All Discussion PAGE 1186

  • Buck - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you. God bless you and your family
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother James, God's will is that all men come to LIFE and TRUTH.

    I have a question?

    What do you do when you depart this body of flesh? When only the spirit remains.

    Hebrews 12:23 ....and to the spirits of just men made perfect....

    Some of these men (apostles) were made perfect 2000 years ago; what have they been doing for 2000 years?

    John 13:36 ....Whither I go, thou canst not follow me now (while you are in the flesh); but thou shall follow me afterwards (when only the spirit remains).

    Christ is IN CREATION, (as the Holy Ghost), giving creation LIFE and bringing creation to TRUTH:

    Ephesians 4:4 There is ONE BODY and ONE SPIRIT ...

    Ephesians 4:6 There is ONE GOD, and FATHER OF ALL...

    God is LIFE and TRUTH.

    When you leave this flesh and only spirit remains, you are ONE with GOD, ONE SPIRIT, ONE LIFE, ONE TRUTH.

    Revelation 10:11 .....thou (John, also you as a ministering spirit) must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.

    John told the disciples to go unto ALL THE NATIONS preaching the kingdom of God; this is only possible after you become a spirit of a just man MADE PERFECT.


    GOD is SPIRIT.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    There are also some Jews who believe that Melchizedek is actually Noah's first son Shem . This is not confirmed to be the case in the Bible .
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi , I always know what I want to say but I'm not always sure how to say it so please bear with me . We read that Christ is a priest after the order of Melchizedek , Psalm 110 V 4 and Hebrews Ch 5 V 6 . I think this is about neither of them being of the tribe of Levi . Melchizedek is King of Salem ( Jerusalem ) . Melchizedek greets Abraham with...bread and wine . David in 1st Chronicles Ch 15 prepared a place for the ark which wasn't really his job as he's not a Levite either , he also wears a linen ephod in 1st Chronicles Ch 15 V 27 and we n 1st Chronicles Ch 16 V 3 he gives out bread and wine and flesh . There are pointers here to even the future , our future , Rev Ch 5 V 10 , we are not even Jews never mind Levites . What I'm trying to say is , there are deep connections between Melchizedek ,David ,Christ and us . These connections can be found by careful reading and comparing scripture . The connections are , not being Levites , the bread and the wine , being kings and priests . I'm not always very good at explaining , I'm sorry . I'm also not great at remembering scriptural references , sorry again smiley face . Hope I haven't confused anyone .
  • James - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Proverbs 15:2
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Praying Parents,

    I agree with you for God to bring these prayer requests to fruition for you and your family.

    I too, am praying for my children to return to the Lord, be healed from depression and anxiety, to be given godly wives from the Lord, and to bring our family closer together, especially with all of us believing in our Lord Jesus.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Are you saying you already have had the transplant surgery or that it is scheduled for May 28th?

    I am praying for you that God will fulfill your heart needs.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Me, too, Patty
  • GiGi - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 2 years ago
    Thank You Jesse,

    Your explanation is very helpful to me.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 2 years ago
    Hey Jesse,

    Good information: truth shines from the word of God. As you said the leaders of Jerusalem should have known. I believe they did know, in Matthew 2:3-6, that Jerusalem (chief priests and scribes) was also troubled. They knew the time, but God did to them what He did to Pharoah, He blinded and hardened their hearts, John 12:40. To me this kind of ties into the things S Spencer has been sharing.

    There are other scriptures they were probably aware of, like Jeremiah 50:6 and Ezekiel 34 where God told Ezekiel to prophesy against the shepherds, (the leaders) and what God would do, Ezekiel 34:10.

    So, they were troubled to hear Jesus was born. They did not even send anyone to Bethlehem to see. You would think they would have been jumping for joy, but they did not want to give up the power, wealth, and Moses's seat they had. Jesus the true Shepherd John 10:11 first came only for the lost sheep of Israel, Matthew 15:24, fulfilling and confirming the covenant Hebrews 13:20. Jesus also told the scribes and the Pharisees their house is left to them desolate, and He will return Matthew 23:36-39.

    Their duty as shepherds was over in that generation, 70 AD, and the sheep shall be gathered again, Isaiah 11:12 Ezekiel 37:21-22 Jeremiah 23:3 and more.

    God bless,

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago

    It would be wise for us all to approach Scripture as you stated," not reading between the lines" to come up with an understanding of the Scripture text that alters the meaning of the text in the context of the passage.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank You.

    And thanks for speaking about Replacement Theology as I was not familiar with it prior to coming to this site. So, now I can read up on it and become informed in order to speak to it on this forum. Being here has introduced me to so many theological ideas and doctrines I have not been exposed to. So I am researching these more and finding what the Scriptures mean concerning these so I can determine whether what is said is true to Scriptures or not.

    Many of these doctrines have arose within the past century or so and reflect age old heresies refuted by the early church and others are just plain new ideas.

