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I leave tracts that I purchase (Chick Tracts, online)
on the ground at Lowes, Home Depot, Goodwill, Subway sandwiches, anyplace with a lot of foot traffic. Bus benches, park benches, bleachers.
If anyone ask questions of you, tell of the faith that YOU have personally. Our testimonies are heart-crafted by Jesus.
Hello, I'm not sure death would be the right word for it, but maybe transformed into a spiritual body and maybe being stripped of the old earthly body. The scripture says we will be caught up in the air, but the rest is my own personal belief which everyone seems to have a different view of and the speculating isn't a salvation issue. God bless.
Here is a scripture I just found for you : Psalms 25:16-18
I believe you can forgive now. Matthew 6:14, Mark 11:25,
In the last few years GOD has placed forgiveness on my thoughts for people, some had already passed. Some wrongs I had forgotten but as I remembered, GOD would remind me to forgive.
There are moments we have deep regrets, especially when a loved one is passed on. I have prayed similarly as you & felt peace because nothing is impossible with GOD, Luke 1:37, Mark 10:27, Luke 18:27, Matthew 19:26,
God bless
God bless
Matthew 4:24, Matthew 8:8-13, Matthew 8:16, Matthew 12:15, Matthew 12:22, Matthew 15:20, Matthew 19:2, Matthew 21:14, Mark 3:10, Luke 4:40, Luke 5:15, Luke 6:18, Luke 6:19, Psalms 147:3,
John 16:23, Luke 11,
Hopefully these help, comfort, direct & encourage you as you seek GOD & HIS healing
Reading GOD's WORD, the Bible helps teach us. 1John 2:27,
2Timothy 2,
Hopefully these are helpful
I hope that helps
Hopefully these are helpful
I would like to echo what Kay has said. I completely agree her. I honestly believe that the tough circumstances we go through as believers, whether it be physical ailment, sickness, loss of possessions, or whatever the case might be, all those circumstances are put before us to teach us how to place our complete trust in Christ. It took me many years to figure it out, but when things were going great in my life, I found it easy to thank God and give Him praise. But when hardships would come, my focus was always on what I needed to do to work out whatever it was I was going through instead of placing all my cares and troubles on the Lord and trusting that He would work it out.
I think the best answer I would give her would be to give her situation to the Lord, ask Him in prayer for His will to be done, and then accept whatever He does, knowing that the situation might get better, might remain the same, might even get worse, but knowing that it is His will she is surrendering to in prayer.
Hopefully helpful
I am doing well. My Mom is still hospitalized. She is very weak and may not make it, but we both know that her days are in God's hands. We prayed today as I am at the hospital today to give comfort care. Thank you for thinking of us and for your prayers.
The word separated comes from the Greek word that means to be set apart. So Paul was set apart by God for God's purpose. That's what it means to be separated. Something else in Romans 1:1 is that Paul was not called "to be" an apostle. He was an apostle by calling. It literally reads a called apostle, not called to be an apostle, but a called apostle.
It tells us what kind of apostle he is. He's called by God. He's not appointed by man. It's not even his own choosing or ambition. But he's an apostle of Jesus Christ by calling. God separated him for a purpose just like He does all believers. Not all believers are separated and set apart to be an apostle, but every believer is called. Every believer is somebody who has responded to the calling. It is not something that we decided to do. We responded to His call.
We also have been separated. Every believer has a function in the body of Christ. We're not just saved by Jesus in order to go to heaven and have our sins forgiven, but we actually have a function. We participate in the body of Christ as we're transformed and changed, and as we serve our function in which Christ has separated us for.
