to change himself only a supernatural miracle will have to take place. He doesn't want any church folks (my friends) around him. I know God never intended this to happen after being together with him in a Christian marriage for 36 years. God doesn't change his mind. Why oh why Lord? I have no answers. I have to trust and believe God is working on him, even though I see no evidence.

    God Bless you Free and would appreciate continued prayer.

  • Susan - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Thank you kindly for reading and replying to my request. Yes, I am heartbroken, never ever thought this type of life is mine now. I don't want to live this way! I want my husband back, the husband who had a heart of Gold. Not this man I don't even like.

    I receive your prayer in Jesus name! Waiting for the breakthrough. Though I'm getting very weak and weary waiting, I have no choice.

    God Bless you

  • Susan - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Thank you so much for reading and replying.

    Yes, I watch Christian TV and listen to Christian music. But I will keep on trusting and believing in God. And that he knows what is best for him and for me. Nothing is impossible for God.

    God Bless you

  • Susan - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to read my post and give me your thoughts and concerns about my situation.

    He always tells me he stubborn, and no matter he will always do things his way. Kind of acting rebellious. So, until he decides he wants to live for Jesus again I have to live with a person I don't like. About me talking with a pastor, counselor etc I did mention that to him but he would never agree with that. He says there is no need and when he wants to go back to Christian life, he will and no one will tell him otherwise. But I told him just I want to go and talk with someone. Again, he has the one car always and couldn't even go if I wanted to. Never in a million years would I ever have thought I would have written yesterday for the help I need. It seems like a nightmare. How a person can change so much. I would have never married him years ago if I would have met him the way he is today. I will give my son my debit card, this way every month my son will keep safe my disability money. My husband has already pawned all of my jewelry and his in order for him to have more money to gamble with. I remember the days when he used to preach/teach/encourage people on YouTube. Recently he was in the living room, I was sitting at the kitchen table and played one of his little sermons and put up the volume for him to hear. I made the statement "this is really good" God was so proud of you telling everyone there was hope for them in any situation. Then he remarked I'm not that man any longer. He just doesn't want to surrender. Now, I wait. God knows all about it. I don't want to sound like a child but life sometimes is not fair. I know the life I'm living now can't be God's plan. But again I feel stuck waiting on my husband's decision to live the life God intended for him.

    Thank you for your encouragement and I appreciate your prayers !!

  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    May God bless you John , may He give you the strength and wisdom to get through your difficulties and to stay strong in His Word . You are not alone , be not soon shaken , much love in Christ .
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Susan your post touched me....I pray for you and your husband and your whole family....Susan if you will permit me I Baptise you and your husband and your whole family in the Precious Name of Jesus...Right now LORD put an end to this nightmare this lady is going thru....Sown a good seed in their hearts and minds right now LORD....In Jesus name I pray....Let your kingdom come Lord right now in Jesus name.....I rebuke you Satan right now outa the lives of this precious lady and her family in Jesus name.

