King James Bible
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If Jesus is your Lord then you follow him , he saves us by his death and so much more by his life . If we desire to follow him it's by his death and resurrection.
Read 2 Corinthians chapter 5
Are you a new "GiGi" or did you use my name by mistake, as I did not write this post. Please clear this up for me. Thanks.
Sounds like you enjoyed your cruise overall. Glad you and your wife had this opportunity to experience together.
For there are THREE that beat record in heaven , ( notice it does not say 1 bears record in heaven )
These 3 are in agreement and one in testimony .
It also reads like this in verse 8
Last part of the verse reads " and these three agree in one .
Please let's be consistent when rightly dividing the word .
Thank you
Thank you. I go nuts thinking about things like this. When Jesus walked among us, and the Jews saw his miracles first hand, they accused Him of doing miracles by the power of the devil. (Is that what blasphemy-against-the-Holy-Spirit is??)
All of us born after Jesus ascended into heaven long to see some sort of miracle, but WE live by faith. Not by sight. Sometimes I get discouraged. I want the idol worshipping, rebellious, wicked reprobates to STOP what they are doing, but nobody down here is able to stop them. Prison and the death penalty are looked at as too inhumane, so murderers and rapists are allowed to go free.
Ecclesiastes 8:11
Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil.
It's to the point where I'm afraid to leave my house and afraid to stay in it. Know-what-I-mean?
Revelation 20:7 And when the 1000 years ARE EXPIRED, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
Revelation 20:8 And shall go out to deceive the NATIONS which are in the FOUR QUARTERS of the earth, GOG and MAGOG ......
Satan has NOT YET been loosed from his prison:
The 1000 years are NOT YET EXPIRED:
GOG and MAGOG is all the earth, ALL NATIONS, not one single nation (Russia).
Keep studying God's word, the Spirit reveals as is needed by the ONE STUDYING.
God Bless You!
People don't go to heaven, flesh and blood CAN NOT inherit the kingdom of GOD.
Man, thru TRUTH, is changed into the IMAGE of CHRIST.
This is the good news of the gospel, we are going to be the LIKENESS OF CHRIST.
At present Christ is in the form of the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of the Father, abiding IN MAN, bring creation to TRUTH.
By coming to Truth; the SECOND COMING of Christ, as the Holy Ghost, teaching you from WITHIN, man is transformed by the renewing of their mind: into the LIKENESS OF CHRIST.
When we depart this body of flesh we are instantly in the PRESENCE OF THE HOLY GHOST, THE LIKENESS OF CHRIST.
Christ knows all men, therefore you also will know all men, because you have become ONE WITH CHRIST.
John 13:36 ....Whether I go, thou canst not follow me now (flesh and blood, CAN NOT), but thou shall follow me afterwards (when you depart this body of flesh and only THE SPIRIT REMAINS, by TRUTH, you have become ONE WITH THE SPIRIT.
Hebrews 12:23 ....and to the SPIRITS of of just men MADE PERFECT (having their being IN CHRIST).
God Bless You!
7 And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.
1.10And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
2.11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
3.And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
4.13In the selfsame day entered Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the ark;
Galatians 5:22
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,"
God Bless.
No more Cruises for me..Alex N
At this time, the only human beings in heaven are Enoch (God took him Gen 5:24), Elijah ( 2 Kings 2), Moses ( Jude 9) and those resurrected and taken to heaven as "first fruits" when Christ ascended ( Matt 27:52, 53). This is all Biblical.
For the remainder of humanity who have died, the Bible is clear that they rest in the grave until the second coming of Christ.
As to our being seen by the inhabitants of heaven (and the sinless worlds beyond), yes, they can see us. They are intently interested in what is occurring on earth which is the vindication of God as just, against the accusation by satan that He is unjust and that His law cannot be kept.
