All Discussion PAGE 1103

  • Bro dan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi GiGI,

    Sorry to hear your post was also deleted. I did have some private correspondence with the KJBO Admin regarding deletion of these posts and they assured me that they did not remove these posts in question, but rather it was the number of the reports generated by others that triggered the auto deletion. They would not share with me the formula that triggers this to happen.

    At least we know how this occurs.

    God Bless
  • Veronica Coney - In Reply on 2 Esdras 6 - 2 years ago
    Thank you.
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Is there any update available on her condition?
  • Jennifer Spitzer - 2 years ago
    Please pray that I have favor energy strength and do a great job with alertness and that it's not busy at work today and tonight and I can go to the store a few times ijnip
  • Kathy - In Reply on Job 6 - 2 years ago
    How wonderfully stated. I wholeheartedly agree with you. I'm just bringing out that in my own life, and I know it rings true in others, that when going through tough situations, if I wallow in self-pity and say woe is me, then what effect does the crisis have in me? Could there be more? I believe there is more to every situation, if we will truly turn to God and ask him to "reveal the deeper "why", then that's when we grow and truly change. Our victory is to bring all honor and glory to him one moment at a time.
  • John - In Reply on Galatians 6 - 2 years ago
    Thank you brother for responding I apologize forgive me for not responding to thank you I'm not good in this so thank you again my Lord Jesus Christ God bless you for this thank you again
  • John - 2 years ago
    My prayer request is that I pray for healing for all the people that need prayer and healing I pray that your prayers will be answered in Jesus name he's the beginning he's the end I do know that it's good to be on his team at the end as Born again Christians we win at the end so with that said I pray that all of y'all prayers will be answered and healing in Jesus name I pray amen
  • John - In Reply on Galatians 6 - 2 years ago
    Thank you for responding God will bless you and your husband for you responding I went on this website yesterday and I said a prayer for all the people that me healing and their prayers will be answered maybe God's using me maybe baby when people read this they might know somebody it's the little things that count not the big things I told my son God doesn't want us to paint the house just take the garbage can out or get their paper or cut their grass it's the little things there's a lot of people in the Bible that things happen to them so we can learn maybe that's what's happening with me I know there's a lot of worse people off than me I pray for healing for all of y'all in Jesus name I pray amen
  • Charlie on Psalms 72 - 2 years ago
    Matthew 22:37 words directly from the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please continue to pray for my daughter Jessica, that the infection completely leaves her foot , please pray for Kristie and me
  • J.D. RILES Jr. on 1 John 3 - 2 years ago
    reading first john 3:6-10 makes me feel that there's something wrong with me because i reconnise that i sin everyday in verse 8 he says he that committe sin is of the devil an in verse

    9he says who so ever is born of God doth not commit sin , so my question is how can i be born of God an not sin , in one verse he tells us that we sinn everyday thriugh , word , thought , an deed , so what do i do to be born of GOD that i sinn know more ?
  • Tetteh Kanor on Jeremiah 19 - 2 years ago
    Jesus is my light and my life discipl for Jesus
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    If you don't remember being baptized then you haven't been . Maybe you were dipped in water as a baby but I don't believe that's baptism , others may disagree . Please read Acts Ch 8 V 26 onwards and please read it carefully especially V 37 . Baptism to me is a commitment and a very serious one , not to be made lightly . May God bless you .
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I absolutely agree Andy , most of us on here are either actual commited Christians who are strong in our faith or newbies looking for some help , however none of us should ever think that we know everything there is to know about the Bible and arrogance should not be a part of any Christians attitude , even us oldies can still learn plenty if we are prepared to listen to each other with open hearts and minds , we were all newbies once and we should try to remember that and also that however old we are or long we have been reading the Bible there is still plenty for all of us to learn . This site has taught me many great and wonderful things about the Bible and about myself , not least of all I have learnt to bite my tongue and to not get into pointless circular arguements . I hope to hear more from you and God bless you .
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thx KJBO Admin yesterday when i see this i find Bro Dans wrightning where i answered to him. :) thank you for this marvelous website! Love u all in Christ
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 1 John 1 - 2 years ago
    Hebrews 6, Hebrews 5, Hebrews 7, Romans 8:27, Romans 8:34, Psalms 139,

    Romans 8:26,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Wisdom of Solomon 10 - 2 years ago
    Wisdom, please see Wisdom of Solomon 10:9
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Mark 15 - 2 years ago
    There was 1st a Priesthood in: Genesis 14:18,

    Another priesthood established after 400+ yrs of captivity of Israel in Egypt. Established in Exodus 28:1, described & defined & detailed in; Exodus 28, Ex. 29, Ex. 30, Ex. 31, Ex. 35, Ex. 38, Ex. 39, Ex. 40, Leviticus 1, note the Name, Aaron being in the Levi lineage= Exodus 2:1, Numbers 26:59, if you want to study the laws of the Priesthood all the chapters of Leviticus, I recommend.

