All Discussion PAGE 121

  • Moriah belton - 11 months ago
    I pray that God allows healing in my life and forgive me for the sins I have done. I pray God forgives me for every foul thing that I have done I pray God leads me and hold me close to him and my children I pray God hug my children and keep them safe as a mom would hold her newborn baby. I pray God deliver me from the painful thoughts I have and painful memories I pray God hold onto me and never let me go I pray God never leave my side and be with me and my children forever
  • Bennymkje - 11 months ago
    John 5: 2-9 "Diseases"

    "He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions."(Ps.107:20). Here we have the complete will of God the Father. By healing the sick and demon-possessed Jesus was not working miracles but fulfilling the will of his Father.

    At Bethesda we see an instance where the angel fulfills the office of the word. "For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had." Jesus did not have to ask the helpless man to step in the pool. He simply fulfilled the divine Will.

    Now the text:

    "Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches./ In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt, withered, waiting for the moving of the water./For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had./And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years./ When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?/ The impotent man answered him, Sir, I have no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the pool: but while I am coming, another steppeth down before me./Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk./And immediately the man was made whole, and took up his bed, and walked."

    The Spirit qualifies God as Jehovah Rapha. But fall of man rendered man's labor wasted; his ground tainted and the climate maleficent. His sin causing collateral damage and all the poison man pumps as weedkillers affect even the sexuality of mankind(DNA of Male brains found in female brain.etc.,) are manifestations of our world. For those who trust in the word of God should believe God as the healer.
  • Jema - In Reply - 11 months ago
    I agree , the KJB is the only one I use and I trust it implicitly . This is where concordances are so valuable to us , any disputes ? Check your concordance . Do you have a concordance Momsage ? They are worth getting for sure , I have a Strongs Exhaustive . Surely it's better to talk about what we are reading , which book ? What do we think about it ? Any questions about it etc . Let's help each other out and talk about the Truth , the actual Word and what it means to us . Much more fun than going round in circles .
  • David Allen - 11 months ago
    please remember my daughter Jessica and her family in your prayers today please remember me in your prayers
  • Bennymkje - In Reply - 11 months ago
    I think you need correct this point when you write of my belief and I quote, ", honestly don't know if I'm following you and Bennymkje in your belief about the infallibility of the KJB. " The Bible is inerrant but KJB infallible, oh no! To the pure everything is pure. Even if one stutters to say 'The Lord is my shepherd' it doest matter he is reading from KJB or NIV, it is inerrant. It is all we need know. How long one shall humbug over trifles and keep an argument go on? Leave my name out, momsage.
  • Jema - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Giannis I understand completely . I have a terrible tale to tell . An old school friend of mine was regularly raped by her father when she was a child . As an adult she could not bear the thought of a man touching her so became a lesbian . She wasn't promiscuous . Her sister , who was also raped by their father , had drug problems and became pregnant ( not by her father ) , she didn't want the baby but didn't want to abort either , so my friend adopted her sisters baby . All seemed perfect except my friend got into a permanent relationship with a woman and they lived together with the child for six years . After six years they broke up and my friends girlfriend sued for custody of the child and actually won ! This is insane to me and reminds of the phrase at the end of Judges , Ch 21 V 25 . May Christ return soon and establish righteousness in the earth . This world is on a fast track to complete disaster but , we must not despair , Christ is coming and these kingdoms of men will not stand , we must not be rattled , look up ! Our redemption draweth nigh ! :) .
  • Bennymkje - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Yes, KJV as with great many translations are compiled under the leading of the Holy Spirit. I am writing this by the same. You cannot be a child of God without being Led by the Holy Spirit.(Ro.8:14).
  • Momsage - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hi GiGi. The cold has finally left us, at least for now. It's supposed to be up to 60% by Thursday. I'm thankful your furnace fix wasn't a serious problem. Josh and I are from Colorado, Denver and this kind of weather is much better tolerated there because they're use to it. Everything pretty well shut down here until now but it's going to be in the 50s tomorrow so things should be back to normal. I just am so thankful we stayed cozy and warm.

