All Discussion PAGE 1240

  • Carleton - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good to hear directly from my brother Chris! I am still only a want a be on staying consistent here. Surely if God wills I can put more thought with you all. Time with health issues , the family home and business and my local brothers/sisters in Christ keep me busy. Not surprised :) ,you have more thoughts! I very much support your encouragements and choice of words. The book of Job is enlightening. Stay the course.

    We may be getting some of our last rains here in No California for the long stretch of dry. We are currently 4" of rainfall ahead of last year and our nearest reservoir is up by 30 feet from this time last year with more snow up high to melt yet! Clean beautiful God made skies this evening. We can see clearly the outlines of many foothills of the western mountains 45 miles across the Sacramento Valley from our home.

    Thank you!
  • Linda - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes: Jesus says:

    Upon This Rock will I Build My Church.

    Upon Simon Peter (Get Thee Behind Me Satan) Will I Build My Church.

    The Church Of Jesus Christ

    Is Upon / Above Simon Peter (Satan).

    Simon Peter (Satan) IS Under Our Feet.
  • Janet D - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your input, ELB.

    Aaaah God speaks through His word, the more we study the more he speaks. Yes yes and yes!!

    For this I am SO grateful and brings much hope and yes rest.Hallelujah!!!

  • Linda - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Jesus spoke john 6:70 but verse 71 is not (in red) not the words of jesus.

    matt. 10:33 jesus says, whosoever shall deny me before men. him will i also deny before my father which is in heaven.

    "whosoever" includes simon peter.

    jesus "is not" a liar.

    jesus "will deny" simon peter, (getthee behind me satan)

    before his father which is in heaven.

    simon peter denied jesus 3x

    mt.26:34&75 / mark 24:30&71-72 /

    luke 22:61

    1 john 2:23.whosoever denieth the son, hath not the father: but he that acknowledgeth the son hath the father also.

    simon peter denied the son.3x.

    simon peter hath not the father.
  • Lew - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Psalms and Proverbs

    King Solomon wrote most of it

    1 Kings 4:29-34

    And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.

    30 And Solomon's wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt.

    31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about.

    And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.
  • Lew - In Reply on Revelation 11 - 2 years ago
    The two witnesses will be here after the tribulation.

    Jesus' coming is right after the sun and moon are darkened also known as the Lords Day

    Read Mathew 24 Jesus answers the question of what will happen in the end and in sequence.

    And more specifically read Matt 24:29-30

    The book of revelation matches up perfectly.

    Read it with no preconceived ideas.

    God's Word is AMAZING and the truth.
  • Denise - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Glory to the Lord, Matthew5:38 states, ' You have heard that it is said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. But I tell you not to resist evil. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also'. You should really read these verses! The 10 Commandments states you shall not kill!! Yet the Lord never said anything in that passage about what should be done after you turn the other cheek!! The Lord has put kings and queens to rule over countries for thousands of years, but not the bunch of devils who we have right now in our government!! I'm sick of them trying to run my life and the only time in this life and the life to come, the only one I will ever bow to the earth and kneel to is the Lord Jesus Christ!!!!! I don't bow to EVIL!!!!!
  • BRANDON SAUSEDA - 2 years ago
    I'm reaching out bc I'm ADHD and in having a hard time coping with my emotions and with my love life . I'm sure everyone knows about my situation with my dearest friend .. It is very difficult for me to cope especially with work and not having sexual intercourse . I do need prayers , for myself and for my dearest friend , deontray Mingo . There are rumors and I just need someone higher up to help sort out my thoughts and prayers for the truth .. I'm not sure what's going on but maybe y'all can say prayers for us.. as you can tell I am 25 years old and I am a seer , I have visions and I'm not an Interpreter of visions.. my dad told me to look insides a vision inside of a vision.. can you help me with that.. it's very much appreciated.
  • Adalyn Neal on Romans 8 - 2 years ago
    enjoyed reading and the test
  • Donya Brown - 2 years ago
    Please, give the Book, Chapter and Verse of the expression telling us that God's Word is to be "rightly divided."

    Thank you.
  • Lew - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Kjv is the only English Bible I will read.

    There is much information and studies on this topic I highly recommend.


    The pre trib rapture is not biblical but widely taught.

