All Discussion PAGE 1126

  • Orion Hughes - In Reply on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    I suppose so, and I suppose also that it means that one should put forth more creativity and effort into being good.

    It says, dont tell me you dont have options, it says I can give you at least one theoretical solution.

    It says, if you have trouble not sinning, you might have a way to do it, it just might be hard.

    It does perhaps call on one to make a greater sacrifice.

    But consider the implications.

    I have a body part which likes to sin.

    Should I cut it off yes or no?

    You have already made your answer a clear yes, because as you have said Hell is very real literal Hell.

    Is that sane?

    So I do have another alternative, I can cut off the things which enter my mind instead of cutting off my hands - that's sane, that's normal, I can feel comfortable explaining to people that I practice that.

    But why call it cutting off your hands if you only meant cut off the things which enter my mind?
  • Mary dobbs - 2 years ago
    Did noah have any girls?
  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    Amen Bro. Earl GBU well said amen....When folks LIMIT God they don't know it but they just cut him out Completely.....We cannot limit God....He has no limitations....He fed approx. 20,000 in the wilderness with a Childs lunch...The Child was symbolic of the H.G...That Child of Promise that God is gonna use to feed this whole world...That bread from heaven is Spirit and LIFE.

    .....She brought forth a man Child that is gonna rule ALL NATIONS....Which is the H.G...The spirit of truth the gift of God....ok lemme go...luv ya
  • Trusting Jesus Today - 2 years ago
    O God, today I begin an experiment in seeking peace. You have so much to say about peace in the Bible that I know it is your will for all men to be at peace.

    In knowing Your will, O God, I am encouraged to press through all opposition, so that your will might be fulfilled in me.

    Help me, I pray, to stop excusing my attitudes and actions. I alone am responsible for what I do today.

    Help me to forget the errors of yesterday while I live to the fullest today, to Your glory. Help me not to be anxious about tomorrow but to be assured that by living today within the will of God, tomorrow shall be even better than today.

    I do now commit myself to You Lord, trusting You for the needs of today. In Jesus' name.
  • GiGi again - In Reply on Proverbs 1 - 2 years ago
    Part 2

    This isolation and repetition of a closed system of gene transmission would produce characteristics specific to each isolated people groups that distinguished them from other isolated groups. This would lead to different "races". But in reality, humans are all one race with consistent variations of characteristics that distinguish them as only human, just like the variations in horses are present but they are all horses, though different breeds created either through natural genetic transmission between an isolated group or manipulated by man.

    We are all humans created by God possessing the His image in a way that is not well explained in Scripture. Knowing that we all have this quality placed in us by God we can understand that we are different than the animals in abilities and in intrinsic value. This is why God emphasizes to us to value and protect human life and to avoid ending anyone's life through murder or gross negligence. He says this to Noah ( Genesis 9:6) and through Moses ( Exodus 20:13) and through Jesus ( Matthew 5:21-22).

    Jesus even expands this commandment by not actual murder, but by hating another or dehumanizing another person.

    We are to love our neighbor as ourselves and do good to others, avoiding harming them. We are to be compassionate and caring towards others regardless of their "looks", ethnicity, or status. We are to be welcoming of those that are not from our "area", treating them justly.
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amy, I've been praying for you and your family. The Lord kept me when I had it and I believe He will help you.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    S Steven let me remind you of Luke 4 : 24...And 2 nd COR 3 : 6....Which teaches us we cannot worship God in the literal with our carnal minds etc ...The letter is a killer, we must worship God in the Spirit as the Spirt is life that new Covenant.

    .....God is spirit and them that worship him must worship him in SPIRIT and truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

    .....He does not seek carnally minded ppl to worship him...Remember when he was in Jerusalem on the feast day many believed in his name when they saw the miracles he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them b/c he knew ALL men and needed not that any should testify of man....Which is mans Adamic nature his Carnal mind etc...mans literal understanding of the Scripture.....He has made us unto our God able ministers of the New COVENANT. Not of the letter ( the literal )..The letter is a killer but the spirit giveth life.

    .....In the O.T. it was literal Moses's face was glorious...As the law was the written word...But the O.Covenant was done away with as far as the law....The law was replaced with a New Covenant that is by the blood of the lamb.....John the bap. was of the tribe of Levi but he was preaching behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world....Not the blood of bulls and goats etc....The O.C...Now the living word is written in our hearts which is in the Spirit, the in Dwelling of the H.G. via the his good seed the living word....
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You can put any version of the whole Bible on your phone, from this website, or you can do it on Google. Look gor the box with an arrow pointing upwards. It will be an icon on your Google page.

