King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

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.....He died for everybody..He paid the Price for everybody, we are ALL bought with a Price his blood....Even the Harlots and the
......Whoremongers are precious in his eyes....Scriptures says even the Islands of the seas shall be converted unto me...Its not his will that any shall parish. 2 nd Peter 3 : 9 But that all should come to repentance....ALL should come to repentance.
.....If ya don't have a burden for a loss and a dying world you are not bornagain yet....We need to be TOUCHED with the infirmities of this world's pains and sorrows...It should be as a fire shup up in our bones as said Jeremiah....ok
By His grace And for Your precious relationship.
Thank you for sharing. I stand with you in faith .and pray for the salvation
of your whole household, and for testimonies to come. To the glory of God.
Thank You Lord Jesus for all You are doing right now in the midst of their
situations. And for upholding Gigi by the power of Your Holy Spirit.
I am sorry for your loss of your grandson. I concur with Mishael. God is a righteous judge and we can trust Him to judge rightly in every person's case. So I pray that your heart will be at peace on this matter, though you miss him.
I want to thank you for your prayers for my mother, Joan, who has been in the hospital these past two weeks with sepsis.
Yesterday, she took a downturn and Doctors said that death is near. All but one of my 9 siblings have spent days with here at the hospital on rotation these past two weeks, so we have all had many hours with her, which is a real blessing.
She made it through the night, but my hope is that she passes soon, within hours, as everyone here has spent their last times with her last night and this morning. One of my brothers is still in Hawaii getting things together to come home.
I am at peace with her going. I told her yesterday, though she was semi-conscious, that she will soon go to be with Jesus and that the angels are happy waiting for that moment. My husband and I prayed over her. My brother and I sang Amazing Grace over her.
I would just ask that you would pray for my siblings that do not know the Lord and have a very different mindset than those of us who do. There is great division in my family (and this has been for a long time). Pray that we continue to work through Mom's situation together with respect for one another and love.
I am at peace with her eminent death. She has lived a long life of 88 years with very little health problems. She is a strong person and a believer. Earlier in the week, we prayed together the Lord's Prayer. She recalled that by heart. She has been very weak for the whole two weeks and we could not have much conversation due to her discomfort and breathing troubles. But I know that presence and care speaks louder than words sometimes.
Secondly, paradise could be a different place than heaven. Some think it may be a place for souls to wait until Jesus's return and judgment then salvation. That would make more logical sense, because Jesus said the dead will rise at that time to meet Jesus in the air then be judged. It doesn't make sense for anyone to skip judgment and go to heaven when they haven't even been judged yet, only to go back to earth in their body and repeat the process. The Bible says "all will be judged" on a particular day.
I personally believe what the Bible says in these verses:
Daniel 12:2, Job 14:12, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, 1 Corinthians 15:18-20, Matthew 9:24.
What I should have added is that I have 'done my own will', and I confess that to my shame, horror, and sorrow. That the Lord should save a wretch like me, and then, subsequent to that - be patient with my faults and stumbles is simply just Amazing Grace, for which I praise and thank Him! Glory to Jesus, our Mighty-to-Save-to-the-Uttermost Savior!
Doing my own will NEVER turns out pretty. It's the most human thing in the world to have 'pre-conceived ideas' about how 'our will' will turn out; we deceive ourselves by fancying how much we know, and how great our 'best laid plans are"; but more often than not, things surely to not turn out as we want; the Sovereign Lord will "break our ships at Eziongeber" as He broke up Jehoshaphat's best-laid plans ( 1 Kings 22:48).
I have started to read a book written by Thomas Boston, a minister who lived in the late 1600 to early 1700s. The name of the book is called, "A Crook in the Lot'. By 'crook' the author does not mean 'a thief', but those 'crooked turns' the Lord puts in our way, i.e., in our "lot' that He appoints for us. So far what I've read is very good, and perhaps you would enjoy it too, since it seems to deal with this subject.
In any case, I've been very blessed by your observations that the Lord has given you to share with the rest of us!
