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I was bullied from middle of sixth grade through end of eight grade at the private school I attended since 1st grade. It is a sad thing to endure. I did not tell my parents of teachers, as it was not the way most people went back in those days. But I did pray about it often, and I did remember what Jesus said about loving our enemies and praying for those who persecute us. I prayed to have this attitude in me and to pray. Also, I prayed that God will help me forgive them even though they did not seek this from me. These things really helped me. I only had 3 friends that would have anything to do with me during this time. In 9th grade I went into the public schools and most of my classmates from this private school went on to private high school. So, God gave me an escape from this situation. I pray that God will provide this for you, too.
As some have suggested, I agree that you should tell your parents and teachers and the principal. I suggest that you record evidence of bullying incidences. Perhaps in a journal, screenshots of mean notes or cyber communication. If they physically hurt you, take pictures of the marks and bruises. This will help the adults I mentioned take your abuse seriously.
Keep praying and study your Bible, especially the words of Jesus in the Gospels. He is always with you and will help you. My heart goes out to you. It is so hard to rise above the mistreatment and do what is loving and right to these people while still protecting yourself. I will be praying for you.
There's another thing we must remember in our lives, and it too is a hard lesson. When we confess our sins, the Bible says that the Lord is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us. We ARE forgiven! BUT -- there often comes, sooner or later, a period of chastisement. How can God punish sinners one day, and let His own children be naughty without getting their spanking. :) I suggest you read Hebrews 12. The best of God's saints must go through very heart rending times, to work the carnal nature out of us and to cause us to conform to Christ. And all of that is done with love. What parent who truly loves their child doesn't correct them? If a parent doesn't correct the child, and lets that child run rampant..that parent hates the child! The heavenly Father is no dead-beat Dad. He's a good Father, and he won't have ill-mannered, undisciplined children in His family; the good news is the writer of Hebrews tells us that EVERY SON whom God receives - He chastises, i.e., He is dealing with us as His dear children. Don't be discouraged. The more your heart hurts....lean harder on Jesus! He is doing a good work. What you are experiencing, every single one of us true believers has experienced in one way or another. :)
May the Lord give you peace this night, His peace that passes all understanding. May He help you to truly surrender all into His hands, giving Him full control over every area of your life, Gabriel. He doesn't want your head spinning and your little heart loaded down with care! He loves you..and all of us who will pray for you do as well!
In Christ,
Genesis 1:13-18
He was working on space, planets, firmament, day, night.
* To tell someone in authority that has no fear of GOD, sometimes makes the problem worse!
1st know: Jesus knows better than anyone what it's like to be wrongfully bullied! Pray to The Father for help in Jesus Name: Matthew 6:5-34, John 14:13, Isaiah 53,
1Peter 2:19-25,
2nd if you have kind, gentle, loving & understanding parents you all could prayerfully consider Homeschooling.
If you have a difficult situation at home, then pray about how to tell your Parent/Parents/Gaurdian. Even if they don't outwardly show love, they most likely care about cruel, abusive behavior towards you by others. In one case a child was moved to different school & situations were much better for that child.
3rd, Remember this time, if you're called to endure is just a few years, sometimes much shorter when you pray. GOD does amazing things, through our prayers. Luke 17:6, Matthew 17:20, James 5:17,
4th, through hardship we learn compassion, to help others who go through what we have gone through, & going through. 2Corinthians 1:3-4,
5th, I will pray for you.
6th be encouraged as I have become unafraid of people & bolder for Christ, wiser especially for things today, you too should be strengthened & be wiser throughout these things. 2Timothy 2:3, Matthew 24:13, Mark 13:13,
Hopefully these are helpful & encouraging
Jesus told us that we would know the truth, and that His truth will set us free. The first truth you need to know that GOD IS GOOD, Gabriel, not 'IF GOD IS supposed to be good..." :) That needs to be a settled issue. Never let your own heart or a lying devil tell you other wise. And He is good REGARDLESS of our circumstances in this lower world. Standing your foot of faith on that fact is the beginning of making you stable.
Gabriel, it's a dangerous thing asking for 'signs'. We have God's Word and His Spirit; rest in Him, Gabriel and let Him have time to work in your life. Be much in the Word, and just being with God. In our anxiousness, we want this and that - but what God wants for us the most is to want HIM above all, and be happy with Him, and satisfied in Him, regardless of what we have or don't have here. :) This is a life-long lesson. I've been saved going on 39 years and am a senior citizen, and still am in God's school on this issue. :) But I can promise you Jesus really DOES get sweeter and much more glorious than earthly pleasures!
We don't keep God's commandments to 'earn' anything Gabriel; we serve Him and obey Him because we love Him. :) And always remember, Jesus Christ is our true sabbath. All of our 'working' for salvation is FINISHED at the cross! How deeply I sense He just wants you to take the easy end of the yoke, and REST in Him totally.
I may have to reply in a part 2 because I have one more thing to share. I'll close here and write the 2nd part on another page.
The book of Job is BOTH a PARABLE and a PROPHECY about and of Jesus Christ, as is Psalms.
