All Discussion PAGE 1144

  • Gabriel Beaven - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Aizen,

    Lord God creator of all I stand in agreement with Aizen. They don't want to see a broken home. Lord God I pray and know Lord Your Spirit will move into this situation. It is difficult to see right now the end result. Lord God is with you and our Lord is the great restorer. Lord God will work all things out. The devil likes to make us fear. For we are not given a spirit of fear by God. Walk with God and God will direct this situation. It is so easy to get blinded by the enemy. We say God where are You? God always says "I'm right here I never left." Why do you worry Aizen? Do you not know IAM the God of all things possible! Stay in prayer and know we all are standing in prayer with you in the mighty name of Yeshua. Amen
  • Gabriel Beaven - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm being serious I'm a little confused at what you're praying for if you could clarify I would be more than happy. Regardless. I am reminded that when God opens a door no man can shut it and when God closes the door no man can open it. You are in my prayers!
  • GiGi - In Reply on Micah 3:8 - 2 years ago
    Thank you David.

    This is a good word for me today.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Good Morning,

    Thank you for the reminder that we are to die daily, as Paul stated. as believers we have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us to empower us to do this each and every time. Thank You Lord! It is a good thing to be reminded every day by Him to put to death our old sinful nature and let the new life of the Spirit live forth in us. Confession, repentance, and godly action empowered by the Spirit is the daily calling of each believer. I pray that my heart will be more and more softened by the Holy Spirit to live this way always.
  • Ronnette on Revelation 15 - 2 years ago
    Why does the Catholic says "one holy Catholic Church"?

    This is very deceiving church. Catholic is so bothersome and blasphemous. Do they really think they can deceived?

    Catholic use this verse as a deceiving verse for their church existence: Matthew 16:18, which the Catholic erroneously misinterpreted the usage to begin with.

    The following verses clearly says Who is holy. Many church got to stop deceiving people since we are in the last days. When are they going to tell the truth?

    Does anybody here had stood up and told the leader of the church to tell only the truth from God? The true believers knows the work of the devil.

    1 Samuel 2:2 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God.

    Revelation 15:4 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sister Kay:

    You are exactly right WE DIE daily.

    Our mind of flesh being renewed to the mind of Christ.

    We can only come to the TRUTH of the NEW BIRTH, it happens at the death of this body.

    There is ONLY ONE LIFE, CHRIST, and Christ is God.

    Our body of flesh dies, LIFE (God) continues, we switch BODIES.

    1 Corinthians 15:38 ...and to every SEED; HIS (Christ is the SEED) own body. Seed always begats the same seed.

    It is beyond our mind of flesh to comprehend that Christ can live in us, yet can also appear as a man walking in flesh.

    This is what we can look forward to.

    Christ said that where he is we will be also; Christ is IN CREATION bringing creation to TRUTH and LIFE.

    We as priest (with the body of Christ) in HIS Kingdom, the likeness of Christ, will be IN CREATION bringing creation to TRUTH and LIFE.

    Revelation 10:11 ....thou must prophesy again (in your new body) before many peoples and nations, and tongues, and kings.

    Go ye into all the world teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom. This is only possibly in the next AGE (world).

    Read and study: Isaiah 66:18-24 and Jeremiah 51:19-33 and Revelation 2:26-27

    These are prophecy about the Sons of God, we not a perfect Son of God till we leave this AGE (world).

    Hebrews 12:23 ...... and to the spirits of just men made PERFECT.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    This puts us all on edge; between total paranoia and understanding security in Christ. The key; I believe is the Lord trimming away or pruning us as He chastises all He loves. Those who are unregenerate are only enjoying the benefits of the vine; not producing fruit. They are unwilling to submit themselves to having the "dead" parts of their lives to be extracted so further growth can ensue. This compares to the cares and riches of this world choking out productivity. We are tested and should test ourselves to see if we are in the faith.

