All Discussion PAGE 1131

  • Streetpreacher - In Reply on Joshua 15:9 - 2 years ago
    Goliath of Gath, was the only giant I know of. Killed by a teen-aged David.

    I don't read the Apocrypha. The link is out on the RED LINK entrance page. It has more about giants, Chaldeans, and other occult believing peoples. I have no interest in it, because of my background.

    You can read it if it's important to you. I did Google " giant skeletons". I didn't see anything believable.
  • Ty - In Reply on Job 32 - 2 years ago
    As always I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts. Your heart has watered me on many an occasion. Thank you. May I offer something the Lord has placed upon my heart ro share, please;

    I used to run rampant on social media. Gloating of my physique, possessions etc. A man of flesh. At some point things began to change. I saw social media as septic. As a trap. I deleted all social media. (This was years ago.) During covid I felt lead to reach out to people(among the lonely dark times) and decided to create just one social media account. Recently, on this account I felt pulled to begin sharing Jesus. The shame and embarrassment I would have previously felt dissolved. I have posted more and more about our Father and the Bible but in a non-overbearing or "shove it down your throat" manner. Subtle. Since posting I have had many people thank me. They said that seeing or reading these posts has helped them to reconnect with the Father. They have felt refreshed when seeing a post during a hard day or exactly when they needed a slice of hope and encouragement. Many have become so surprised to learn how my life has changed. One dear friend shared that he has begun to think about things he never considered. Even said he would like to check out my church soon! His first service ever. I challenge those who have social media to step onto the diving board. Shine just a bit of light into that darkness. Social media is a true representation of the world. Are we to not shine light unto the world? Use social media as a platform for reaching others. Take the ridicule, bare your cross. Set the example. Share His love and presence in the darkness. We don't need "likes," we need Jesus.

    (I will also state I am not a fan of FB for many reasons but for the sake of above comments, there's at least a bit of purpose to that platform.)

    God Bless my brother! I look forward to your words each evening. You are a man of great wisdom and passion.
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please Lord allow Christina's mom a better opportunity for employment. Please open the door for mom that she will be testimony for You I ask in Jesus Christ name!

    Please reflect and pray with your mom 1 Chronicles 4:10.
  • Ronnette on Joshua 15:9 - 2 years ago
    Are the giants exist today and not telling us?
  • Ty - In Reply on John 2 - 2 years ago

    Amen! When I graduated high school I received a KJV study bible as a gift. This sat on a shelf in its original box for over 20 years. It now is full of highlights and notes. It has travelled with me. It has become my "most valuable posession" and I praise God for this gift he layed upon someone's heart to provide to me.

    God Bless You and may His word lay upon your heart even more than it has mine!
  • Chris - In Reply on 2 Kings 11 - 2 years ago
    Hi William. We would say it this way: 'royal seed'. 2 Kings 11:1 can be connected to 2 Kings 9:27, where King Jehu ordered the killing of King Ahaziah (Judah). So, when the mother of Ahaziah (Athaliah) "saw that her son was dead", she not only became incensed, but also sought to destroy every possible heir apparent to the throne. But she missed one heir, Joash. He was kept hidden for six years and later became King of Judah. But in the interim (for six years), the wicked mother, Athaliah, reigned over Judah.
  • Anon - 2 years ago
    I am hating my husband and don't really want to forgive him. We are talking divorce. Youngest son is very affected by this even though he's 20. Hubby is a Jehovah's Witness and makes any decision he wants without consulting me. He lies, keeps secrets, deceives and thinks he does no wrong. I've tried many times to forgive but the disrespect, disloyalty and betrayal is too historic. He has no wisdom in how to be a godly husband and he points the finger at me when his stupid decisions come crashing down and hurt me. He has no idea how to protect me, as he continually inflicts pain due to his lack of wisdom. I truly feel hatred for him and have no respect for him. He seeks to please man and disregards me. He does damaging things and then screams its satan trying to destroy our home when its him. Please pray for the protection of my sons and myself, as this man will play the victim and slander me in this divorce. Thanks.
  • Donna - 2 years ago