    .....Lord this lady has no one to help her but You...So we trust you O lord to fill her and her husband with the H.G....OH LORD HAVE MERCY ON THIS PRECIOUS LADY AND HER FAMILY....And have mercy on all of us in this forum in Jesus Name i pray OH LORD....I send the Great Promise of the H.G. ON ALL YOUR FAMILY SIS SUSAN IN Jesus Name.
  • Lena - In Reply - 2 years ago
    my prayers are with you/God Bless
  • Billy and Tammy - 2 years ago
    Un spoken wife and I need all the prayers we can get...thank you and God bless you !!!
  • John - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your kind words one of the things that I've learned in the last several years is that God does bring people into my life like you have said some things that I'm doing and I'm on right the right track thank God for that God will bless you for responding it happens a lot I do have to remember you do reap what you sow it's like I tell my son he doesn't brush his teeth well but if he goes to the dentist and he gets a tooth pulled I told him that my Lord Jesus Christ he can replace your tooth what he does it or not I don't know I was just trying to tell him how powerful he is thank you again and God bless
  • John - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I thought I text again someone's telling me to tell you that well I'm going to some tough times it's really bad but I try to focus on feeding souls not to flush listen to Christian music the good stuff out there watch what you watch on TV you know I think you know it sounds like you're a godly woman that's a good thing I just thought I'd text back let you know about what I do I know there's a lot of people that do scripture stuff I'm I'm not good in that I will pray for you take care
  • John - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm so sorry sounds like you were really devoted wife and Christian sounds a lot better than me I know that I became Born again 1995 and I haven't really served the Lord that well I mean I was good towards man you know being nice but anyways I'm so sorry I don't know what to tell you my own life is kind of screwed up I take care of my ex-wife she's in a nursing home don't have to but I do I'm the only one nobody else cares it sounds like you have a son if I read it right that that's good my son he doesn't I don't know I did everything right but he just I don't know I just can pray that you have people around you you know that will help you out you know I'm sorry that I can't give good advice I'm not in a place to do that I don't know good scripture I got one foot in heaven and one foot out I can only pray that your children if you do have them sound like you do they will be there for you I'm sorry I can't say anything else you do have an ange there are verses I can say in the Bible that we have to fear the lord and I do I don't know if that helps in any way I'm probably saying that incorrect but maybe you know what I'm talking about take care God bless you
  • Doug - In Reply - 2 years ago
    God has revealed some things to you how to deal with this situation. Verses that come to mind are 1 Peter 3:1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; Read the previous chapter how it refers to Christ dealing with unbelief and he follows with "Likewise , ye wives". Another verse 2 Timothy 2:25 applies ....In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; The human nature thinks more knowledge and lectures are the answer, but the following verses show how our view has to turn inward and practice how we apply knowledge. 2 Peter 1:5,6 And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. Take care of yourself and do the faithful roles of a wife so he desires to be with you. Hopefully you can have meaningful conversations that will help him see with God's grace. God give you much grace and the pray for the Holy Spirit to lead you!
  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    Hebrews 12 : 22 ....New Jerusalem is the City of God not old Jerusalem....You are come unto Mount Zion the city of the living God That HEAVENLY JERUSALEM and to a hugh host of Angels ...And Jesus said that the Kingdom was gonna be in our hearts via the seed of the sower... Matthew 13 : 19... The good seed is the WORD of the Kingdom....And the Kingdom will come as a man who sows seed in his field...and Jesus said the field is our hearts where that good seed will be sown....

    .....Paul says that OLD JERUSALEM is like Hagar and is in bondage with her Children...But Jerusalem from above is the Mother of us all ... Gal. 4 : 26 ....The Kingdom has to be in our hearts simply b/c thats where satan's seat is...Thus its gonna be kingdom against Kingdom ...An external kingdom ( old jerusalem ) wd be no threat to satan...but an INTERNAL kingdom wd crush Satans head b/c our carnal minds is satans seat....But NEW JERUSALEM is the CITY of the great KING...The H.G.

    .....The Kingdom of God is not in meat or drink but in joy and peace in the H.G.... Romans 14 : 17...And the Kingdom of God is New JERUSALEM.....Not Old JERUSALEM which is in bondage with her Children....Old Jerusalem will be saved when she says blessed is he that comes in the name of the lord....Which is the H.G. the man Child that is gona rule all nations....The Kingdom does not come till the woman births the Child .. Rev 12 : 10 kjv....Unless ya receive the kingdom as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in...And thats y the new birth is so important...We are gonna birth that heavenly Child in our hearts and minds.

    ......My lil Children of whom i travail in birth again till Christ is formed in you... Gal 4 : 19 The Child of Promise the H.G. ...Thus the Kingdom will truly be with in us...Jew or Gentile....God so loved the world...
  • John - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your your time words I'm not good with scripture or words I I talk text but I do the best I can I don't know how always to respond to people's texts or email I do the best I can be honest be nice and polite and courtesy I have to admit I've been on this site for a while I think I'm running out of words to say I know that's funny thank you I watch this movie last night on YouTube I watch Christian movies the movie was called do you believe I think it was like the last video that Billy Graham made were really Grand said that he didn't talk about the cross on the wall or the cross around her neck he was I guess you can say he's talking about the cross demands for us to do things you have to watch it it's he makes sense all right have a good day I hope everybody's prayers will be answered I know there's a lot of people out there worse off to me thank you and God bless
  • Kathy and John - 2 years ago
    Our daughter Christine has stage 4 bone cancer and is in terrible pain. She needs a miracle healing. We are praying that Jesus will heal and strengthen her. Please pray for Christine. God bless.

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