All Discussion PAGE 1112

  • GiGi - In Reply on Zephaniah 2 - 2 years ago
    Yes, He will, Chris. I trust Him. My conscience is clear and I pray that God will send salvation to my siblings as we work through this loss.

    Thank you
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Amy, I will pray for Graciela (what a beautiful name!)

    Heavenly Father, we lift up Graciela to You and ask that You will bring her blood pressure down and stablize it. Have the hospital staff treat her successfully and all medicines work to regulate her blood pressure. Make her well enough to return home soon. We ask this of You Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Donna,

    I am doing well.

    Our family is working. through all of the matters associated with my Mom's passing. All assets need to be liquidated, the house sold, and everything divided 10 ways (I have 9 siblings). We have a family meeting on Sunday. Please pray for all who attend that everyone will speak the truth in love as to their own feelings and concerns. There has been a lot of division in our family for decades and Mom's death does give a boost of life to these divisions. I hang out with my two brothers that are believers. We get along well and have similar thinking on most matters. But this is not the case with other siblings, especially my three older sisters. They are all three lesbians and this lifestyle has greatly affected their viewpoint on so many matters, especially their standing before God. They are unbelievers and unrepentant. I continue to pray for them.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amy, are you and your mom feeling any better? I pray that God will eradicate covid from you, your Mom, and your family. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gabriel, I will pray for you.

    Heavenly Father, Please silence all voice in Gabriel but Yours speaking to him concerning this heartache and deep desire he has to be re-united with Gabby. Lord, Your will is perfect. Help Gabriel to trust You so much that he no longer is so distraught over this broken relationship but is wholly leaning on You and continuing in the path You set before him revealing the way he is to go one step at a time. I ask that You create in Gabriel the mind, heart, and will of the man of God you desire for him to become. Make him the best mate for the woman you choose for him. I ask that it be Gabby. I pray for Gabby, that you will turn her heart to You and embrace the salvation and eternal life only You can give her. I pray for Stacy, that You will also turn her to You in the same way. I ask that You will battle against the enemy and his work in their lives. Break the hold of occultism on Stacy and its influence on Gabby. Bring a complete cleansing of these woman that they may sing Your praises and live for Your glory. I ask these things of You, Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen, Gabriel.
  • Chris - In Reply on Zephaniah 2 - 2 years ago
    Thanks GiGi. I feel the heaviness on your heart concerning your sisters & the decision they took. The Lord is merciful - He understands - He will judge righteously.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Donna, I will pray for Tasha and your witness to her.

    Heavenly Father, I ask that you use this cancer to your glory in that, because she needs You more than life itself, that she will cry out to You in her desperate need and find salvation in Your Holy Son, Jesus. I ask that You bring words of wisdom from You to say to Tasha. Help Donna explain to Tasha how to come to You in response to Your Holy Spirit's drawing her by grace. I ask that You have her cancer treatment be successful and that she will be made well again. I ask this of You, Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.
  • Phil Jackson - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Agreed.... See u in heaven:)
  • Kay - 2 years ago
    I just read a convicting quote from Leonard Ravenhill:

    "The early church was married to poverty, prisons, and persecution; today's church is married to prosperity, personality, and popularity."

    I guess like the saying goes, if we can't say "Amen", we'll have to say, "Oh me!"

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Donovan, Chris and Mishael have given you some good suggestions. I sense that you are fairly young?

    When I was 19 (many years ago) I decided not to go to movies much anymore because so many of them depicted behaviors that were contrary to God's heart. Since I wanted to have a heart like His, I chose to not intake much of this type of entertainment either in the theaters or on TV. Now, 46 years later, I could probably count the number of movies I have seen on my fingers and toes. (most of which were children's movies with my kids). My husband and I have found other entertainment genres over the years. Oftentimes,we have to bow out of conversations about recent movies because we did not see them and so cannot contribute to the conversation.