    Numbers 3:1-45, clarified who was allowed to be in the Priesthood. Note: Numbers 3:32, Numbers 4, breaks down duties of each family, within that tribe, separated by GOD specifically, Numbers 3:12-13, Numbers 3:41, Deuteronomy also describe the duties. This continued through the book of Joshua. King David & king Solomon, re-established the Levitical Priests; 1Chronicles 6:10, then again at the return of the Babylonian captivity re-established by Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, & all Israel that returned.

    Therefore by these recorded accounts it appears the priesthood that existed during the moment your referring to in Mark 15, were traditional heirs of the priesthood as established, in Exodus. Respected & upheld by Jesus himself= Matthew 8:4, Mark 1:44, Luke 5:14,

    Please read Isaiah 53, Zechariah 13:6, John 18:35,

    Interestingly in: Luke 1:5, Luke 2, Hebrews 5, Hebrews 6, Jesus Our High Priest.

    They swayed Pilate, Matthew 27:24, Mark 15:15, Luke 23:4-23, John 19:8-15, yet GOD ordained it & Christ allowed it, John 10:17,

    I find it useful to read & study many Books of the Bible to answer my questions within one part of another Book.

    Hopefully these are helpful & fully answer your questions
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply - 2 years ago
    John chapter 3, Jesus explains it to Nicodemus.

    We can agree intellectually and not be saved. Being born again is accepting Jesus to be your LORD and Savior. We only grow up in Christ by reading mass quantities of Bible.

    It's not reading it through once and calling it done. We read it till we can tell it to others.

    We should join a Christian Church that teaches the whole Bible and doesn't skip around or omit books. They teach us why we tithe; what is an offering over the tithe. Helping out once a month in church upkeep.

    We are not under the Law to be water Baptized. But some people (myself included) needed to be baptized in water to send a message to Satan that I don't want him anywhere near me!! The Holy Spirit baptizes us with the Gifts of the Spirit (there's 9). He chooses which one we need. Scripture does says to ask for the best one.

    I have been a street preacher 36 years. If we truly follow Jesus, we will be fruitful and multiply over all the earth. Jesus uses ordinary people to bring in the harvest
  • Cindy - In Reply on Galatians 6 - 2 years ago
    Hello again John. Please don't worry about how you communicate; you're doing fine. My husband and I are not great with technology either; so I totally understand! But you're all right; no worries.

    It's a great pity and shame that so MANY things are done by computer now and not on paper. What was SUPPOSED to 'make things easier' actually has made EVERYTHING so MUCH more complicated.

    I feel bad if you have to donate blood to make money. The church in America and maybe worldwide is in a complete shambles.

    There ARE yet REAL churches that minister Biblically; and know how to be there for those in need; but it's getting more rare every day; I'm very grieved that so far no one has stepped up to the plate to help you John. But as you know, God will NEVER fail you; even when it APPEARS that He is. He won't.

    I think it's totally awesome that you are there for your ex-wife; and that you are so 'others-minded'; as Christ His Self is; and as He wants ALL of us to be.

    I pray that God will make a way where there SEEMS to be NO way; BOTH for you with your financial/home situation and for your ex-wife. I pray God will send people to both of you to minister to you; ONLY those who are TRULY of God; NO ONE that will try to rip you off in any way...I HATE to even WRITE this; but sadly; you and all of us must be on guard a little for such things. We have to ask God for His wisdom and discernment in who we look to for help.

    I, and I'm SURE that so MANY others on here John; those that may not respond to you at all; are in fact thinking of you; remembering you in prayer and your wife as well; and above all; JESUS CHRIST 'EVER LIVES TO MAKE INTERCESSION' for YOU John; for your wife; for ALL of His children. Please hold fast to that truth John; as you are tested in The Faith.

    Take care John; and please, as you are able to; stay in touch with all of us. May The Lord bless you; comfort you; strengthen you in The Faith; and cause you (And all of us) to BE "MORE THAN conquerors" through Christ
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good Evening Suze.

    Yes, I too read a lot that I do not agree with and do not respond to these most of the time. But I would never want to restrict anyone's access to posting on this site. We all stand on equal ground here. I don't mind a rigorous conversation nor that someone would disagree with me in a response. We learn a lot by such exchanges. But then again, some are more "sensitive" about someone disagreeing with them than I am. I appreciate your perspective. Thank you for contributing here.
  • Ronnette on Ezekiel 33:12 - 2 years ago
    Who is the Son of man who was made the "watchman"? Have you noticed that Ezekiel 3:17-19 is repeated in Ezekiel 33:7-9?

