All Discussion PAGE 1110

  • Knowing You're Accepted in the Beloved - In Reply - 2 years ago
    There is a LINK out on the entrance page, named, BECOME A CHRISTIAN. It a guide to what happens after you accept salvation from Jesus.

    Sometimes friends, family, co-workers don't know why you want to be "all in" in Jesus. I think it's well written and hits the big questions.

    We'll always be here to help too. Mishael
  • Sharon KAMAU on Matthew 2 - 2 years ago
    is there any deeper meaning in chapter two?
  • Bj - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yep when you saved you are born again
  • Lenny Alifi on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    I noticed it is 14 generations from David to the seizure of Babylon and from David to Jesus is also 14 generations . This needs to get more notice amongst bible scholars especially when it's dealing in messianic for telling.
  • Mike - 2 years ago
    Like Job, God let the devil on me while I was still good. I compare it to Jesus taking a lamb and throwing it into a pen with wolfs who attack it. And while being attacked the lamb looks up at Jesus and cries for help but Jesus turns his back. I feel that happened to me. God eventually removed the devil from attacking Job. But he seemed to forget he put the devil on me. Decades later at age 57 I am now covered with sin from being overwhelmed by God lack of presence in my life despite searching for him. Various times I gave up and my faith concluded perhaps there is no God or he just doesn't care or has already written me off. And when I earnestly try to regain my faith and come back there is still emptiness. My life has been stagnation, loneliness, failure, broken dreams. No friends, no wife, no home of my own, scraping by financially. No matter how hard I try supernatural blocks are placed before me to prevent progress. I'm forced to watch peers from high school gain fruit. I go on facebook and see they are married, have kids, a house, vacation while I'm still stuck behind. I even see generations pass me by as I see my siblings living large. Wonderful life milestones. I watch my brother climb up the ladder in life, marry, have kids, then see his kids graduate, get married, have kids, buy a house. Meanwhile I'm 57 years old and still stuck. I fear I will live this hellacious life only to then die and go to Hell for God seems not to be with me. What gives? Please pray God will restore the years the locust have eaten and end this horror show.
  • Doug - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Appreciate your sincere question and Adam's response. Seems when the Bible speaks of salvation from our sins it refers to a present state, but eternal salvation is to those that obey him. Hebrews 5:9. And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him. Jesus said that he that endures to the end shall be saved. My understanding of born again it is interchangeable with conversion and transformation. This happens by the work of the Spirit and Word (water), washing of water by the word. 1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. James 1:18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. Psalm 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. I am not aware that the blood of Christ has a role in being born again. My understanding it is for the atonement and remission of sins.
  • Maria May - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Cherry , thank you for your wonderful testimony. Yes I believe in Jesus . I believe that He is real. He is our Lord and Savior.
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lord please heal Maddie. You're our only hope Jesus. We all need You tonight. We cry out to You for forgiveness, mercy, and healing tonight. In Jesus name..
  • Donna - 2 years ago

    Please pray for Jill in the hospital liver & kidneys failing. Jesus heal her. Backslidden Pastors daughter. Lord please be merciful. To the whole family. Restore their souls. Lord You can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. Her boyfriend just died.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello, you will likely get different opinions on this, so my recommendation is to just read the Bible with an open heart and open mind and pray for wisdom and understanding before, during and after. There's a link on this site that says Become a Christian which has a lot of verses you can read and then read the entire chapters and books for broader context.

    My interpretation of the scriptures is that if we decide to legitimately turn from our old evil ways and follow Jesus while intentionally trying to follow Him and avoid sin, then that process is being born again. John 3:3 It is the process of becoming new in Christ. I believe this is a huge commitment and a serious change in someone's direction in life. I think people who dismiss this as unimportant are at risk of not legitimately being born again. I think most Christians dismiss following Jesus as just a box to check so they can then go back to enjoing a life of sin (and inadvertantly following satan). Most people do this and most will go to hell. That is a fact that Jesus warned us of over and over. And much of the gospel are warnings to both nonbelievers and believers- especially Christians not taking Jesus seriously. Matthew 10:28.