    I say this not to encourage you to follow what I have done. I was led by the Holy Spirit to make that choice when I was young. I felt that if I viewed movies that contained content that offended God I would soon be so de-sensitized that I would no longer find that content offensive, and I did not want to be like that. But the apostle Paul speaks about our liberty in Christ, so we do not need to have a long list of do's and don'ts, but we also are not to use our liberty to satisfy the desires of the sinful nature in each of us that we spend a lifetime fighting to eradicate. ( Galatians 5:13-26; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20)

    So, I suggest that you pray over the activities you now engage in and ask God to prompt you as to which ones are healthy for you continue to engage in and which ones are corrupting of your character and spiritual walk. I trust that the Lord will guide you in this as He did for me when I was young and over the past decades.

    Please get back to us and let us know how the Lord prompts you.
  • Kay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Gigi!

    Praise the Lord for His goodness to us!

    I've not been on here for a few days, until today; it's been a crazy weekend for my family. My sister's husband (who has Alzheimer's) fell and broke his femur just below the hip and had to have surgery yesterday for a partial hip replacement. Poor lad! As you can imagine, this has been a very tense time for my sister. She and her husband are in their mid-70's, so of course, all this is rather traumatic. But, we can testify that through it all, God's grace has been so powerful and so sustaining!

    How are you and your family doing? How are your hands and feet, Gigi? Even though I've not been on here much, you and your family have been remembered in prayer. I've also particularly remembered your daughter-in-law!

    Blessings to you, dear sister...
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes Daniel, there are several Scriptures pertaining to this: Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 19:31; Leviticus 20:6,27; Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Revelation 21:8, are just a few.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    My apologies Phil. I concur with you that the Bible does not give us a definitive clear answer on this. have a good evening.
  • GiGi again - In Reply on Zephaniah 2 - 2 years ago
    Yes, Chris, especially that we do need to stand before God and give an account to Him. My two sisters who were my Mom's power of attorneys are not believers. They made many decisions that, although my Mom was to die of sepsis in God's will, hastened her death. They have to stand be fore God and give an account and, not being under the blood of Christ, will be found to be guilty. I pray for them to repent and turn to the Lord. They are 70 and 69
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi John,

    I agree that sin brings spiritual death, but back in Genesis, God said that they would surely die. This was both a spiritual and physical death that was not present before they sinned.

    It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment. ( Hebrews 9:27) This is referring to physical judgment, I believe.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Kay, I think you stated this well. I, too, believe that Jesus Christ will come a second time at the end of this age, as He said.
  • Dale - 2 years ago
    Where is it in the bible that the antichrist is standing on the temple wing
  • Kay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    It's a great thing to give your grand-daughter a Bible, but dear sister, it seemed good to me to make sure that you understand that infant baptism is not taught in the Bible; it is a tradition of man. Babies are not regenerated by having water sprinkled on their heads. When they come to age, they must here the true Gospel, believe on Jesus, be born again, and then baptized. Infant baptism cannot save a child! The New Testament teaches over and over we must repent and (then) be baptized.

    Grace to you, Linda!
  • Kay - In Reply on Psalms 2 - 2 years ago
    I have to say with Adam who also replied that I am not aware of the incident with Cotton Mather.

    I hope I can offer some encouragement, though, Linda.

    First of all, be at peace knowing that all judgment has been given by God the Father to His Holy, Righteous Son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Each one of us will appear before Him; and Cotton Mather will give an account of his deeds, and will be judged accordingly. God is good and wise, and He will do the right thing by all parties concerned.

    Secondly, Jesus was very clear on several things. He tells us that hatred in the heart is murder. If you are angry and hateful over what seems to be injustices done in the past, then you, dear Linda, are no better than Cotton Mather was. We see so clearly the mote in others' eyes, and fail to see the beam in our own eye. Hatred is 'heart murder', i.e., we'd murder someone if we could get away with it.

    Jesus also told us to love our enemies, to pray for those who despitefully use us, because God Himself gives blessings to those who serve Him and to those who do not. By doing so, we conform ourselves to God, instead of conforming ourselves to the devil, 'the god of this world."

