All Discussion PAGE 1154

  • Kay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Gabriel!

    I loved the line, "Since God doesn't give up on us, let us not give up on God." :) How often we need to 'stir up the gift in us', and just believe God, whether we 'feel like it' or not. The just really shall live by faith, abiding in God's Spirit, and walking in the light of the lamp of His Word.

    My son and I are connected, Gabriel, just to clarify. I am with him right now, as a matter of fact, often coming to his home to help him. I have been the caregiver for 20 years thus far, and God has kept us. It has not been easy; things have not gone the way that he would have liked for his life,and for sure, after my flesh, as I would want for my son. But God IS GOOD all the time. We have been chastened by God, and justly so. But also, we have been in God's school, and taught how to surrender to Him in all things, and to bless Him in all things. I have come to the place, Gabriel, where I realize that at the bottom of everything, nothing on this earth TRULY matters...for it will ALL be gone one day anyways. What is of much more vital importance is the kingdom of God, and knowing Jesus, and how I can be a glory to Him, and a blessing to His people, and getting prepared for heaven and eternity.

    It's the easiest thing in the world to put all of our focus on the here and now - when, all the time, we have such a glorious Lord, such a glorious future, such a glorious kingdom, in which we are kings and priests unto our God! WHAT can compare with THAT? Our 'haves' and 'what we don't haves' here and now are nothing compared to the riches we have in Jesus!

    Have a blessed day Gabriel,

    Prayers will continue!
  • ELB - 2 years ago

    Ephesians 4:6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

    Is God the father of the Holy Ghost?

    Is God the father of the Holy Spirit?

    Is God the father of the comforter?

    Is God the father of Christ?

    Is God your father?
  • Kay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Gigi!

    You and your family have been much in thought and remembered in prayer! How are you doing?

    You are cared about, and loved in Jesus, dear friend and sister!

  • Daniel - In Reply - 2 years ago
    It's not an offense but I believe in keeping the KJV online site discussion strictly on topic to the Bible. Now, we can use comparison to real world events and criticize other religions, Western politics and all kinds of theories and tag a Bible verse to it. But that's not what this site's about. I came here to get away from these type of postings you find on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, news outlets, internet ministries, etc. For the sake of the newly saved, saved and unsaved...what we comment in this site impacts them all. When we're pulling something from a social media context and posting it here -- that causes a lot of confusion in young Christian's lives. When I got saved, there was a whole lot of conspiracy theory and political messages being mixed in with my first ministry. Back then it was home video (DVD) and telling believers to listen to Alex Jones on Infowars. There was so much paranoia, stress, complication and confusion that was being propagated. I feel that you'll reach more people with a single power verse from the Holy King James Bible, than from the myriad of paragraphs and links to sites which promote an opinion, movement, mindset or a social media.

    Matthew 11: 29 & 30

    "Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Amen!
  • Daniel - In Reply - 2 years ago
    "I am not sure why you keep on mentioning inner hurts. I was raised Christian all my life that is all I know."

    You do this in every post I've seen. You start with a paragraph accusing or condemning someone and then try to manipulate it to sound like you're helping. I don't know how many times it needs to be said...this isn't a site for political, ideological, denominational or otherwise...conflict. Read the Comment Guidelines and ask yourself if you're coming here to help those who don't understand the Bible well in a simple way with reference to the KJV? Are you edifying the church? Or are you causing discord and preaching personal doctrines?

    You could have simply written: Let's pray for all of those under the oppression of religion [Bible verse KJV]. Let's pray for those oppressors in Islam that God may have the final word [KJV verse] and that they may be saved. Let me be a light to them.

    But you write these post with a multitude of words. Try humility when you're faced with a disagreement because there are plenty we can find but that's not the purpose of KJV online discussion. It's for the edification of the body and outreach to the unsaved. That's it.

    Proverbs 10:19 KJV: In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.
  • Dgjot - In Reply on Matthew 22 - 2 years ago
    @T. Levis: Some verses were helpful, some weren't. Like Exodus 21. What's that about?

    Those were laws for the O.T. Jews to follow. Looking at the track record of the Jews, they were a nasty, rebellious bunch who, even though God made himself known to them, still rebelled against God and He punished them many times.

    The Jews even rejected Jesus and had him put to death.