    Friday; fast&pray

    God bless this community

    Bind the enemy

    Tear down strongholds that we may prosper in our walk with You

    We ask for deliverance from addictions and sin

    Catch us the little foxes that spoil the vine

    Save & restore marriages

    Help us to hear Your voice

    Open our eyes, ears, and understanding

    Bring healing to the sick & afflicted

    Save and deliver the lost

    Prodigals come home

    Equip us to work

    Your will for us

    Strengthen the weak

    Comfort the broken-hearted

    Visit the lonely & shut-ins

    Raise up generations

    In Jesus name

    To God be the glory for the things He has done and will do
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The scripture such as Isaiah 66 and of course Rev. 22 along with the gospels make it clear that there is punishment for the wicked.

    And of course Antichrist and the False Prophet are already in torment 1000 years before Satan meets his fate. For the believer; perhaps certain verses such as "if I make my bed in hell you are still with me" ( Psalm 139:8) would be for those who such as Jonah who literally may have been dead and under the earth while simultaneously in the whale as some would surmise. God's presence in some sense is there even with His wrath; but there is no comfort in that.

    What should be considered here is that there is no love of righteousness for the wicked. A house cannot be indwelled with the Holy Spirit as resident unless a transformed heart takes place; and that in this life. Unregenerate man rarely blasphemies the Spirit as the Pharisees did (being the unforgiveable sin); but in the end it likely happens in the Tribulation. As Jeremiah 17:9 states the heart of man is despereately wicked; who can understand it? We are incapable of selfless love for the wicked; or loving Christ in our old nature. We have two alternatives; dying to self and renouncing our own wicked; hopeless state; or choosing to own our own wills and thus forever be stuck in our sin nature which simply means doing things OUR way. It is only an attempt in this life to avoid consequences of sin; not being affected because we have offended a Holy God; or true remorse and realization of our state before a Holy God. The Spirit reminds us of sin; righteousness and judgment to come. Without it; we cannot make sense of the fact that there is no good in us or our works; or that others we know and love apart from Christ are also doomed. We put our hopes in emotional affection for family or friends; alive or dead-oblivious to where they are spending their eternity. And all we see is evil in others and the world but cannot trust God will bring any good out of it.
  • Denise - 2 years ago
    Dear Lord, thank you Lord for all you blessing! Let us follow you wherever you may lead us! We need to get out of nyc! Things are getting really out of control, so much chaos as you Lord have told us in your word this would be in the tribulation! Nation against nation and Kingdom against kingdom!!! Many people are blinded by what this evil has done to us on the earth! The devil is devouring many as it roams the earth!! How cunning !! People are starting to fall away! You oh Lord Jesus, holy and true will be our shield and buckler!!! Take us under your wings and watch over all who are your children!!! Pray for my family and the strength I ask the Lord Jesus for our safe journey to our new home! One day it will be in heaven, but for now a safe new home I pray for awaits us!!! Thank you all for listening!! We pray in Jesus name, Amen!!!!! Denise Stephen Samson and Tutti Man!!!
  • E. - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Father I join in crying out to your for your deliverance. I ask for them, us and all in need. Thank you Lord. I pray in Jesus name. Amen
  • E. - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Father have mercy on all those impacted by this awful shooting. Please bind up their broken hearts and draw them close to yourself. Thank you and praise you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
  • E. - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Father I join in asking all these things for them and as they pertain also for us and all others in need. Thank you and praise you. In your holy name I pray Lord Jesus. Amen.
  • Larry B. on Isaiah 43 - 2 years ago
    Verse1&2; remembering israeland 'Jerusalem the land, as the land become desolate and destroyed by the Roman's and he ANNOINT the men from east to be his witnesses the Muslim.

    4-21 22-26 Israel failure to follow God
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Asking for breakthrough and strong protection for us and all in need.
  • Michael Dorsey - In Reply on Romans 8 - 2 years ago
    I'm reminded of a conversation I had on my job some years Go. Those Men knew how I believed, and they spent all morning trying to get a ride out of me. Quoting Scriptures, they didn't understand and their Doctrine. I told someone today,, most Christians can tell you what they be!ieve, but they can't tell you WHY. They'll say, , This is what my Pastor Preaches and He Preaches Truth. Okay,, He just might,, that's good. But why do you believe it? My Father in Law, said so many times. " Don't believe it because I said it, study it, show yourself approved and know if for Yourself. " That's why we have so many People following so much mess today.

