All Discussion PAGE 1138

  • Mattie citizen on Psalms 91 - 2 years ago
    Why did job have to repent the bible says job was a righteous man
  • Carrie L Kinyon on Mark 4 - 2 years ago
    I just wanted to tell you that I so very much appreciate the option you give to 'listen'. I just recently started listening, and it is blessing me so much. My mind tends to stray sometime when I read but when I listen I can follow so much better. It reminds me of the scripture that says "faith comes by hearing". I love the man's voice, he does an excellent job of reading the Word. Thank you.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    pray for Kristie and me and our families
  • Mary Lou Gnade on Proverbs 24 - 2 years ago
    What does proverbs 24:27 mean?
  • PraiseTheLord - In Reply - 2 years ago
    We keep not the sabbath, this is wrong.
  • J - 2 years ago
    Father God I come to you boldly and humbly to your throne of grace, giving all praise and honor to you. Father God I ask for your healing powers I have been dealing with this pain in my stomach for a couple of weeks and ask that you heal me from the constant pain and discomfort I'm going through. Father your word says that by your stripes I'm already healed in Jesus's name Father God I'm asking that you guide the doctors and x-ray technicians site to see the area in which my stomach located so that it maybe diagnosed right. Father my prayer is that you bless and heal all you are going through some kind of sickness, financial problems, anxiety, depression, addiction, anything that is not of you Father God in Jesus powerful name. Father I ask that you touch their bodies minds and souls, from the crown of their heads to the soles of feet in Jesus's matchless name. AMEN AMEN
  • Fred Scanlan - In Reply on Job 1 - 2 years ago
    Have you ever been tempted? If so, did you think it came from heaven or from the earth? If you can answer this question than you have answered your own.

    It is impossible for God to tempt us.

    Satan will make you believe it is God that is doing the tempting, while he makes himself into an angel of light.

    Scripture has a way of looking things out for us, so we have a better understanding of what is really going on around us.

    This meeting the bible speaks of, will eventually take place in our lives in one time or another. It will be only because of the grace found in Christ that we will overcome in the time of temptation!

    There is a war going on for the souls of Gods creation. It is called you and me in this Heaven and earth!

    Repent and be baptized
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Gigi , you might be surprised to learn that I don't agree with or understand all of Alex's posts . I do enjoy reading them because he provokes me to think more deeply about things and inspires me to study harder . I also respect his right to exist on here without being harangued , as I respect everyone's right on here to speak their hearts and minds , in line with God's commandments about respecting other Christians , if we keep our hearts and minds open we can learn from each other , that doesn't mean we have to agree with everything everyone says . I am very sensitive to the possibility that some one is being singled out for negative responses , there are plenty of people on here that say things I don't agree with but I have no desire to embarrass or belittle these people by correcting them . I hope we can , finally , move away from this pointless exercise and get on with trying to be useful and helpful to every one on here instead of distressing ourselves and others by bickering amongst ourselves . Much love in Christ .
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your reply to me , I'm sorry to say that I don't read S Spenser or Chris . So I won't be doing that . I have genuine respect and affection for you but I also have the same for Alex . He has asked you more than once to just leave him alone . For all of our sakes on here , who don't want to read posts from people who don't agree with each other and can't just agree to disagree and leave each other in peace . Please . Much love in Christ .
  • Fred Scanlan - In Reply on 2 Corinthians 4 - 2 years ago
    Dear Shirley,

    Your question indicates to me that you have not excepted the Lord as your savior! If you had or have, this question is a question that does not apply to a Born again Son or Daughter of the Savior ! Christ died one time for the sins of the world. Do you think He must die twice? The word chance is not in Gods vocabulary! Those who come to Him must believe He is!

    Jesus said if we are lukewarm He will spew us out of His mouth! I 'm not sure how more plain than that, the Holy Spirit could be!

    In Christ, Fred
  • Chris - In Reply on John 16 - 2 years ago
    Apologies for an incorrect Scripture. I shared Matthew 11:37 - should be Matthew 11:27.
  • Chris - In Reply on Job 1 - 2 years ago
    I believe you're correct, we don't have any specific reference to Satan in the NT having access to Heaven. Apart from the one I quoted ( Revelation 12:10) which speaks of Satan accusing us before God, I have no idea as to how far he is able to proceed towards God, or even if his accusations against us arise from Earth. Clearly, the NT doesn't speak on this subject, rather on his afflictions upon God's people. Sorry, I can't give you much help on this.
  • Chris - In Reply on John 16 - 2 years ago
    Page 2 of 2.

    Finally, did Muhammed glorify Jesus in the Qur'an? Only as Prophet (Surah 33:7; Surah 5:46, & many more). He refused Jesus' Sonship (Surah 4:171; Surah 9:31). Yet, Jesus Himself spoke of His Sonship He had with His Father ( John 3:16; Matthew 11:37; John 17:1).