Please read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 and be comforted. Deceased loved ones are sleeping the sleep of death, a temporary sleep. May the LORD add a blessing to the reading of His Word!
rsultats de traduction
dear brothers and sisters in christ,
i pray that r finds faith from him, that we can recommit, remarry, love again, r, lip, that the lord unites families, marriages, churches. ghljcedplalc, hhihlajan, hhsaffayabaafhg!! sbc, syaapasae!! msbmpifmasas!! i pray that she loves you and that emcbsaaywae, gltbath!! andycd!! guc !!atcc !! qtlhctnynq!! i pray that she returns to church and serves, along with all of our loved ones! gulpasalc, mesyyf, guthshaehaph!! hudgm, huhgpb!! may all men love you and adore you, convert!! mebihiohiohatu, gud, supuyameeihgacc!! huhhwc!! humpdttwasaetasrtwans!! hurpactcdaral, hunhq ! huwisacqarcjto!! gugfagspag!! hsapnctbspcctuaty!! huwtv, may our loved ones know and love you, mekaeihdc!! syaaygapws (b, a, e, c, r, n, p, a, cm, m, c, mg, a, d, m, m, t, c, s, ds, p, na, u, s, b, na, m, b, c, r, l, cf, a, af, g, r, j, n, itb, add, cnef, cned, l, c, jpc, p, c, m, i, m, neighbors, neighborhoods, family, friends, sb, ah, j, m, c, i, a, lh, b, mcdo, c, l, c, b, a, ms, mfr, q, j, m, l, mfr, b, re, a, e, q, lh, ljc, v, n, n, p, l, m, l, fop?j, f, b, v, ag, rv, g, l, t, b, d, bt, j, mg, c, s, m, ss, q, cn, e, s, m, c, m, y, y, y, g, c, r, a, s, fr, 2c12,a, cc, ad, l, b, b, c, r, j, b, l, v, tc, rda, m, s, c, p, j, a, ped, e, b, l, w, mem , r, s, p, a, m, e, t, a, f, v, lrsy, t, a, gdm, b, v, mfr, o, a, d, fr, s, l, csc, b, a, p, b, f, t, l, d, f, b, lm, n, epenb, caef, ab, e, p, epenbfh, t, l, s, a, m, f v, r, m , b, cr, j, b, m, m, k, fh, g, s, fmm, c, a, m, f, b, m, v, lh, lrsy, lsdc, m, c, ab, a , g, uc, e, cn, ec, ep, jm, a, y, jm, a, r, g, l, t, c, jm, l, e54, authorities, es, isfec, ib, ibg, management, university, employers, bk, mcdo, aecm, caef, ab, cnef, te, m, m, a, add, baptists, gp, mechanics/computer technicians, merchants... ). hufopg!! hudopwd!! huhsm, hutgdage, huloh, husti, hunsoa, hucd, hudabr, hurwe, hudcc, change of times and circumstances, laws, secularism, programs!! voran!! heal and save a
Galatians 2:11-14. Yes, that was a sad occasion where Peter was hypocritical because of fear of the Hebrew believers in their possible appraising the situation of Peter eating with the Gentile believers. Peter was right to eat with them (according to the Truth of the Gospel) but stopped when the Hebrew Christians came. Peter probably learned this lesson from Paul to stand true to the Lord & the Gospel in all areas of Christian experience.
Now, is Peter still a Satan here? Or, is he one who needed to be set aright in his understanding & that hypocrisy has no part in Christian living & testimony? You can't take an instance such as this & condemn the man forever - you would then need to destroy almost every other character in the Bible, for many have done far worse. So even after following Peter's preaching & activities in the Book of Acts, including his two letters, if you still feel that Peter is a Satan, then you might be out on a limb, as there is more than enough evidence to show that he was a person much more devoted to the Lord, stronger in the Word, & prepared to lay down his life, than most Christians today, including me.
If you mean the tribulation that will occur in the world during the time that antichrist will rule on earth, then it is one but the opinions for when it happens (in accordance to rapture) are two: (there are subdivisions as well)
1. After rapture. So rapture precedes tribulation.
1a. After antichrist's appearance in the world in the beginng.
2a. Midway the 7 years that he'll rule on earth.
2. Before rapture. In this case rapture occurs at the very end after the fight of Armageddon