    Did the massage help your shoulders? I have a lot of pain in mine because of Osteoarthritis. How did your ultrasound go? I pray it came out OK for you. I looked up Behctes Syndrome. That is quit the malady. It said it's rare. Did the doctors have a hard time diagnosing it? I need prayer for my knees. I'll probably have to have both of them replaced but at 76 I really don't want anymore surgery. I've had both my hips replaced but the last one was almost 10 yrs ago and it's was rough then. I guess when I've been around this long I should expect these things. I'm just a creaky old lady. LOL Take care of yourself and let me know how things go for you. I do have something I want to discuss with you soon.

    God Bless :)
  • GiGi - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Giannis, I will be praying about this. Thanks for letting us know. Sadly, in the U.S. these evil policies are actively promoted and accepted.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hello Richard, I am glad you pointed out the devotional aspects of Psalms. David wrote these under inspiration in times that were very real and that caused him to cry out to God when in anguish and praise God when exhilarated what he had in God and what God had done in his life. They are genuine to his life experience. But for us, the psalms speak to our souls in similar circumstances and help us because they are "God-breathed" and therefore "life" as Jesus said that His Words are spirit and life.

    I think it is important to remember what God has spoken about His Word being alive and active. It is not mere words and sentiments of other men. It is meant to help us, inspire us, and teach us in God's way by the working of the holy Spirit.

    Richard, We all have ways we need to grow in the Lord. We can continue to pray for each other when we share things such as you have in your post. We are in this life together with God and He intends for us to build each other up by making use of His Words to us and also in the words He prompts us to share with each other.

    Have a good night's rest.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 11 months ago

    I agree with your application of 2 Timothy 3:16 and your use of the term "God breathed," as the phrase "inspiration of God" is one Greek word that means God breathed. This would include scripture that was in existence prior to 1611. I also agree that defining the word infallible is helpful.

    I do not believe that any bible translation is infallible, including the KJV. In order to claim infallibility of any translation, we would also have to believe that the men involved in the translation process of whatever bible we choose to read were themselves infallible. No man (Christ being the exception) has ever been, or ever will be infallible, therefore, whatever translation put forth by man cannot be an infallible translation. The KJB translators never claimed infallibility for themselves nor their translation.

    I'll probably take some heat from some on this forum for disagreeing with the infallibility of our English bible (all versions included), but first let me say that I am in no way discrediting the KJB. The KJB is my bible of choice when I study, not because I believe it is perfect, but because I believe it to be (one) of the better translations available.

    There are other translations that can be trusted, although none are perfect. In order to make such a claim, one would have to take whatever version they choose, do a word-by-word comparison with the Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic to confirm the infallibility of the translators. Other than that, we have to go off blind faith to claim infallibility of any version. I am not a King James Only believer and I would never judge another believer on what bible they choose to read or what church they attend. That is between them and the Lord. Richard, thank you so much for the things you share. You are a blessing to many, I'm sure. God Bless!!!
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 11 months ago
    One example of a "unicorn" mentioned in KJV is clearly describing some other animal as it is a mythological animal that doesn't exist. In that case another version may make clear what it was referring to. With all that is said here it shouldn't dissuade you from believing anything of importance of doctrine in the KJV just that some other versions may have added detail or a slightly different accepted text included or excluded which doesn't change things much. We can almost always prove that when there is a difference than certain truths are in both versions of the same event; or there are two separate events (such as is indicated in different details in the Gospel accounts). One is missing most geneology (I think in Mark); other parts have the end of the Lord's prayer cut out (in Luke) which in reality is said only to be a sample prayer for us to follow. Again the Lord in His Providence kept certain things hidden from view and all the truth He wanted is in scripture; hence we can be assured that no one can add or subtract anything as Revelation states after that last book of scripture was written by the last surviving Apostle; John.

    In general then we have an infallible scripture in the KJV which God also used an "infallable" means of preservation through the oral and later written texts through that time for the 1611 version except for the Apocrypha that was in some versions. It was first removed in 1666 apparently overseas but not until the 1800s in our nation so until then that part was NOT infallable.

