All Discussion PAGE 108

  • Adam - In Reply - 11 months ago
    I believe your interpretation. There's more Biblical support for the dead to sleep awaiting the return of Jesus, then all have the day of judgement. some assume Christians skip this but the Bible says all will face it.
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    God's wrath taken out on His Son.

    Paul Washer has brought up a point often said that we should always reflect on regarding the crucifixion. Namely; the Lord's suffering was primarily because He had to take on the sins of all His elect which was far greater agony than the crucifixion. I don't have the date of the sermon I saw the other day but he also mentioned how many saints have died and rejoiced during martyrdom so that clearly Christ had a burden none of us who are believers ever will have to endure. Having the Father turn away after eternal fellowship beforehand is incomprehensible; this explains why it was a done deal when He said "it is finished". For all eternity in the future He will be exalted and no longer suffer as He did for that brief moment in history.

    This situation is the ultimate mind bender to comprehend. How could God be angry with His Son who was also fully God? This was due; of course to the counsel of God or as Deuteronomy 29:29 states part of the "hidden counsel of God" which we mortals cannot peer into at least in full. He took on what we deserved; and if it weren't for this; we all would spend eternity separated from God in hell with all unregenerate sinners. To be more precise; God directed His wrath at Christ who was the sin bearer for us. In His omnipotence He surely knew that in the future His Son would be restored; resurrected and once again rule with Him.

    There are no words to describe what was done in our behalf as our Redeemer.

    With this in mind; when we see the incident mentioned with Ananias and Sapphira; or here admonitions that some die taking communion unworthily we certainly don't have any room for anything but humble adoration and fear of the Lord. Greiving the Spirit is something a believer can relate to; whereas the world at large has no appetite for the Lord; His love or His righteousness no matter how carefully they try to bend it to their own imaginations of a humanistic or idyllic world.
  • Amy - 11 months ago
    Please pray that I will overcome my difficulties with my worldly coworkers. Please pray they find the Lord. Please pray that I only look to my heavenly father and not get tangled in their ways
  • D.E.S. - 11 months ago
    I am lost on this question . I can't seem to find if and where it says this in the Bible.... Please help.

    I hear Preachers saying that when we die and Christian that we go straight to Heaven .

    I have found John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

    And what don't help me is reading that when Jesus comes back and rise the dead in Christ .... Who is he raising if we are already in Heaven ?

    I also found where Jesus said that we we die it is as sleeping , and would be as a second to the dead when God comes for them

    Please anyone help , if anyone can give me the Book / Chapter and Verse .

    My wife Died not long ago and if this is not in the bible I don't wish to be changing what the Bible is saying by helping to spreading this , by telling all that she is in Heaven at this point.