    This website has a full King James Bible, Apocrypha, 1611 Version, to study in. You can make comments as much as you want to.

    There's over 100 days of past comments too, at the bottom of this days, comments. To read.

    Welcome and the Lord bless you!
  • John anonymous - In Reply - 2 years ago
    That's not what the Holy Ghost taught Paul in Acts Chapter 15.
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You can put any version of the whole Bible on your phone, from this website, or you can do it on Google. Look gor the box with an arrow pointing upwards. It will be an icon on your Google page.

    This website has a full King James Bible, Apocrypha, 1611 Version, to study in. You can make comments as much as you want to.

    There's over 100 days of past comments too, at the bottom of this days, comments. To read or you can still comment on those I think.

    Welcome and the Lord bless you!
  • GiGi - In Reply on Proverbs 1 - 2 years ago
    Hi Larry, I found a good explanation on a site that I cannot remember at the moment concerning DNA in Adam and Eve.

    Part 1

    For a certain trait like physical characteristics each parent has a combination genes that can be transmitted. So, the example i found illustrated it this way:

    If both Adam AND Eve had AaBb for a specific trait then these combinations can be transmitted when an egg is fertilized by sperm to form a new person with a DNA genetic makeup that is a combination of the two parents.

    So the DNA transmitted for a specific gene can be:

    AABB AABb AAbb AaBB AaBb aaBB aaBb aabb

    With every child and any child, the combination can be one of these, with each child having a different combination or even the same. In this way, the dominant trait (capital A and B) usually prevails, but not always. So, with the myriad of genes, there can be much variety in characteristics of offspring in subsequent generations as they intermarry with one another.

    Genes that would determine characteristics that would lead to a certain race would emerge among the population. So, the entire population would not be homogenous. After the flood, Noah and family must have also possessed combinations similar to Adam and Eve. And the process would have been repeated as it was for Adam and Eve's descendants through Seth. The building of the tower of Babel was used by God to scatter people outward from the Mesopotamian plains to inhabit other areas of the earth as they continued to migrate outwards from this origin over time.

    As peoples settled in isolated areas and intermarried with one another, the DNA for specific genetic traits of these people would be repeated more often in their offspring than an anomalous DNA from their predecessors from Mesopotamia.
  • Street preacher - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Well come back more often. I very much loved your post.

    I felt like I was in the room.

    I like bird watching from the porch too. I get up early before the birds do. I get my coffee and listen to the birds greet the day and praise the Lord. The trees give wave offerings in the breezes.

    Pretty soon it's like a symphony. Then everyone hops in their cars and quietly leaves for work.

    I think of living in heaven. My body not 70 and hurting from moving 22 times. The Light of Jesus illuminating every place. Hiking in tall grass with ease, to a lake begging to be waded in. What joy!
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    The comparision statements make clear the very real literal place of hell; and therefore nothing in this life is worth holding onto that will send us there. We need first of all to understand that God formed man perfect in all his ways; but our sin nature and outward sins come from the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Those things which enter the mind therefore would constitute the eye; and the hand all things which we take action on in order to gratify the sin nature. Job was able to restrain the sin of lust by a covenant with his eyes as it were not to look at a woman with lust apart from his wife. We also need to consider the paralytic who Christ healed after many years of suffering; he was told to sin no more lest something worse happened to him which no doubt would indicate physical; and subsequent spiritual death. He didn't have functioning body parts; nonetheless whatever sin caused the state in his particular instance perpetuated through his sinful soul; mind and heart.

    In another sense; we are not supposed to not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing ( Matthew 6:3). Just as we are to have open hands; not closed fists when it comes to our possessions; our body is the Temple of the Lord in a sense; and we are to submit our members to His Lordship ( Romans 6:13 loosely translated). We were bought with a price; not of our own.

    Nonetheless; true repentance although given by God who puts the desire in our heart to turn to serving and worshipping Him; our part is to die to self. This separates the true believer from those who are not producing fruit but for a time part of the church (as a useless member of the vine). So; mortifying the deeds of the flesh involves a continuing sanctification process which starts at the day of our salvation; and is continued until our death or the rapture. Even saved people grow at different rates; and are subject to falling into sin. He chastises all He loves ( Heb. 12:6); but not the goats.
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply on Matthew 5 - 2 years ago
    You might let the Pastor know you'd love to hear that Sermon, on a prayer request slip.

    Most important for you is not to allow free rein to a critical spirit, or to judge.