    Admittedly; it is hard to fathom being part of the vine and yet risking being cut off and burned with eternal judgment. Such appears to indicate tares among wheat. Such branches also are a deadweight to the body and an offense. To truly be born again we are adopted children; and hence the needs of others should predominate above our own. HIS desires must become ours; it is not our demands upon the source of our life that are to be proudly proclaimed. The fruit is FROM Him; not our own filthy rags; and it is to benefit the Kingdom not our own agendas. Those out for "filthy lucre" are receiving their "rewards now"; those fading flowers whose life soon is to pass into darkness as a vapor who use Christ for their own stomachs; so to speak. Obedience is better than sacrifice; and any sacrifice started with His own at the cross; and we are to be dying daily crucifying the flesh. We may be credited because of a faithful witness and the suffering in our own lives leading to spritual rewards; but it is His life within us and that alone that allows that to flourish. God chooses who He will save on His terms; not ours.
  • GiGi - In Reply on James 2 - 2 years ago

    You have spoken well here on this topic. Thanks for your insightful points. It stirs my heart to be more sensitive to the needs before me. I tend to ask a person who asks me for money if they are hungry and to accompany me into a restaurant and choose their meal or ask what they would like and go and buy it for them. That way, I know that they have food and drink for that day (what their body really needs).
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    It will be recalled that when Jesus was offered wine to relieve His agonies at the cross he refused (although he was given the sour vinegar stuff right before He died). ( Matthew 27:34 as compared with John 19:29). Hence in that case the alcohol was for antiseptic purposes; when in the first it would have mitigated suffering. The verse in 1 Tim. 5:23 implores Timothy because of bad water and digestive issues to drink a little wine. Christ was accused of being a "winebibber" in Matthew 11:19 clearly demonstrates that indeed there were alcoholic beverages He and the disciples would partake in (as the wedding in Cana would also suggest since it was tasted by the official there and verified as such).

    As Paul warns; not all things we are at liberty to do should be done. Firstly; we need to consider ourselves and anyone around us to make sure no one has problems with alcohol OR is a believer such as the person you responded to in order not to offend them with your liberties. That short of family settings and perhaps one or two close friends gets pretty difficult. Even drinking a bit to excess can be a slippery slope. At any event; clearly it isn't a sin to do this in context; and the fact it was used for many centuries as a pain killer when other more effective techniques only recently developed; as Proverbs states it is for those who are in great pain ( Proverbs 31:6-7). Those dying should be given pain relief is Solomon's message; but of course we shouldn't be drawn to excesses as he was as the rest of Proverbs teaches us with wisdom after the fact.

    Simply being a distraction from God or enjoying any substance that is controlling us is dangerous. We have to be ever vigilant; such benefits as resveratrol found in red grapes and in wine can certainly be found in the fruit itself. Certain medication perhaps in a tincture of alcohol can be more effective.

    May He guide you in these matters.

    Agape.. Rich P
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on John 4:54 - 2 years ago
    It will be recalled that when Jesus was offered wine to relieve His agonies at the cross he refused (although he was given the sour vinegar stuff right before He died). ( Matthew 27:34 as compared with John 19:29). Hence in that case the alcohol was for antiseptic purposes; when in the first it would have mitigated suffering. The verse in 1 Tim. 5:23 implores Timothy because of bad water and digestive issues to drink a little wine. Christ was accused of being a "winebibber" in Matthew 11:19 clearly demonstrates that indeed there were alcoholic beverages He and the disciples would partake in (as the wedding in Cana would also suggest since it was tasted by the official there and verified as such).