The Church will be removed from the earth BEFORE the appearing of the Antichrist ( 2nd Thessalonians 2:7,8). There isn't one verse in the entire Bible which indicates that the Church will go through the Tribulation period. In fact, if you want proof of a Pretribulation Rapture, you'll find it simply by studying the Bible. If we compare Scriptures having to do with the Translation of the Church (i.e., the Rapture), with those passages relating to the setting up of Christ's Kingdom, one can only reasonably conclude that it would be utterly IMPOSSIBLE for these two events to occur simultaneously. Let's look at some of the comparisons:
Matthew 25:31,32 - "When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory. And before him shall be gathered all nations" Carefully notice that Jesus is going to sit upon His throne in Jerusalem when He returns, and the nations of earth will be gathered before Him to be judged. How can this fact be reconciled with 1st Thessalonians 4:17, which states that the saints will be caught up together to meet with the Lord in the air?
If people stuck with the simple prophetic truths in the Bible and stopped listening to internet preachers...all this denial about the rapture, tribulation, 2nd coming, etc...wouldn't have become so contrived and over inflated. I see the modern church reaching a contradictory point of twisting Scripture and confusing masses to the point of eventually just denying everything.
Why do you ask?
There are many kings that have the ages when they started to reign, sometimes we can immediately see & understand the significance of the age being disclosed such as the very young kings. Others are a mystery, not all kings have their ages revealed.
It does mention the age of Saul's son when he reigned during the days David reigned as the kingdom was divided between David & Saul's household.
Hopefully this is helpful
But i pray for all ppl in here that include u as well. Every day ill thank for u all. Hope to see u again soon an as we pray. Jesus will answer in His time.
Stay blessed in His Holy Name Jesus Christ. Please forgive me. A Word come to me right now 1 Corintihans 13.
us...Not amongst us but internal not external....He wants to make his enemy his footstool and his enemy is our carnal minds satans seat...Thus the Kingdom has to be with IN US....Internal not external...gbu Earl....Just thought i wd mention that but i knew you knew that...GBU
Numbers 8:14, 1Kings 8:53, Jeremiah 1:5, Matthew 25:32-41, Luke 6:22, Acts 13:2, 2Corinthians 6:17, Hebrews 7:26, Matthew 22:1-14, 1Peter 2:9,
Romans 9:21-24,
Hopefully these are helpful
I'm sending some scriptures you are to give to your friend so she can prevail in prayer. Pray the scripture and then personalize it. Don't give up. Realize too that Ephesians 6, shows us that we're to be strong and FIGHT BACK WITH ALL OUR MIGHT against the SPIRIT OF INFIRMITY and THE SPIRIT OF DEATH. Bind them and cast them into outer darkness of dry places. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
It is helpful to bring praise and worship music into the home. It changes the atmosphere. She might listen to older albums of John Michael Talbot through YouTube on her phone. One song in particular, "Heal Me."
It would be useful for her to listen to some teachings of Charles Capps: Authority of the Belived; Gods Creative Power for Healing. On YouTube. He was a great teacher; and is with the Lord now. But we have his books to read and videos online.
She needs to encourage herself in the Lord. Pray the scriptures I gave, and put her name in them. Also to repent for weak faith and despair. Ephesians 6 every day!
Myself included; Satan would love to snuff out our faith and beat us down, so we'll give up. Get LOUD in those prayers.
Come back here and let us minister to you and your friend. Someone on here might gain insight through the testing of her faith.
I know Jesus loves you both. Mishael
The times of Noah were horrendous as in Genesis 6:11. As you said sons of God are used 5 times in OT Genesis 6 Job 1 Job 2 and Job 38 all referring to angels. It is used 6 times in the NT John 1 Romans 8 Philippians 2 and 1 John 3, my understanding is referring to those who have accepted and have faith in Jesus.
There are many opinions on fallen angels, devils/demons. There are evil beings on this earth today, we see in Daniel battles that may be going on that we are not aware of, Daniel 10. There is a set of angels that were different and for what they did, God locked them in chains of darkness until the judgment 2 Peter 2:4 Jude 1:6, and others can still roam the earth.