    But that Crowd was coming at Me with everything but the kitchen sink, with their,, I'm allright, He's allright, She's allright, Everybody is a sinner, We all sin. This thinking, crowd just wants to sins, and they want a clean conscience while they do it.

    And finally I said" Look it's around 12:00 ,and I haven't sinner yet. I'm not telling you I want need The Grace of God before the day is over. But I didn't get up this morning to see how much sin I could get by with, I got up trying not to sin.:And then I dropped this Bomb from The Holy Ghost: I said" I guess that's like my Brother in Law, He doesn't go to Church, pay his tithes, he is abusive to His Children. He drinks, smokes, does drugs fights everybody, cuss you out in a heartbeat, beats His Wife, He runs around on Her all the time. You know when He gets to Heaven He won't have any rewards at all will he? "

    And they all looked at Me like I was crazy, and I said" What,, He's going ain't He, ain't that what y'all been saying all morning long, He can't never get out. And then I said" Do you see how crazy that sounds? Nobody even responded ,, and The Lord put them all to silence. Listen if the Righteous scarcely be saved, by the skin of our teeth. Where Shall the Sinner appear?

    Mikey Out. Biscoe House of Mercy
  • Christina - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my mom. she needs a better job.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Gigi.

    There's so much going on in the world today with all of the evil in front of us. The invasion in Ukraine,

    The murders of those kids in Texas and all over the world it gets worse and worse. Turn to God, repentance and the wrath of God should be preached.

    What do the scripture say about fear the Lord? Alot!!

    What I think is most evil is they don't believe in it, Why does it bother them that we preach it?

    Better yet why come on here where the extreme majority believe in atleast Satan. Maybe slightly less in Hell.

    It's to much evil in the world to try and encourage a sinner by way of telling him he's going to heaven regardless.

    Let me be clear, This doesn't seem like individuals being deceived! It seems a lot worse than that!

    It takes energy for one to be this far off the fundamentals of the faith!!

    God bless.
  • Donya Brown - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Greetings in Christ Chris,

    Thank you for your generous explanation for Sanctification. I am a missionary working with a Peace Mission to China, teaching: English Communication Skills and providing Cross-cultural Counseling and some family counseling. My students are University Professors, their families and friends who are all in China. We work on WeChat and on the computer/internet.

    I began my work 33 + years ago. In the early 90s I founded HIS Mission, (Helping International Students/Scholars). A couple of weeks ago one student asked me about Sanctification. Of course, English is not their first language. That is what inspired me to ask my question. And, of course, The King James Bible is what I prefer and try to teach them to use.

    Since Christianity is against the law in China, I do have to be very careful - for their sake and for my own ability to continue my work with them. You have been very helpful with your time and attention and I appreciation the additional references you offered. All that you have provided will enable me to check out additional information in order to carry out my work of ministry and God's Mission.

    Thanks Again, Chris.

    Take Care.

    God Bless,


    PS Keep Up the Good Work!!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Steven, You have spoken well here. Those who speak of universal salvation without a need for repentance and faith in Jesus are preaching another gospel than the one preached by Jesus, Pau, and the apostles. It is wise for believers not to heed such a "gospel" but expose it's errors like you have done here in this post.

    I so appreciate how well you explained this matter here.
  • S Spencer - 2 years ago
    There's Judgment for sinners and There's chastening for believers.

    Ether way I don't wish this on no one!

    Hebrews 10:26-31.

    That's one reason why we preach the cross Continuously! There's blessings and on the other hand There's consequences therefore we preach repentance.

    If there's no damnable consequences why preach?

    We've been given an urge to preach God's grace. OUR MESSAGE HAS VIRTUE! IT IS SALVATION!!

    It has eternal security for the believer! and it has the ONLY escape from Hell. It brings those out of darkness.