    I won't attempt to go on anymore at this point. This certainly shouldn't dissuade you from the KJV or your faith; but also of course you shouldn't say it is the ONLY version that has any truth and should see some other versions on occasion for clearer or alternative meanings of text. Only John Himself may know whether the woman caught in adultery actually occured; I see no reason to doubt it at least close to what is written.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 11 months ago
    I will appeal to 2 Timothy 3:16. It states that all scripture is God breathed (by inspiration) of God and suitable for teaching; correction; reproof; etc. That would insure that at the time the 66 books were approved (as opposed to spurious tales such as the Gospel of Thomas) in the Protestant Bible were indeed the infallable Word of God. So in that regard the answer for the King James Version; although it was after earlier versions (Latin Vulgate; Tyndale and Geneva and others) which THEMSELVES were copied from manuscripts which were at best several HUNDRED years removed from the original manuscripts are indeed infallable with the exception of versions that have later texts and some statistical information that may be off from the original manuscripts and earliest accurate historical accounts. In terms of doctrine therefore I would say that I am unaware of any laws or any other important supernatural accounts that are only seen in some manuscripts so that in that case ALL of what we read should be infallable.

    Defining the word infallible is helpful. As to what the Catholics consider the Pope to have (and indeed if he WERE keeping the doctrine that Peter himself had as the so called first Pope) that is the standard I am using here. In other words in terms of doctrine he is claimed to be infallible; not to his so called "ex cathedra" statements. These extra sections such as the story between the end of chapter 7 and beginning of 8 in John about the woman caught in adultery involve no doctrinal statement as I said before. We see parts of Enoch mentioned in scripture which indicate that what is mentioned in that snippet (in Jude I think) IS the truth as to what the book originally said; but other parts are not so clear. I believe we are missing parts of some of it as well; but since the whole book isn't in the Bible God in His Providence used men such as those that screened the KJV to preserve His Word and remove spurious writings.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hi again Giannis.

    Following up on our previous discussion.

    I have been busy and it slipped my mind,

    I meant to ask you, Who are the omitted kingdoms that you were referring to in your reply? I'm curious!

    Also, When I refer to times of the Gentiles, it's represents successive Gentile kingdoms that will dominate until Christ returns and establishes His reign.

    God bless
  • Momsage - In Reply - 11 months ago
    I, honestly don't know if I'm following you and Bennymkje in your belief about the infallibility of the KJB. Do you believe it was under the direction of the Holy Ghost from beginning to now so we have God's word that we can rely on or not? So, again, a simple yes or no would be nice ; is the KJB infallible or not?
  • Momsage - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Hear what we'll before we judge?
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Absolutely Giannis.

    I will join you in prayer on this issue.

    God bless.
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    Prayers answered: Filling the pews in our local church

    Lately there have been a few new attendees in our church; nothing huge of note. We hear often of a desire for "revival" and being in the last days and seeing many so called revivals recently along with certain issues of question and the general warning of apostasy in the last days I am cautious about such prayers myself. But should we see results would we be prepared for the discipling and issues which would arrive complicating the associations we are used to having with such new demands on Sunday?

    Also are we prepared if the enemy should bring in individuals attempting to infiltrate; whether known or unknown by the individual in question that they are an obstacle to the service? And also; would we be ready to LEARN from others who may have giftings or talents we haven't had in droves up to this point?

    To be challenged by others more fervent in prayer; and better versed in scripture who actually are living out what they believe could make some churchgoers uncomfortable. I sense that with teenagers; many may not want to venture into the waters they have to navigate daily in regard to the suicidal and self destructive people they are forced to interact with every day in public schools (not to mention the ungodly teaching). Many are blissfully unaware or wish to avoid the occult practices that are rampant today with youth as well as out and out Satanism on the rise. There is a cost to our personal safety in reaching out to this younger generation but if we don't we are cloistering in our own company and putting our heads in the sand. They have much to teach us of the spiritual battles raging out there; as well as the testimonies of those set free (often without any discipleship for a great length of time).

    In conclusion; if we are a true church of God there should be deliverance available; and we should expect God to act and draw those of all ages and backgrounds in time as He sees fit.

  • Giannis - 11 months ago
    Hello brothers and sisters all over the world.