    Salvation is not about anything you do there is nothing you can do to save yourselfit's about what Jesus did for us. It is the gift of God. John 3:16

    If you are interested I can provide some good studies on these topics
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes A wife

    The U.S. 9and Europe for that matter0 has gone for the ways of the world rather than the Word. It is sad for me as one who lived

    during the late 50's/60's and how our society cared more for God's way. But all the people I grew up with are the ones who turned

    the tide and taught it to their children and now grandchildren. So, the slippery slope got slipperier as the decades rolled


    But I do believe that God knows and has a plan. He is sovereign and will bring glory to Himself no matter what man does.

    I admire the believers in countries like China, who are under Communist or dictator rule. It is difficult and dangerous for them to

    practice their faith and win converts. Those in Arab countries are definitely persecuted and martyred. I want to have faith to

    endure to the end and not be swayed by the pressures of society or government.
  • Man of God - In Reply on John 5 - 2 years ago
    Good day i truly believe Jesus was say that if you believe in Gods words, in know that it comes from God himself, you on your way to be save from being condemn but you also have to be born again. die in the flesh, so you can live in the spirit. If i am not right please someone give more insight. I leave you in Jesus name.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Well, you two have learned a very valuable language! I never learned another language other than English. If I could choose one now, I'd choose Greek. I do think it would take me many years to learn it fluently. So you two are valuable to us on this site.
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I know that there are slight variations in these creeds depending on denomination or era. I do love the way these doctrinal truths are set within these creeds. It puts together the core of what we believe along with Christians through the ages. (the communion of saints). When I get sidetracked into the weeds, it is good to return to these core beliefs notated in Scripture that bring me back or the conversation back to the beautiful "basics". I do think there was God's wisdom in causing these creeds to come to be. But, like I said before, they are not straight up Scripture and any creedal statement should be put up against Scripture to see if It indeed truly reflects the teachings of the Word of God. There are many, many creeds out there and anyone can write one, but the test is if they align with the Word.
  • Man of God - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good even in your comment you spoke about watched speeches. aim truly interested in do the same. For one so i learn to speak more elegant and to be able to articulate my thoughts and ideals more effectively. i grow up when meeting a person, we talk face to face and had conversations. Now it seems as though most people prefer texting and social media activity. I also believe that God is also preparing me to preach, teach and warn. It not too many mentors that you can trust to lead you right.

    May you Continue to be cover with blood of Jesus. Amen
  • Man of God - In Reply - 2 years ago
    A person as me why do God Call Jesus Son If Indeed Jesus Is God.
  • Man of God - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Good even in your comment you spoke about watched speeches. aim truly interested in do the same. For one so i learn to speak more elegant and to be able to articulate my thoughts and ideals more effectively. i grow up when meeting a person, we talk face to face and had conversations. Now it seems as though most people prefer texting and social media activity. I also believe that God is also preparing me to preach, teach and warn. It not too many mentors that you can trust to lead you right.

    May you Continue to be cover with blood of Jesus. Amen
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Kelly

    What do you mean with God's human vision? Do you mean what is like to see a vision? What do you see and how is it?
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear A Wife.

    The situation in Europe is worse than the US, especially in central and northern Europe. The vast magority of Europeans are completely atheists. They hardly know anything about God and Jesus Christ. They never go to church. Real Christians are considered as old minded extremists/fanatics/outcasts. Europeans adore believing that their grandpa was a chimp, their grand grandpa a sponge and their 3Xgrandpa a nothing. This is what they get tought in schools from the very begining of their school lives. A complete nonsense. People claim they know a lot and are wise but believe in nonsense. How true is nowadays what apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 3:19-20 & 1 Corinthians 1:18-21. Same where I live, people although labeled christians, know almost nothing about what is written in the Gospel and their lives are completely irrelevant to God's way. There aren't many real christians and a lot of them are drifted towards world's beliefs, especially the young generations. Nothing can break this chain unless God shows His power. This is our prayer during these times here. We pray and ask God to give His children the Gifts the First Church had been given. To rise people like Paul, Peter, Philip and the rest who performed miracles, even Paul's shadow performed miracles, and preach God's Word with authority. And we have promises from the Lord that the miracles that the ancient church saw will be repeated before the end. But we have to be in the right position for God to trust and use us. God Bless You sister.
  • Man of God - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I thank you for encouragement and the word of God. If you find a little time daily or when you can you continue to share.