    Others are doctrines that have been discussed among different camps for centuries since the Reformation.

    I am learning so much here. I guess I have lived a fairly "sheltered" life among believers that hold to what is considered more orthodox beliefs (which I am thankful for), so when I read such diverse ideas I will then read up on these to learn more in order to participate well in a discussion.

    You have been very helpful to me over my short time here. Thank You.
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sister Suze, As you study Jeremiah you will see that God said, when I send Judah into captivity (the north country), of Babylon (physical), I will send ALL NATIONS into captivity (made drunk by my wrath) of the Babylon of Revelation.

    Revelation 17:5

    Isaiah 28:6-8

    Out of the north country shall come spoilers (those delivered from captivity of the Babylon of Revelation).

    These spoliers are the Sons of God described in Joel 2 and Jeremiah 51:19-64

    God Bless YOU!
  • Jonas Tetteh Kanor on 2 Corinthians 5 - 2 years ago
    We are going all over the wold to Mark discipl for Jesus he love you and me to Mark that
  • James - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I agree with you Gigi.

    The Bible should not be a confusing thing to understand. God is not the author of confusion, rather the author of truth. The truth is there for us to discover and understand but if we begin to insert our ideas into what we are reading then we will become confused and no scripture will seem to make sense.

    From the time I was young...more than a few years ago...I was taught and always been a pre-trib person. Within the last few years questions arose and scripture verses and passage didn't match up. I began to read for myself and ...all of a sudden things began to clear up. I read the Bible with an open mind with no pre-conceived ideas of my own.

    I'm no longer a pre-tribber but I believe that I can read and understand more clearly.
  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    Now under this New Covenant its the H.G. that is the Israel of God...Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the Spirit is spirit..Which is the H.G. The Child of Promise...The gift of God is spirit which is the H.G....The Israel of God the seed of Christ...His seed his word etc...Which is Spirit...our new innerman is Spirit

    ....Jesus cd not refer to the H.G. as the Child of PROMISE if the H.G. were not the Multiplication of Christ Jesus in humanity via his seed the word.

    That was the original Promise was when God swore by his very self...That Christ wd be multiplied as the stars of heaven which is the H.G. which are Children of Promise....Spirits as God is Spirit...Thus the Israel of God are spirits that are gonna be born in us...We be the moma that are gonna birth the Children of Promise which is the H.G....Spirits...Jesus asked who is my mother them that hear the word and keeps it...We be just the moma a joint heir...If he knows us...But the Child is Spirit the H.G. the Child of promise...Thus the real Israel of God are spirits...our new innerman.

    .....God wants a new Israel that are gonna come from his seed the WORD THE SEEDS OF THE SOWER...Which are spirits.

    ......Thats y Jesus is saying whosoever receiveth one such Child in my name receivth me...Thats the Child of Promise the H.G. The Israel of God....ok gbu
  • Mishael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I question this memory because aside from what Jesus said about the not touching, there isn't a scripture really to tell us why Jesus had to leave briefly, then return.

    It doesn't change my beliefs. That's why I didn't pursue this, 20 years ago. If it was crucial to the Gospel, it would be in the Bible.

    To me it feels like a distraction. I don't have enough info to say if it's false or true. Jesus is priest and king. King of kings, Lord of Lords. He said to follow Him. So that's what I'm doing.

    If this teaching came from my past Pastor, who turned Apostate, years ago; I have to investigate it. If I heard this, so did alot of other people. It has had no bearing on my beliefs. The Holy Spirit has never said, to pursue this.

    I'll research Melchizedek.

    I appreciate your time and comment also. The Lord bless you. Amen.
  • Luz on Isaiah 3 - 2 years ago
    A question? What is the difference between being God's judgement and being under spiritual attack?
  • Wayne E. Ungerbuehler - 2 years ago
    Let us remember to boldly share the good news, brining souls to Christ Jesus.

    Through kindness, love and humility our every work should reflect.

    Our Savior Jesus Christ guide us perfectly always.

    May happiness, patience, compassion and love be the tools by which this most important work is accomplished.

    Protect and Bless me always, I pray Father Which Art In Heaven.

    Thank you God, your mercy, grace and love sustain me forever and ever Amen.
  • James - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I think we're on the same page here Spencer.

    Paul was a very educated man and so,even as he was led to write what he did from the Holy Ghost sometimes the whole passage needs to be read so as to understand what was written in the first few verses.

    The Jews are the chosen people of God and always will be. As part of God's plan, because his people rejected him the Gentiles were given the opportunity to receive him. Those who accepted him were considered part of the wild olive tree but we're grafted into the true olive tree. The Jews as a people are the broken branches that the gentiles replaced but God can graft them back into the tree.

    All those who have accepted Christ will be raptured as stated in Matthew 24:29-31.