    Jesus told us to make our requests known to God in our prayers. You can cause wonderful things to change through your prayers; and rest in the results with faith and anticipation.

    Put our website on your bulletin board. We try to give the best answer to all questions.
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply - 2 years ago
    From much experience with that myself; you are called to be at peace. If the other person is non-Christian, they are reacting to Who's inside of you (Jesus). Forgive and then close that door. I prayed for the Lord to bring Christian friends into my life. He did!!! We went to church together and out for tacos after & more.

    Don't over-analyze this too much. If the Lord allows it, then you have to Trust Jesus to close that door and open a new one.

    Luke 6:22

    Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

    2 Corinthians 6:17

    Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

    Hebrews 12:14

    Follow peace with ALL men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

    Proverbs Chapter 6

    16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

    17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

    18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

    19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

    May the Lord help you put this behind you.
  • Orion Hughes on Mark 9 - 2 years ago
    I recall much horror at Jesus saying to cut off ones hand or ones eye,

    and surely I could think of at least one other body part was worried about.

    Others in my church might not be worried about their hands, because their hand is not causing

    them to sin, but mine is.

    First of all, I want to honor the Christian forum by first defending Jesus.

    I believe Jesus has a sense of humor, I conclude based on what I have read,

    that Jesus is merely teasing people who have asked him how they can stop sinning.

    I understand there is also some very deep symbolism in all of this, as evidenced, by

    Jesus talking about "offending" one of "these little ones". So, it is more than just a joke,

    but it is humor in my opinion, I cant prove it, but I just dont see Jesus saying seriously to anyone

    that they should literally remove parts of their body.

    There is some question of what is meant by "offend". Other translations have said "if your hand causes you to sin",

    rather than "if your hand offends you". There is surely some implication of hands, eyes, and potentially other

    body parts, causing one to lust. If "offend" means something other than "causes you to sin", then in that case,

    is that not exactly what the trans-gendered are doing - removing parts of their body which "offend" them?

    In Matthew 19:12, Jesus seems to partially endorse the practice of becoming a eunuch.

    All this is very scary to the young teenaged Christian such as I was at one time.

    I recall also that it is not easy for Christian leaders to soothe such fear by dismissing it,

    because, Jesus is saying this.

    The joke I talked about is a great joke, it is very deep spiritually, I think we should reflect on this,

    Jesus is really telling us not to hurt ourself, not to be hard on ourself. "Rabbi, how do I stop [shameful practice]".

    "Cut your hand off".

    Its so perfect. Its funny, it disarms the questioner of their fear, its deep, its totally flawless.
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother S Spencer:

    It's not mine nor Alex's message, it's God's message.

    Man doctrine says believe and go to heaven, do not believe and go to hell.

    God GOSPEL is, I'M going to raise all the dead back to their flesh, here on EARTH, none of them KNOW ME, I need WORKERS for my vineyard. RIGHTEOUS JUDGES, to bring all the lost into my kingdom.

    God's gospel is; Come to MY TRUTH, and be a worker, a judge; INSTEAD OF being the ONE JUDGED.

    You CANNOT be a Judge, if you don't believe that Christ IS GOING TO SAVE THE WORLD.

    Amos 3:3 Can TWO walk together and NOT AGREE.

    All the PROPHECIES are of a KINGDOM, not A PLACE.

    Alex and I are NOT AGAINST YOU, we are FOR YOU.


    God BLESS YOU!
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Good Morning!

    Well it didn't take long for another poison injection to take out mankind!!

    Boy, these devils just don't give up, do they?

    How much more does our evil tyrannical government want?

    They want our homes, children, health, cars, pets, pay checks, taxes, phone conversations,

    internet uses, our photos from cameras on the street, where we shop, what we eat,

    how we make love, oh did i forget anything, oh yes, they also want our SOULS, too!!!!!!

    Just think for a second, let it sinc in!

    Dear LORD, hear our prayers, for YOU alone can bring down all the evil that has been bestowed

    upon the world and YOUR children!! We ask YOU to shower us with all YOUR strength and

    might so we can STAND ERECT to all the evils of this world!!!

    For all who give YOU all the praises, glory, power to help us combat the world!

    We are held captive by these demons and want to be freed, having our shield of faith in

    hand, mind and heart, doing all to stand against the fiery darts of the wicked!! Ephesians 6!!!

    Only YOU LORD JESUS can take us to our true home with YOU and the FATHER!!!

