King James Bible
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"Through MANY dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; tis grace that hath brought me safe thus far, and grace shall lead me home'.
Wherever you and Kristie are right now - in dangers, in toils, surrounded by snares - look back and see from where God has brought you both to this point; you have already both, no doubt, been recipients of amazing mercies! God has been good...and shall His goodness cease now? NO. It never will.
His ways are mysterious, but His will to us is good. That fact was the pronouncement of the angels the night of Christ's birth, "..and on earth peace, GOOD WILL to men". I am believing God with and for you both, that His good will be manifested to you both, then in you both, and then through you both.
Sometimes, through challenging circumstances, if we go through them with God, He digs 'channels' in our hearts by those tools, in which He later lets mercy flow out of us to others in similar circumstances.
Don't despair. God really is good - all the time.
Blessings to you and Kristie, David.
Please , remember Bill and Anita Marshall in your prayers . Please may God bless them both in all the ways that He knows they need His blessings most . Thank you all so very much . Much love in Christ .
Exodus 12:13
"And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt."
...when I see the blood, I will pass over you...
Thank God for sending His Son and covering us with His Blood.
Please read the word of God and pray to God for understanding through his Holy Spirit. God makes it simple for us to understand. For example, a simple easily understood verse like this:
John 14:15
"If ye love me, keep my commandments."
This is Jesus telling us to keep the 10 Commandments. Many people have figured out all kinds of ways to twist this verse to mean the opposite of what it clearly states.
I disagree with you, there is no need to read between the lines. When we make Gods word's more complicated than they should be, we outsmart ourselves.
We should be obedient to God's written word. The bible puts forth a wonderful message of Love, Forgiveness, and Salvation.
Keep it simple! If we walk with Jesus, it is easy to understand.
God Bless.
Not I feel, or I think, but the word that we are given by holy men of God as they were moved on by the Holy Ghost.
I Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Titus (2nd chapter) 2:4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, v5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed
Ro. 9:18 (hardeneth=suffereth to be). eg.
here; Hebr. hazak to brace or tighten up (opposition to relax); This particular use is used 13 times.
GOD didn't do anything that Pharaoh and the leaders were already willing and going to do. GOD allowed him to burden the people just as HE allowed Satan to test Job. Pharaoh considered himself a god and caused the people much hardship with his insatiable appetite for building. Many Israelite's would have died if HE didn't do this. GOD will not turn a person to do evil; it is your choice and free will to do so.
Gen 22 : 16 - 18 kjv...Thus Christ will be multiplied as the stars of heaven...And thats y the sower will go forth to sow his SEED in HUMANITY....Resulting in our heavenly birth...Thus that New COVENANT....
......She brought forth a man Child Rev. 12 : 5 ...The Child is the result of that GOOD SEED which is the H.G. that Child of PROMISE....The multiplication of very GOD IN HUMANITY....That good seed is Spirit the LIVING Word thus the WHEAT IS THE H.G
..That Child of PROMISE....Behold i send the PROMISE of my Father upon you which was the H.G. the multiplication of very GOD IN HUMANITY.....That which is born of the spirit is spirit a baby Christ the H.G...She brought forth a man Child a baby Christ the H.G.....Thanks Bro. Earl...GBU Exceedingly in Jesus NAME
The modern gospel message to the whole world is "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved."
Acts 16:30
And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
Acts 16:31
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
YouTube will ban you for life (like me) for leaving comments that their religion is false and cruel; or for them to actually read a Christian Bible.
I got kicked out for saying the Messiah came to earth, 2000 years ago. I'm bad :/
I thank God for your beautiful new faith in Jesus. Keep coming back here. Ask any questions. We will pray for your inner hurts anytime.
This website has a full Bible too. It's on the red/brown LINK PAGE where you come into this website.
You can look up scriptures in the SEARCH BOX too.
I find many clean, good condition Bibles at Goodwill stores. Walmart Carrie's Bibles too. Look to see which version you are buying; inexpensive too.
You have just sprinkled blood on your door with hyssop, and covered your doorposts with the blood of this same lamb.
God hardened Pharaohs heart! He hardened it to this point, that He would see the death of the children under His kingdom!
This is not a fable, as many would like to believe! This is the revelation of the prophecy that would come in the life of Christ, the savior of the world!
Do not think that God does not have the power to change hearts for the worse! If He can move hearts for the worse, what will be your outcome?
Will you continue to deny Him as Pharaoh? Or perhaps you are like Pharaoh, and think you have all the power!
I remind myself again, that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God! There is none righteous ,no not one! That if not for the shed blood of Christ, we too would have the same fate as the little children in Egypt!
Repent and be baptized
Example: there's a song with lyrics "Our God is greater, our God is stronger God, You are higher than any other."
This was confusing to someone I knew who came from another religion and said to me she hated this song, because instead of believing in one God, it suggests we believe in other gods. Secondly, it may come across as immature, cocky or boastful, like "my dad can beat up your dad" or "my God is better than yours". So, I understood that point and cannot sing such a song with a clear conscience.
There are many other songs that are popular in Christian radio that I also don't agree with, so I believe it's good to be discerning and take our words seriously and not fall into false teachings.
Generally I dislike contemporary Christian music as much seems to want to please the culture rather than worship God #1. I miss older music that just praised God with simple, but effective and clear words. Today, I see a lot of emphasis and attention on sound checks, song transitions, guitar solos, name brand speaker systems, stage lighting, and expensive gear designed for performances. But do broken people really need such materialism or level of professionalism? Broken people just need Jesus and want to escape the trivialities of the world and not see the same thing infiltrating in churches. Even some pastors try to dress and style their hair a certain way to try to look cool. I think all this is shallow. Emphasis should be on preaching the gospel, that's it. The more raw and less fancy the better in my opinion.
Other phrases from Christian songs with unclear meaning:
"Iraise a hallelujah, Heaven comes to fight for me" - Heaven does?
"these.bones.will.sing" - Bones?
What do you mean by petals?
I just felt there was something significant in my Spirit the last few days, that me & my family should read GOD's WORD & seek his face much more than usual. I was suprised to find out about the Totality & went outside to see GOD's wonder. Genesis 1:14,
"When we all get to Heaven, What a day of rejoicing that will be! When we all see Jesus, We'll sing and shout the victory!"