All Discussion PAGE 1164

  • Chamalle Hamilton - 2 years ago
    You ever felt like giving up, you're fighting so hard to make a difference to achieve a lot of goals but sudden happenings ten to always pop up when you're at a stable place. You start to question yourself, Am I salt? Am I not born to achieve my goals or to escape from the ghetto? what am I doing wrong?, Am I even suitable for my job? so many questions, just feel like giving up and running away.
  • Gabriel Beaven - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Believe that it will happen. I am in the same thing you are in my relationship that broke away. I don't see right now what's going on. I talk to God daily as do we all. We cannot lose hope. We must have it overflowing in our heart as the scripture says. We all stand in agreement with you in faith and knowing God always makes a way. Your not alone God is our Great vindicator!!!!
  • Gabriel Beaven - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm praying and know God sees your sisters foolishness and careless attitude. Remember vengeance is mine the Lord says. I will repay!
  • Gabriel Beaven - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm praying for you and know your not alone. We are all here for you. Including most certainly God. For I will never leave you nor forsake you.
  • Gabriel - 2 years ago
    Lord God in Heaven. I know I have done a lot of wrong things in my life. Lord I'm not perfect and I'm this I am asking for mercy. My partner Gabby the love of my life has continued to ignore me. Lord I am asking for direction. Lord I am asking Lord open her eyes. Lord God please help us reunite in Your will. Please I need a sign Lord. I don't ask for much. I only ask for this season of loneliness to be over and God you restore relationships all the time. Please dear God restore this one. Lord God I ask in Christ name for a sign. Please God in Heaven. I know I haven't been the best and I know things could always be worst. Please Lord send me a sign and deliver me I pray.
  • Whatsaiththescriptures - In Reply on Deuteronomy 20 - 2 years ago
    Giannis, thanks for clearing this all up. All these different opinions..gee whiz! What do people think this is, an open forum?
  • Robyn - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thk you for your take/insight, as that is how I want to take it, but my concern of course lies inside the writers.
  • Robyn - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thk you for opinion, it confirms how I feel about it, and I agree God does work within anything/everything.
  • Robyn - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thk you for your comment, however my question is concerning what I know of the truth of the 2 ministries I mentioned, and because this song had been played at a church I attended yesterday. A church I hadn't been to for years having had moved away, and now has had a complete pastors and staff turn over. If you are not aware of wolves, I highly suggest you become aware.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Deuteronomy 20 - 2 years ago
    Hi Gina.

    I dont believe there's Prophets today that foretells the future as Brother Jesse said. We have the future concerning the people of God in writing. There's nothing new to be revealed.


    God, who at sundry times and in divers manners SPAKE IN TIME PAST unto the fathers by the prophets,

    Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Hebrews 1:2.

    God bless.
  • HolyLiz - 2 years ago
    well i love the bible and i also am going to publish a kids book about a deadly event the holocaust.This is my first book i am so excited to have my first book.I am 26 born on june 17 1985 and i love the bible so i think i will make a book on the bible for all ages i will come every night i hope i get like or replies!The name of my new and first book is Otto Skorzeny he is a perfect match on the Holocaust.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Donald.

    And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD. Gen. 4:1.

    Read Genesis 5 and you will find Enoch traces back to Adam and Eve also.

    May I ask where did you get that from? Cain didn't come from Adam and Eve, And Enoch didn't come down from Adam and Eve?

    Especially when it's clearly written.

    Is it a disbelief in what's written or have you read it?

    These are sincere questions and we get them often.

    I'm curious.

    God bless.
  • Kay - In Reply on Luke 21 - 2 years ago
    Matthew 24:29,30 -AFTER the tribulation of those days..' etc.

    The youtube channel 'Servus Christi' does an very methodical expounding of the rapture question. If you type in his channel name and 'rapture' it will pop up.