    Iam truly hungry for the word. Especially bring to me on personally level so i can understand, apply and delivery it.
  • Belinda on 2 Samuel 13 - 2 years ago
    How would you counsel Tamar, Amnon, Absalom, and David in 2 Samuel 13?
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Matthew 1:21 kjv: And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS:

    for he shall save his people from their sins.
  • Belinda on 2 Samuel 13 - 2 years ago
    How would you counsel Tamar?
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago

    The four kingdoms seen by the prophet Daniel:

    #1 Babylon

    #2 Medes and Persians

    #3 Grecia

    # 4 Kingdom of God

    Man's doctrine teaches the seven years of anti-christ; God's word doesn't teach that.

    Most misapply Revelations and Daniel, you have to put lots if other verses together to come to truth.

    Like the puzzle you spoke of.

    Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach ...for the kingdom of heaven is AT HAND (HERE NOW).

    According to man's teaching anti-christ is still future.

    Revelation 22:10 ..the time is at hand.

    Daniel spoke of FOUR kingdoms: Christ said the forth came when John began preaching.

    This nullifies the anti-christ as the fourth kingdom; Daniel would have had to seen five kingdoms.

    God Bless You!
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank You Lord Jesus in advance for Your faithful , loving provision for Nigel

    at his very point of need. For Your favour in this situation. By Your grace.

    For Your glory. Alleluia. Amen.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey GiGi,

    Thank you, I did read your reply to Jay, I read most of your posts and others as well. I agree, it comes from the Old Roman creed that scripture supports. Over hundreds of years, it has been added to. "descended into hell" was added for an interpretation of 1 Peter 3:19-20. The one thing I do not agree with is the word "spirits" nowhere in scripture is the dead called spirits or being in prison, and it is not clear this happened while Jesus was in the tomb.

    The communion of saints was added, in short, this is spiritual unity of the faithful on earth, the souls in purgatory, and the saints in heaven in the unison of the same body under Christ it's head. My understanding, there is no knowledge after death until the resurrection when Jesus returns.

    The Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed are mainly about God as a trinity God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The first lines of the Athanasian Creed say this, "Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the catholic faith. Which faith unless every one do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly"

    It puts the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed mandatory for salvation and I have not found any scripture that confirms this. My understanding is this puts these creeds above and before the gospel of Jesus Christ plus if we look at history, how many lives have been taken under the words anathema and heresy due to these creeds. Brings to me Nicolaitanes Jesus spoke of in Revelation. I understand the word catholic.

    Jude 4 is good, one of the reasons in my heart I feel if I call Jesus God, I deny the Son, 1John 2:22 2 John 1:9 also 1 Corinthians 15:28.

    I do not think you are being contrary, I appreciate your reply, we are to love and encourage each other how else can we grow. If we agree or disagree if it is in love.

    God bless,

  • Patrick C. - 2 years ago
    Does the KJ Bible tell us or give clues as to how old the Earth is? Or maybe how long between Genesis 1:1 and the birth of Jesus Christ?

    I tried researching the topic on the internetThe general consensus of Christianity I found was as follows:

    1.God creates everything (including earth, the heavens & all living beings) in 6 days then rests on the 7th.(Genesis)

    2. Jesus is sent from heaven to earth (approximately 4000 years later)& lives approximately 33 yrs. After resurrecting from the dead 3 days later, he ascends back up to heaven. This event (1-A.D.) marks the beginning of the calendar we currently use today.

    Using the above references3

    4000+33+2021= 6054 years since creation.

    Does the Bible actually say anything to contradict the (30 minutes of) research I performedor possibly interpret the passing of time differently?
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Acts 5:27-42 kjv, Galatians 5:1 kjv, Ephesians 6:24 kjv,

    Exodus 1:15-17 kjv, Daniel 3 kjv, Daniel 6 kjv,

    Matthew 7:13-15 kjv, Titus 2:13 kjv, Rev 13:15 kjv,

    Proverbs 29:25 kjv:
  • Mac - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 2 years ago
    Chris, I probably worded what I was trying to say incorrectly. I'm not trying to say the law wasn't done away with, as I was actually talking about the Sabbath, which is included in the law, but was given centuries before the law was given to Moses. So doing away with the law has nothing to do with God giving the Sabbath to Adam and Eve and their children, who continue to this day. Christ keep the Sabbath until his death, and if you read the Ten Commandments you'll see you honor nine of them.. And I, like you, will stop for now as we both see things in our on way. We'll finish this discussion in heaven in the near future.

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