    Can we still learn from the O.T.? Yes. There's a lot of wisdom in the O.T., but some rules, (regulations, laws, statues, ordinances)

    Jesus did away with. Jesus died to free us from such laws. No one will ever get to heaven by following O.T. Mosaic laws.
  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    Gal. 4 : 1 KJV...Now i say unto you The HEIR ( THE H.G. ) ..We are just a joint heir with him but he is under govenors and tutors until the time appointed of the FATHER...Just like Jesus was under governors and tutors till the time appointed of the FATHER till he reached the age of 30...But the LORD OF ALL in this passage speaks of is the H.G. the Child of Promise...But in that it refers to him as LORD OF ALL implies he is an ABSOLUTE SON...( God) ..And the main HEIR....We are just a joint heir with the H.G.

    ....We were all born by the will of some man but the H.G can only be born in us via the seed of Christ Jesus...The living word..By the will of God.... Romans 8 : 17 we are just a joint heir with Christ THE H.G..

    .... Whosoever receiveth one such child in MY NAME RECEIVETH ME...The Child is the H.G. that CHILD OF PROMISE.

    ... John 1 : 13 His name sake the H.G. is not born by the will of man nor by the will of the flesh,..Nor by the will of blood...( Jew or Gentile ) But only by the will of God.

    .....This John 1 : 13 is telling us that the H.G. his NAME sake....IS gonna be BORN IN US SINNERS by the will of God not by any man...Thats y Jesus is telling us That which is born of the Spirit is spirit which is he the spirit of truth the H.G the child of Promise...Which answers to our new heart and new spirit...That new heaven and new earth..Which is Christ in us the hope of Glory.

    ....We are a joint heir simply b/c we are the BRIDE and he is the Bridegroom...And we are gona be made 1 with the H.G. Emanuel...The H.G. has a name its Emanuel...As the H.G is God with us....Jesus said when he the spirit of truth is come he will abide with you for ever....Thats the H.G Emanuel God with us...The Child of Promise...The multiplication of JESUS...The H.G Cannot be born with out the seed of CHRIST sown in our hearts thats y he has to know us thats when the good seed is sown in our hearts....Multiplication was the great Promise...Resulting in a baby Christ the H.G...PROMISE.
  • Richard Leet - 2 years ago
    If a little Boy or Girl would come up to you and say my teacher said according to the Bible that we are to be Holy, can you tell me just like you can describe the steps of Salvation?

    Thank You!
  • Segun Afolabi on 2 Chronicles 6 - 2 years ago
    who do you think is the ruler of this world ?God or Satan
  • Victoria - 2 years ago
    I want to know God more. So many cares of life but I know seeking the kingdom of God first will give me the opportunity to have everything.

    Thank You the app developers for sharing God's Love. God bless you
  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    Romans 9 : 8 ...Not all Israel is Israel...Neither b/c they are the seed of Abraham are they all children but in Issac shall thy seed be called....That is the Children of the Flesh ( natural ISRAEL )...These are not the Children of God But the Children of PROMISE are COUNTED for that GOOD seed...Who are the Children of Promise...The H.G. is that Child of Promise that is the result of the sower and his precious seed that is sown in our hearts...Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the spirit is spirit which is the H.G. a living being and the very seed of God...THAT CHILD OF PROMISE...Thats y Jesus told Nic. a Jew he had to be bornagain...

    .....Had natural ISRAEL been the real children they wd not need to be bornagain of an incorruptible seed...But there was none righteousness no not one...And God wanted a perfect Israel..Thats y he sent Jesus to die for the sins of the world...That the great Promise wd come into effect...That a heavenly ppl wd be born in us which is the H.G that Child of PROMISE...As he that is born of God cannot sin...Which is the H.G. the Israel of God...That is gona be as the Stars of heaven in multitude...Thats y the new birth is so important...We are ALL gonna birth a baby Christ which is the H.G the Child of Promise...Thats y Jesus said unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child..The H.G...You will in no wise enter there in.

    .....When Jesus said behold i send the PROMISE of my Father upon you that was baptism of the H.G. a birth of a baby Christ in them...Their new Innerman which was spirit the H.G....She brought forth a MANCHILD the H.G that is gonna rule all nations..As Jesus said when he the Spirit of truth is come he will reprove the world of sin and righteousness and Judgement...The Spirit of truth is the H.G. Emanuel God with us...That Child of Promise...Thats y Jeremiah saw all the world in travail and birth pains.When Jesus said b/c i have spoken these words sorrows have filled your hearts he describes Child birth.
  • Doug - In Reply on Matthew 22 - 2 years ago
    Do you consider yourself to have faith? That is what the just shall live by.
  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please remember me in your prayers and my family
  • Cindy - 2 years ago
    Please pray that the Lord will heal the following people via means or supernatural power.