In verses 6:4 daughters of men having children, they became mighty men of old. The Hebrew word for old is m-'-w-lm, meaning defined as long duration, antiquity, futurity, for ever, ever, everlasting, evermore, perpetual, old, ancient, or world. It was translated everlasting 110 times, forever 136 times.
Giants we see before and after the flood as said in Genesis 6:4 "and also after that". The word giant is Nephilim and also the Rephaim (or Rephaites, the terrible ones), You can find them throughout the OT and their descriptions are not just a tall big man, Numbers 13:33 Amos 2:9 and more.
When God created everything the seed is after his kind, a dog will have a dog, a bear will have a bear, and so on, a man and woman may have a tall big man but it will not be a giant. Angels can on earth have a body that can eat, and drink, Genesis 18, fiscally wrestle Genesis 32 and we are told how we should entertain strangers because they may be an angel, Hebrews 13.
Just a few things you may look at. If an angel left his first estate and came down to earth could he mate? Was that why God locked them in darkness and other bad angels and Satan can still roam the earth? After the flood, there were only 8 where did these giants come from?
Interesting subject,
God bless,
Thank you for your response. I do understand the inclinations we can harbor - especially when it is driven by aversion. By the first two weeks these neibors moved in, the young man was sitting in a patrol car due to an assault, and the "wife" provided information against what I had witnessed. So basically, that was the introduction to the kind of people out neiborhood would receive, of which no one is pleased. Thus, the basis my aversion and its continuity. I've done things out of love in order to diminish my aversion; love as per Luke, Matthew, and Christ. As you suggested, likewise from a police officer - "keep yourself protected." I'm not a dead possum, thus have never been inclined to enable anyone to take advantage of me. Protectors are as headstrong as predatory individuals, just separated by the mere motives.
My inquiry is about the aversive feelings I have - no instructions on how to conduct myself with these troublesome individuals. I cannot recall ever feeling this way toward anyone. As mentioned in the initial statement, even the friendly homesteaders in the neiborhood harbor similar aversion - and these are very kind people who I feel a strong love toward. Isn't that interesting that we all, universally, are experiencing the same aversive feelings toward this couple? When I see the young man walking in a distance - he appears very dark. The young lady is constantly in friction with the local neibors.
Unfortunately, my daughter and I live the closest to them. I guess that closeness causes me to draw more aversion in that I have to encounter them daily. I use to extend courtesies only, because I'm kind, but police have suggested I might want to stop even that.
Thank you for the direct scripture references to daily meditate on - daily, in asking God to remove this aversion emotion from my heart. This feeling is what I had asked for prayers.
I really do appreciate your communication!
I appreciate you responding. As I addressed another responder, I did not inquire on how to handle the situation, at all. I inquired about a feeling of aversion. And I just want some prayer warriors on my behalf in my efforts to diminish to eliminate that feeling in my heart. I have always believed in being kind to people, and I like to extend kindness. These individuals are surely "dark" as neiboring homesteaders also share the same aversive feelings toward these neibors. So there is something certainly dark in them.
My aversion I have toward them - may I ask for your prayer as I continue to pray to diminish this from my heart? Or am I on the wrong platform? I had asked for prayers.
Paul next calls himself an apostle. The word apostle means "a person who is sent by another to represent him and his authority." In the New Testament, the apostles of Jesus Christ were considered to speak with the authority of Christ Himself. The 12 disciples of Jesus became known as His apostles. Paul became an apostle later when Christ revealed Himself to Paul and called him to fill that role ( Acts 9:15). Later, the other apostles of Jesus confirmed that was Paul's calling ( Galatians 2:7-9).
So Paul begins his letter by making it clear to his readers that he is both servant and representative of Jesus Christ. What he tells them in this letter will carry the authority of Christ Himself.
I hope this answers your question..Mishael
Finally, Paul identifies the mission Christ has given to him. He understands himself to be "set apart" for the gospel-the "good news"-of God. This letter to the Roman Christians, in fact, is a thorough and carefully-constructed presentation of exactly what the gospel is and why it is so significant.