    I personally don't believe anyone is "saved" until we are judged, and I don't believe judgment day happens until Jesus returns. And I believe it will all happen on the same day, because it says 'day of judgment' over and over. Not days, or weeks, or years of judgment. This contradicts what a lot of people want to believe that they go instantly to heaven upon death.

    So, my belief differs from popular Christian interpretations which says people are already "saved" if they respond to an altar call, or touch the TV and pray while at home, or invite Jesus "into your heart". These words aren't exactly found in the Bible from what I have discovered.

    When I read about salvation it appears to be future tense- after judgment. Romans 10:9, 1 Peter 1:5. 1 Corinthians 9:24. God bless.
  • Roy Morgan on Matthew 12 - 2 years ago
    Mathew 12 verse 8 - For Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.

    Reference specifically the words "Son of man" with capital "S" in word Son. Will some please try to clarify the reference to "Son of man".

    Thank you

  • Dick Reed - 2 years ago
    When you are saved. Are you born again at that time?
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Lord Jesus I ask for powerful encouragement and all hindrances to our prayers removed. Please forgive our sins. Help us to walk in a manner pleasing to you. I renew my prayer for strong protection, deliverance, healing, salvation (those not saved), guidance and strength, the fullness of the Holy Spirit (as per Eph. 3:14-19). I pray this for us and all in need in your powerful name and I thank you and praise you for the answer. Amen
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Ray. The word 'Rapture' is not found in the Bible. In Greek, this 'snatching away' is 'harpazo' and when the word 'rapture' is often used now, it's taken from Latin, 'rapio': both meaning the same 'to seize or snatch from one place to another'.

    Another example is in 2 Corinthians 5:10, referring to the 'judgement seat of Christ'. You may have heard it referred to as "the Bema Seat of Christ", which is a specific time of judgement for believers not aligned with any other judgement by God against unbelievers. And this 'judgement seat' in Greek is 'bematos', from whence comes this phrase 'bema seat'. So these are just other names given to specific events, names that appear in other languages.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Denise. Not sure what "chem trials (trails?) you are seeing. The ones that very often appear to us are simply vapour trails from high flying jet aircraft. And they are sometimes seen to criss-cross each other as aircraft follow their assigned 'highway' in the sky. Such vapours are produced when extremely hot exhaust gases from their engines enter a very cold atmosphere. Sometimes, you might not see the aircraft (either, they're too high, or the vapour that is seen is just the lingering remnant of an earlier passing jet). If this is what you're looking at, then take comfort, they're not dangerous - no more than the exhaust & smoke we breathe while treading on terra firma.
  • Marushka - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The short answer of sanctification, (set apart)

    Jesus said in John 17 sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth.

    Also here are words that define Bible salvation.

    I. JUSTIFICATION- the declaration that a man is righteous when he is not.

    II. REDEMPTION - the payment made to buy the sinner back from the wrath of God

    III. PROPITIATION - the price paid to satisfy the demands of an angry God against sin. The difference between redemption and propitiation is that in redemption the payment is made, in propitiation the payment is accepted by God and a appeases, or placates, His anger. He is completely satisfied with the payment He received.

    IV. REMISSION- the payment for sin is applied to your account, and you are forgiven the debt that you owed.

    V. EXPIATION - the act of purging or cleansing of sin. Sin is taken away, not merely forgiven, based upon the actions of Christ on our behalf.

    VI. IMPUTATION- the act of God whereby He charges the sinner's sins to Jesus Christ, and whereby He charges the righteousness of Jesus Christ to the sinner.

    VII. REGENERATION - the act of salvation in which the Holy Spirit enters the sinner and gives him a new life by a new birth. A new spirit, able to respond to the Holy Spirit, is created within the sinner.

    VIII. RECONCILIATION _ the act whereby two warring parties ( you and God) are brought together in peace.

    IX. SPIRITUAL CIRCUMCISION - the act of the Holy Spirit that divides the new nature in the Christian from his body of sinful flesh, so that no sin done in the flesh can affect the new spirit.