    Cindy, Jessica, and Carolyn have MS

    Pam, Mandy, Denell, Laverne, Deborah, and Linda are in constant pain

    Donna and Ruby have dementia

    Paul, Laverne, Sheila, Mandy, and Alberta have cancer

    Lauren is addicted to drugs.
  • Phil Jackson - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks for getting back with me....

    How could Joseph quality the Lord Jesus Christ to be of the tribe of Judah, when Jesus Christ was not of his seed? Jeremiah 22:28-30..... In Matthew 1 it lets us know that the physical seed of the father determines the tribe!

    God bless,

  • Fred Scanlan - 2 years ago
    What are the 1000 foreskins' given to Saul from David after this massacre? How demeaning, yet proactive. Without an clear answer, I would say that it would not be circumcisions', for if it were, the Philistines would have not perished!

    In the Viet Nam conflict, this would become a common practice of castration. Castrating the enemy , even removing the ears, carrying them around ones neck as a trophy. The atrocities of war, searing the conscience.

    Each generation shall learn and shall not pass until all things be fulfilled!

    Jesus asked His disciples , "who do men say that I Am"?

    The power in the confession of such men, will cause the world to turn upside down. That the prophecy once again as the sands that flow through an hour glass, will once again never ever end and shall prevail, as long as heaven and earth exist. The lunacy to think outside of the prophecy is walking in the darkness that soon will come to those who do not believe! They have killed the prophets, but remember He has reserved the best for last! Jesus shall return in the power of His might with all His Holy Angels!

    If you do not believe the prophecy, then you are the enemy, neither can you belief the trinity found in the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. Repent and be Baptized
  • David Williams on Luke 10 - 2 years ago
    Sad. Story from Jesus and all you worry about is the oil and wine. Sad.
  • Chris - In Reply on Ezekiel 22 - 2 years ago
    Hi Melissa. 'sostanza' is not an English word. We can see it in the Italian language & it almost always refers to 'substance or matter'. In the Italian Bible we find examples in Daniel 7:1, Luke 8:43, Luke 15:13, Hebrews 10:34. The sense of 'evil' is not found there.
  • JesusTheWayTheTruthAndTheLife on Ezekiel 28 - 2 years ago
    This second part of this chapter cannot possibly be referring to satan because God tells Ezekiel to take up a "lamentation" upon the king of Tyrus. "Son of man, take up a LAMENTATION upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him......"


    A lamentation is defined as "a passionate expression of grief or sorrow." Just why would he be "lamenting" over the supposed destruction of satan if this were the case? We lament or there has always been lamentations for humans and cities being destroyed...never satan! It's all in the Bible regarding the examples and principle of what lamentation was and scripture doesn't contradict INTERPRETS itself. I find that just one word that we find insignificant in scripture actually is the key to bringing clarity to the passage.

    I do believe God is speaking in symbolism to the king of Tyrus but to an actual person. It's poetic like most prophetic words given to the children of Israel were poetic. In Hosea, God is speaking to them and calls them a backsliding "heifer". Is He saying they are LITERALLY a heifer? No!

    The first half of the chapter still can't be referring to satan because God is saying this prince of Tyrus is saying he is God when he's but a man and we know satan is not a man! He goes on to say that when God sends men to slay him will he tell them before they do it that he is God? They will see he is just more man because he will perish like a man. Once again...this cannot be referring to satan because this is not how his ending will be according to RRRevelation.and in Isaiah .

    I ifirmly believe the Bible is a spiritual Book and spiritual language can only be understood by the Spirit of God revealing what things mean in the Word so we aren't misinterpreting things. Also context is very important!
  • Free - 2 years ago
    Johannes Figglebottom I understand that you are out to qualify on the Word of God, for us who believe it is serious enough. I hope to see u again soon, with thoughts of peace and with the message that the Lord has truly met you.

    2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

    11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

    12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

    13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

    14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.

    15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;

    16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

    17Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own stedfastness.

    18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.

    God bless u in Jesus Holy Name, i love u in Christ
  • Karl - 2 years ago
    Hello! Please pray for my friend Isabel that she hears the Gospel, repent of her sins and fully trust the Lord, Jesus Christ. Also, pls pray for Simon, Michael, Lowen, Lucky, Sir Reynold, Sir Ortiz, Mother Valentine, Mother Malou, baby Raquel, and baby Ivory, they are sick and poor. I also hope that these people be given strength, faith, and healing. Thanks to anyone who will pray for them as I continue to pray for them.
  • Chris - In Reply on Amos 3 - 2 years ago
    Hello Deborah. Are you enquiring about the meaning of this passage (btw, Amos chapter 3 only goes to verse 15)?