    Thank you and God Bless
  • Digman - In Reply - 11 months ago
    The Lord Jesus Christ satisfies the longing heart, giving goodness to His creations day after day. He shall not suffer the righteous to go hungry when He spreads out bread to power up a man's heart, oil to make his face shine, and wine to gladden his heart. When the World dispersed the faithful abroad, His Spirit will track down to bring them back to His kingdom in the next world, because they are His sort of people. The rest of His Vows will blossom forward as all That there Is He shall give unto Them when they Know Him at a personal measure. Amen.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 11 months ago
    The Lord impress upon your Spirit the Chosen Name to call you One of His own plus your own dearsst ones through You can be sanctified in great volumes. He promised that He will not leave you behind, nor let you down when the times might seem high-pressued, because as a Godly Father will arrange things to Your own good, though it may seem far away. He knows the inner thoughts of human what might be wearing down their mind to drop their morality, so He will empower those least godly to come out Christian. To those who are ailing, He will squeeze the blood from Himself to purify their innards and outsides into a new being, and take his fracture body long ago, to rebirth them as He is alive forever amen.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 11 months ago
    The Lord extinguishes the fiery darts of Satan that set aburn this household with dissonance, for He is Your Barrier, Your Armor Set, in supernatural levels. If you hold onto the Hope that He says that He will make peace even with his enemies, then surely He will make peace with your darling ones, which are closer, just the same in no time. The wounds that the past that makes them repulsed, fearful will be healed by His hand that they shall once again reconnect as friends and family alike. Amen.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 11 months ago
    The Divine of all divinity, Jesus, promotes the health of His creation, You, in your Physical Being, your Means, your Approach to Life, Dreams for Greater Fulfilment, and the Power to defeat the devil. When the strength ebbs away, He will outflow from You Rivers of Living Water reciting the Oaths He made in the verses. You are a Victor, You are a New Man, You are a Survivor. Amen.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 11 months ago
    The Lord wrote that quibbling and bickering in a house would drive someone to the roof of the house in Proverbs, yet a woman of understanding shall speak choice things. If any of you lack the understanding to prevail over the Sinful Nature, then St. James wrote for us to petition our God Jesus to take it, because he is generous to answer us. May She know what His Ways for her to work on her heart to take a chance to be a better being when she centers her customs around it. Plus, you will gain some understanding as well to be the best husband if He sees it fit. Amen.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 11 months ago
    The Lord said unto my Lord, sit at my right hand and I shall hand you over the Kingdom and their booty thereof. I shall set measurements to the nations that they shall be of use to You and Your people with their specialities. If they shall trouble You, I will scatter their despicable works. If they welcome you, then I will promote them as your allies that You grandchildren shall see good. Amen.
  • Dogman - In Reply - 11 months ago
    The Lord is a spring of peace which breaks forth from the Earth over one man's understanding so that can soak you under His Grace overhead. He raises the arms of those about to fumble in great times like Joshua and Caleb, He stands back up a woman crying as Eli the Priest with great news, and died in loneliness that You might be surrounded in good company to tell you His promise. Amen.
  • Tntnival - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Adam thank you for your reply, I totally agree with you on everything you said I have researched most holidays and they derived from pagan rituals. Again thank you and God bless everyone.
  • Paul Wesley - In Reply - 11 months ago
    You are not alone. There are many of us in the same situation. Keep your faith. Do not lose it. Remain faithful nomatter what. It is difficult at times. You are praying to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lord's, and He is your personal Savior, even when you don't see it. He will not forsake you!
  • Tntnival - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Thank you for your comment Monsage, I don't believe that the Pope is speaking for God allowing for same sex marriages and the Pope isn't great, matter of fact I believe the the Pope is Satan himself. I lost my faith in Catholic religion a long time ago and have been searching for a long time for the "true" religion but I find fault in most that I have researched. Its hard in these days and times to find the narrow road with all that is happening in the world today. I pray everyday for Jehovah's kingdom and wait patiently hoping all will find the right path to everlasting life. God Bless everyone.
  • Paul Wesley - 11 months ago
    I'm a one man business. I'm a Christian, I'm tough, straightforward, and I will be judged by Christ, personally as well as in my business. I've always seen God as my boss in business, my Savior in life. For the last 3 years, I've faced life changing decisions, seeking the guidance of Christ. The deadline is here. I have to know now. Nothing. Empty. Those decisions, from my perspective, have been devastatingly wrong. I've crashed. His will? Ok. Now what? I have no direction. I've been successful for 42 years. Now, in year 45, .............. I need Christ's leadership and guidance. My faith is strong. For some reason, I can't find my compass. Pray that I find it. Thank you in advance!
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    God's jealousy

    God chastises; no doubt many times in scripture because he is jealous for His Name's sake when idols were worshipped such as the golden calf; or a cursed item was stolen thus resulting in military defeat until the perpetrator was exposed.

    Jesus went through the Temple casting out the moneychangers in John 2:17 reflected from the prophecy of Psalm 69 of zealous behavior because the Temple was to be a place of prayer for all nations ( Isaiah 56:7). (Zealous and jealous I would say are pretty similar). Judging by the violent overthrow of the tables and scattering of the animals this was no wimpy protest.