The Authorized Version, as it came to be called, went through several editions and revisions. Two notable editions were that of 1629, the first ever printed at Cambridge, and that of 1638, also at Cambridge, which was assisted by John Bois and Samuel Ward, two of the original translators. In 1657, the Parliament considered another revision, but it came to naught. The most important editions were those of the 1762 Cambridge revision by Thomas Paris, and the 1769 Oxford revision by Benjamin Blayney. One of the earliest concordances was A Concordance to the Bible of the Last Translation, by John Down-ham, affixed to a printing of 1632. So much emphasis is put on our canonized bible of today of its validity, if it is truly inspired by God. I would start off by saying that the human with all their technological advancements in no way could instill the wisdom that our scripture produces. Prophecies have become true before our eyes, one only has to look at Psalms 22 that was written close to a 1K years before the crucifixion of Christ and is practically written word for word what happen to him; all the way down to Christ in his dying breathe, preached that scripture. The Bible KJV is made up of 66 books, 39 in Old Testament and 27 in the New. The old is divided into 3 parts. (1) The first five books of Moses or Pentateuch the law books (2) Which include the Prophets major and minor prophetic writings in which all have come true up until the time we are now in, closing on the 6th Seal (3) Writings - wisdom. The new Testament also divided into 3 segment's (1) The Gospels in which hire critics say contradict themselves which is ignorance of the Word (2) The churches the beginning of Christianity (3) Apostolic writings. The Bible written by 40 (meaning probation) authors over a period of 1500 years to surpass time itself and only revealed to man when appropriate.
1 Timothy 4:10 For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the SAVIOUR OF ALL MEN, specially those that believe.
1 John 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that God sent his Son to be SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.
Christ CANNOT be saviour of the world: without SAVING THE WORLD.
Acts 17:31 Because he hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in RIGHTEOUSNESS by that man who he hath ordained; whereof he hath GIVEN ASSURANCE unto ALL MEN, in that he hath raised him from the dead.
Isaiah 26:9 ...when thy judgements (second resurrection) are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world (those raised back into their flesh at the second resurrection) WILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS.
God Bless You!
Psalms 91:13 Thou (Christ, the old lion) shall tread upon the (young) lion (man) and the adder (the devil, man), the young lion (man) and the dragon (the devil, man) shall thou trample under feet (of Christ, the old lion).
Nahum 2:11 Where is the dwelling of the (young) lions (man), and the feedingplace of the young lions (man), where the (old) lion (Christ), even the old lion (Christ) walked, and the (old) lion's whelp (the young lion, man), and none made them (the young lion, man) afraid.
Job 4:10 The roaring of the (old) lion (Christ), and the voice of the fierce (old) lion (Christ), and the teeth of the young lions (man), are broken,
Job 4:11 The old lion (Christ) perisheth for lack of prey (when Christ subdues man, the young lions, under him), and the stout (old) lion's (Christ) whelps (young lions, man) are scattered abroad.
Genesis 49:9 (the tribe, children of) Judah are a (old) lion's (Christ) whelp (young lions, men), from the prey (devouring the young lions) Thou (old lion, Christ) art gone up, he (Christ) stooped down, he (Christ) crouched as a (old) lion, and as a (old) lion (Christ) who shall arouse him (the old lion, Christ).
God Bless YOU!
.....Who shall abide the day of his coming, Who shall stand when he appears for he shall shall be as a REFINERS FIRE AND FULLERS SOAP... Mal. 3 : 2 kjv ....Jesus tells us i come to bring fire on the earth...Which is a spritual Fire for our old adamic nature...Which is baptism of the H.G. and Fire...But this is his love for us.
....Our God is a consuming fire that is gonna consume our old adamic nature....Jesus cd not tell us he came to save mens lives and then not save everyone by his BLOOD....Only our old adamic nature is gona be lost but he is in rank with satan.
..... Romans 8 : 32 Absolutely nothin can separate us from the love of God....Not even DEATH
....Even in the O.T. it was only the forskin that was cast into the fire...Not the whole man...If thy right hand offend thee cut it off....Our right hand is our old adamic nature that is in rank with satan.
....Ya gotta reaize OUR GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE...But his fire is also his love for us...We chastise our children simply b/c we love them.
....God is not a respector of persons, we all need his blood washing no body is exempt...Thus everybody has to go thru his lake of fire...God told Jeremiah that he wd put his words in Jeremiah's mouth and his words wd be as a FIRE TO CONSUME the ppl. Jeremiah 5 : 14....That COMSUMING FIRE IS SIMPLY HIS WORDS....The living words of God....ok GBU...God so loved the world
Jeremiah 5:30 A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land,
Jeremiah 5:31 The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priest bear rules by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will you do in the end thereof?
God Bless YOU!