  • E. - 2 years ago
    Father I keep asking, I keep seeking, I keep knocking like many here. Help Father. Many are getting so weary and our faith falters. My faith falters. Please Father we need rain. We need the fire of the Holy Spirit. Only you can break the chains that bind, only you can set the prisoners free. Please Father draw my unsaved loved ones to Jesus and all others who are unsaved. Please open the eyes of the blind. Please heal our bruised hearts, please protect us from the wiles of the devil. Give us victory Father for your names sake, the name you gave your beloved Son our Lord, the name that is above every other name and at which every knee shall bow in heaven, on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Please exalt this name in our lives. Take away our reproach. Thank you Father. We need your touch. In Jesus name. Amen.
  • Kay - In Reply on Ecclesiasticus 12:6 - 2 years ago
    Calvin are you thinking of Romans 12?

    19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

    This Paul quotes from Deuteronomy 32:35.

    Hope this helps!

  • Bj - In Reply on Numbers 1 - 2 years ago
    I agree it's so good to have contact with other believers this way May our Great Lord bless you all
  • Ronnie g bishop - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for the comment, I enjoyed reading it.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Let me see if my memory serves me correctly; Ephasus; Thiatyra; Pergamos; Philadelphia; Laodocia; Sardis? I forget the last one. Ok Smyrna.

    As to what they were and what they represent; history tells us these were all places in Turkey (Asia Minor) which had been reached for the gospel. They are to typify today's churches; and/or all phases throughout church history as well. This would be because of the fact that none of these places exist today; but since 2 Tim 3:16 applies surely there is some application to be learned; especially in light of the beginning of Rev. 4 which states what happens "immediately after these things".

    As for as I know; only Ephesus was mentioned previously; namely in the book of Ephesians. The sobering part is that they had left their first love but they still did everything else correctly. They still; however were in danger of losing their lampstand ( Rev. 2:5). This would indicate His presence being withdrawn from that assembly.

    Surely; we aspire to be as the Philadelphia church who would escape the trial to occur on the whole earth and stand before God.

    ( Rev. 3:10). Rev. 2:10 talks of Smyrna who would suffer persecution and death 10 days; some say that stands for the 10 emporors of the Roman empire. Some take it to mean some will go through that literal time in the tribulation; but that seems less likely. In any event; we can learn to avoid the Jezebel type mentality in today's churches were brazen women tend to rule; or the Laodician one where everyone feels secure in wealth but in reality their state is quite the opposite.

    There are other doctrines of demons which no doubt are in effect today. May we read these chapters and all of Revelation to recieve a blessing as the scripture indicates. Agape. Rich P
  • Tony breedlove on John 19 - 2 years ago
    I am trying to understand if Jesus went to hell and if so why. I am 78yrs old and was saved at 19 yrs old. I have studied the Bible all these years and am just now trying the figure out. thank you.
  • ELB - 2 years ago

    The WOMAN in the Bible is always about the kingdom of God, not a woman of flesh.

    Every person is A WOMAN, whether you be male or female.

    Every person is THE CHURCH, whether you be male of female.

    The Bible is a PARABLE

    1 Timothy 2:11 Let the WOMAN (Christ's bride) learn in silence with all subjection (to the man: her HUSBAND, Christ).

    1 Timothy 2:12 But I (the husband, these are Christ's words, not Paul's) suffer not THE WOMAN (my wife) to teach (in my Church, my body) but to be in silence ( 1 John 2:27).

    1 Timothy 2:13 For Adam (Christ, the husband) was first formed, then Eve (THE WOMAN, THE CHURCH).

    1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam (Christ, the husband) was NOT DECEIVED, but THE WOMAN (the church, the bride) BEING DECEIVED (present tense) was in the transgression.

    1 Timothy 2:15 Notwithstanding, SHE (the WOMAN, the WIFE, whether you be male of female) shall BE SAVED IN CHILDBEARING (having the SEED of the Holy Ghost come upon you, as it did MARY, the mother of Christ, resulting in THE WOMAN (male or female) giving BIRTH AGAIN of the "SEED" of the Holy Ghost.

    Christ, the FIRST BORN, of the SEED of the HOLY GHOST.

    Matthew 12:49 And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples (YOU are a disciple) and SAID, Behold MY MOTHER, and MY BRETHREN.