    The Son of man is Jesus Christ based on Matthew 26:24, Mark 14:21, and John 12:34.

    Just what to confirm my understanding on these verses.

    Thank you.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Carleton,

    Glad you had a good day with your friends and children. I am feeling pretty well. Had a long meeting with my siblings concerning the affairs of my Mom who passed on May 15th. There are ten of us, so there are usually a lot of opinions and contributions to discussions by many siblings.
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 Esdras 6 - 2 years ago
    Hello Veronica. We don't have a lot of information on extra-biblical books such as Esdras & others, as they were written either in the inter-testamental period (OT Apocrypha) or in the post-biblical period (NT Apocrypha). Esdras is said to have been written in the former, by the prophet Ezra, but this is not certain, as some claim that it was a post-NT writing.

    As part of the other NT Apocrypha writings, we also find the Gospel of Barnabas, Gospel of Mary, Gospel of Thomas, the Traditions of Mathias, & many many others. There are some truths in them, but also much that is untrue, therefore they have not been allowed into the Canon of Scripture. Anyone reading them, needs to be very discerning, always comparing what they read with what is written in the Books of the Bible, pertaining to their relevance under the Old or the New Covenants of God.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Bro DN,

    Looks like my post to you informing you that your post had been deleted has been removed also. So, according to the Admin of this site, wither they thought my post was inappropriate (I doubt it) or some people reported my and your posts enough for them to be removed. So, for me, I would like such people to actually respond to us rather than try to silence our views.
  • Chris - In Reply on Romans 12 - 2 years ago
    I believe so, Rodney. If you go to the tab, 'Christian Life' (under the main Tab, Discussion), you will find a recent post from the KJBO Admin of how to access the Strong's Numbers & Concordance search.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Bro. Dan. I was sorry to learn that your comment was removed, as I was planning a lengthy response to it. Even till my present comment, I don't see it re-instated, so I will just make one brief comment on one point that you raised, that of the time of the rising of this 'Pre-Tribulation Rapture' teaching. I believe you quoted that this began to occur around the 1830s with J.N. Darby, E. Irving, et al bringing this to the fore, when prior to this, neither the apostles, nor the early Church believed in it. Please correct me if I've not accurately remembered your comment on this.

    Not raising the matters of the apostles or the understanding by the early Church at this juncture, since that is the era & its beliefs that are in question, I would raise the afore-mentioned point of whether this teaching of the 'rapture' was evident in the post-apostolic era. I will just share a few names, that you no doubt will be familiar with, but will also state that I don't subscribe to everything they believe, nor the quality of their Christian experience. I only bring up their names because of that early period of their life & their belief on this subject.

    Though there were both pre- and post-tribulation positions held in those days, these men named here held the pre-trib position: Polycarp (1st Century AD, & disciple to the Apostle John); Clement of Rome (1st Century AD & possibly the same as the one in Philippians 4:3); Ignatius of Antioch (2nd Century AD); Irenaeus (2nd Century AD, & disciple of Polycarp); Victorinus of Petrovium (3rd Century AD); and others, particularly various writings specific to or alluding to a pre-tribulation rapture. I share these few names simply to refute the belief that this teaching is something new from the 19th Century AD, rather, a belief that existed since the early Church. Though no doubt, other beliefs on eschatology were varied & rampant. Yet, it's only to God's Word we appeal.
  • Rodney H. Lorang on Romans 12 - 2 years ago

    Jesus is alive and soon to come again, yet, there is a slight delay: He longs to see more repentance in the lives of His people: II Chron 7:14


    Does have a prompt that will display a word meaning from the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance?

    Giving thanks always to God and the Father through his precious son Jesus Christ!

    Thank you, R
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Believe it or not, 700 Club (on tv) has a great ministry to children with books, games. There are Christian childrens books on Amazon. I didn't allow my son to watch regular tv or play violent video games, mostly because I don't think tv should be a babysitter.

    I gave up my loafing around and took him to the park, a playground, wading areas to feed the ducks. They grow up way too fast these days. They will remember the time you set aside for them, when they have their own kids.
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply - 2 years ago
    It just happens sometimes. If it's scorching or offensive you can report it. Admin will look into it.

    I appreciate new visitors to the 3 rooms:

    Questions, Discussions, or Christian Life.

    You are more than welcome to post your comments. Someone will get back to you as quick as possible. Some minister at night, others during the days.

    It's quite possible you may get more than 5 responders to your questions or discussions.

    I generally add in scriptures from the Bible when I'm making a point. It helps. This website doesn't allow rudeness; which most of us abide by.

    If no one said it, welcome to the Bible Comment website.

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