    So trying to find any inference to Muhammed in the Bible ensures a fruitless search - only found in the Qur'an & later documents. The Bible cannot be used to show Muhammed's coming or his work. Jesus came, His Spirit was then given and now the only prophecy yet to be fulfilled is the coming Great Tribulation on the Earth & then the coming of Jesus Christ, the Lord of Glory, to reign for a thousand years, when all evil will be bound & Satan locked away.
  • Chris - In Reply on John 16 - 2 years ago
    Page 1 of 2.

    Hello Zakaria. John 16:13 is also a verse used by other groups to find proof that their prophet is being spoken about. I'm also familiar with the Bahai's, as with Muslims, who also use this verse. Of course, the Bahai's will speak of their prophet, Baha'ullah & not Muhammed.

    As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe that one verse will generally have others to support it & this is required to get a proper understanding. If this verse speaks of Muhammed, then we should read further as to whom Jesus was actually referring to. Jesus often spoke of the Holy Spirit; in fact in the previous chapter ( John 15:26), He said similar words. So we know that the Holy Spirt comes from God & He is a Comforter. You can also check out: John 14:16,17,26 (The Spirit will also live in you).

    In Luke 24:49, Jesus tells His disciples to wait for the "promise of my Father"; wait, till "ye be endued with power from on high". When did this Power from God come?". Acts 2:1-4: (as the disciples waited, "there came a sound from heaven..a rushing wind..with cloven tongues of fire upon them..and they were filled with the Holy Ghost).

    These are but a few Scriptures to show you what Jesus promised would come, when the Spirit came, & what the Spirit would do. These words have nothing to do with Muhammed, Baha'ullah, or any other prophet or esteemed religious person. These verses speak of the Spirit of God, invisible, not human, indwelling those who belong to God, & God using them for His Purposes. This is not some "crude attempt to ignore or bypass the Truth". It is as the Bible declares. Any other inference is just man's vain attempt to distort the Scriptures. You can even ask, 'when did Muhammed ever come to fill a person & to even cause him to speak in unlearned languages & do works beyond human capabilities?
  • A. - 2 years ago
    please pray for many people to donate the charity DS to buy food fopr 30 cats. Need USD200 yet. Thanks
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Ty for sharing these thoughts. I am encouraged that the Lord continues to lead you to 'higher ground', seeing His Glory & Greatness, & your (& our) own unworthiness before His Majesty.

    Continue to enjoy His Presence & His Life given to you to grow & to radiate to others. We are His witnesses - His mouthpiece to "shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light" ( 1 Peter 2:9). Keep walking in the Spirit, "and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh" ( Galatians 5:16). Every blessing in your special holy journey.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks brother for a good division of these final chapters of the Revelation. And more importantly, the glorious prospect of those in Christ & only the torment of judgement against those without Him. These chapters should spur us on, being deep in our thoughts, when sharing this wonderful news of Salvation to those without hope & lost in sin.
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your kind words GiGi; we all do our best to bring out God's Word as given, and in the spirit of teaching & being taught, we can believe that growth in spirit & the Word will be our blessing. I too share your thoughts of avoiding specific folk, not for any character-based reason (I believe each one is truly genuine & loves the Lord), except that it seems the only common ground we have is that we use the same Bible. After that, any discussion on it seems to take us into areas of confusion of thought & departure of any possible meaningful exchange. I have tried to sustain a discussion several times, but unfortunately not many are prepared, or unable, to take it to the next level. With all that said, be encouraged dear sister & please continue to bring us those gems you learn from God's Word.
  • S Spencer - 2 years ago
    Series of events, from judgment on into eternity.

    Revelation 20:11-15.

    Judgment and the division of two groups. Those written in the book of life and those cast into the lake of fire. Matthew 25:41.

    Revelation 21:1-6.

    New heaven and new earth.

    Revelation 21:7-8.

    A mention of two separate groups set for two destinations.

    Here in Revelation 21:9-27. we have

    A view of the bride and great city Jerusalem and the nations of them which are saved and the gates.

    Notice who's is absent in verse 27.(And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie:) Note; Same group in Revelation 20:15.

    We shall see this group again in the next chapter.

    However here's a group that made it in! ( but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.)

    Revelation 22:1-21.

    Verse 10 the climax.

    "And he saith unto me, Seal not the sayings of the prophecy of this book: for the time is at hand."

    Separation. and fate sealed.


    Revelation 22:11-15. HE THAT IS UNJUST, LET HIM BE UNJUST STILL: and he which is filthy, LET HIM BE FILTHY STILL: and he that is righteous, LET HIM BE RIGHTEOUS STILL: and he that is holy, LET HIM BE HOLY STILL.