    You are BOTH the mother (the WOMAN) and the BROTHER of the NEW CREATION IN, and BY THE HOLY GHOST.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Luke 21 - 2 years ago
    It seems to fit; but also the warnings of those whose garments needed to be made white through the blood of the lamb could indicate those not fit for the Rapture; if indeed it is a reward not a salvation issue. It also challenges those who truly are saved now. Certainly there are resurrections; of the 2 witnesses and likely the 144,000 in the Tribulation; and a remnant physically survive into the Millenium. The point being; as you stated the verse in Luke about praying in Latin uses a ward for "agony" so that it is clearly only a few involved. Let's face it not too many believers are doing this. To pray to be worthy surely would indicate something like the Malachi 3 indication of a book of remembrance of those who fear the Lord; and a crown for those who are longing and waiting patiently for His return as the N.T. indicates. There are many tares mixed in with the wheat today.

    There of course are issues with many who have for decades now tried to pinpoint a date. Now; it would appear the last generation didn't start in 1948 according to the Psalm 90:10 principle. I have a theory on that as well. The point is; He is with us until the end of the Age. Those who need to be warned are those not prepared; not those who love the Lord. If we are wrong there they will deal with whatever happens as they always have; in faith. But from my observations; the faithful are browbeaten about being strong enough to endure the Tribulation. I am convinced all the preparation is fruitless for that; although wisdom surely should determine resources now if He tarries with eventual power grid; food supply and wartime scenarios. There is a proverb that he who is wise winneth souls; and "he who sows in tears will reap in joy" or something to that affect. ( Psalm 126:6). We should strive to be faithful servants until He returns; not as the unwise who gets drunk and beats his fellowservants!
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    As a postscript someone I knew who took up the gay lifestyle walked away from the faith. That is surely better than continuing on knowing better and heaping further condemnation in the house of God. As I stated in my last comment the two ladies left; they had individual counseling with one feeling differently than the other in some ways. Usually; for those I know anyway these individuals identify as "Christians" and therefore need to be warned patiently and with love as to what they are doing is wrong. There are cases; mercifully where two women living together have both repented; but obviously they cannot continue living together as before. That is the other thing I wanted to mention there are many who have come to faith and much to the anger of their own community. This includes a personal friend of mine. The name escapes me; but "Confesions of an unlikely convert" is one example. This involved a Syracuse university professor come out of the gay lifestyle who was counseled 2 years by a former pastor of mine; Ken Smith. Butterfield was her last name. Check it out.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The better question is whether the gay couple would WANT to be in a Spirit filled church in the first place. The Spirit of God brings to mind sin; righteousness and judgment to come according to Christ.

    I was in a church that was rather lukewarm; where a gay couple attended for several months; even thinking they could become members. We attempted financial assistance for a time due to their struggle for basic food items; and some moneys from the church budget were allocated. They were dissuaded as to becoming members because of our doctrinal standard; but considering they sat in a class on the book of Jude for several weeks before the main service it is hard to conceive that they didn't feel uncomfortable. There was enough discomfort for them to eventually move on. The same situation occured with a lady living in sin with her boyfriend and a couple other young unmarried individuals living in sin. One couple in that state stopped attending; the other two married. Again; one of the women wanted to become a member while engaging in these activities. This was a friend of the couple living next door to my pastor; and going on for months; it wasn't a false rumor. Again; if the whole truth is preached and people are on fire for the Lord; there won't be a continuation of such attendees in my opinion. We had a couple other challenging individuals which the enemy tried to use to cause dissention (a mentally ill and probably demon possessed person; and someone who was asking for money who apparently tried to lie about his status and marry someone in the USA who was an immigrant).