    If so, the Prophet Amos, who was actually a sheep-herder ( Amos 7:15), was called by God to give Israel another stern warning (chapters 3 to 6). If they didn't change their ways & begin to honour God rather than play with idolatry, the Judgement of God still stood against them.

    Bethel was no longer a holy special place (as it was for Abraham & Jacob) but a city given to idolatry. So in the passage you've asked explanation for, God tells Amos to proclaim to wicked Israel, that their judgement & captivity is certain. God will destroy the altars that they created in Bethel, not for godly worship, but to idols. They probably still had the true altar there, but others were raised as well. The "horns of the altar", where once the blood of the sacrifice was poured upon, would now be cut off & cast upon the ground. And if that wasn't enough to alert them & bring repentance & change of worship, even the grand houses of those of wealth (wealth no doubt accrued from idolatrous practises & corruption) would be destroyed. These were houses that some had for the Winter & Summer seasons & houses laced with ivory & precious metals (King Ahab of Judah built such a house: 1 Kings 22:39). All these will come to an end, when they would be destroyed & the people be taken into captivity.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear "Gabriel Beaven", what does your heart say? What do you want? What kind of life do you want? You have received a good answer here from Kay, but it is your attention to yourself that the Lord does not see, do you understand? Self-pity must be chased away in the Holy Name of Jesus! There is no pity for you, you are lucky and spoiled I think. Jesus has finished everything for you, so you must now repent and learn Him and know first! It's not just about praying, you understand. It is also about knowing the Lord.

    If you had known the Lord correctly through His Word, you would have understood and never written such a lament as you have done here.

    Who are you who can question the thoughts of the Lord? Love Jesus and you will get everything you ask for, and a little more.

    You may be sad for me now, but remember not to ask the Lord for signs. You must understand that there are others who also hear you. They will also provide input such as: Doubt, insecurity, delusion, murder, and so on all evil. And then your condition does not get better right? And always love everyone around you, love your brother and sister, forgive everything and pray for all people. God bless u in Jesus name, love u in Christ. 2 Peter 3:10-18
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear "Arnold BENAVIDES Jr", Jesus Christ we honor Your Holy Name You who went through the heavens for our sake. You will have all the glory in Eternity. we thank You Lord Jesus that when we face such opposition as described here, we know at least one thing. We are on the right path.

    In Your holy name and Your Holy blood at Calvary, we now take dominion over the powers and authorities that are subject to all in Your Name Lord Jesus. You say in Your word Lord that what we bind on earth is also bound in heaven. In Your name Jesus Christ we now bind the spirit of disobedience, and spirit of rebellion, we take authority over these and you evil can go to the utmost abyss and remain there. Do not come back, in Jesus Name.

    But since the Spirit of Jesus lives in us, we also want victory in His name, we pray that there will now be complete peace in the house! And lead ppl into the house, to salvation Lord! We thank You Lord that we can learn every day and take Your authority over things that bother us every day. We put it on You Lord. Thank you Lord Jesus for in Your Name it will be so, Amen.

    2 Peter 3:10-18
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please God open the doors for Arnold's family to have their own house. I pray his son be filled with the Holy Spirit to change his attitude towards his elders and be enriched with patience and kindness towards his relatives I ask in Jesus Christ name!!

    Please consider reflecting on Psalms 18, Psalms 91, Psalms 141, John 8, and Philippians 4:12-13.
  • Johannes Figglebottom - In Reply on Jonah 4 - 2 years ago
    Ohhh yes, thank you, this helps, I think my problem was that I was reading the Bible backwards like a manga. Much appreciated!
  • AmandaYS - In Reply - 2 years ago
    God saw how man struggled with following commandments and laws so He sent Jesus to die for our sins and by doing so also made it as plain and simple as possible when Jesus said: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets." ( Matthew 22: 35-40).
  • AmandaY - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I thought the same thing. God is always with a capital G.
  • Suze - In Reply on Jonah 4 - 2 years ago
    I think you are pulling our legs , one of mine has bells on .
  • Concerned4TheMisinformed - In Reply on Jonah 4 - 2 years ago
    I pray you are joking! Harry Potter is a very good example of evil being seen as good bringing us one step closer to The End Times. All you need is the Bible. Think of it this way. Bible= B asic

    I nstructions

    B efore

    L eaving

    E arth

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