King James Bible
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Please reflect on Psalms 18, Psalms 20 and Psalms 23.
I know this might seem flip to you, but don't despair. If your really feel bad read Job. That book in scripture will make you cry.
Anyway, memorize Psalm 91:15 "He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him." This is an awesome promise of the Lord. But, it's up to you to call on him to get you through your troubles. May God help you and bless you.
Wisdom [is] too high for a fool
It is out of his reach, he cannot attain it; natural wisdom, or the knowledge of many things in nature; at least it seems so to himself, and therefore will not take any pains, or make use of any means, to obtain it; as the knowledge of human laws; of medicine, of philosophy, of languages, or of any of the liberal arts and sciences; or he has not really a capacity for it. This is more especially true of spiritual wisdom, or of the knowledge of divine things in a spiritual way; or of the things Of the Spirit of God, which a natural man cannot know, because they are spiritually discerned; it is God only makes men to know this kind of wisdom in the hidden part, ( 1 Corinthians 2:14 ) ( Psalms 51:6 ) ; for as a "fool" here denotes a wicked man, let his natural parts be what they will; so wisdom spiritual knowledge, and experience of divine things, which is too high for an unregenerate man to reach;
see a like phrase in ( Psalms 139:6 ) he openeth not his mouth in the gate;
he is not qualified far it; and if he has any knowledge of himself, he will not venture to speak in a public assembly, in the house of parliament, in a court of judicature, or in the company of men of knowledge and sense; and indeed it is his highest wisdom to keep silence, and not betray his ignorance: and so with regard to spiritual things; a man that wisdom is too high for, and he has no share of it, shall not or ought not to open his mouth where Wisdom cries; even in the gates of the cities, or in the public assemblies of the saints, ( Proverbs 1:21 )
Genesis 23 describes in detail Abraham's acquisition of the cave of Machpelah immediately following the death of Sarah. Now Isaac and Ishmael reunite to bury Abraham's body in that cave alongside Sarah.
Abraham had sent away Ishmael, along with his mother Hagar. Ishmael was 16 or so and Isaac was around two ( Genesis 21:8-14). Now the step-brothers would be somewhere around 89 and 75, respectively. Ishmael's presence at Abraham's burial may imply there was some contact between Isaac and his birth family over the years.
Despite this meeting to honor their father, God's prophetic remarks about Ishmael would prove true
( Genesis 16:11-12). Ishmael's descendants would become the Enemies of Israel.
Genesis 25:1-18 adds details before describing the deaths of Abraham and then Ishmael. Abraham has taken another wife, (not Hagar) other than Sarah, and has six sons with her. He gives them gifts but sends them all away to the EAST.
Isaac will be his sole true heir. Still, when Abraham dies and is buried at the age of 175, Ishmael joins Isaac for the funeral. Ishmael's 12 sons are listed, along with a description of the region their tribes settled in. Finally, Ishmael dies, as well, at the age of 137.
Life without Jesus is . Not good.
Cast all your care on Him, He cares for you! Find a place to get alone and talk to Jesus from your heart. Wait on Him to answer. He will show you what you need to know.
1Peter 5:7
Isaiah 40:31
I believe it was twice. Once crossing the Red Sea after departing from Egypt in Exodus 14 and again when they crossed the Jordan River into the land promised to them in Joshua chapter 3.
Thank you for this lovely uplifting post. I hope to hear more from you.
I am in the process of planning my Mom's memorial service. You words lifted my soul.
God bless you today, Ty.
Jesus did
We all work out our own salvation the best we can, with fear and trembling, because with out man shall see God.
Hello, I don't think Mishael checks this comment section. l read your question, I will give you my opinion, an example I went through & scriptures I find relevant. Hopefully these are all helpful.
1st if we're personally bothered in our spirit about something it may be the HOLY Spirit telling us it's wrong. Ephesians 4:30, John 14:23-26, 1Corinthians 2:10-16,
2nd if we're doubtful, is that also indication it's wrong? Romans 14:22-23, scripture in context, whole chapter: Romans 14,
3rd, is this were loving GOD, hating your ._.__ comes in? Are we willing to serve GOD over love of family? Luke 14:26,
4th, Luke 14:27, not being a cross you put in your pocket, around your neck or on the wall: Micah 5:12,13, Deuteronomy 18:9-14, Nahum 1:14, Deuteronomy 4:14-20, Deuteronomy 4:23-25, I even have personal conviction about wearing a cross, since I accepted JESUS as my Savior at young age. Something just bothered me inside about it spiritually. Even though some were special "Christian" gifts. & many people wear them.
5th, One day recently, I saw a "Christian" bookstore selling crucifixion nails as jewelry. I cringed. Then I thought if someone was killed, raised again from the grave; would that person eagerly embrace another that had the weapon or thing that tortured & caused the pain & death, hung around their neck? or would they feel multiple emotions triggered by it? I thought of someone wearing a pill, bullet, ect. of a loved one, in resemblance, remembrance.
Luke 14,
6th, sometimes we're an example to others, in these matters set before us as tests. 1Corinthians 10:13,14, James 1:12, 2Corinthians 3:2,
Hopefully helpful
Anyone here willing to do a 24 hour fast this Friday to Sabbath day morning? Can we come together to fast & pray for the needs on this board? The people here. Even a meal or two in that 24 hr period? So that E can have breakthrough and Gabriel's marriage can be restored better than before? So we can see cancers etc healed? My sister needs healing of cancer. My kids & their spouses need salvation . My health needs restoration AND I have an unspoken request that needs to be dealt with one way or another. Jesus please. And also, I want to use my remaining years serving the Lords will not mine. Truly need direction. I pray this for all of us. Hope to see you all in the New Jerusalem!!!
Help us to be in alignment with Your Spirit& Your Word that we WILL see breakthroughs, answered prayers and weapons formed fall to the ground! In Jesus name
Now is the time for salvation!!
That time seems to winding down.
I believe it's evident in the state of the world and also in the Apostasy at large. Also with this pandemic we've seen a sifting sort to speak.
Hebrews 9:27-28. seems to parallel with Revelation 22.
"And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:
So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation."
Revelation 22:11, 14-15. HE THAT IS UNJUST, LET HIM BE UNJUST STILL: AND HE WHICH IS FILTHY, LET HIM BE FILTHY STILL: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
There's a solemn warning for those who desire to add or take anything away from this book.
NO Ambassador of Christ would dare do that. Wisdom is known by her children and that certainly wouldn't be wise.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. But why fear if there is no consequences.
This false teaching there is no Satan no Hell and no consequences assists and comfort a sinner in his folly.
Look at Ecclesiastes 8:11-12. it confirms that.
And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. Revelation 22:17.
Man has to realize his condition and hopeless fate and come. otherwise he will be UNJUST STILL.
God bless.
The versr you mention John 16:13 says exactly what which you don't accept. . That it is the Spirit who comes and guide us to all ..So how do you claim it is about some other person? You may get confused sometimes when you read the usage of "He" for the Spirit of God. This shows that you hardly know anything about the christian faith. God is one but at the same time three persons, The Father, the Son or Word who became a man called Jesus Christ and finally the Holly Spirit. Holly Spirit is a person not a thing. That is why He guides us and talks to us. If it were a thing it couldn't do such a thing But still I expect an answer from you. Quran says that Jesus was born by the Holly Spirit. Right? This is written in your Bible, isn't it? Thus the Spirit of God is Jesus' Father. So what is Jesus? Simply a man or the Son of God? Just think about it GBU