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  • Paradise or Heaven - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Thank's for the reply. My apology if I offended you. Now that I know that you are sensitive about someone disagreeing with you, I'll be more careful. Maybe just saying I respectfully disagree would be better? I am not disagreeing that everyone will have their day of judgement. We will all stand before the Lord one day. I just don't believe that both believers and non-believers get judged together at the same day. 2 Corinthians 5:10 is for believers only. This is the Bema seat of Christ. This judgment for believers is to determine their reward. It's described in 1 Corinthians Chapter 3. Believers pass through the fire, and whatever is of Christ, we will receive a reward, and whatever is not will burn, but we as believers will be saved ( 1 Corinthians 3:15). I'm glad you mentioned Revelation 20:12-15. To answer your question, yes, it does indicate multitudes will be judged at once, but multitudes doesn't necessarily mean both believers and non-believers together. It just says multitudes. So who are they? According to the verses that precede this, these multitudes are non-believers who will be at the Great White Throne judgment ( Revelation 20:11). They are resurrected after the 1,000 reign of Christ, and they (multitudes) will be judged and cast into the lake of fire. They don't take part in the first resurrection. There will be no believers at this judgment because this resurrection takes place after the 1,000 year reign, and Revelation 20:6 tells us that we (believers) take part in the first resurrection, the second death has no power over us, and that we will be reigning with Christ for 1,000 years. While we are reigning with Christ, all the non-believers are still in the grave awaiting their resurrection and judgment. Everyone at that judgment (Multitudes) will be cast into the lake of fire. No person at the GWT judgment will escape the second death in the lake of fire.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen E.

    We ask our Father in heaven to answer these prayers we bring to Him today. Amen.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Suze, I am glad to hear that. Let's hope he gets good treatment and is made comfortable. I will continue to pray for him.

    Thank you for letting us know.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Brother Jesse.

    We can take those messages right down where the rubber meets the road. They are also messages to the individual.

    ( HE THAT HATH AN EAR, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAITH UNTO THE CHURCHES; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.) Revelation 2:7.

    God bless.
  • Kay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesus Christ was God from all eternity past, is so in the present, and ever will be. He did not need to be 'born again' for He was and is God. For Jesus to have to be 'born again' would imply that he had a corrupt sin nature - and that, He did not. He bore our sin but He had no sin in Himself. He ever had the Spirit without measure.

    We are born again by the incorruptible Word of God, 1 Peter 1:29. When the uncorrupted Word of God is preached, and heard, God the Holy Spirit brings conviction to the hearer(s), reveals Christ to the hearer(s), makes the hearer(s) see their need for a Savior, and drags them to Jesus to be saved.

    God the Father gave His only beloved Son to be our Savior.

    Jesus had promised that when He would ascend back to heaven, He would not leave His people orphans, but send the Holy Spirit. We do not have Jesus physically with us yet; we have the indwelling of the Spirit.

    Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven.

    Is this not clear, then, that there are Three persons in one Godhead?

    Study to show yourself approved unto God, workmen that needeth not be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING the Word of truth.
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    In Jesus name , I urge you and All to ask in His name. Mat 1:21 kjv:

    And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS:

    for he shall save his people from their sins.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Read 1 Corinthians 6:9; Revelation 22:15 to name a few verses that speak to sexual immorality, of which homosexuality is one such form of sexual immorality.
  • DO PROPHETS EXIST IN THE NT CHURCH - In Reply - 2 years ago
    These are Jesus's words to His Apostles


    26 And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.

    27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular.

    28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily PROPHETS, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues.

    29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?

    We shouldn't dispute any scripture. If what a prophet prophesies DOES NOT COME TO PASS, do not fear that prophet. If it is of God, it will come to pass.