Job 27:1 Moreover Job continued his PARABLE, and said
Job 29:1 Moreover Job continued his PARABLE, and said
Job 13:27 .....thou settest a print upon the heels of my feet
I guess the answer to you question: how long did Job suffer.
Jesus suffered three and a half years, his ministry in the flesh.
God Bless YOU!
I've seen and heard of incredible miracles come from prayer with The Holy Spirit welcomed to come alongside the Intercessors. They fill the gaps, build up hedges around their children so that no evil spirit can cross that line. Ask God to send his angels to protect the children and women. As Gods child you can ask for what you need.
The Last War in history will be fought between Messiah Jesus and descendants of Ishmael that hate Jesus. We can't stop that. It's prophetic.
I lived on a floor of apartments with a Muslim mother and her beautiful daughter. Every day they would cook food that made my mouth water!! They would load their van with the food and a bunch of children and go somewhere. I helped them when I could. I moved away not long after.
I'm happy they are here where it's illegal to harm a child.
Let your Faith in Jesus Messiah bloom. Pray heaven down to earth. I actually sit in my closet when I do that. Let His peace and comfort pour over you. Calm your thoughts and listen.
Put your trust in Jesus to take all these children in the Caught Up (rapture). The Bible, Jesus's words, FORBID NOT the children to come to Me. He is praying for you too. He sits at the right hand of his Father, to make intercession for His Saints. That's you too.
When we get to Heaven we will not remember the bad things. Only the Good.
Blessings on you, dear child of God.
This is when we see the test begin. Does Job love you for nought. Take away all He has stricken him and he will surely curse you to your face. God at anytime could of said No I'm not doing that. He allowed it but you can't kill him.
I mean the story goes on to where you pretty much see job almost curse God almost. At one point like I said you see Job pretty much say to God you know you could learn a lot from me. I've been shaken I'm broken and I would take the time to understand rather than accuse. You said in one of your replies While I may not understand. It was something along those lines. You won't know the story unless you really say ok I'm gonna try to understand this. I work at a retirement/nursing home. Those people have my heart. Helpless and in need and I implore myself to fight for them when I see them being mistreated. Just like anyone here. One lady who is dear said her dad fell and is now not doing so well. I care more than you know. Im not inconsiderate or selfish. Just simply voicing my frustration and asking questions as spirits we all should do that.
Thank you
That's a bit inappropriate, especially for the post guidelines...
I'm pretty sure personal attacks aren't necessary when trying to refute a doctrine.
"A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."
Proverbs 15:1
God bless you!
Have you clicked on the Prayer Requests part of this website? You might consider doing that and reading through people's concerns. Some have thoughts of suicide and are in very desperate situations. If you find it in your heart to write a note of encouragement to some I think it might be a positive experience for you.
It sounds like you're blaming God for your current state. God never promised things would be easy, but the Bible says the opposite that we will face great trials, especially as a Christian. Life is VERY difficult for everyone. It's not easy to compare, because we only see part of the picture.
You wrote: "I find it odd that the people telling you to stay afloat are the ones that aren't doing too bad themselves. It's kinda like hey look where I am and if you believe you will too. "
Perhaps you don't yet realize that the very people who have taken time to write a note of encouragement to hang in there have likely already gone through extreme trials such as depression, suicidal thoughts, hopelessness, despair, feeling unworthy of love, feeling unloved, without friends, without family, and more. It seems you have assumed the opposite.
When you get through your current valley (notice my positive expectation of you?) and have a new perspective on things and realize new things about yourself, would you not also be willing to help others going through what you just went through? I see that several people responded to you in love and care for you and I hope you take that to heart. God bless you.
I recommend reading the book of Job tonight. He had everything, then lost everything in an extreme circumstance. He begged God why, why?! Then God answers.
After that I recommend reading about Paul. Aside from Jesus he was probably the most influencial Christian evangelist in world history- wrote more books of the Bible than anyone else. And he had a horrible past and killed people, then had horrible challenges. Read it and learn from it. God bless.
I take it to simply describe: she was a wife of the son's of the Prophets. To indicate as she stated; they, or he "feared GOD" & served GOD, likely dedicated his life to GOD. A Prophet has a difficult call! If you read the accounts of Prophets that truly served GOD & Feared HIM, you may understand more why it was approached this way. She was wanting favor from GOD, help in return for family service, it seems to also set a precedence for us & our families, that serve & fear GOD:. Psalms 37:25,
John 4:44, Luke 4:24,
To understand the call of the Prophet of GOD, read the books of: Jeremiah, Exodus, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jonah, Malachi, Amos 7:14-17, Hosea, 1Kings 13, Deuteronomy 18:20, Habakkuk, Zechariah, etc.
Hopefully these are helpful
John 3 has the verses a child should hear. Allow the Holy Spirit to call the child to salvation. Write the date in his/her Bible Record.
Not all churches have Communion every Sunday. I think children who've come to Christ, been Baptized, should be allowed to participate in that; if they know why we do it.
If you want to know who Jesus is start with: Matthew 1:1, Mark 1:1, Luke 1:1, John 1:1, & read through each chapter.