Comment: this chapter is detailing Paul's process of being called to minister in Jesus's Name and with the Anointing. Luke 4:18
Thank you for your response. I do understand the inclinations we can harbor - especially when it is rendered by aversion. In the two weeks these neibors moved in, the young man was sitting in a patrol car due to an assault, and the "wife" provided information against what I had witnessed. So basically, this was the introduction to the kind of people out neibor hood now has, of which no one is pleased. Thus, my aversion. I've done things out of love in order to diminish my aversion, and love as per Like, Matthew, Christ. As you suggested, likewise with a police officer - keep yourself protected. I'm not a dead possum, thus have never been inclined to enable anyone to take advantage of me. Protectors are as headstrong as predatory individuals, just separated by the mere motives.
My inquiry is about the aversive feelings I have - no instructions on how to conduct myself with these troublesome individuals. I cannot recall ever feeling this way toward anyone. As mentioned in the initial statement, even the friendly homesteaders in the neibors harbor similar aversion - and these are very kind people who I feel a strong love toward. Isn't that interesting that we all universally are experiencing the same aversive feelings toward this couple? When I see the young man walking in a distance - he appears very dark. The young lady is constantly in friction with the local neibors.
Unfortunately, my daughter and I love the closest to them. I guess that closeness causes me to encourage more aversion in that I have to encounter them daily. I use to extend courtesies only, because I'm kind, but police have suggested I might want to stop even that.
Thank you for the scripture references I can use to daily meditate on - daily, in asking Good to remove this aversion emotion from my heart. I don't like the feeling at all.
Thanks for your communication. I really do appreciate it!
.....And we read that Abraham dwelt in a tent with Issac and Jacob...Son and GRANSON...Heirs with him of the same Promise.
.....When Moses was on the mount with God for 40 days He saw the actual Kingdom and the 2 Churubim of GLORY and he built the ARK OF THE Covenant as an exact copy of the heavenly Kingdom...An Earthly EXPRESSION OF A HEAVENLY KINGDOM and it was a Trinity...3 distinct beings but 1 kingdom ...And they were all 3 related as Father son and GRANSON...The FATHER cd not have shared his GLORY with the 2 churubim of Glory unless they were all 3 related as Father son and Granson...Just like Abraham Issac and Jacob...Thats what Abraham means exaulted Father.. Father Abraham cd not have shared his Promise with Issac and Jacob unless they were all 3 related...k lemme go
The Bible warns us to be alert.
1 Kings 19
1 Kings chapter 21
2 Kings 9
Revelation 2:20
1 Kings 16:31 origins
Read through to see her seductions of people
That's unfortunate you have to be in this situation. I am dealing with neighbors too presently and having a challenging time knowing how to be loving while also protecting myself.
Luke 6:35
Matthew 5:44
Luke 10:27
You might consider praying for them as it says in Matthew. Luke says God is kind to the unthankful and evil, and we should be too. I don't believe this means to be a doormat or allow ourselves to be unprotected or be taken advantage of, however. Jesus fled the Romans out of danger, for example (initially). Paul fled danger and people trying to do him harm many times.
Sometimes the imagination of someone's motives can be falsely attributed and is helpful to sort out what actually has happened that may be illegal or harmful that you have witnessed and try to separate from other feelings or assumptions. For example, it's possibly anyone's behavior might seem suspicious if they don't know what is really behind it. For example, a lady in my neighborhood acted like I was suspicious and she opened her window to warn me away, but I was not on her property but just looking over a fence at the end of the street. I didn't tell her that I saw a backyard BBQ fire that I was checking on that I thought could possibly have put everyone's lives in danger in that community. I didn't explain because I didn't want to give false alarm until I really knew if it was a threat and ended up being mostly smoke and died down. Sometimes it helps to give people the benefit of the doubt because we need it for ourselves too.
God bless.