    As Paul warns; not all things we are at liberty to do should be done. Firstly; we need to consider ourselves and anyone around us to make sure no one has problems with alcohol OR is a believer such as the person you responded to in order not to offend them with your liberties. That short of family settings and perhaps one or two close friends gets pretty difficult. Even drinking a bit to excess can be a slippery slope. At any event; clearly it isn't a sin to do this in context; and the fact it was used for many centuries as a pain killer when other more effective techniques only recently developed; as Proverbs states it is for those who are in great pain ( Proverbs 31:6-7). Those dying should be given pain relief is Solomon's message; but of course we shouldn't be drawn to excesses as he was as the rest of Proverbs teaches us with wisdom after the fact.

    Simply being a distraction from God or enjoying any substance that is controlling us is dangerous. We have to be ever vigilant; such benefits as resveritol found in red grapes and in wine can certainly
  • EILEEN - 2 years ago
    According to the lords kingdom will prayer for gods will to prevail and ken and his type leave my life and thier means there of. prayer god kingdom cancels out any assignments and closes the door to source and effects there of. in jesusnamei ask.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey S Spencer,

    I enjoyed the read and agree, the plain sense, not a secret mystical meaning, or choosing a meaning that will fit the teaching that the majority follow that is taken out of the context of the message of the scripture. While reading what you wrote a few scriptures kept popping into my head, the first was Matthew 23:24 Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

    My understanding is we cannot interpret the Bible, the scripture interprets itself with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. If we have a bible, but we trust others for the truth and if they are wrong, we are fully accountable. Adam and Eve tried to shift the blame but all three were held accountable.

    Another scripture that popped up was, "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear" which is in the bible many times. These few words speak very loudly and are true if we are not willing to clear our minds as if we know nothing and pray to God through Jesus for the Holy Spirit to show in the scripture the truth. We will not hear because our ears are not open to hearing the truth, we have already decided the answer on our own.

    I understand what you said about divorce, shunned and treated like an uneducated layman or outcast, even a heretic. Sadly teachings, traditions, and doctrines sometimes become political (the majority rules), or like colors I like blue, she likes red, and he likes green, who is right, what is the truth.

    May the Holy Spirit of truth guide us and love for each other control our tongue.

    God bless,

  • Aizen - 2 years ago
    please pray for me my family is being very toxic to eachother and it has caused me to have depression and too much anxiety even social anxiety. my dad ruined my mothers birthday and made his mom talk bad about my mom and get mad at her constantly. my parents are constantly fighting. my mother was complaining about this on the phone to my uncle saying she might have to get a divorce with him. im so scared and i dont know what will happen. i dont wanna move and all of that stuff if i choose my mom im scared if she leaves to flordia with me to see my aunt. or my dad will keep the house i live in right now and my mom has a find another or the other way around. i hope my mom keeps the house because i dont wanna move and move to another school and not see my friends anymore. i honestly cant even make conversation with my dad either without him yelling at me thats a reason i dont like to go out to places with him.
  • Bro dan - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Thanks and God Bless you Bro!
  • Linda on John 4:54 - 2 years ago
    Referring to John 46, a lovely person I know, who was born again and gave up all vises to serve Jesus, told me that the water Jesus turned to wine, was nonalcoholic, nonfermented. That Jesus never drank wine that contained alcohol..She said drunkeness was a sin. Believing that last statement, I also believe that the wine that Jesus created at the wedding was alcoholic and that it can be consumed without allowing yourself to become drunk. Yes I do have a glass of wine on occasion but do not get drunk. Is there any proof in the Bible that tells if this wine was with alcohol or not.? Thankyou.

