King James Bible
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My thoughts about this.
Firstly just to mention that the original text uses the word attract instead of draw. Attract is a more powerful word than draw. How does God attract people to Jesus? The answer is by showing Jesus' love to people. How does God show Jesus' love to people? By His only Son's sacrifice for the salvation of people. Does God's love attracts all people to Jesus? The answer is no. Most of people do not want to know anything about Jesus and the salvation He offers. ( Matthew 7:13-14, John 5:40). And here is where the free will of people comes in. God will not force anybody to accept His offer. You either accept it or you don't. Now how do people get to know about God's love? Is God actually going to tell them Himself or use an angel for that? No, this task is for us to do it. See what Paul says in Romans 10:14-15
" How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" So it is our responsibility to bring the Good News to all people. We are the tools that God wants to use for this task. So let us make ourselves ready for this ministry. GBU
When the Bible asks christians to have nothing to do with this world it implies to have nothing to do with the sinful ways of this world. Everything in this world that is not a sin is not
Why did you respond to memorized Joel 2? Do you know something I did not know from my inquiry?
I am very curious.
The verse you mentioned from Galatians says to us the other way around from what you are implying. It states that we, christians, must not let others criticize us for not keeping the Sabbath as the Jews were. Sabbath is not a christian holiday or a holly day. We do not celebrate Sabbath, we simply have Saturday. The early christians since the time of apostles chose Sunday, that is the first day of the week as the day for the formal congregation of believers, simply because on that day Jesus Christ was ressurected. Of course a church can choose any other day for that, it is not compulsory to be Sunday, I believe. But since Sunday is weekend and nobody works, I think it is the most suitable day for that.
1 Peter 1:5
1 Peter 1:13
Hebrews 10:26
Matthew 24:13
Hebrews 10:36
2 Corinthians 5:10
I know Christians tonight who will commit fornication. I know Christians who will be out partying tonight, getting drunk, possibly doing drugs. Some will lie, some may steal, some may assault others. They do this because they hear the watered down gospel and are told that they're already saved, that they're already in the book of life, so their actions are irrelevant, they assume.
Every Sunday when they go to church they then hear the same verses you shared which reassures them that they're totally fine following the pleasures of the world and can enjoy all the benefits of sin they wish, like an all you can eat buffet. But is that why Jesus died on the cross- so His followers can use that as a free hall pass to commit unlimited sin and evil? The Bible already says the answer is no.
So, everyone giving only part of the story of salvation and omitting the importance of obedience is doing a grave disservice. People will go to hell over this and people should actually fear God like it says in Matthew 10:28. But people are afraid of offending someone, that they withhold the truth. Did Jesus withhold the truth so no one was offended? Did Paul?
But what about offending God and offending Jesus? Those who don't obey and who sin is like slapping Jesus in the face.
I'm offended that people are withholding Bible verses from those who need to hear them the most. I am offended at false teachings.
The fact is Jesus gave lots of commandments. Do we truly love Jesus enough to follow them?
John 13:34
John 15:12
John 15:10
John 14:15
Deuteronomy 11:22
1 John 2:15 "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
The above verse should scare the daylights out of people who are currently loving and following the world. It should scare them to death and be the hugest wake up call. The end is near and time is short to get right with God. It won't happen automatically.
God bless.
Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Amen
Just come to Jesus Christ and he will save you. Believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He rose from the dead after 3 days.
He has dominion and is also Lord over death. God bless you and yours. He will protect you and preserve you for the rest of your life and the rest. Have faith as in your only good Father. Stay safe in Jesus Name.
Everything is God's Will, period. It's God's will to give man freewill. God is big and powerful enough to do this, even if people can't understand it and still want to deny it. God also is big and powerful enough to change His mind and let things play out, as the Bible says in Exodus 32:14, Genesis 18:32, and over a dozen other examples.
Maybe you believe you are a puppet or marionette 100% controlled by God. Did God force you to write this post beyond your will? Does God force you to eat at certain foods you dislike or do things you don't want to do throughout the day? Does he force you to take showers or use restrooms at random times when you don't want to? Are you a prisoner? If so, does this also mean you are perfect just like Jesus and don't sin? Have you ever lied to someone in your lifetime? If so, was that God forcing you to sin or was it 100% you? God doesn't cause anyone to sin ever.