    This is where I can only guess what happens next but think I have it right. After the battle of Armageddon and the events surrounding it, the thousand yr reign of Chris t will take place. This is what Isaiah 11 speaks to, where the wolf lies with the lamb, the child will play In the nest of the asp and the lion eats grass as the ox. The nation has been scattered when the anti-christ besieged the city of Jerusalem but now is regathered to become the chief of nations as Christ will be reigning as their King and they will accept him now. All the nations of the world will look to Israel as the nation with power and glory for Christ will be there as well.
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother Alex, I quoted a scripture that seems to contradict what you were saying, let me say to those reading this; The Jews and Gentiles that Alex was speaking about are those in the FLESH whether they be Jew or Gentile, the flesh is to be done away with, the TRUE JEW is SPIRIT.

    God Bless YOU!
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks, Amen and Happy Mothers day to you Gigi!!

    God bless you and all you do.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks and Amen Brother Chris.

    God bless you.
  • James - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I believe that we are in agreement. I'm not saying I'm knowledgeable and am right but I believe I can understand what is written and try not to read into passages too much as to read between the lines and come up with anything that is not actually there at all.
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen Brother Alex:

    The doctrines of man are had to overcome, but in God's TIME and PURPOSE: TRUTH will prevail.

    Romans 2:28 For HE IS NOT A JEW which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:

    Romans 2:29 But HE IS A JEW, which is one inwardly, and the circumcision is of the heart, IN THE SPIRIT, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

    Jeremiah 49:19 Behold, he (the Holy Ghost) shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan against the habitation of the strong (Satan, the carnal mind): but I (the Holy Ghost) will suddenly make him (the chosen) run away from her ( Revelation 17:5): and who is a CHOSEN MAN, that I (the Holy Ghost) may APPOINT OVER HER ( Revelation 17:5)? For WHO IS LIKE ME (born of spirit, image of the Holy Ghost)? and who will appoint me the time? and who is that shepherd that will stand before me?

    God Bless YOU!
  • Marke - In Reply on Romans 8 - 2 years ago
    Reply to Adam.

    I do not generally judge a person's true spiritual condition, especially early in their profession. I did not have assurance I was really saved for several years after I got saved. I encourage new believers to follow on to grow in Christ and to give diligence to make their calling and election sure by continually taking heed to God's word.
  • Fred Scanlan - 2 years ago
    Thomas said "How can we know the way?" Phillip said "show us the Father?"

    Are these not the same questions that hinder the heart and soul of man?

    How to see, how to know the way?

    Though they seem impossible, it is possible if we hear His words!

    "I Am the way the truth and the Life!"

    "If you have seen me ,you have seen the Father"

    Repent and be Baptized
  • Kay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi David,

    May all the circumstances in your life that are weighing on your heart be cast into the hands of God; in all of these things, may you, Kristi, and all of your families grow in faith more deeply; may you also all grow in patient endurance more deeply; may the joy of the Lord give each of you mighty strength. May God's wisdom flood your hearts and minds, chasing away doubts and fears, cares and worries. May your eyes behold the King (by faith) in all of His glory! May He be magnified in such a way so as to make all of those things that concern you seem very, very small. May God get much thanks and glory as He works in and through your lives. Amen!

    Peace and grace to you and yours, David,

  • Kay - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for this, Alex. It breaks my heart when I see 'Christians' telling Israel that they are 'different' and can keep the old covenant and be right with God It breaks my heart when I see 'evangelicals' contributing to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, setting up what Christ so obviously destroyed. I have read Josephus's account of the destruction of Jerusalem; the signs preceding the destruction, the horror of the siege and destruction, and some things that happened following the destruction are horrific! It made my hair stand up on end to read the account! Someone tried to rebuild the temple after it was destroyed, and fireballs came up out of the ground to frighten the 're-builders' away!!!

    Jesus is our Once-For-All Lamb; there never can be another sacrifice that will take away sin! How audacious to rebuild and approve of what Christ so vehemently cast down!

    Ohhh that there would be true evangelists that would tell the Jews that they CANNOT be saved any other way, but by the Way, the Truth, the Life, Jesus Christ their Messiah ... and ours!!

    God bless you too, Alex.
  • Dav47 - In Reply on John 8 - 2 years ago
    No this was not Mary Magdalene who had 7 evil spirits; this was a woman caught in the act of adultery but what many read over here, was a group of men brought this woman to be judged. If she was caught in the act of adultery then where was the man? So Jesus went on to write on the ground about the men who brought her, 1 by 1 writing: where were you John the night of such and such? and he took off; on down the line he addressed the accusers about where they were until none of her accusers were left. Did each have a turn committing adultery with her and they finally got jealous because they found out she was with them all so they decided to have her judged? Moral of the story don't be willingly to accuse someone of something you yourself done.

    Luk 6:42 Either how canst thou say to thy brother, Brother, let me pull out the mote that is in thine eye, when thou thyself beholdest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to pull out the mote that is in thy brother's eye.

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