    Jesus told us to pray to the Father, 'forgive us our trespasses AS WE FORGIVE those who trespass against us", further explaining that if we do not forgive, neither will the Father forgive us! THAT is scary, Linda! Is it worth your eternal soul, to harbor grudges against others, and risk leaving this earth unforgiven yourself? What FREEDOM you would experience if you forgive and FORGET, because FORGETTING what 'they' did to me/us is a huge part of forgiving! How wonderful you will feel! If you can't do this on your own (and none of us can!), ask Jesus to help you!

    You are heaven-laden with all of the resentments for the past, yet Jesus invites you to cast your burdens on Him; release these cares to Jesus, and pick up your cross and follow Him.

    Grace to you, Linda...
  • Kay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Excellent and wise words, brother. Praise the Lord!
  • Kay - In Reply on Psalms 55 - 2 years ago
    Which really shows us how relevant the Word of God is in every age, brother!

  • Kay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    It is amazing to me that people believe, then, in 'three comings' of Christ (albeit one of them is a 'secret' one), when the Bible clearly says, in Hebrews 9:28,

    So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.

    There is never a mention of 'three comings'. Very puzzling.

    We are never, if in Christ, appointed to the wrath of God because of all that Jesus did for us; but the church has always been exposed to the wrath of man.

  • Kay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    There seems to be a bit of confusion here. It is ONLY for those who have heard the gospel, believed on Jesus and have been born from above ( John 3:16) that then receive the 'Spirit of adoption" by which they cry "Abba Father". Jesus told the Jewish rulers that they were of their father, the devil, for they rejected Christ! Only those who are in Christ can rightfully call God their 'Father', for they are born of His Spirit in Christ Jesus! Jesus is not the 'Father' of every person on earth, though He be their Maker after the flesh.

    As for honoring our natural parents, whether they are 'good' parents or not - yes; we are to honor them and show them respect while they are alive. The Bible does not say, "Honor thy good mother" or 'thy good father'. We are to honor them as far as we can.

    There is no point laying flowers on a grave and bring 'sacrifices for the dead.' We must honor them while they are yet alive, when we can possibly do them good and be a blessing to them.

    I have heard of unsaved parents (and other family members) being won over by the godly behavior of those of us who are saved.

  • Digman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesus appropriate to these needy saints a portion of Your power and flourishing things to bump up their quality of life. Amen.
  • Digman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesus fortify Your faith to another reach that will hold out serviceable. Amen.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I believe in a pre-trib rapture. I do agree with you that the second coming of Christ happens after the 7-year tribulation period. However, the rapture of the church is an event that takes place before the tribulation and is not to be confused with the second coming of Jesus Christ. The second coming of Christ is when Jesus will physically come all the way to the earth after the 7-year tribulation period. At the rapture (pre-trib), believers will be removed from the wrath to come and will meet Christ in the air. This is not His second coming as He does not come all the way to the earth. While wrath is being poured out on this earth during the tribulation, believers will be with the Lord and will participate in the marriage feast. At the end of the seven year period, at the second coming, believers will come back with Christ when He comes to rule and reign for 1,000 years.
  • John anonymous - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Never dying means never sinning (which is only possible with the Holy Ghost to guide us).

    The wages of sin is "spiritual death".
  • Randy - 2 years ago
    What are the divorces in The Bible is similar to relationship to 16 verse 9
  • Daniel - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Although not declared directly at the start of Christ's speech in the quoted chapter -- Christ indicates a fallen away church. The pre-tribulation rapture will not occur until the falling away occurs first. Then the rapture, then the tribulation and then the events you quoted leading to the 2nd coming. There is one rapture of the church and one 2nd coming of Christ to the Church.

    The Bible states that "the" falling away will come first. The phrase falling away may also be translated 'apostasy' or the 'falling away from God's truth'. In 2 Thessalonians 2:3 it specifically refers to the final apostasy (revolt), indicating that many will fall away from God's truth. If you look at the condition of the world we live in today, I'd say we're there now. When you look at Christianity today, you may just wonder, "Where is the Bible?" The decay of Biblical truths within the church is overwhelming.

    2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 3Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

    4Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God

    I'm not sure why the modern church seeks so strongly to disprove pre-tribulation rapture but it'll happen whether you're ready or not. Same with the tribulation and same with the 2nd coming. Anyone wise in Christ will be waiting and ready as the early church was.

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