    And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.

    I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

    Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.


    Revelation21: 27.)

    and Matthew 25:41.

    Who's the unjust that is unjust still?

    A warning!! Revelation 22:18-19.

    God bless.
  • Ty - 2 years ago
    Hello everyone,

    I would just like to take a moment to share something most of you already know. God, is so good.

    I am an undeserving man. I do not deserve the presence of the Lord. Each day he is working in my life, bringing me closer to Him and further from myself. He provides hope in my darkness. He provides love where I feel I have little to none. He is with me when I stumble in darkness. His presence waters my heart, my spirit and brings tears to my eyes. How wonderful is it the creator of all is a God of love and grace. He is not too big to be present in the smallness and nothingness that I am. I should not be here today, alive, writing this comment. It is only because of our Father that I have breath in my lungs today. Praise God!

    For anyone who needs it today, as my brother or my sister, I love you! For the love he instills within my heart, is His love to be shared with others. You are never alone. You are valued and you are loved.

    I do not comment as often but I do read the comments of others each night. Your hearts, wisdom and words have spurred me. To become closer with Him. To seek wisdom. To be better. To those of you who dedicate time to this forum, thank you. Mishael, Chris, GiGi, Suze and many others. Thank You.

    I pray that each person in this forum feels His presence deeply as never begore. I pray love, joy and peace fill your hearts until your cup runneth over and spilleth unto others.

    I challenge each of you to approach someone who God highlights to you in the coming days. A simple hello, a handshake, a smile or a hug. A few words of encouragement. Let this person know that you see them. Speak the words the Holy Spirit provides to you.

    God Bless each of you! I greatly appreciate you.


    Psalm 91
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Suze, this will be my last post to you on this thread, but I would like to direct you to read the posts by S. Spencer and Chris's replies on this topic that started this thread response to S.Spencer's post here. Please read what Chris has responded to me on this thread. I did not assume anything as you stated. I also have not spoken to you or Alex the rude way you have spoken to me on this thread. But it is what it is and I will move on from this discussion with you or Alex. I hope you have a good night. I continue to pray for your Mom and step-father and you who care so much for them. God bless you.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    oops, Sorry, it was Alex who told me to get over myself, not Suze. Sorry Suze. Just want to keep it honest.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Chris,

    As Suze on this thread has chastened me for saying that others on this forum find the type of Scriptural interpretation we see in Alex's, ELB's, and others' posts troublesome as being arrogant, that I should get over myself, and that I should not speak for others.

    You and S. Spencer have stated on more than one occasion that these types of interpretations are problematic and in many cases erroneous. I do stand in agreement with you and S.Spencer and any others who would also take offense at the many posts made on here by a few that interpret Scripture in the way S. Spencer has stated in the original posts he submitted that elicited a response from Alex.

    I appreciate your clear posts and reasoned responses. I try to do the same. interesting that when we do this we get spoken to as I have been on these posts from Alex and Suze. They speak to me in a way I, you, or others have spoken to them, yet they accuse us of doing exactly what they have done to us. So, I am determined to keep praying about these exchanges and for the people who engage in them with me.

    I am not trying to bring you into this spat. I plan to exit it and not respond further to Alex or Suze on this thread. But I do welcome and value your responses to them or me. This forum is very blessed to have you on here sharing your wisdom that comes from the work of the Holy Spirit in you as you have disciplined yourself to read and know the Word so well.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ministry of Reconciliation

    part 2.

    When we hold tightly to the things others have done to hurt or disappoint us, we exclude God's work and eliminate the possibility of change, growth, forgiveness, grace, and mercy in the lives of others. Forget the shortcomings of others and forgive. The Bible gives us practical ways to keep unity and peace. We should expect people outside the church to behave in a carnal fashion, but there is no place for this in the life of the believer.

    Believers become new creatures in Christ with the option to dwell in the new man with new priorities, new capacities, new powers, a new destiny, and a new heart. The problem is that we do not always choose to dwell in the new man. This creates conflict within us. Do not lower yourself and dwell in carnal conflict. This type of conflict is never resolved. The flesh is never satisfied and is never pleasing to God. The flesh loves controversy, anger, revenge, and the cycle of human emotions that are counterproductive. It does not want resolution. On the other hand, the Spirit brings peace, longsuffering, patience, gentleness, and meekness. This is what we must dwell in if we are to fulfill the great calling God has for our lives.