None of the above applies to me as God blessed me with 100% freewill and I try very hard to use that for good and to serve the Lord. But like Paul who faced huge temptation and struggled, I wrestle with these daily choices and decisions and sometimes I make mistakes but repent and try hard to get back on track. Paul said to run the race, not to ignore the race and sit on the couch. Christianity is an active faith, not passive. Nearly every challenge in the Bible is for us to take action and make choices. Many are warnings about choosing good instead of evil.
Freewill that God gives man:
Psalms 119:108
Joshua 24:15
Philippians 1:22
Joshua 24:14-15
Matthew 25:25-30 - Jesus's parable of talents God condemned the lazy servant who choose poorly through fear. The Bible is filled with challenges of choosing to follow God instead of choosing to follow the world.
I find it unusual that you don't believe you have any freewill to make any decisions and are merely a puppet? Is that true? Have you prayed about this? God bless.
I. have. Problem. With. Friend. aswers.
For. Pesae. Pray. Happy. In. Life
Please. Make. Angel. Watch. Over. Me
Pray. For. Good. Health. Happy. In. My
Life. I. Have. Faith. You. Our. Lady Marty. Love. From. Mary. . . . . .
To us (the born again) these verses may sound soft. To an athiest, religious, or gnostic...the verses I posted are offensive. Always have been. But Grace isn't soft and that's why few get there. I share this as encouragement to the saved and unsaved that we are sharing these verses with everyone we know and more. I never said it's just those above verses -- we need to witness the way we're called BUT with sound doctrine. If it ain't Bible... it's not of God.
Amen! We are saved by God's grace and mercy alone. We do not work for our salvation and we do not work to keep ourselves saved. The salvation process from start to finish is God's work, not man's. He saves us, He seals us with His Spirit, and He keeps us saved until the day of redemption. We are bought with a price, and that price was the blood He shed on the cross. Ephesians 2:8-9, which you shared pretty much sums it up. That tells us that salvation is present tense to those who have called out to Christ to have mercy on them and to save them. (For by grace are ye saved, not for by grace you will someday be saved).
Thank you for sharing this!
You said: although we will never acquire the divine nature. That nature solely belongs to God alone.
2 Peter 1:4 Whereby are GIVEN TO US exceeding and great PROMISES: that by these (promises) ye might be PARTAKERS of the DIVINE NATURE .......
1 Corinthians 15:28 .....that GOD (the divine nature) may be ALL in ALL.
God Bless YOU!
Some who post on here speak as though our physical, material (made of matter) body is evil and that it is the spiritual aspects of our being that is redeemed. They speak as if the sinful nature only corrupts our fleshly bodies, but in reality, our whole being is corrupted by sin. They speak as if our redemption involves a freeing of our spiritual nature from our physical nature. This is called dualism and originated in the minds of the Greek philosophers such as Plato and the mid-eastern religious beliefs that attested that the body itself (and material universe, being made of matter) is inherently evil and the spiritual world made of spiritual beings and spiritual ideas is inherently good.
However, God's Word refutes this by God determination that the material world and physical beings he created are all inherently good. His design for the material world proceeded out of His perfection and goodness. It was when Adam and Eve sinned that corruption and death entered into physical creation.
God's Word also refutes this dualistic thinking because Satan, who is a spiritual being made without physical matter became corrupted when he sinned along with his angelic followers. In the spiritual realm, there is corruption as well, due to this sinfulness and rebellion in these fallen angels. These spiritual beings and the realm in which they abide were made inherently good by God, just as all of the physical realm was made inherently good. But it is sin that corrupted both realms.
The real conflict is between sin and righteousness, not between spirit and matter, as some say in their posts.
Gnosticism adopted this dualistic thought concerning labeling all that is spiritual as good and all that is physical as evil. This heretical thinking has prevailed in some segments of the church over the centuries, but has been consistently refuted as false teaching over the centuries as well. Here we have it in the church now, and we should continue to refute it.
It is worth considering that sometimes people try to simplify things by cutting out key verses about salvation, but its in the Bible for a reason and shouldn't be ignored. For example, the Bible over and over talks about obedience. If someone discards all these verses and assumes it will happen magically through the spirit and not their own freewill then they can be misled into following evil. Maybe they assume their sins don't count or matter or that God doesn't even care or they no longer have the freewill to sin, but the Bible doesn't say any of those things.