    There are still some unfulfilled prophesies in the Bible. There are lists on Google of the prophesies (separated by OT and NT, which scriptures that show them fulfilled or not.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on John 19 - 2 years ago
    Jesus took the wrath of God at the cross; and when his life ended; he said "it is finished" thus overcoming through His perfect sacrifice for our sake. Christ was to then go to the paradise section of hades; as He stated to the thief on the cross "today you shall b with me in paradise." He then went to set the captives free; as I believe Peter stated. He was; on his arrival there in His Spirit form to proclaim to those who were bound and already awaiting judgment (all lost and Nephilim; fallen angels in chains in the torment part); that He had triumphed over Satan; who now no longer holds the power of death (or restriction from entering heaven itself). Accordingly; He who is now absent from the body is present with the Lord if saved. He then; of course arose from the dead and many of the saints at that time apparently rose from the dead (a sort of first of the firstfuits). The souls of the saved O.T. saints would have been also able at that time to enter into heaven. That would of course also include the thief who would have had the shortest visit to paradise ever.

    Therefore; the message given there was a proclamation; it was too late for it to be a salvation message. Now; there is only a torment place in hedes; where the prisoners await final judgment at the White Throne Judgment.
  • Offerings Unto the Lord - In Reply on Leviticus 1 - 2 years ago
    Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

    Lev. 1:10-17 Those who could not offer a bullock, were to bring a sheep or a goat; and those who were not able to do that, were accepted of God, if they brought a turtle-dove, or a pigeon. Those creatures were chosen for sacrifice which were mild, and gentle, and harmless; to show the innocence and meekness that were in Christ, and that should be in Christians. The offering of the poor was as typical of Christ's atonement as the more costly sacrifices, and expressed as fully repentance, faith, and devotedness to God. We have no excuse, if we refuse the pleasant and reasonable service now required. But we can no more offer the sacrifice of a broken heart, or of praise and thanksgiving, than an Israelite could offer a bullock or a goat, except as God hath first given to us. The more we do in the Lord's service, the greater are our obligations to him, for the will, for the ability, and opportunity. In many things God leaves us to fix what shall be spent in his service, whether of our time or our substance; yet where God's providence has put much into a man's power, scanty offerings will not be accepted, for they are not proper expressions of a willing mind. Let us be devoted in body and soul to his service, whatever he may call us to give, venture, do, or suffer for his sake.

    Barnes' Notes on the Bible

    His crop with his feathers - The weight of authority is in favor of the marginal rendering. It is most probable that the feathers were burned with the body, and that the wings, mentioned in Leviticus 1:17, were not mutilated.
  • Digman - In Reply on 3 John 1 - 2 years ago
    Jesus fasten Your hold over this life that they may not swerve to this way of self harm. Retrain the heart with the value there is for his fate, the contributions to the world, and that no one can give a pounding to that happiness under Your care. Amen.
  • Digman - In Reply - 2 years ago
    May Jesus soup up Your life with His favor beyond limitation, as He recreated a few Romans like the man with a servant, the guy at the cross, and others in the Acts as His believers. They may have been in debt to God, perhaps until last minute, however Christ took the scapegoat for them and you to clean up lives if you but believe. As new people that may inspire others, serve, and go back to their own household merry. Amen.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello sir or madam, I am happy to dialog with you if you share your name so I know who I'm communicating with and if you are respectful. Just saying someone is "incorrect" without any scriptures to back it up isn't getting off on the right foot, however.

    I believe all will be judged on a particular day because the Bible says the phrase "day of judgment", "the day when", the "last day". It doesn't say there's multiple days of judgment or a week or month or years of judgment, or that judgment is only whenever you die. Here's some examples:

    1 John 4:17 "day of judgment"

    Matthew 12:36 "day of judgment"

    2 Peter 2:9 "day of judgment"

    Matthew 11:22 "day of judgment"

    2 Corinthians 5:10 "we must all"

    Romans 2:16 - "the day when"

    John 12:48 "last day"

    Revelation 20:12-15 is a vision, but that verse also indicates multitudes judged at once does it not? So, the scriptural support is strong. Do you feel you have just as much scriptural support against this? Do you know of any verses that say the the opposite?

    Aside from being a particular day, you questioned that all will be judged, and suggested 2 different judgments.