    X. ADOPTION - the act whereby God takes a sinner and puts him into the family of God upon salvation.

    Xi. SANCTIFICATION - the act whereby God sets a saved sinner apart, so that, from then on, he is dealt with as a son instead of a stranger.

    XII. GLORIFICATION - the ultimate end of a saved sinner whereby he is made completely like Jesus Christ and given an inheritance with Him in His kingdom.

    All this at salvation :-)
  • Marushka - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Who wrote Job? Elihu, according to Job 3:2-6, 15-16 Written long before 1700B.C.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Ms. Wilson: I thought it would be prudent to mention that even Paul was "buffeted" by a thorn in the flesh from Satan. Other verses state that when we are weak; then (in the Spirit) we are strong; and His grace is sufficient ( 2 Cor. 12:9). Since God chastises all He loves; our motives are tested that reflect who is truly "King of our hearts". The allurement of the world; flesh and devil WILL overwhelm us if we don't have a firm foundation as seen of those in the parable of the seed who have the cares of this world cause them not to bring fruit to maturity.

    We are to have complete trust in God; along with renouncing any known sin that gives the enemy a legal foothold. The accuser of our souls is stated in Revelation 12:10 to be at work; and he doesn't rest day and night as a roaring lion (see James). When we are saved; we realize that Christ has indeed overcome and we are in reality in our new nature dead to sin; while simultaneously struggling with our old flesh nature. Demons will install thoughts in our minds that SEEM like euphoric emotions that our natural man can relate to and mimics our own thoiught patterns. When we test the spirits; however; we see what the reality is. We are to expect to be hated and despitefully treated; as a servant is no greater than his master ( Matthew 10:24). The enemy will use thoughts; and other people to go after us. Sinners (including us) are enemies to God and when Christ is seen people will either be drawn to Him or repulsed. We as believers are not to conceal sin; but remove ourselves from it; as well as confessing when we have hurt others for forgiveness so that we don't get a hardened heart. Satan also likes to convince us that we are still helpless; and tries to get us to break off fellowship; as well as oppressing many saints. I sense that he likes to convince us we will have to go through the Tribulation as well. Time is getting short; I pray that you will allow God to strengthen you.
  • Christian Marriage and Divorce - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1 Corinthians 7

    (Is a good chapter to understand the Lord's views on marriage and divorce.)

    Comment: Christian marriages are not the same as marriages between unbelievers. (the world system). That's why we enter into a covenant of marriage soberly.

    In Jewish culture the couple are betrothed for one year before the marriage. It's time to get to know one another. The bride-to-be would cook dinners for her betrothed and the family.


    Wesley's Notes for Matthew 5:31

    Let him give her a writing of divorce - Which the scribes and Pharisees allowed men to do on any trifling occasion. # Deut 24:1; Matt 19:7; Mark 10:2; Luke 16:18.

    People's Bible Notes for Matthew

    Mt 5:31,32 Whosoever shall put away his wife. The divorce laws were very lax among the Jews. A man could put away his wife "for any cause" ( Matthew 19:8). Moses directed a legal letter of divorcement ( Deuteronomy 24:1).

    Christ positively forbids divorce except for unchastity. Marriage is a divine institution, and the obligation is for life.

    Mt 19:3-9

    Romans 7:1-3;

    1 Corinthians 7:10-17
  • Melanie Daniel on Genesis 4 - 2 years ago
    I love reading king james version
  • The First person to sit on the 3rd Temple Throne will be Antichrist - In Reply - 2 years ago
    John 4:24

    God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

    2 Thessalonians 4:4

    Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that HE AS God sitteth in the temple of God, SHOWING HIMSELF that he is "God."

    [I just want to highlight the fact that the Antichrist will sit on the throne in the 3rd Temple, so as to prove to himself.that he is "god".

    He is deceived, and will try to deceive the world that he is god.]

    There is much more info of this on Nelson Walters youtube website. The videos are very informative.