    I have a request for joining in prayers about something that is happening lately in my country, Greece. The government here has decided to bring a law for voting in the parliament in the next 1-2 months about marrying homosexuals and giving them the right to adopt children. According to polls done recently the majority of people here are against such marriages and the vast majority, more than 70%, are against the adoption of children by those people. But the government seems to ignore those reactions and with the cooperation of other parties in the parliament they seem to be able to get a positive vote for their laws easily. They also have the press and the TV on their side(?) and they are making a huge effort to affect people's minds.

    We, the saints, although not many, are the restrainer of the evil in this world. We have been given the power to object the plans of the evil. Our heavy arms is our prayers to the Lord. Please have us in your prayers. We need them. Thank you and may the Lord blesses your countries with all material and spiritual blessings. GBU
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago

    In light of the Great Commission at the end of Matthew 28; it is easy (at least for myself) to ignore the implications of us as a BODY in Christ doing the work of laboring. Again; I have stated in earlier posts that since I moved back home with my folks I am not surrounded by those who regularly go on the streets. As for now I am considering returning to the Nursing Homes in my area but apparently with COVID rampant that will have to wait at least a month or so.

    My past experience sharing the Gospel with others has often provided good opportunities for discussion among the believers I am out with as well as other believers encountered on the streets and elsewhere. Of course we also have opportunity as Proverbs 27:17 states to sharpen one another as iron sharpens iron. Prayer is an investment to see growth in a local church; and I am seeing signs people are making more effort in my local congregation with seeing more teenagers and kids activities available. I have noticed in my home state (let's just say in the Northeast) at least there seems to be few youth groups for teenagers as there used to be 30 or 40 years ago and I would assume this is a larger issue; but was informed down south (specifically Texas) things were different.

    In reality we can do janitorial work and be using a gift of service; or with a skill we have help someone with home repairs or moving (as I did quite often a few years back before I moved back here). In fact at my first church where they had youth group in large numbers I remember a service project day when we were randomly asked to do something for a few hours for someone else (I think someone helped wash my car).

    In general we should seek the Lord to see what He would want us to do; and of course Pastors and elders should assist in these plans (for example all night prayer; fasting and the like). One big question is are we READY to see God answer such prayers should attendance increase?
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    The Word as a weapon of God

    As an instructional guide; this is as much a message that I need to hear myself as it is for anyone else. There are endless devotionals with some being superior to others; and of course we should have a time set apart for scripture reading and prayer on a daily basis. I find it much like a tool box; I can familiarize myself with the size and function of every piece in it and what it's use is but not really comprehend from a practical viewpoint how it is used during actual work on a project. (reality check: I once got a 30 percent on a test on my mechanical aptitude and abillity so even my premise is spurious in my case).

    Preaching "in and out of season" ( 2 Tim. 4:2) seems to apply in context mainly to those in the church; but surely laboring to witness to others in fulfilling the Great Commission is another example of when certain scriptures should be memorized and others available should certain questions be asked.

    Other than the Gospels; Psalms are probably the most common scriptures which devotionals contain for meditation. We can as I have brought out in other posts look at the type of Psalm as well as endless applications; but if we can't relate to David and the other authors in the thick of personal battles and develop the same reliance on the Word where God's covenant promises and other attributes are proclaimed for our own lives then it leaves things rather empty. Of course true worship begins with praise.

    That is something that I have attempted to voice in personal and corporate prayer but sadly much of the time it seems out of obligation rather than overflow in my spirit. I know the Lord has saved me as I can recognize His work in others but the hardness of my own heart is appalling. Worries; fears; and other things of this life constantly try to choke out the Word and keep us from rejoicing in the Lord.

    I'll keep this as a sort of open forum for any suggestions for improvement. Let us sharpen each other.
  • Jema - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Have you heard of the dead sea scrolls ? You might find them interesting :) .
  • RED APPLE TREATY 4 ME ONLY - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Type error.


    You will have life!
  • RED APPLE TREATY 4 ME ONLY on Psalms 19 - 11 months ago
    Psalm 19:14 KJV

    14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.