Maybe they their friends are going out drinking and doing "just a little" drugs, and going to a strip club "just a for a few minutes" and rob a store "sharing was done in Jesus's time" and commit a murder "just one who 'deserved' it". Then they go to church on Sunday and they are reminded of the above verses and not to worry about it as they are forgiven, so they do it again and again every weekend. Lying, cheating, stealing, assaulting, harming, idolatry, worshipping the world and satan.
This may throw a wet blanket on the simplicity of all the warm fuzzy verses cherry picked from the Bible, but life isn't simple and temptation of sin isn't simple. Sometimes someone SHOULD feel guilt and convicted by the holy spirit of evil that person has done. Some are deceived into believing they are "saved" when they are following satan and not Jesus. If they aren't following Jesus they may not be Christian and may not have assurance of salvation, but assume they are because someone told them not to worry about it.
There are many important Bible verses that people should heed about salvation and not simply throw them out:
Matthew 7:21-23
Matthew 12:32
Hebrews 10:26
John 14:15
James 2:14-26
1 Peter 1:5
1 Cor 9:24-27
1 Peter 1:13
Part 1
The fact that God is a personal, relational being also explains the trinity in that God has forever been in a relationship of perfect love, complete understanding, and unceasing unity within the Godhead. God has never been without this interrelationship with the three persons of the Godhead.
How wonderful it is that He has made us to have a relationship with Him and to come to know Him for all of eternity. I am so thankful that He has provided the means (grace, faith, love) by which we are able to respond to His invitation to believe in him and enter into this eternal relationship that completely satisfies all of our needs for all of eternity. In Christ we have fellowship with God and also with other. These are such rich gifts to us!
God also, in His wisdom, created us to be embodied that have an integration of mind, body, spirit and soul that has a oneness aspect that, while in this life, cannot be separated. All aspects of our being are fused together and interrelated. God created all parts of our being in His wisdom and said that it is all good. What is not good in us is our sinful nature, not our physical, material, body. All of our being is corrupted by sin, but our redemption in Christ is applied to all of our being. not just to our spirit as some say.
Although we will die and our body is buried and will decay, in the resurrection our physical body will be resurrected and once again integrated with our mind, soul and spirit. Our whole self (mind, body, soul, and spirit) will be changed to become immortal and incorruptible, but not to become immaterial. We will not be strictly spirit beings. Jesus rose in a physical body and still has his human body forever. He always is fully God and fully human. And His human body is forever glorified. Our human bodies will also be glorified as His body is, although we will never acquire the divine nature. That nature solely belongs to God alone.
Can we get saved by a person or named church denomination?
Acts 4:12 - "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."
John 14:6 - "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."
Salvation can not come from another other (pastors, priests, religion, etc) but only from Christ Jesus.
But I have good news for you today!
John 3:15-18
"That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God."
Wow, isn't that beautiful? But you may ask yourself, "but I've done this or that sin and I've been too wicked." That's what the Pharisees believed. They saw the broken sinners and pitied them...turned them away. What did Jesus say to them?
Luke 5:32
"I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
Don't we have to do works to obtain mercy and Salvation from God? No, the only works are after Salvation from the fruit of the Spirit.
Ephesians 2:8&9
"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
Let us never complicate the simplicity of the Bible and share this with everyone today. The most important gift you can give a strange, relative, friend or even an enemy are these verses (and there are many more) to Salvation. Please use your Holy King James Bible and God Bless!
Good article. Thanks for sharing!
2 Peter 2:4 For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
1)= omnipotence all power, all knowing GOD; 2)= FATHER/SON; 3)=Trinity FATHER/SON/HOLY SPIRIT; 4)=earth; 5)=grace; 6)=fall of man; 7)=spiritual completeness; 8)=new beginning; 9)= 1 less than ordinal perfection 5+4=grace and earth; 10=ordinal perfection;
11)= +1 over ordinal perfection meaning without 1(GOD) there is no ordinal perfection
12)=divine governance; so if we view 11 as 12-1 or 10+1 it is disorder either way; it is the number that marks disorder,imperfection and disintegration, we see examples of the disruption when Dan was excommunicated from 12 tribes of Israel leaving 11, when Judas was excommunicate from the 12 disciples leaving 11 so we can see it is disorientation from disobedience..