    I'm sorry, but I question even the smallest things I read in the Bible. Not because I don't believe. I certainly do believe have faith and trust and love for God and Jesus. Questioning helps me to understand things better. Everyone has their own beliefs and opinions and interpretations. I question to find the reasons for mine. Thank you Linda
  • GiGi - In Reply on John 1 - 2 years ago

    I agree with your view. The Word has always been the eternal Son of God, eternally begotten by the Father. The Father spoke through the Son at creation and it is the Son who has spoken to mankind over the ages, both prior to the incarnation and after. Hebrews 1 speaks to this. The exceptions are at Jesus' (the Word) baptism and transfiguration, where the Father spoke from heaven concerning His Son, Jesus.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Alex;

    Your post, interestingly enough does exactly what you are accuses others who do not share your way of interpreting Scripture, judging that we do not have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us and are not guided by Him. You have judged us as not being of those of the Promise (being in Christ) but of those that are of flesh. No one is persecuting you or anyone else who spiritualizes and allegorizes the Scripture to the point of altering its intended meaning. We are just criticizing this approach as being unsound. We are speaking to the ideas that are put forth from this way of interpreting Scripture. We are not judging you as whether such people as not having the Spirit or not being in Christ as your post implies about those of us who disagree with such an approach to Scriptural interpretation.

    Alex, I know that you and others truly love the Lord as those of us who do not share your viewpoint do. You post your views regularly on this forum. Most of the time, no one refutes your interpretations, even though we find them problematic most of the time in regards to rightly dividing the Word. The occasional times one of use does address your viewpoint, we do so to promote dialogue concerning the Scriptures that reflect a more sensible and accurate interpretation of verses within the context of the passage. Addressing what you post is not a personal attack or persecution, as you have stated.

    It is very common on this forum for people to dialogue back and forth in disagreement, both presenting their views from a Scriptural perspective without accusing the other of not being Spirit filled or led. We love and care for you and others on this forum that differ in the way we interpret the Word. But, this does not mean that we don't speak our minds about views that seem to us to be "off" in their interpretation of Scriptural truths. We speak up because we love the truth and wish to defend it when God's Word is presented in a way that does not reflect His truth.
  • Suze - In Reply on James 2 - 2 years ago
    May God bless you Alex , much love in Christ .
  • Suze - In Reply on James 2 - 2 years ago
    May God bless you ELB , much love u n Christ .
  • Alex N - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Well said Bro. Dan Gbu.
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please God heal Trent with this affliction that he will be a testimony for you. Please Holy Spirit enrich him with Your spiritual gifts and guidance in the Bible to bring him comfort I pray in Jesus Christ name

    Please reflect on Psalms 18:2, Psalms 46:1, Psalms 121, Matthew 6:33.
  • Kay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Last night I was thinking along the lines of what you wrote, ELB -

    "WE CANNOT be a righteous judge without becoming exactly like Christ, this in the new creation, being born of Spirit, but having the glorified body of Christ."

    We cannot, in and of ourselves in our corrupt nature be 'reformed'. That old nature has to be mortified. The apostle Paul said of himself, "I die daily." Each day, we are to 'die' to that old nature, and walk in God's Spirit, conforming to Christ and His death. It is only the new birth, and walking in that which can make us like Jesus. He Who began the work in His people WILL finish it. THANKS BE TO JESUS!

    Grace to you once again, ELB!
  • Fred Scanlan - 2 years ago
    What is the withered branch Jesus speaks of?

    Are you a withered branch?

    Do you hear the servants coming who will decide who stays and who leaves? As the sound of the pruning shears are cutting even the thicker branches as you hear them do their work!

    Will hope be enough to save you?

    Only the vine knows. Only If you are in Him!

    The vine senses the hope that is in you!

    He knows your life!

    He knows if you shall live! He knows by now , if there is no life in you, and if you shall be cut away!

    We cannot see ourselves in comparison to the others branches, yet if you are still alive, and you have this hope, you will not be cut away!

    This hope will be enough to save you, as the pruning shears cut , oh so near, yet, we will abide only because of Him ! The true vine, Jesus the Christ!

    Repent and be Baptized
  • Lena - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Standing with you in Prayer for Healing

    We are healed by HIS Stripes, Amen
  • Cal Frez - 2 years ago
    After many years of study and contemplation upon the Lord and his great work, beginning in Genesis, I still have questions regarding the nature of ETERNITY and our role in it. Yes, the Lord shows man as he was created and how He redeems man back to Himself for His purposes, and those purposes include worship, fellowship and most of all, LOVE! Indeed, it is LOVE which will be all that remains of humanity after the judgement. It is LOVE that will be the tongue of fire that we each become. It is LOVE that will be integrated into the spiritual body of Christ.