  • Jc - In Reply on Numbers 22 - 2 years ago
    The primary theme of the first oracle is Balaam's inability to curse what God has not cursed. The primary theme of the second oracle is the trustworthiness of God's promises. For now, consider that the actions of this foreigner as a commentary on the Israelites' inclination to curse what God has not cursed (the wilderness) and their lack of trust in God.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Phil wd you plz give me more info. on Jesus qualifing for an inheritance....I many not be understanding your post. thanks
  • Kyle Andrew schu - 2 years ago
    could you please pray for my sister MADDIE Kelley she might have a blood disease and were so very worried thanks so much
  • Adrian Ian - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Lynn,

    Please dont compare your life with any problems or anything on Earth. You are much more worthy than you think. I am also currently going through alot of hardships that even nobody recognises but i still have strong faith in God. Isaiah:43.
  • Adrian Ian - 2 years ago
    I live in uganda nd at the age of 16,my Dad refused to pay my school fees and life has sincce then become hard for me but i thank God for my aunt who started paying my tuition and am now studying my dream course "computer science".I thank God for everybody He has blessed my life with and i will continue to Praise Him all of my Life.
  • Cherry - 2 years ago
    For 3 years the Lord Jesus stopped me from being rained on. if it was raining through my window of my apartment , I'd go down to the ground level of our apartment (faces north) from my apartment (faces south) and find it was a sunny beautiful day with evidence of raindrops all around. I'd walk to the bus (not even 5 minutes away) and when the bus came, after the driver shut the doors, it would start raining again. when we turned onto the road of my destination there was an obvious line that the rain was on the south side but the pavement on the road we turned on would be dry. This was for about 5 years every time I took the bus on a rainy day. there were witnesses to it happening. I keep it with me every single day.

    Another time when we were going out, the forecast said rain and my husband told me to wear some raingear; I told him "NO, I have FAITH that the Lord has stopped the rain for years now so I/we would not get wet. I have FAITH that He would stop me from being rained on today as well." When we were on way to our destination, as we turned onto the buildings' walkway, I noticed something on the ground I picked it up and it was a round - I call it a token - on the one side it has the word FAITH, on the other side it had our church Benediction!! - it was Jesus telling me He knew I had faith about the rain stopping and He let me know that He had heard me. God's children HE IS HERE! I now help him + speak to Himself every day. He blesses me in so many ways every single day... This is NOT a fairy tale nor a lie. I really am on speaking terms with Lord Jesus!! I tell non Christians it takes BELIEF that Jesus lived and died like in the bible. I tell them to have FAITH that He is with us, TRUST that His PROMISES are true, and that He wants us to LOVE EVERYONE (we don't have to like them, or see them a lot) and to HELP anyone who we come across that needs it. Belief, Faith, Trust, and to Forgive + Love each other always. If you are a Christian you already do that!!
  • Mukula Makasa on Numbers 22 - 2 years ago
    What could be the Object Lesson in Numbers 23.


  • Ray Chenoweth - 2 years ago
    where is a reference to the word rapture?
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks brother Spencer,

    Yes, Christ is our blessed hope and we are not appointed unto His wrath. I think 1 Thessalonians 5:9 is often overlooked. The grace of God teaches us to deny all ungodliness. The word deny means to reject. When we're faced with ungodliness, we're to reject it. We have a position down here. We have an approach to the world and life down here, that we should reject the lusts, and the ungodliness, but live rightly lined up with God in respect and reverence for Him. But at the same time, looking for that blessed hope, that living hope that you mentioned, the glorious appearing. In the Greek text, it talks about the appearing of His glory, the appearing of the glory of the great God, and our Savior Jesus Christ. So that's our position. That's our life summed up in the believer right there.

    Now, where does this put us once we are raptured. We will not be here during the tribulation period. What purpose would we have here during that time? It wouldn't be to reach people for Christ. God already has a plan for that. During this terrible time on earth, once God's Spirit is removed, we will be participating in the marriage supper of the lamb. We are given this in Revelation Chapter 19. It talks about armies in heaven that will follow Christ upon white horses when He comes at His second coming. Who are these armies? That would be us. We are the ones who are clothed in fine linen, white and clean. ( Revelation 19:7-8).

    Blessings to you also!

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