    For I'm saved sanctified upright O LORD, agaisnt anything that would want to do something to me not of God.
  • Jema - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Daniel , as a Christian you must understand that there is only one power in this universe and that is He who created it , the Holy One of Israel . No hindu idols can have any power over you because they have no power at all . God reigns supreme . If you are having difficulties in your life , is it possible that The God of All is trying to tell you something ? Maybe what you want for yourself is not what He wants for you . Draw closer to Him , read your Bible every day , say your prayers and thank Him every day . Wait for Him to show you the direction that He wants you to take . Trust Him , He knows what is best for you . Have some patience , He will show you the way to go . Focus on the Truth , not on fables .
  • DANIEL VIKASH CHANDRA - 11 months ago
    Good morning, iam Daniel Chandra. Please, prayer request for me specially in the area of prosperity. Iam in lack of finances and prosperity over a very long time. Also for deliverance from satanic, evil /monitoring spirits. they are demonic, evil, monitoring spirits, spirits who torment me physically, emotionally started in year 2013 ,maybe originated from either witchcraft, ancestral spirits or generational curses or through utterances made by the use of hindu idols, iam a born again Christian, thank you.
  • Tamar - 11 months ago
    health strength etc
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    Addendum statement

    The writers of the KJV apparently were in separate groups for different texts working independently but there was some oversight to avoid doctrinal error. From what I read it tried to stick with original Hebrew and apparently was superior to some earlier Greek texts. I got that from the Brittanica site.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Last thoughts

    We need to keep in mind what John said at the end of the Gospels about if everything Christ did was written down all the books in the world couldn't contain it ( John 21:25). There is no reason to believe that more texts or true anecdotes about the Lord are out there and may be found at some point. We see the same principle in the fact that certain things are written in only one Gospel; others in all and most in one or two others. We need to realize that nothing is contradictory unless God changed things Himself (such as going from the old to new covenant eliminating; for instance ceremonial dietary laws). We see full explanations; for instance on divorce in Matthew 5 and 19 which are known as the "exception clause" as opposed to Luke and Mark where this "except for fornication" is not listed as reason for divorce and remarriage being constituted as adultery. Again; when we see apparent contradictions (such as the apparent error in numbers killed in some of the accounts of wars in books such as Chronicles and Kings (and apparently in the census from 2 Samuel as compared to 1 Chronicles) further examination usually clears up details. Again much of this may come from issues of later translations (copies of copies) which continued for several centuries before today's versions.

    Also we need to see that even Paul in Mars hill used secular writings to describe the "unknown god" and also Cretian writings later on in Acts that described (in no flattering terms) the manner of behavior known about Cretians to hammer home that their own writings summed up correctly their beastly behavior that needed to be mended among brethren confessing Christ who wished to be in leadership. This confirms the factual content being the inspired Word of God just as the account of Satan and all the sins of the Patriarchs and saints. We wouldn't want to emulate them but it is there as 2 Timothy 3:16 states to instruct us in righteousness and scripture is sufficient.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 11 months ago
    Further thoughts

    In light of my earlier commentary I would like to add that as with the Torah; I would assume similar rules applied at first to the ORIGINAL copies made to the original manuscripts in the New Testament as well. We can't be entirely certain that the first copies we have CURRENTLY in our possession had such stringent rules as to translation; but also that doctrinally we don't need to concern ourselves with error. We see a consistency with the story of the woman caught in adultery; for instance with the rest of scripture.

    We don't see that with the Apocrypha which doesn't contain specific statements from God Himself; and more importantly has doctrines opposed to the rest of scripture such as necromancy in Maccabees (despite what seems a highly accurate account of the events in Israel at that time with the rebellion of the Jews against Antiochus Epiphanes. So we CAN say if it says "thus saith the Lord" that His commands ARE all accurate in the Bible itself. There are many historical facts which also can be relied on and help to make sense of obscure passages or names of cities that have more than one spelling and in fact can be found in a different location than assumed. In other words the Bible proves to us that the Archaeology will be found; and original concepts in that field changed to conform to scripture; never the other way around.

    Anyway; what I am saying is that any supernatural information the Lord had for us has been preserved in that sense it is the 100 percent inspired Word of God even in copies of manuscripts today. We need to understand that in English the original Greek in particular can have MORE than one meaning in descriptive language; so we cannot translate word for word without confusion but we also need to be cautious not to do violence to the text to make it more readable. Word patterns are different without vowels in many cases; but also chapter and verse numbers added and the Bible is not in Chronological order.

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