    If there is another Gospel out there that don't have repentance, Holiness, no wrath of God and no hell. THEN IT CAN'T HAVE SALVATION. " What are you saved from? And if all go to heaven no matter what. Why do you preach and stand in the way of THE Gospel that we preach? It shouldn't bother you unless we have opposing spirits.

    Here's what that heresy looks like .

    They treat wrath as if it's reward. This is a errored teaching against the effects of the cross.

    It speaks in this manner, "Forget the cross, We needs God's wrath!

    Forget Holllyness, do evil so we can be thrown in the lake of fire and be purified.

    It says Jesus died in vain!

    It says God Love on display when Christ died on the cross was pointless.

    They look at John 3:16. and

    John 15:13, They don't say thank you Lord, They say it was unnecessary.

    There's no preaching forgiveness for sins to those who trust In Christ, It says hell and the punishment reserved for Satan and his Angels is what you need.

    Here's a direct quote from one just a few days ago "

    .....Every sinner will have their part in the lake of fire....thank you Jesus that is what we ALL NEED....His baptism of the HG and Fire.

    That's their Goodnews/Gospel.

    They say this is from God but they can't take that to their local Church. But they come on the site to attack the truth.

    Romans 10:15.

    Mark 16:15.

    God bless."
  • Ayomide on John 2 - 2 years ago
    The Kjv is good
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    There's Judgment for sinners and There's chastening for believers.

    Ether way I don't wish this on no one!

    Hebrews 10:26-31.

    That's one reason why we preach the cross Continuously! There's blessings and on the other hand There's consequences therefore we preach repentance.

    If there's no damnable consequences why preach?

    We've been given an urge to preach God's grace. OUR MESSAGE HAS VIRTUE! IT IS SALVATION!!

    It has eternal security for the believer! and it has the ONLY escape from Hell. It brings those out of darkness.

    If there is another Gospel out there that don't have repentance, Holiness, no wrath of God and no hell. THEN IT CAN'T HAVE SALVATION. " What are you saved from? And if all go to heaven no matter what. Why do you preach and stand in the way of THE Gospel that we preach? It shouldn't bother you unless we have opposing spirits.

    Here's what that heresy looks like .

    They treat wrath as if it's reward. This is a errored teaching against the effects of the cross.

    It speaks in this manner, "Forget the cross, We needs God's wrath!

    Forget Holllyness, do evil so we can be thrown in the lake of fire and be purified.

    It says Jesus died in vain!

    It says God Love on display when Christ died on the cross was pointless.

    Thet look at John 3:16. and

    John 15:13, They don't say thank you Lord, They say it was unnecessary.

    There's no preaching forgiveness for sins to those who trust In Christ, It says hell and the punishment reserved for Satan and his Angels is what you need.

    Here's a direct quote from one just a few days ago "

    .....Every sinner will have their part in the lake of fire....thank you Jesus that is what we ALL NEED....His baptism of the HG and Fire.

    That's their Goodnews/Gospel.

    They say this is from God but they can't take that to their local Church. But they come on the site to attack the truth.

    Romans 10:15.

    Mark 16:15.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    There's Judgment for sinners and There's chastening for believers.

    Ether way I don't wish this on no one!

    Hebrews 10:26-31.

    That's one reason why we preach the cross Continuously! There's blessings and on the other hand There's consequences therefore we preach repentance.

    If there's no damnable consequences why preach?

    We've been given an urge to preach God's grace. OUR MESSAGE HAS VIRTUE! IT IS SALVATION!!

    It has eternal security for the believer! and it has the ONLY escape from Hell. It brings those out of darkness.

    If there is another Gospel out there that don't have repentance, Holiness, no wrath of God and no hell. THEN IT CAN'T HAVE SALVATION. " What are you saved from? And if all go to heaven no matter what. Why do you preach and stand in the way of THE Gospel that we preach? It shouldn't bother you unless we have opposing spirits.

    Here's what that heresy looks like .

    They treat wrath as if it's reward. This is a errored teaching against the effects of the cross.

    It speaks in this manner, "Forget the cross, We needs God's wrath!