    Blessed be the name of our LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!!! FOREVER, AMEN!!!!!!!
  • Streetpreacher - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 2 years ago
    Jesus trusted us "to pray for the peace of Jerusalem."

    They are surrounded on all sides by their enemies. We are all seeing the End Times fulfilled in our lifetime. At this moment in time, we Gentiles are the Elect.

    ( Galatians 3). We are being given time, to be grafted into the Vine.

    As prophesy unfolds, we are going to see them attacked. Now, American media has seen fit to exclude daily reporting of unfolding events in Israel. That's why I let people know of a born again Jewish reporter, that gives daily reports on what is happening in Israel. His name is Erick Stackelbeck & he's on YouTube. Subscribe so you can be informed of daily events in Jerusalem and all over Israel.

    Unfortunately the Palestinians have flooded YouTube with their teachings of a leader named Mahdi, that will appear to them and lead them against all (non-Palestinian) infidels. They're getting ready for war. Take a brief look at some of their videos. The hatred is shocking.

    I don't know why our current leaders in Wash DC are funding the Palestinians now, and de-funding Israel? Since USA's inception in colonial times, now our leaders are acting anti-Israel. We must elect leaders that actually know Bible Prophesy. Follow Erick Stakelbeck on his channel. We are living in confusing times.

    It's getting more dangerous to tour the Holylands. Their are disasters, landslides and quakes in Palestinian regions. I see it on Two Preachers youtube site. They do outreach to India and Pakistan.

    Everyone have a blessed holiday. Life jackets for the little ones :D
  • C Hickerson on Genesis 6 - 2 years ago
    How did eve handle the death of her sun abel
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    God is great. He is the great healer. He brought me through Covid. The fear was awful, it tried to get me. But the Lord kept reassuring me that my lungs were fine. That I was just congested. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding. I'm praying for you.
  • Shirley n. sotto on Numbers 13 - 2 years ago
    Remember that God will take care of His promised of deliverance no matter what the circumstances ,God never lie.
  • Mishael__Matthew 5 - In Reply on Matthew 5 - 2 years ago
    Jesus' long list of reversals in chapter 5 concludes with this one. His listeners had grown up under a partly correct teaching. God's Word does, indeed, command us to love our neighbor as our self ( Leviticus 19:18). However, it seems that the religious leaders were also teaching that it was permissible-possibly even mandatory-to hate one's enemies ( Matthew 5:43). Jesus again declares that God's intent for the righteousness of His people goes beyond selfishness and legalism. It implies something much more difficult and more like God Himself.

    Instead of only acting in love towards neighbors, Jesus tells His disciples to love their enemies and even to pray for those who persecute them. Though few people live this out, in a meaningful way, the idea is deeply ingrained in western culture. Many modern people have heard this teaching, or variations on it, all our lives. That makes it easy to forget how radical the claim was, especially for those who live with daily threats from dire enemies, as did the first-century Israelites.

    Christ does nothing to take the edge off this command, either. This is not described as emotional love, or affection. This kind of love is meant to be expressed in action. Offering prayers to God for people who are actively hurting you, especially for being associated with Christ, requires looking at the world in a completely different way. Jesus will escalate the difficulty of His command in the following verses.

    It's hard in this current world of media, to practice this teaching of Jesus. We have to disconnect from worldliness and live as Jesus desired us to do. We have to embrace His Cross in order to do this. He gave himself for us, so that through His sacrifice; we can live as He asks of us. It's best to avoid senseless conflicts when you can. I think of what Jesus would do.__
  • Susan - 2 years ago
    How does God feel about one ruining another's life intentionally.
  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    Sorry it should be John 4 : 24 not Luke 4 : 24...Necesita Cafe...
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    S Steven let me remind you of Luke 4 : 24...And 2 nd COR 3 : 6....Which teaches us we cannot worship God in the literal with our carnal minds etc ...The letter is a killer, we must worship God in the Spirit as the Spirt is life that new Covenant.

    .....God is spirit and them that worship him must worship him in SPIRIT and truth for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

    .....He does not seek carnally minded ppl to worship him...Remember when he was in Jerusalem on the feast day many believed in his name when they saw the miracles he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them b/c he knew ALL men and needed not that any should testify of man....Which is mans Adamic nature his Carnal mind etc...mans literal understanding of the Scripture.....He has made us unto our God able ministers of the New COVENANT. Not of the letter ( the literal )..The letter is a killer but the spirit giveth life.