    God's anger

    Another act of Christ was excoriation of the Pharisees. This basically takes up all of Matthew 23. There was the effect of their hypocrisy on others as well as the love for the true law of God that led to such a tongue lashing here. These outer actions; of course came from a bad heart which Jesus doesn't mince words in describing here.

    Much of Christ's anger was directed as righteous indignation and chastisement in order to establish the Disciples as men of God.

    The fact that they didn't even grasp the necessity for His death on the cross until it happened helps to explain how they didn't get many of the lessons He intended to give them in the Parables; and other life lessons as they traveled with Him for over 3 years of His ministry. Seeing the incident with Peter in Matthew 16:17-23 we see a complete reversal of Christ stating that only God could have revealed who He was to Peter; to Him rebuking Peter just 6 verses later when he didn't want to allow Christ to fulfill His destiny because of thoughts that came from Satan. This shows that much of what God does is in response to supernatural prompts as it were that affect our actions or conversation. Peter was an open vessel; which was advantageous in receiving wisdom from above; but also let in Satan's ideas which attempted to stoke his own pride and self confidence
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    God as a jealous God: Looking deeper into the covenant with Israel

    All men were created according to God's purposes and therefore are subject to God who is the Lord over the whole earth. Psalm 139 discusses how man was "fearfully and wonderfully made" so therefore before the fall we had the capacity to walk in perfect innocence before the Lord. The capacity or potential for evil and sin was present; however and we see that occurring with Lucifer as well as Adam and Eve in the garden (although with the angelic beings there may have been a longer period of time for their fall). In a sense it "rains upon the just and the unjust" ( Matt. 5:45) so that in this life there is a restraint of judgment on sin.

    The Lord chastises all those who are His own; therefore this principle applies to individuals as well as those who were part of those He brought forth in the Exodus up until the Israel of the present day. Being on the side of God as opposed to the pagans doesn't give room for justification of pride; and being a recipient of blessings around us for a season doesn't guarantee our own salvation either ( Romans 9:6-7). This passage shows a bloodline who were in God's geneology didn't guarantee anything either.

    Yesterday I considered the incident starting in Numbers 16 with the rebellion of the sons of Korah. Mercifully; there are Psalms from their descendants who survived that seem to bring hope that some were repentant after this terrifying judgment. The complaints the next day after the 250 were sucked down into the earth (which was directed to Moses) of somehow fomenting God's anger resulted in a plague. The incidents of rebellion among the exiles are too many tomention here; it is noteworthy to note that only Joshua and Caleb from that original generation were allowed to cross the Jordan after nearly 40 years wandering around in the desert. Moses surely was a child of God but couldn't make it due to one specific incident striking a stone in anger.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Greetings in Christ JESUS

    Dearest Adam

    The Word is GOD the Father, around 2000 years ago He was made flesh in the womb of a virgin(For with GOD nothing is impossible), and the NAME that GOD chose for He Himself was JESUS, understand? Acts 4:11-12:->11 This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. 12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other NAME under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

    Yes indeed, GOD the Father also hath highly exalted JESUS, and given Him a NAME which is above every name: Ph.2:9 KJV

    In fact, JESUS or JOSHUA is the only NAME of GOD, and it is above every name.

    You asked: Even above Jehovah? Well, well, who is Jehovah? Jehovah is the name of the father of the Jews, don't you know? It is what JESUS, the own GOD made flesh, said to the Jews: John 8:44-45

    But Jeovah is not the only name of the father of the Jews. They invented several names for their god mainly in the modern world. In antiquity there were several names of god, to this day there is even the star of the god Remphan on the flag of the current esoteric and kabbalist and spiritualist Israel(the star of David has nothing to do with the current witchkraft of the Jews), whose country to this day is full of idolatries and sorcery, the holy city today is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt.