    But there is something still missing in His instruction to us.

    Perhaps it is intended to be the ongoing mystery of our existence, but...

    Why does God even want anything to do with mankind?

    (It is obvious that mankind has been a rebellious child, even contentious with Him over the duration of man's existence.)

    And once He has man back where he belongs (in the presence of God for ETERNITY (emphasis mine), what is man supposed to do? Sit around the campfire and sing kumbaya?

    My point is that the lack of further disclosure into ETERNITY makes me both curious and suspicious that it may have something to do with the origins of God's creation of man. In an sense, God was "robbed" in Genesis.

    He was robbed of the relationship that He looked forward to with man.

    Now, maybe that is naive in that God is omniscient and knew ahead of time that man would fall and need restoration in order to even have a relationship with the Lord. But that awkward condition does not shed light upon the true nature of what that original intent was or how it could be characterized.

    It is this original intention regarding the nature of man's relationship with his Creator that I believe will guide us into what we should expect in ETERNITY.

    My brothers and sister in Christ, I look forward to your edification regarding this most perplexing subject.

    Thank you all and God Bless YOU!

  • Trent - 2 years ago
    I am sick with a possible life threatening fungus in my lungs and am seeking prayer for a miracle healing.
  • Dav47 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Genesis 35:28; 180 years old
  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    I donot believe that we should demonize folks that are spritually minded as some in this forum is doing...Are we gonna demonize the H.G. for making folks speak in tongues that very few can understand?...If we walk in the Spirit we cannot but help speaking tongues in the SPIRIT... Matthew 16 : 17...Even our lord told Peter that flesh and blood has not revealed it unto you but my father in heaven meaning in the spirit as God is spirit ...Flesh and blood is mans carnal mind like the Pharisees that knew the word literally but not the Spirit of the WORD.

    .....1 st Cor. 2 : 15 Not mans wisdom but what the H.G. Teaches even the mystery of the Kingdon of God. As these things are hid from the wise and prudent...But revealed unto babes and sucklings...Them that are born of the spirit are spirit which is the H.G our new innerman....

    .....What they are saying is akin to demonizing the H.G. and folks that are possesed with the H.G. that are over spirtualizing the bible in their minds...We do not walk after the flesh but after the spirit...But the spritual things of God are foolishness to them that walk in the flesh, The Carnal man....( some folks in this forum that cannot understand spritual things ) the H.G. teaches us...So they demonize folks that do understand spiritul things...Its just as Jesus said them that are born of the flesh always persecutes them that are born of the spirit...It goes all the way back to Ishmael and Issac.

    .....But what does the bible say cast out the bondwoman and her son...Which are them that persecutes them that are born of the spirit...( them that understand the mystery of the Kingdom of God ) which is Christ in you via the seed of Christ....The H.G.

    ....They are in essence saying the H.G. and folks possessed with the H.G. are of the devil...Who needs them we can understand the bible without the H.G. and folks that are speaking in the spirit.

    .....They are in essence saying we can just go to a bible school and know everything...How stupid.
  • Bro dan - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Mister David,

    Yes, the Gentiles have been grafted into same Tree of Life. But, buying land, or any other material things of this earth, should be a moot point, and of no concern, based on how I read the scripture.

    Colossians 3:1-2

    "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God."

    "Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth."

    As I read the scriptures, a Christian (Christ Follower) should not be concerning themselves anyway, with accumulating land/material things here on this earth, but should rather be concentrating and working toward storing up our treasures in heaven.

    God Bless.
  • Jenny - 2 years ago
    Please pray for me I have jealousy sometimes in my heart

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