Hopefully you find that helpful.
That's all I can say.
You can download it or put on your Google desktop. Press on the box with an arrow pointing up.
OR, This website has a full Bible, on the redbrown LINK PAGE that you click on to come in here. Those are all the books of the Bible.
Explore the Search Box too. Siting below it are the COMMENTARY. Click on that box.
Didn't see any in Mary's Genealogy either.
Google>>Genealogy LISTS for Jesus. It's a big long study. Many people have studied it and tried to find fault in Jesus's bloodline. Jews and Gentiles.
We all forget easily that the Holy Spirit over-shadowed Mary with the Light of Jesus. He is pure from all sin.
Genealogy is not going to help us be born again ( John 3)
He is so Holy that in Isaiah 6, through a vision, He saw the Lord in his glory, sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the Temple etc. if that doesn't convince you of his holiness, it won't happen.
He saw Jesus BEFORE Bethlehem.
First it was acceptable to live in a unwed mothers home so the child could be adopted right away. Then you could return to school.
In the 60's they legislated the Bible and God out of schools. Also the Pledge of allegiance to the flag.
We heard of back room abortions. Girls trying to do self-abortions and some died.
In 1973, abortions were legalized so women would stop trying to do their own abortions.
1975, free love hit all the campuses along with pot and LSD. Gay liberation came out of the closet. There was talk of free birth control drugs but it was never adopted.
80's, disco till you dropped.
90's Price of Tuition in College went through the roof !!
30 years later I have a message for pro choice:
God knew you when you were in your mothers womb. He put your body together. He named His prophets. The cost of college is insane. WHY? A third of your classmates were killed before birth. They won't grow up and be taxpayers, won't pay into your Social Security so you can retire. Grow the economy. Invent things. And much more.
My word today is this: ABORTION IS NOT BIRTH CONTROL. Back when, people who got pregnant were viewed as ignorant, drunk, on dope, etc. Now there is no stigma whatsoever.
I know women who had 5 or more abortions in their 20-30's. They never consider the scar tissue in their wombs; cannot conceive. Then they get on wait lists to adopt an infant. Those wait lists are Long.
It is not birth control.
I pleaded years for God to stop the killing. The truth is this: all of those babies aborted are IN HEAVEN. God adopted each and everyone of them. Their bodies are whole.
I'm looking forward to heaven!! Going to take those kids fishing with me almost every day.
A question for you: Is it true (according to what you wrote as your name) that you are an active porn addict?
The reason why I ask is that it is very important that your sin sickness be dealt with, for that is a more desperate illness than even stage 4 cancer! Cancer can kill our bodies, it's true; but it cannot send us to a devil''s hell.
Sin is a wicked disease, a cancer, that eats up our eternal souls!
Jesus said we must be born again! Believe the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus, that He came into the world to save sinners!
Run to him now, and throw yourself on His mercy!
We don't dare pray for healing for your body, lest you go out and use your healed body to continue sinning with it! You must repent, and yield your whole body not to unrighteousness, but unto righteousness now!
Once the sin issue is settled, leave your life in God's good hands. He will do right by you, for He can do nothing wrong!
Grace in abundance to you, Logan!
I will begin with a brief part of my testimony. I also have been a wretched sinner before the Lord, BUT, like Paul, I found mercy, for truly, I was as ignorant as a beast, not knowing that I was, by the world, the flesh, and the devil, being fattened up with all the pleasures here, only to face destruction in eternity for earth's 'fun'.
The Lord started making me aware not of my sins 'generally'...but He began dealing with specifics. One day, as I was considering my true condition according to God's standard, I felt as though hell opened up right under my feet; I could feel the 'weight' of my sins pulling me downward; I felt heat, and I felt flames, and I REALLY CRIED to the Lord to save me - and so He did.
What the Lord helped me to see in all that, Roy, was how seriously God takes sin. It made me see how abhorrent sin is in God's eyes. He hates it because it mars us, His creation. We were created in God's lovely image; sin defaces that image and paints the image of the beast on us. Jesus told the Jewish leaders, 'You are of your father, the devil.' They acted like him, they did his deeds, and they very much looked like! God hates it!
God hates it because it caused His dear Son, Jesus Christ, so much pain, shame, and suffering to become our Sin-Bearer.
Dare we trifle with sin, and dilly-dally in it so lightly, so thoughtlessly, when God hates it, and will call each one of us to account for it soon?
An old preacher's words come back to me; he said that it is wise for us to bring our last day close to us,i.e, think of it often, and consider that very shortly our day of reckoning will come, at which time we will have to give an account for all that we have said, done, thought, and if not found to be in Christ, will suffer eternal separation from God and punishment.
We must agree that that what God calls sin IS sin and repent. When we are forgiven, then we love God. Those who are forgiven much then love him much.
Grace in abundance to you, Roy
Don't react to them, Not even in words.
Tell the your Parents and the School counselor and principal.
You've done the right thing by asking. And it would be the right thing to do by telling.
Check back in with us and let us know how it goes.
I hope this helps.
God bless.