    We also know this judgment is for everyone, because in verse 15 it says those not found in the book of life were cast into the fire. So, this event sorted people. It doesn't say that in this judgment ALL went to hell or ALL went to heaven. A judgment is a judgment of each individual "according to their works" and determines where they go according to verse 15.

    "If that's what you are saying, then that is incorrect."

    If your belief is based on scripture then please share it. If your belief is not based on scripture then you have greater concerns.

    "Otherwise, how are we to know if what you believe is the correct truth?"

    Since you didn't provide any scriptural support someone is more likely to ask you this.

    God bless.
  • Adam - In Reply on Luke 21 - 2 years ago
    Thank you, this verse seems clear also.
  • Daniel - In Reply on Deuteronomy 20 - 2 years ago
    Amen. Prophecy in the Bible is still ongoing but the last recorded authenticated prophecy was Revelation. To those stating there are prophets beyond John the beloved, I'd ask, "what prophesy are you adding to what's already been told or what do you choose to remove?"

    There's a strong warning In Revelation 22: 18&19 to anyone claiming to be a prophet today.
  • Bob - In Reply - 2 years ago
    So far, every response only confirms my question: yes, she was at the tomb, etc. question remains UNanswered. There is nothing in the NT that describes Mary's contact with Jesus until His death on the cross.

    Where are the sources describing any contact or teaching or anything between Mary and Jesus BEFORE His death?
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey James,

    The 6th hour would have been around noon, the same time of day it went dark when Jesus was on the cross. The hours of the day, the first hour is around 7 am and they are counted up to around 6 pm with 12 hours. The daylight hours are from sunrise to sunset, and the night, the dark time of the day hours are also 12 from sunset to sunrise.

    Hope this helps.

    God bless,

  • Mary Magdalene in Scripture - 2 years ago
    The Gospel of Luke 8:2-3 lists Mary Magdalene as one of the women who traveled with Jesus and helped support his ministry "out of their resources", indicating that she was probably wealthy. The same passage also states that seven demons had been driven out of her, a statement which is repeated in Mark 16. In all the four canonical gospels, Mary Magdalene was a witness to the crucifixion of Jesus and, in the Synoptic Gospels, she was also present at his burial. All the four gospels identified her, either alone or as a member of a larger group of women which includes Jesus's mother, as the first to witness the empty tomb,[1] and, either alone or as a member of a group, as the first to witness Jesus's resurrection.[2]
  • Anthony IWUAGWU on Psalms 96 - 2 years ago
    I don't have any either bible commentary or bible
  • First Evangelists__Carrying the Good News - In Reply on Matthew 27 - 2 years ago
    I've read historical accounts, that in the Book of Acts, witnesses went house to house, witnessing events to others. That's how Jesus wanted it. Person to person witnessing.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Matthew 27 - 2 years ago
    She was one of the women who went to enter the tomb of Jesus and properly dress his body. She told the disciples Jesus's body wasn't there. She was in the Upper Room on Pentecost. There are records of that. I don't think she traveled with the Disciples after that, as there is no scripture for that.
  • Marty Nuijens - In Reply on 3 John 1 - 2 years ago
    Dear Sister, you are not alone in this struggle. My prayer and concerns are with you and I thank God who is faithful in answering prayer. I also fight this battle which seems to have a strong hold on me. I can not wait until his return when you and I shall stand before him ANEW. I will pray for you sister, thank you for allowing me to stand with you in your time of need! What a honor you lift you up in prayer. God Bless Marty
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    When ya think of the Godhead think about Abraham Issac and Jacob...Thats y he told Moses that his name was Abraham Issac and Jacob...Abraham offered up his only son just as God Almighty offered up his only son Jesus...That ram caught in the thicket by his horns is symbolic of Christ Jesus and his Crown of Thorns.

    .....Thats what Abraham means in Hebrew exaulted Father he was a type of God Almighty that wanted CHILDREN...That was the great Promise that Christ wd be multiplied as the Stars of heaven...Thus an ISRAEL of GOD....Spirits as that which is born of the Spirit is spirit which is the H.G. Emanuel God with us...