    If people want to listen to the gospel; it is one thing but without a viable testimony of faith or living in continual sin; communion as well as membership should be denied for their own good. That was something the pastor mentioned but I had to warn him about one of the aformementioned individuals trying to take communion. They are free to be atheists as some I know.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Deuteronomy 20 - 2 years ago
    I have had this discussion with a pastor a few years back. He mentions Agabus; who predicted a famine and seemed to think he was off on the prediction. I would hesitate to say that. In any case; clearly a prophet like the one who told Paul that he would go to Jerusalem to die wouldn't win any popularity contests today. Before we attempt to figure out if such an office can exist today; we need to understand that it is not any predictions that are pleasing to a particular political position; national pride; or financial gain of organizations as a prime motive. When we look at Ananias and Sapphira we see another death prediction which with the greed in many circles today it is hard to imagine the fear of God in a place is present at all and when much unbelief exists often the Lord does few things of note. The same could be said of persecution; perhaps if we are not worthy of it God bypasses that as an opportunity for growth.

    Surely; during the Tribulation there will be the two prophets on earth. For now; we can certainly say that the canon of scripture is complete (as warnings exist about adding or taking anything away to that book which goes to the eternity future). There are certain things; of course which are conditional when it comes to personal messages as opposed to that of the fate of nations; where God waits until their transgressions are to the full before judgment. ( Daniel 8:23; also see the judgment of Egypt after 400 years; and the Ninevites). A personal prophetic word perhaps would be better defined as a "word of knowledge". Certainly; we can see specific scriptures as applicable to individuals emphasizing a certain message. Only Christ knows the day and hour; when the "restrainer" is removed; thus ushering in the Tribulation when the prophetic manifestations will be in full force. Other than this; of course the many false prophecies; particulary of peace and prosperity are to be expected as Thessalonians bringing in Antichrist.
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Alex, Please excuse my typo. The scripture I quoted above, Revelation 22:14 is Jesus speaking to Apostle John - not Apostle Paul. Sorry.

    God Bless.
  • Andrea on Matthew 1 - 2 years ago
    14 genaratons went to Babylon baby name Jesus from mary

  • Mishael on how to read Genesis - In Reply on Genesis 4 - 2 years ago
    All people came through Adam and Eve. God used one of Adams ribs to make Eve. Read of this through Genesis 1:26 through to Genesis 2:20-25

    Moses wrote it this way; for reasons. He wrote the first 5 Books of Genesis. During the Exodus too. He was trying to handle this all by himself, but came to a point when he appointed people to assist him with the care and problems of the exodus people, on the way to the Promised Land.

    Have you ever been writing something important and people interrupt you with: the battery in my car is dead. I need help? That's what was happening to Moses.

    So there are 2 places for you to read about man and woman's creation. Read those 2 scripture references. :)

    And__teach it to other people.

    The story of how Cain came to be killed is fascinating. You might have to look at those Geneologies in the Scriptures. Sometimes the Geneological Charts on Google is helpful.

    Remember that Jesus's Bloodline was moving through Seth's BLoodline.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Wisdom of Solomon 1 - 2 years ago
    I've seen many versions online recently for sale, I searched 1611 KJV, for sale.

    Hopefully this is helpful.
  • Alex N - In Reply on Deuteronomy 20 - 2 years ago
    Giannis GBU And the scripture is very clear that the Testimony of Jesus ( The H.G. ) is the spirit of Prophecy....When he the spirit of truth is come he will TESTIFY of ME... John 15 : 26 kjv....Thus the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy....But that Prophecy has to line up with Scriptures...But it may not line up with doctrine of the early Church...Simply b/c as Paul said when that which is PERFECT is come that which is done in part will be done away with....Most early Church doctrine was all in parts...We know in part we prophecy in part etc...We see like thru a glass darkly... That Image in Dan 2 was all in parts but it had to be done away with...Even tho the head was of gold....And in Rev. 14 God has to send an angel to preach the everlasting Gospel to ALL THAT DWELL ON THE EARTH...Simply b/c of the great abomination of desolation had set in....Its just like Jesus said...I am the light of the world but the NIGHT comes when no man can work...And Elijah has to come and turn the hearts of the fathers to the Children in that last day... Mal. 4 : 6 kjv...Jesus was yet on the cross when he was calling for Elijah to come.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 4 - 2 years ago
    Genesis 1:26-27,

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