    Forget Holllyness, do evil so we can be thrown in the lake of fire and be purified.

    It says Jesus died in vain!

    It says God Love on display when Christ died on the cross was pointless.

    Thet look at John 3:16. and

    John 15:13, They don't say thank you Lord, They say it was unnecessary.

    There's no preaching forgiveness for sins to those who trust In Christ, It says hell and the punishment reserved for Satan and his Angels is what you need.

    Here's a direct quote from one just a few days ago "

    .....Every sinner will have their part in the lake of fire....thank you Jesus that is what we ALL NEED....His baptism of the HG and


    That's their Goodnews/Gospel.

    They say this is from God but they can't take that to their local Church. But they come on the site to attack the truth.

    Romans 10:15.

    Mark 16:15.

    God bless.
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ephesians 3:12 and 20-21 kjv.
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank You Lord Jesus that we can come boldly to Your throne of grace.

    In Your mighty name, I stand in faith with James.

    By Your grace. For Your glory Lord Jesus !

    Alleluia. Amen.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 15 - 2 years ago
    Matthew 24:3-51, Mark 13:3-37,

    Note : Matthew 24:8, Matthew 24:7, Matthew 24:21-24, these are Jesus Words, Matthew 24:29, " Immediately after the Tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other." Matthew 24:29-31,

    Please note: these all also recorded as Jesus Words : Mark 13:23, Mark 13:24-27, " But in those days after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then shall he send his angels, and shall togather his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven."

    Revelation 6, note Revelation 6:10-11, Revelation 8, see Revelation 8:3-4, Revelation 9, Revelation 10, Note: Revelation 10:7, Revelation 11, Please notice: Revelation 11:15-19,

    1Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1Thessalonians 5:1-10, 2Thessalonians 1:4-10, Please note: this was written after 1Thessalonians to clarify : 2Thessalonians 2, Please read: 2Thessalonians 2:3 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;"

    2Peter 2:9,

    Jesus Words again, praying for all believers: John 17, notable : John 17:15 " I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil."

    Hopefully helpful
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm speechless. Watching the families talk, I just break down crying and I do pray for them. Why the grandma and why the precious children???!!!!!!

    Some get good things here and some get good things in the here after. What's tragedy all the way around.

    Pray also for the family of the young perpetrator. May God have mercy on his soul.

    Matthew 5:45

    Heavenly Father be with all the families of every life shattered by this hellish massacre. Father comfort them as they mourn for their babies and loved ones. Provide for them . Be their peace that passers all understanding cuz they need You now. In Jesus name.

    My prayers are not elegant, but they're heartfelt.
  • James Arthur White - 2 years ago
    Pray for me to get a job soon in GOD will. Pray for the Lord to open a door for me. Pray the Lord gives me revelation and leads me where He wants me. Pray for revelation and openings....Pray the Lord raises me and gives me a ministry..Pray I grow in His grace....and deeper roots in Christ...Pray I am to stand for JESUS and have boldness and win souls for His Kingdom....thank u....Pray for protection from evil.
  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    Jesus plainly tells us every sinner will have their part in the lake of fire...But its only for our old adamic nature that is in rank with Satan...As that lake of fire is God....As our God is a consuming fire...Remember Jesus told the thief on the cross that you will be with me this day in paradise...Thats y he tells us I come not to destroy mens lives but to save mens lives...That baptism of the H.G. and fire is his wrath but also his love for humanity...Whom the Lord loveth he also chastens with his love ( his blood ) .

    ......It wd make God a hypocrite if he applied the stain and spot of adam to every man no exceptions..But not apply the blood of that 2 nd Adam Christ Jesus to every man....Thats y Jesus said if i belifted up i will draw all men unto me....

    ......Jeremiah saw every man in travail and birth pains...ALL MEN in Jeremiah 30 : 6 kjv which implies every man is gona be bornagain in the last day...I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh...Joel....He just wants to destroy mans evil adamic nature...Thats y he says he is gonna give us anew heart and a new spriit....He makes his rain and his sun to shine on every person no exceptions...ok lemme go

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