    God has given each believer the ministry of reconciliation. If we are going to walk in this gift and explore the boundaries of what it means to be a minister of reconciliation, we cannot engage in carnal measures. Carnal measures are only temporary, built around man and his level of success, wealth, beauty and so on. The wealthiest person around is the one who is winning souls and investing in eternity. This person possesses wisdom. Only Christians possess the ability to overcome offenses, forgive in the face of unfairness, and walk in love when others have hurt us deeply. We expect earthly institutions to have conflict, but the Bible says that this should not be the case among believers. God expects so much more from His children. See part 3.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ministry of Reconciliation

    part 3.

    Ephesians 4:1-3 reminds us to walk in a worthy manner.

    The missing element in so many of our human transactions is humility. God is always pleased by humility and always insulted by pride. Jesus, a humble servant, had every reason to be driven by pride, yet He laid His life down for us. Think of the way you forgive others and see if you would like God to forgive you in like fashion. Discard all cheap excuses and do not be shallow in the way you forgive others. Seek out others and ask for forgiveness. Romans 12:18 provides crucial insight into this topic as it tells us that as much as it depends upon us, we are to live peaceably with others. God doesn't judge us on how this ends up, but He is looking for our obedience in this area.

    Steps needed for true forgiveness can be outlined in the following manner:

    Glorify God. He is always glorified by sincere humility.

    Get the log out of your own eye.

    Gently restore, remembering your former state.

    Go and be reconciled. Do not wait for others to come to you, but err always on the side of humility.

    We are a people of fractured relationships. We have broken friendships and severed relationships with loved ones. We may have a long list of reasons for this, but the Bible has never accepted the concept of irreconcilable differences. God took the most irreconcilable problem of all time, our human sin, and fixed it. If He can solve this problem, He can solve any of your relationship problems.

    see part 4.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ministry of Reconciliation

    part 4.

    The Bible tells us that we are to be ambassadors for Christ. An ambassador is a person chosen to represent others. Christ has chosen us to represent Him and His kingdom. Because ambassadors reside in a foreign land, they are protected. As ambassadors, we should know that we are protected also, in that wherever Christ's ambassadors meet becomes an oasis of Heaven. As ambassadors, our mission is to negotiate a peace treaty by the virtue of the cross of Jesus Christ. Be very careful not to misrepresent Heaven. We are not ministers or ambassadors of condemnation, but ministers of reconciliation. Through us, God is beseeching the world to come to Him. Through us, He is offering a solution to the problems of the world. Ambassadors must also be citizens of the country they represent. To be an ambassador for Christ, we must be believers. Ambassadors are called home before war is declared. God has not yet declared war on this world, we are still living in an age of grace. As ambassadors, we are offering His friendship. But realize that the clock is ticking toward the end of this age. The wrath of God is coming, but we will be called home prior to its arrival. In the meantime, we are to offer, plead, and beg others to come into the grace of God.

    The message of the church today is reconciliation, bringing people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. To be involved in this work, we must be willing to release carnal attitudes and relationships that are impeding our service as an ambassador of the King. The place to go to reconcile any problem that is standing in the way is the foot of the cross. As we consider the work that was done there, the price that was paid on the cross, what Jesus did to pay for our sins, how He reconciled us to the Father, it will be very difficult for us to hold onto any grudge. See part 5.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ministry of reconciliation

    part 5.

    The foot of the cross levels the playing field as we are all guilty of sin. Forgiveness is dispensed freely at the foot of the cross and we have the opportunity to share this forgiveness with others who may have hurt us, as well as with those who we have offended.

    God knows every sin we have committed against Him. On our own, there is nothing we can do to reduce this number. The blood of Jesus is the only thing that can accomplish this and His blood will wash it all away. What we need to try to do is reduce the number of sins we commit in the future. Our responsibility is to go to the foot of the cross frequently. Outside of the shadow of the cross, we can easily begin to deceive ourselves. The foot of the cross is where we need to be as we seek to restore broken or damaged relationships with others.

    If you are willing to kneel at the foot of the cross, He will allow you to stand in His righteousness. This is the only way we can have a right standing with God. Righteousness is not based on anything we have done.

    It is time for all of us to move on in grace, peace, mercy, and love.

    To be an Ambassador of Christ suggest you are in a foreign land doing the business or representing Christ.

    Meaning the land is occupied by those who don't represent Christ.

    ( Unbelievers.)

    Ministry of reconciliation is believers who's been reconciled.

    God bless.
  • E. - 2 years ago
    Lord Jesus please fight our battles. Please give us victory. Continuing to ask for strong protection, deliverance, healing and salvation (those who are not saved) and the outpouring of your Spirit in these last days. Asking for us and all in need. Thank you and praise you. In your holy name I pray. Amen
  • E. - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Father I ask for strong protection, deliverance, healing and guidance for them, us and all in need. Thank you and praise you. In your holy name I pray Lord Jesus. Amen
  • [email protected] - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me my fiance and our families to be healed in Jesus' name .

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