    By the way, in the begining of October 2023, I posted here to GIANNIS saying to him that YHWH, Jehovah, Yahweh, Yehovah, Elohim, Adonai, HaShem, Yahusha, YEHshia, YEHvah, these names are not NAMES of GOD, quite the opposite, all these names listed are strictly the names of the Devil, or NICKNAMES of Devil.

    I don't quite understand why people lend credence to Kabbalistic and esoteric, and spiritists sources to speculate GOD's NAME. Think about it. Tares will now be cast into the fire to be burned for everlasting time.

    Be careful and get ready to meet JESUS- Matthew 25:6-13

  • Bennymkje - 11 months ago
    Father, God the

    God is a Spirit and His holiness is the name, which He expressed when He declared, 'Thou art my Son'. (Ps.7-8). We can understand the significance of this from this, "I have manifested Your name to the men whom You have given Me out of the world. They were Yours, You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your word." ( John 17:6-NKJV; John 6:37). Holiness in the matter of the name creates a Holy Family not of flesh and blood but on the basis of faith. The key to the Father Son relationship is faith with works. "If then I be a father, where is my honour?" (Mal.1:6). There are well meaning Christians who is proof against spiritualizing the word. They take literally and go by sense than the Spirit. So what is the wisdom which they go by? Wisdom of heaven is free and they would rather be called Pharisees than take it. Faith is what required. If we see still arguments over humanity and deity of Jesus in our forum it just proves why. Their intellect is their security blanket and cannot let go.

    Salvation plan of God is on the basis of the Father Son relationship. The earth as a mirror of heaven. This shall be completed when the tabernacle of God is among men. (Re.21:3)

    Separation of sons of God from the unbelieving world is the work to which Jesus referred, My Father works hitherto and I work, and he opened a new and living way. "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." (2 Co.6:17)
  • Adam - In Reply - 11 months ago
    It's my opinion that the Pope and its Vatican city empire are not Christian. I think many well-meaning Catholics are Christian though- if they truly follow Jesus. However, just like Mormonism, when you start peeling back the layers of its administration, you see massive corruption and violation of God's word in the organization.

    Many Catholics hold Mary to a higher position than Jesus and even worship graven images. There's plenty of photo and video proof of people worshipping, praying to, and bowing down to statues of Mary- very common in Latin America and many places. Millions and millions do this. There's also strange gargoyles and images of demons on old Catholic church buildings which makes you wonder what is really behind that.

    Lots of well-meaning protestants also teach their kids to worship Santa Claus so there is plenty of sin and corruption to go around. Even putting pagan symbols in the churches, like Christmas trees. I've never understood the thinking behind that.
  • Bennymkje - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hi Adam,

    Holy is his name, and Mary is referring God. As the Word become flesh Jesus claimed 'I and my Father are one.(John10:30)

    In his humanity he was faithful and true witness to the Word. In his resurrection he triumphed over death. God gave him a name cannot be greater than holiness which is His nature. "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:/That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;/And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."(Ph.2:9-11)
  • Adam - 11 months ago
    This verse jumped out at me:

    "Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:" Philippians 2:9 KJV

    "above every name". Even above Jehovah?

    "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth." Psalms 83:18 KJV

    Jehovah's name was the highest name before.

    I'm posting this for input not as a trivia question.

    It seems to say that the name of Jesus after His sacrifice was placed above the name of Jehovah, do you believe this and if so should this reality affect our Christian walk?
  • Yelena - 11 months ago
    Please pray for the spiritual and mental state of my brother. He's Christian. Thank you.
  • Cheryl on Psalms 51 - 11 months ago
    We all sin and this digs deep in your soul and let’s GOD know just how sorry you are and begs for mercy and asks to be forgiven while taking responsibility
  • Frank - In Reply - 11 months ago
    I'm praying for you Johnny.
  • Frank - 11 months ago
    Please pray for peace in my home. My wife continues to treat me badly and I am honestly doing my best. I am not perfect but I am doing my best to be patient and kind to her. I am always the one apologizing and she keeps cursing at me every single day and she treats me as if I'm dirty physically and spiritually but she hardly ever reads the Bible. Please pray that I know what to do.
  • David Allen - 11 months ago
    please remember me and my daughter Jessica and her family in your prayers today
  • Bennymkje - 11 months ago

    God called the whole mankind. It cannot be otherwise since Fellowship of God with Man was by a decree and the Man component represents the whole. (Ps.2:7-8).