    .....Just as natural ISRAEL came out of the ABRAHAMIC TRINITY....The ISRAEL OF GOD WILL come outta of the heavenly trinity Father Son and GRANSON....Just as the 12 tribes came out of Jacob the 12 manner of fruit will come out of the heavenly Jacob...Read Isaiah 49..Without this Father Son and GRANSON SCENARIO there can be no multiplication of CHRIST seed...And thats when God swore by his very self that Christ wd be multiplied as the Stars of Heaven...An ISRAEL OF GOD VIA THE SEED OF CHRIST....There wd have neva been a nation of ISRAEL WITHOUT this Father son and GRANSON...scenario

    ....But now we look for an ISRAEL OF GOD...THE MULTIPLICATION OF CHRIST SEED IN US SINNERS....Ya gotta realize that Christ sows a much greater seed then ABRAHAM....Thus an Israel of God the H.G. born in us....And the field is the world...Thus the woman with Child is US....NOSOTROS TODA EL MUNDO....
  • Suze - In Reply on 3 John 1 - 2 years ago
    Please Ruth , know for sure in your heart ,that God loves you so very much . He created you for a purpose , you may not know what that purpose is but you will one day know . Maybe there is some one out there who God made just for you to love and be loved by , this person might need you very much , and they may be a wonderful blessing to you . Please try to stay with us , life is a very precious gift , it's hard some times to see any good in this world , I do realise that I promise you , but look to the things that pertain to God , beauty truth peace love joy , all these things are available to you , put yourself in God's hands , decide to live and trust in your Creator to shower you with blessings if you will just open your heart and mind to Him , He will fill you with good things . Please , decide to stay with us and wait on the Lord . He loves you very very much and He will show you how much if you just give Him the chance .
  • Suze - 2 years ago
    Just to let all you kind souls out there know ,my step dad finally consented to go into hospital today , I am very relieved , thanks so much to you all , much love in Christ .
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your kindness , God bless you .
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago

    ephesians 4:4 one body, and one spirit ......

    ephesians 4:6 one god, and father of all....

    the kingdom of god is not a trinity but a expanding family.

    jesus said that we may be one as he and the father are one.

    there are many who have already become one with god during the last 2000 years, therefore there is not three.

    christ was the first man born of spirit.

    the holy ghost is that one spirit, the holy spirit is that one spirit, god is that one spirit.

    man's seed is the sperm that comes out of his loins.

    man's seed creates a flesh and blood seed, a man of flesh.

    god's seed is spirit, the holy ghost, the seed of god, came upon mary and christ, the seed, of the holy ghost, was born in a body of flesh.

    christ's body was crucified on the cross, and the father (one spirit) raised christ back in a resurrected body.

    christ, gives us, this new birth, as a gift, the new inheritance, being born of thee seed of the holy ghost.

    a child of god, in god's expanding family.

    christ the firstborn, of the seed of the holy ghost, among many brethren, born of the seed of the holy ghost.

    1 timothy 6:16 ....who (the seed) only hath immortality, dwelling in the light .....

    god bless you!
  • Derek - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Your experience sounds normal and that all struggle by design. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, Romans 5:3-5.

    God's priority isn't our comfort but that we follow Him. We can cling to Him for stability. Just because we have a difficult life doesn't mean we're somehow off track or doing wrong. Read about Paul's hardships. Our hardships doesn't mean God is causing them but God can use them to test our character. Please hang in there! Praying for you now.
  • Derek - In Reply on 3 John 1 - 2 years ago
    Thank you Ruth for sharing what is on your heart and sorry for what you are experiencing and am praying for you right now. Please fight back those negative thoughts and recognize them as attacks from the enemy and question their truthfulness 1 Thessalonians 5:21. Another way to fight back is this Philippians 4:8, to make lists of God's blessings and fill your mind with that. Another way is to help others and escape your own thoughts while serving others. You are loved and have great value and God has you here for a reason! John 15:9
  • Ruth Lennon on 3 John 1 - 2 years ago
    I'm very suicidal and unfortunately I have fought every demon tooth and nail and I still can't escape the thought of wanting to end my life .Thank you God bless

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