    .....In the O.T. it was literal Moses's face was glorious...As the law was the written word...But the O.Covenant was done away with as far as the law....The law was replaced with a New Covenant that is by the blood of the lamb.....John the bap. was of the tribe of Levi but he was preaching behold the lamb of God that taketh away the sins of the world....Not the blood of bulls and goats etc....The O.C...Now the living word is written in our hearts which is in the Spirit, the in Dwelling of the H.G. via the his good seed the living word....
  • Asking God For What You Truly Need - In Reply on 2 Chronicles 1 - 2 years ago
    You can never go wrong doing what Solomon did here, what he as a leader asked God for. He prayed this before the Ark of the Covenant. He got an answer right away. He prayed for what he needed (not wanted).

    1 Chronicles

    8 And Solomon said unto God, Thou hast shewed great mercy unto David my father, and hast made me to reign in his stead.

    9 Now, O LORD God, let thy promise unto David my father be established: for thou hast made me king over a people like the dust of the earth in multitude.

    10 Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people, that is so great?

    11 And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine heart, and thou hast not asked riches, wealth, or honour, nor the life of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge my people, over whom I have made thee king:

    12 Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like.

  • Why God has Love for Everyone Who Asks of Him - In Reply on Proverbs 1 - 2 years ago
    All races and colors came from the soil God used to make Adam. So what was in your soil, was passed from generation to generation; based upon the colors that married into your unique bloodline.

    In the past decades, the restrictions people had about intermarriage with other colors and cultures was lifted.

    We see today the results of that. I am an artist, and I can see the beauty in the blending of colors. I think that is how God views us. Unique and equally precious in His sight. It makes Him happy for us to accept ourselves and conquer our self-images of what we think is perfection.

    The more we know about the God of the Bible, and the universe the more we understand the plan He has for all of mankind. He isn't against colors in inter-marriage. He just doesn't want believers in Him to marry the Un-believers. Your going to meet lots of people who no one never told them about God.

    You have to decide who you are inside of you, and do you want Jesus to be a part of your life always.

    Personally I think it is great inner strength to just say no to the ugliness that is "out there". It becomes easier if you'll hang out with people your own age, in a church near you. You might have to visit 2 or 3, until you find one you feel comfortable in. God will help you choose if you ask Him to.

    You can come in here and join us in back and forth conversation any time. We're all different ages, USA and all over the world. Let your friends know about us :)

    Get to know everyone. Everyone can pray with you for specific needs. We're here around the clock. I'm your basic night owl lol.

    You are going to find you're loved by Jesus, and from all of the regulars in here. We're young, older, all colors; and we all love the Lord and his children. Ask anything.

  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    S Steven I love ya but you do greatly err, Here you are talking about corruption and incorruption...Not understanding that we ALL must be bornagain of an incorruptible seed....Even by the words of God as Peter says in 1st Peter 1: 23...kjv...Didn't our lord tell us you are made CLEAN by the WORD i have spoken unto you....Which is that New Covenant that is ALL inclusive....I will KNOW them ALL from the least to the greatest ....And knowledge shall cover the earth as the waters cover the seas Isaiah 11 ...How can you not see that this New Covenant is all inclusive....I was found of them that sought me NOT and was made manifest unto them that asked not after ME. Isaiah 65 : 1 kjv....And if in this LIFE only we have hope in Christ we are of all men most miserable 1 ST Cor. 15 : 16 ...There is another life, another world after this one as Jesus tells us....In this life there are few that are saved...billions have neva heard the name of JESUS....But in the life to come...In the world to come....B/c of the Cross that new covenant everybody will be washed in the blood of the lamb....Thats y Jesus is saying the hr. is coming when ALL that are in the graves shall hear my voice and come forth to the ressurection of life or damnation....Our old adamic nature is in rank with Satan the TARES that is gonna be damned..The tares are burned but the wheat is taken to his barn...His kINGDOM.

    .....Steven Jesus was Flesh and blood and he IS the Kingdom of God.

    Steven if ya study the New COVENANT you will see its ALL Gods doings....They shall NO more teach their neighbors and their friends KNOW THE LORD....They shall ALL know me from the least to the greatest... Jeremiah 31 : 34 kjv...There is not gonna be a NEED for Evangelists. Teachers and Preachers etc...And no more temples made with hands...As that manchild the H.G that Child of Promise is gonna Rule ALL nations....There is gona be a new heaven and a new earth and no more seas of humanity that has not been washed in his blood. GBU
  • Fred - In Reply - 2 years ago
    God bless you on your journey! There is much to learn of Him! It will take every bit of our lifetime. Seek ye first the kingdom.

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