    The Man signifies the Slain Lamb before the worlds began. It is an emblem that shall be found in the new heaven and the earth where the Throne of God and of Lamb is called Zion. This Man component where the Son is the Saviour of the World, and not for a few shall allow only those who join with him by covenant (Ps.50:4). He is designated a saint and the elect.

    After setting word in the heart God gave man a choice.

    "See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil." (De.30:15)

    Predestination is consequently conditional. "Choose life and we are set on a different time frame than that of the flesh and blood." Misconception of predestination as taught by some sects makes Atonement a feeble copy of God's glory. For the same reason denying free will would be heresy. We have its perfect example in Jesus. He was God the Son and yet he obeyed God. Free will was not his personal glory but laying it for the greater glory of his Father. He did so he fitted the expression, 'the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Re.13:8)'. So predestination of God is Obedience on the part of the Son for the glory of the father. It must be thus with every one who would be called child of God.

    In the parable of the Two Sons (Mt.21:28-31) the elder refused to go to the vineyard. His free will allowed him to say no to his father. But he regretted of letting down his father so he went to the vineyard after all. In his obedience he glorified his Father. His younger brother paid lip service to his father but exercised his free will. From this we have the significance of predestination and free will.
  • Chris - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Page 3.

    Apologies Ronald, I had to attach this Page 3 onto Page 1, as there was no Reply button on Page 2.

    We can believe that Jesus is spoken of as that Light (by the text clearly given), but John goes back to the Word of vv 1-3; and that Word of God was made fleshJohn baring witness of Him. Bringing all this together, I can see that the Word of God was in Jesus (as it should be), but the clear word is more than that: the Word of God was Jesus. We know that Jesus, as the Word of God, was instrumental in the creation of the worlds & all things ( Colossians 1:15,16) and He is before all His creative Work & He holds them all together ( Hebrews 1:3). Given what we read in these verses, one would have to re-word the verses to make them mean anything else than the Word of God becoming flesh - or else, none of it makes any sense & would be rejected as meaningless. You've written about 'Jesus receiving God's Word at His Ministry', but how would you explain the following verses in John 1 that show God's Word, not just indwelling the Man Jesus, but becoming the Man ("God manifest in the flesh": 1 Timothy 3:16)? Blessings.
  • Bennymkje - 11 months ago
    "Firstborn, the slaughter of the"

    Here we have a clear proof that the divine Will of the Father is complete since the fulfilling aspect of it is devolved on the Son. God is one. ("Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord"-De.6:4) In its function the Wisdom aspect must work with the Power principle of God so Trinity explains power and glory of the eternal God. In short order of the kingdom of God is the Law or the Word. John 1:1 states that the Word was with God. On the contrary Satan is the father of confusion. Satan sins from the beginning so Jesus Christ was manifest to destroy the works of the devil. Whosoever has resisted him is the son of perdition. Then as now.

    In the divine Will the Lamb slain before the foundation of the Word is determined. Against that we need consider all the martyrs from Abel onwards to which Jesus alludes at the end of woe to ye discourse in Matt.23. God the Father had made provisions for the collateral damage of sin. Against the slain Lamb before the foundation of the world slaughter of the firstborn has to be weighed. Who shall accuse God of genocide or crime against humanity.

    By the same token how shall we compare the murder of six million Jews in the 20th century by what whole scale slaughter in Gaza or in West Bank being carried out with impunity? God has set his Son as the slain Lamb for the whole mankind. God is the Judge.

    (See under M-Mode/ Law of Gradation)

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